Scott Arceneaux Jr

Clan: Brujah

Sire: Richard Dunigan

Date of Embrace: September 7th, 2018


Born: April 11th, 1989

Human Ancestry: French-American

Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana

Height: 5’ 8” 

Weight: 160lbs 

Scott was born into poverty, spending his youth misbehaving and skipping school. Though he was bright, and gifted when it came to certain subjects, school never interested him. Picking up bad habits at a young age, he started drinking and smoking at 11 years old, only to turn to harder drugs by the age of 14. He and his cousin, Aristos Petrou, whom he’d consider a brother, engaged in petty crime and gang activity to make money and keep afloat. Some time after graduating high school, the two decided to devote themselves to underground hip-hop, and became moderately successful at it. 

Though Aristos was able to adapt to the life moderately well, Scott was unable to let go of his vices which held him back, and by now threatened his life. A full blown heroin addict, Scott squandered his earnings on drugs, and carelessly robbed people to maintain his expensive habits. Unwilling to deal with Scott’s behavior any longer, Aristos broke off and went solo, leaving Scott to his own devices. Despite growing up together, and being inseparable all this time, Scott refused to return any of his cousin’s calls or attempts to reconcile.

Scott gave up his career and became a full time criminal. He ran with darker, and darker circles, until he met Richard Dunigan. Dunigan was a veteran trafficker, who mentored Scott, and did his best to help him control his drug habits, though ultimately allowing them to continue. 

To no surprise, this type of lifestyle made Scott many enemies. On September 7th, 2017, Scott ran into his cousin in the 7th ward of New Orleans, and despite feeling he shouldn’t, decided to reconcile. They went to an old favorite food stop, and as they ate, and discussed their past, and what had led them to the present. Such an enemy happened to notice. 

They opened fire on the restaurant, and left before anyone could stop them. Though Scott was able to react in time, his cousin was not so lucky. He had been shot dead on the spot. He felt like he was directly responsible for not only abandoning his cousin, but getting him killed by being such a dangerous person to be around. If he had left him alone like he had originally planned, none of this would have happened. Hell, if he was a better person, it wouldn’t have happened either.

That night, Richard found him in a bathtub, mouth foaming from an overdose. At this point, there was only one way to save his life.

Scott didn’t recoil at the transformation, or at the truth that it implied. He felt as dead on the inside as he did on the outside. If anything, he felt that for once, he was being blessed. Fused with Brujah blood, Scott’s already violent tendencies were met by a multitude of physical enhancements. 

Now, Scott lives the low life. The same hedonist, the same lunatic, in skin that stopped aging. Though he seeks to honor his cousin’s memory, and perhaps avenge him someday, he’s stuck between his need to grow in power, and inability to evolve as a person.

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