
The planar bard Rihanna was once an apprentice to the Gold Dragon Queen Aliyeah Dayspring. Rihanna possesses the rare power of  Battle Song. When singing, her allies receive an incredible boost in power and moral. So coveted is this ability that the combined forces of Hell and the Abyss worked together and kidnapped her in an attempt to corrupt her into a paragon of evil. This was the cause of what has now been referred to as the War of the Bard. The Planar Champions succeeded in rescuing her but it nearly cost Devon Darkstar his life. Rihanna lives in a pocket plane called Palladium dedicated to performing arts. She has hundreds of male suitors lining the streets holding torches trying to get an opportunity to earn her favor. It is said she changes men like clothes. She was quite flirtatious with both Jareth and Devon but recognized the scent of Aliyeah’s dragon blood in the Highlord causing her to reconsider.