Dahlia Hakbarah

Dahlia Hakbarah is a Djinn noble and family friend of the  David’s growing up with the Djinn Princess Thalia David and serving in her court. She is the sister of Fatoush Hakbarah, the Djinn noble assigned by Ziva to Stallac’s protection detail. Dalia is headstrong and impulsive yet warm and compassionate. She has been trained in combat by Ziva and  occasionally is assigned to diplomatic tasks and reconnaissance missions. She has been sent to the prime multiple times most recently to the Port of West Manor to verify whether the rumors of a drow invasion were true. She was overdue to report falling victim to an evil wizard who bound her to a ring of djinni summoning.  She was considered missing in action by her commander Michael Rivkin. Rivkin who chose not to inform the Davids of her disappearance. The ring fell into the possession of the darkelf Nazmyr Vandree who later destryed it freeing the djinn from slavery. They have since developed an amorous relationship and Dahlia has fallen quite hard for the drow noble going so far as to bring him to Armun Kelisk the seat of power for House David.