
Lady Samara has lived for over 1000 years and belongs to one of the most ancient monastic orders in the outer planes. She is the High Justicar of the Bastion of Faith and Lord Marshall in command of the Fourteenth Legion. She hears and tries all cases of misconduct for those under the command of the Bastion. It has been her purview to see to the Bastion’s defenses. When trying cases outside the Bastion her verdict is as binding as it is absolute. She is judge, jury and executioner in these instances. She is an Asari Matriach. Asari are an ancient race of psychic warriors akin to paladins. There are no male Asari. Asari reproduce by psychically melding with their mate, (male or female) and integrating the best of the mate’s physiology with Asari physiology. The offspring is always an Asari. In the case of a pureblood Asari either parent may carry the child. As a union between two Asari does not improve the race the bearing of pureblood Asari is frowned upon. She has become close friends with Jareth Godguard, the commander of her sister legion known as the Valiant Thirteenth Legion.