Tobias Hallowspirit

An apprentice paladin under Sir Arthur Hallowspirit of Zadash. Originally raised in the small town of Felderwin, Tobias’ parents were both killed the day Sir Arthur came through town and slayed the monster (werewolf) that had plagued the town for months. Feeling slightly guilty for not being able to protect Tobias’ parents, Sir Arthur took the young boy of 10 on as a squire. For years Tobias travelled with Sir Arthur, who treated him well, however he spent most of his time tending the horses and cooking the meals and he learned most of his martial skills from watching and copying Sir Arthur from a distance. It was only after a decade of service that Sir Arthur saw the spark in Tobias and started to train him in the ways of a Paladin, and this only happened when Tobias came to Sir Arthur’s aid when he fell in battle against a wight.
Shortly after starting his true training, Sir Arthur tracked down a vampire den that proved to have more members and a stronger lord than expected. It was during this battle that the vampire lord appeared to call upon a strange mist and Tobias, coming once again to Sir Arthur’s aid, shoved him out of the mist just before being overtaken. The last thing Tobias saw in that chamber was Sir Arthur being overrun by the vampire cult before the mist pulled him from all he knew, to Ravenloft.
Now Tobias finds himself trying to survive in a particularly hostile place, with the very barest of Paladin training. In honor of his fallen mentor, Tobias has abandoned his given surname of Farmer and took Hallowspirit as his own.