Fiorenza Savona

Clan: Ventrue – Prince of Mexico City

Sire: Unknown

Date of Embrace: Unknown


Although she has been embraced relatively recently, Fiorenza has become an immortal later in life, so she has an air of authority that belies her vampiric age. Fiorenza worked hard as a mortal and continues to do so as a Kindred to ensure that wealthy and powerful vampires remain in their positions. Moving up societal ranks thorugh NGOs and the UN, she knows everyone worth controlling in the Davos elite.

She was selected for the value of her contacts, but her sire quickly discovered the quality of her Machiavellian mind, perfectly suited for the Ventrue and the Camarilla. A fresh power player, many elders and ancillae consider her a mere “new money” Ventrue. Their wiser clanmates know her actions sway councils, corporations, and individual mortals possessing real power. Where her predecessors focused on vampire politics, Fiorenza believes the key to Kindred longevity lies in the manipulation of the living.