Vembra Moonflame

Vembra serves on the Parliament because an Asura has to. Her people’s voice needs to be heard and the High Heavens spurned into action. As all Asura do, she has an open contempt for both Aasimon and Archon alike. She’s impetuous, spirited and does not know how to back down from a fight. She shows utter contempt for any who would not meet evil head on and stand toe to toe in battle against it. She is weary of political talk and seeks action. She longs to join the Celestial Grand Host and serve under Asura General Absalom against the fiends. However her superiors recognize her reckless nature and have given her to the Parliament to learn restraint and self control. She admires Stallac’s zeal and disregard for the rules. She would consider him as a second on any strike launched against evil. She was captured by  pit fiend Felgelor while conducting an unsanctioned strike against his stronghold .(See Devil’s Deal) The four were asked to perform a rescue by the Asura Noble Keliar Stormfire through his aasimar agent Seraphistus because he was frustarted  with the slow acting  parliament They succeeded and garnered some favor with Vembra and the celestial race of Asuras.