Lady Eomyrosis "The Black" Malnyx - Mistress of Whispers

Lady Eomyrosis or “Eomyrosis the Black” as she is better known, is an ancient black dragon born over 800 years ago on Dragon Mountain, the planar home of dragonkind. She is as well known for her cunning as she is for her cruelty having lived generations developing a reputation for both.

The Gold Dragon bard Jenna Dayspring once said, I could spend days relaying the horrific stories of her cruelty, the sufferings she caused for others and the joy and exhilaration she seems to experience from both. It seems one of her pleasures is to take a mate, torture then murder him. The stories say that it usually takes little time for her to anger over something small, grow bored with his company or simply attack him for no reason at all. Her disposition is foul as the swamps she calls home.”

Lady Eomyrosis spent centuries in the courts of the Black Flight eventually rising to the position of Mistress of Whispers in service of the black queen. The duties suited her malevolent nature well. She delighted in torturing any and all who might pose a threat to her monarch. Eomyrosis turned pain into an art form and there was not but woe to any left to her devices.

In the time Aliyeah Dayspring became Queen of Dragons, The Black Flight, led by her clutchmate Sable Ebonscale, joined with the blue flight and their Queen Azuria Skyphyre in support of her rule. Eomyrosis dissented favoring Sable for the crown. This was not unexpected as she had mentored, groomed and now advised the young Black Queen. She had taken a liking to Sable, quite unusual for Eomyrosis as she hated everyone. Still she voiced her disagreement with her liege’s choice. It would be the first time she would oppose her queen though not the last.

Some time later the Gold Queen fell in love with a mortal, the human Devon Darkstar, and took him as her consort. She named him 6th Dragon Highlord during the war of the bard. The Black Flight supported this decree as well, though Eomyrosis was sickened by the idea of a human being given such favor and power over dragonkind. Eomyrosis decided that as Mistress of Whispers it was her right and responsibility to be certain that the new Dragon Highlord posed no threat to her queen. She had set into motion a plot to ambush the Highlord and take him captive. She believed that with a little coaxing his true motives might be revealed. By coaxing she meant pickled in acid until he confessed to the crimes she accused him of. Queen Ebonscale learned of the plot from a lady in her court and summoned Eomyrosis to appear before her throne. Eomyrosis didn’t even deny it. Sable demanded she abandon her plans and stay clear of the Highlord. Eomyrosis swore to obey and left the throne room. Once beyond the castle walls, she flew from the Boglands to a small town on the prime where the Highlord was known to frequent… A place called Westport Manor. Eomyrosis waited for Devon to arrive in town. Dragons are patient and even if it took years, in her mind it would be time well spent. Her absence did not go unnoticed. Sable learned what she was planning and sought her out her former mentor, handmaidens in tow. The Black Queen did not take kindly to her adviser ignoring her commands. The Black Queen’s justice is harsh and as much as it pained her, she banished Eomyrosis from the planes and stripped her of land and title. She was forced to remain on the prime under penalty of death and not to travel within 500 miles of the settlement.

Eomyosis may not always care for the laws of her people buy she does value her life. Sable, as a show of respect for her old friend and mentor, took her daughter, Amaya Malnyx as her own and named her handmaiden to the queen. 

Eomyrosis the Black’s full title is Lady Eomyrosis Malnyx, Mistress of Whispers… or was before she was stripped of her name and title. The Noble Black Dragon Lady Eomyrosis Malnyx was born -819 WOTB, the daughter of the Noble Black Dragon Lady Tenebria Malnyx and and the Noble Silver Dragon Lord Guldresden Icebreath. She mentored and faithfully served Queen Sable Ebonscale until her banishment by order of her queen in 2 WOTB. She currently lives in exile outside of a lizardman settlement known as Hosuth on the Prime Material Plane in the lands of Faerun. Lady Eomyrosis Malnyx is bad tempered, dangerous and unpredictable. Aliyeah Queen of Dragons would caution any who would seek her out to reconsider.