
Tarja a well respected barbarian warrior from Gunther’s village was one of a few under consideration to lead the Horde. The fact she was a woman made her an inferior choice in the eyes of many of the Horde elders including the former Chieftain, however there is no disputing her physical prowess and charisma. Many members of the Horde supported her as successor to the Chieftain but did so quietly as the old Chieftain’s control was still rather strong. For a while an arranged marriage between Tarja and Gunther was being considered and in fact supported by his father, who expected his son to take his place as Chieftain with Tarja at his side. These talks faded when Gunther arrived at the village with the Aasimon Lydia Goldaura in arm. Gunther assumed control of the Horde as was his right but there were some hard feeling from Tarja’s camp as she and her followers felt betrayed. Tarja was promoted to Chieftain after the events of the Elder Evils by Gunther and she has since developed a deep respect for him, considering him an equal in matters of the Horde though he is now titled former chieftain and elder