Zora Seberati

Zora Seberati is a Solar Assimon of Ra and of the highest order of Celestials. She was elected Arch Penitar over 300 years ago and commands the respect of the entire Parliament as well as the Parliament races. Zora is partial to Lydia as they are both Aasimon. They have been friends for centuries. Coming from different noble families she has on occasion not always been in agreement with her. Zora approved the demonic infusion ritual used on Devon because she felt it was necessary to promote the greater good even though Lydia was absolutely against it. Zora has a long standing friendship with Ziva and worked to restore her position in the Parliament when she was replaced by Michael Rivken on the order of King Eli of the Djinn. As Arch Penitar she presides over the Parliament and is the final say on any action sanctioned by the Parliament.