The coterie arrived at Musica just after midnight. The sounds of the club could be heard from the street. There were two entrances. One was the main entrance with a line of people winding through a corral and the other marked off as a VIP entrance where the city’s elite could escape the annoyance of waiting amongst the rabble. Father Callahan along with Bastanji made for the VIP door while the others waited on the quickly moving main entrance line to enter. Father Callahan secured a table with bottle service and it wasn’t too long before his entire group found themselves reunited.
As the first bottle of champagne arrived at the table Father Callahan asked the comely young server. “Could I trouble you for a Manhattan please. Three Chord if you have it.”
“Of course sir.” She saw the white collar. “Oh. Father. I’m sorry. Be right back.”
“Bless you, child.” He smiled as she departed.
“You really play the part there, Father.” Talbot mused.
“I’m not sure what you mean. I’m an instrument of God’s will.” The priest replied genuinely.
“Not sure if you know, father, but…” Talbot paused to look around for dramatic effect. “You’re not alive anymore and we are rather unwelcome in churches.”
“Speak for yourself lad. In fact, I am most welcome in the house of our Lord. I still tend to the flock there. And for the record I truly believe there is a reason the Good Lord made me this way.”
“I’m sure there is.” Sylvie said supportively.
“Have you noticed?” Bastanji looked toward his friends. “There is a…” He paused, seemingly lost for words.
“A what?” Sylvie asked.
“A woman?”
“He means Nosferatu,” Talbot corrected. “Yeah I clocked her too. What’s a sewer rat doing in a posh nightclub?” He asked as she drew closer.
“Watching ze watchers mon ami.” Her French accent was as alluring as her pointed smile.
She wasn’t your typical Nosferatu. The curse the clan bears that contorts them into hideous creatures seemed to have treated her kindly compared to most of her ilk. She was bald, yes, with blue and purple veining running across her scalp and pointed ears that gave her a nearly elf-like appearance. She wore a glittery powder on her smooth head and deep blue and purple eye shadow matching the visible veins. Her high cheekbones were contoured with grey shadow. Her lips were painted blood red matching her nails save the ring finger which was jet black on both hands. She wore a leather collar that accentuated the punk gothic look of her open mid drift bustier and pvc pants. Her open toe Louboutin heels revealed painted toes matching the palette of her fingers. She must have been strikingly beautiful before the curse. It is the only way she could have been able to maintain this attractive visage after her embrace.
“May I sit?” she asked as she squeezed into the booth between Father Callahan and Rustin.
“Oh yeah. Ok.” The priest said with a hint of embarrassment in his tone. Were he alive he’d surely be blushing.
“You are such a handsome man.” She said brushing the back of her hand across Rustin’s face. “My name is Roselle. And you?”
“Married.” Rustin said, slightly flustered.
“Quelle honte. (What a shame.)” She turned toward the priest. “How about you? Priests do not marry, oui? It might be kinky to have a man of ze cloth.”
“Well, I … I mean. You…” Father Liam stammered.
She handed him a business card. Death Rose Cosmetics Roselle Lam CEO
“Perhaps another time. I wish you luck on your hunt.”
Bastanji had been surveying the club. The dancing was raucous and the music was painfully loud. He noticed there was a door off to the side of the stage in the VIP section where they were sitting that from the glimpses he could get, looked to lead behind the venue where he was certain there had to be a green room for performers. He stepped away from the table toward the door. There was security but he was certain he could pass unseen through the portal with a mild distraction. As luck would have it a fan rushed the stage and the guard moved to intercept him. Hastily he made for the door and into the sound baffled hallway. Thirty yards in there was another door at the end of the corridor where a guard was posted. From where he stood he could hear the sound of a girl crying for help. The guard, unfazed, merely scrolled through his phone. Bastanji rushed the man. Yanking him from his feet, he slammed him into the wall. The guard reached for his gun as Bastanji angrily sunk his teeth into the man. The guard struggled in futility then fell limp. Bastanji shoved the body into a nearby janitor’s closet and as he closed the door he saw that Sylvie had somehow joined him. Bastanji forced open the locked door to the green room just in time to hear a motorcycle start up outside an open window. He peered through to see a man with a devilish grin, shoulder length hair and a leather jacket speed away.
