Cooper Vyssynth

The black dragon Cooper Vyssynth served as a scout and spy for Sable Ebonscale Queen of the Black Flight until he suffered grievous injuries  after being captured and tortured for information in the abyss. Devon Darkstar in the guise of the demon Balthazaar, came across the dying dragon who had been flayed and left for dead by the demonic minions of Grazzt. Cooper through labored breath could smell the gold dragon blood running through his veins and demanded Devon tell his queen he gave them nothing. Overcome with pain and hopelessness he begged for death. Instead Devon used the power bestowed upon him by Aliyeah Queen of Dragons to force the black dragon back to the dragon realm where he was able to be healed and survive the ordeal. They have been friends ever since. Cooper now serves as Captain of the Guard for the Black Queen. He is the mate of Sable’s handmaiden, the Lady Koreyat Vyssynth.