Maksim Dragomir

Clan: Ventrue

Sire: Unknown

Date of Embrace:


The Russian mafia can be traced back to Russia’s imperial period, which began in the 1720s, in the form of banditry and thievery. Most of the population were peasants, in poverty at the time, and criminals who stole from government entities and divided profits among the people earned Robin Hood-like status, being viewed as protectors of the poor and becoming folk heroes. During this time, the Vorovskoy Mir (Thieves’ World) emerged as these criminals grouped and started their own code of conduct that was based on strict loyalty with one another and opposition against the government. When the Bolshevik Revolution came around in 1917 the Thieves’ World was alive and active. Vladimir Lenin attempted to wipe them out but failed. Due to the increased threat of danger posed by the insurrection and subsequent Russian Civil War Masksim decided to move his family to America and received permission from the Pakhan to begin his own enterprise overseas. A rival, jealous of the new life opportunity he had been given, sold him out to the government. Maksim was returning to his home to collect his family for the ocean voyage to America only to find them slaughtered and house ablaze. His only daughter, Anastasiya, had been mortally wounded and lay dying just outside the perimeter of the inferno. He mastered his fear of the flames and dragged her clear but it became obvious that she would not survive. He decided to embrace her and continue with his planned move to America leaving the horror behind.