Sylvie who was searching for the source of the scream found herself drawn toward a foyer where a pair of dainty feet stretched out from the room beyond. As she stepped into the bathroom she was shocked to see a young blonde girl sprawled on her back laying on the floor. She had two fang marks visible on her throat, freshly leaking blood. Sylvie slowly approached the still girl to check her vitals. Not feeling a pulse, she turned her head toward an on looking Bastanji and sadly shook her head. Just then, the girl sat up and screamed a blood curdling cry as she tried to dash past the startled Malkavian. Bastanji intercepted her and tried to hold her as she flailed, opening up bloody cuts on his face with her nails.
“It’s going to be ok. We’re not going to hurt you. We’re here to help.” Sylvie said kindly, trying to calm her down.
The girl thrashed at Bastanji again, nearly freeing herself from his grip. Bastanji grabbed the girl by her chin and twisted her head violently causing her head to move at an unnatural angle as a sickening snap was heard.
“Hey!” Sylvie scolded. “What the hell are you doing?” Her eyes filled with anger.
“I’m making it easy to transport her from this place. We can’t have her frenzy through the crowd exposing us.”
“Give her here.” Sylvie cradled the girl’s head as she supported her light frame with her own. Trails of bloody tears leaked from the young girl’s eyes. “Oh sweetie, It’s going to be ok.” She lied. “Let’s get you somewhere safe.”
<Sylvie – Rustin: We found a girl. Need a quick exit.>
<Rustin: I’ll have my car out front.>
Inside the club Talbot could see guards converging on the soon to be opening door and decided to intercept them. He punched one of the guards with enough force to send him flying over a table and sprawling across the dance floor. He slashed another with a clawed hand causing blood to spray at panicked party goers.
Roselle shook her head at the bestial display and quickly vanished from sight.
Father Callahan approached one of the guards who had come running to help subdue the combative Talbot and said. “Could you see me safely outside.”
The man blinked and compelled by the power of the priest’s blood led him through the crowd to the street.
“And perhaps it’s best if you forget me and what you saw.”
The man turned and walked back inside slightly dazed.
“Rustin.” Father Liam called out. “Could you help Talbot find his way out please.”
Rustin narrowed his eyes and rushed back in.
He saw Bastanji and Sylvie creeping along the outside of the chaos, heading for the door. “Out front.” He mouthed as Sylvie nodded.
Rustin ran toward the melee. “Police! Everyone on the ground. You!” He shouted at Talbot. “Hands behind your back!” He had a badge in one hand and grabbed Talbot with the other. “Outside!” he ordered, freeing a pair of handcuffs from his belt. Outside the sounds of sirens were getting louder. “Run.” He told Talbot. “Go on Father. I’ll catch up once I clean up this mess.”
“Bless you my son.” The priest said as Sylvie pulled the door closed on her and the girl who had been seated between her and Bastanji.
“Yeah, bless me.” Rustin hissed to himself as he met the oncoming officers and “explained” what had happened.
Inside the limo, the girl’s head lolled awkwardly onto Sylvie’s shoulder.
“There. There. I’ve got you child. You’re safe now.” She shot Bastanji a nasty look as the girl clung to her tightly.
“Where to, Father?” Renfield asked.
“I believe we should return to the haven where our new benefactor will certainly be wanting to see what we’ve found.”
“Yes father.” Renfield agreed.
“Alec. They’re back.” Ysa announced.
“So Soon?”
“And they have a guest.”
Alec watched them arrive on the surveillance monitor and focused in on the young lady. She was one of the missing girls from the pictures.
