Ziva David

Ziva David is the first born Crown Princess and heir to the throne of the Djinn. She serves as the representative of Elemental kind on the Parliament of Concordance and has been friends with the Dragon Queen Aliyeah Dayspring and the Noble Aasimon Lydia Goldaura for centuries. She was trained as a slayer by Claire Radcliffe and was a high ranking member until she retired from service to take on a more political role in the planes. She was introduced to the human Stallac Stoutheart by Aliyeah and named him her champion at the gold queen’s behest. Originally finding him obnoxious and abrasive she eventually came to love the warrior and they are engaged to be married Ziva is a skilled combatant and practiced spellcaster. She is will full and determined but also loyal to a fault. She cares deeply for Devon, Jareth and Gunther.