Selene Blacklotus

Selene Blacklotus is the former Nightmistress of the Port of Westmanor and is a slayer for the Parliament of Concordance. She is the favored Lt. for Claire Radcliffe at the WrathGate. She is a deadly warrior and her personality is cold and distant. She has been in love with Devon but refuses to show it although her protective attitude towards him betrays her. Anyone close to Selene seems to see what Devon does not.  Selene dislikes Ria because she feels the vampyr took advantage of the young rogue while she was away. Selene holds nothing but contempt for Ria and the relationship Devon shared with her during his time at Sanguinar and will refer to her as “the whore”. Selene does not despise Aliyeah the way Claire does but she envies the love she shares with Devon. She can be cold but is never overtly disrespectful of the Dragon Queen. She is protective of Jareth, Gunther and Stallac though she always maintains a cool demeanor. Of Devon’s friends she is closest with Jareth calling on him to look after Devon during the time she had infused him with the soul of the demon Balthazaar. Selene was born with the Sanguinari gift of celerity. She has the ability to move twice as fast as haste spell. Her normal movement is tripled and she com jump greater distances than any normal person. She is considerably stronger than most Sanguinari and can fall great distances with no fear of injury. Her fast metabolism helps her heal at an accelerated rate and renders her immune to toxins and poisons. She simply burns through them. Anyone drinking a potion containing Selene’s blood can affected by the celerity, though it can cause debilitating sickness  and even be fatal to anyone not properly prepared for the affect. Selene has on at least one occasion prepared an elixir of her blood and given it to Devon. The result was he became faster than the typical slayer and was granted protection from Ria’s venom.