The elevator chimed and Elena ferried them hastily back into the board room. Alec pulled out a chair and said, “Please, sit her here.”
The girl sat but held tightly to Sylvie’s hand squeezing it.
“What happened? Her neck…”
“Broken. But nothing that is not repairable.” Bastanji explained. “It was the quickest way to get her out without a spectacle.”
“Cause a girl with her head lolling about won’t draw attention?!” Sylvie chastised rather harshly.
“No. He’s right.” Alec said calmly. “I can assume then she was embraced?” He asked, inspecting her wound.
“Yes.” Bastanji answered.
“And the monster that did this?” Alec asked.
“Escaped. For now.” Bastanji replied
Alec knew the Banu Hakim meant to find the one responsible for this crime.
“Ysa. Sangre por favor. Mucha.”
The Mexican ghoul nodded and disappeared out the door returning moments later with a handled basket and 6 bottles filled with red liquid.
Ysa poured some in a glass as the girl closed her eyes and whimpered.
Alec sighed and called upon his blood. Suddenly he was the only interesting thing in the room. She opened her eyes and her expression softened. He used his vampiric powers to entrance the girl. She slacked her grip on Sylvie’s hand and smiled from the poorly angled position of her head.
“Hello young lady. My name is Alec.” He gently tilted her chin to level her face.
“Hi Alec.” Her eyes brightened. “I’m Felicity.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Felicity. I have something that will make you feel better. Please. Drink this.” He handed her the cup of sanguine liquid.
Alec kept her head steady as she drank. He let her finish the cup and then several more.
“Feeling any better?”
“A little. My stomach has stopped hurting and I’m not as angry but my neck…”
“I’m going to help you fix that. I want you to look at me. And concentrate on straightening your neck. Here. Take my hand. I know you must be so frightened right now.”
“I was. But. You seem so nice. Safe. Zane… What did he… And that man.” She shot a pointed look at Bastanji. Did he break my neck?”
“It’s ok. We’re going to fix it. Then I’ll answer all of your questions.”
“Ok. What should I do?”
“Look into my eyes. Focus on your neck. Picture it healing and steady your head. Hold your head even with mine.” He said, releasing her chin. “Good. Now drink.” He handed her another glass of blood.
She finished it and then another. “Why am I so hungry? Is this… blood?”
“Yes.” Alec answered honestly.
“What happened to me?”
“It would seem you have been embraced by a kindred who has violated our laws. I’m sorry. It never should have happened.”
“Kindred?” She asked.
“Yes. Well that’s how we call ourselves. You may have heard the word vampire used to describe us.”
“Vampire? So… I’m… dead?”
“Yes and no. Neither truly alive or dead.”
“Zane did this to me?” She started to get upset. Tears of blood trailed down her cheeks. “Why would he?”
“We think so. And that’s what we intend to find out.”
“Can you fix me?” Her eyes were wide with panic.
“I’m afraid not. I can only protect you now.”
“Alec. Should the prince not be informed of this?” Bastanji asked.
“Not yet. I need time to sort this out.”
“The prince will not be happy. The law states…” Bastanji continued.
“Let me worry about the prince. You have done exactly as I have asked. Any repercussions for hiding the girl will fall upon me.” He paused and handed the girl a handkerchief. “It will take some work and negotiation but I will see to it she is kept safe.”
“Alec. Estás seguro?” (Are you sure)
“Without a doubt mijá.”
Sylvie seemed to relax somewhat upon hearing Alec say he’d look after the girl.
“El, would you mind taking Felicity upstairs and getting her settled in. She can have the spare room for now.”
“Sure thing.” Elena extended her hand out to Felicity. “I’ll find you some clothes and help you clean up.”
Felicity looked at Alec who nodded.
“She’s to remain here with me. Do not speak a word of her to anyone else. Am I clear?”
The coterie nodded.
“Good. Now find that bastard and bring him to me.”
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