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Knowledge Devotion, Knowledge Checks and Monster Lore

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Knowledge Devotion Feat 3.5
Creature Types Applicable Knowledge Skill Creature Subtypes Favored Enemy Groups
Aberration Dungeoneering Aquatic Aberration
Animal Nature Dwarf Animal
Celestial Planes Elf Construct
Construct Arcana Gnoll Dragon
Dragon Arcana Gnome Elemental
Elemental Planes Goblinoid Fey
Fey Nature Halfling Giant
Fiend Planes Human Humanoid (aquatic)
Giant Nature Orc Humanoid (dwarf)
Humanoid Local* Reptilian Humanoid (elf)
Magical Beast Arcana   Humanoid (goblinoid)
Monstrous Humanoid Nature   Humanoid (gnoll)
Ooze Dungeoneering   Humanoid (gnome)
Outsider Planes   Humanoid (halfling)
Plant Nature   Humanoid (human)
Undead Religion   Humanoid (orc)
Vermin Nature   Humanoid (reptilian)
      Magical Beast
      Monstrous Humanoid
      Outsider (air)
      Outsider (chaotic)
      Outsider (earth)
      Outsider (evil)
      Outsider (fire)
      Outsider (good)
      Outsider (lawful)
      Outsider (native)
      Outsider (water)
For the purpose of this feat Monster Lore skill points stack with the applicable knowledge skill.
Knowledge Skill Checks
For the below, subtract 5 from the DC if the creature is very common and add 5 (or more) if it is very rare
DC 10 + CR: Know basic information about the creature including its name, legends, and simple facts.
DC 15 + CR: Know more intermediate information about the creature, some special abilities, etc.
DC 20 + CR: Know expert information about the creature, weaknesses, rarely used abilities, detailed information.
DC 25 + CR: Know everything there is to know, spell-like abilities, very well hidden weaknesses, everything.
In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more points in an applicable Knowledge Skill you may add a 2 point synergy bonus to your Monster Lore skill.
Monster Lore
Monster Lore allows for more granular knowledge and specific information not available to a general knowledge check. For example, while Knowledge Arcana would provide most general knowledge in relation to dragons such as breath weapon, habitat etc. It would not be able to inform a character about a black dragon’s mating rituals, the fact that bronze dragons eat Sahaugin because they taste like shark or any other atypical custom or habit.
This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Dorym
