The Dal Riata

The Dal Riata, more commonly referred to as The Dal, is a Sanguinari pub located in Wrathgate. Trick is its proprietor and bartender. He is also an ancient Sanguinari elder known as the ‘Blood King’, a fact he keeps hidden save for a special few.

The planar pub is a Way Station, a neutral ground for Sanguinari of all clans; and the place where non-local, traveling planars in the town check-in. It also serves as the setting for La Shoshain celebrations.

In The Dal, planar beings do not have to hide who they really are.

While The Dal appears to be a normal bar on the upper level, Trick lives within a large chamber in the basement where he has a few things hidden away.

The area beneath the tavern contains a library of information with ancient Sanguinari books that not even the Sanguinari Elders are aware of; a vault for rare and precious artifacts; a tunnel system used to receive visitors discreetly and to escape through if necessary. There are magically protected cells in a lower level (to restrain; and to kennel dangerous planars or anyone else who make the mistake of violating The Pale Lady’s laws.