
Ria is a noble Sanguinari vampyr and current serving Nightmistress at the Port of Westmanor while Selene is on “assignment.” She was appointed by Claire to be Devon’s trainer when he arrived at Sanguinar after being claimed by Selene upon his conviction of murder by the Port Figureheads. She developed a physical relationship with Devon (Not atypical for Ria as she tends to hold several thralls at any given time.) and may have actually begun to develop feelings for him. She decided to “embrace” Devon making him True Sanguinari and a vampyr. As she was about to bite and drain Devon (quite different from her typical “love bites”), Selene appeared grabbing her by the throat and throwing her across the room. Drawing her kukri (The weapon of a Slayer), Selene’s eyes flashed blue and the room grew cold. Ria realized Selene would kill her and fled. Selene then declared Devon her “property” rendering him off limits to all Sanguinari. Selene  completed his training herself. Ria has resented Selene and by proxy Claire ever since. She is both flirtatious with Devon and difficult at the same time. Ria will defend him if he is any real danger and takes offense to those who speak ill of him or treat him poorly other than herself. She has a neutral if not condescending attitude toward Jareth and Stallac. She dislikes Gunther for no apparent reason other than his faith in Lathander. Ria’s blood, tears and bite contain a venom that force the victim  afflicted by it to love her. Ria can control the venom in her bite and tears but her blood is always toxic. Anyone bitten or coming in contact with her tears must save DC 30 or be enthralled for 2d12 hours. Anyone who ingests her blood or has her blood mixed with theirs is enthralled no save for 1d6 hours after which they can make a save or be enthralled for 1d6 days. Ria can make a thrall permanently hers by replacing enough of their blood with hers. Sanguinari with the gift of celerity are immune to Ria’s venom as their metabolism is so fast it burns through the toxin before it can have any real affect.