Naris sat pensively at his desk, his mood wasn’t the best. He’d spent the better part of the last hour throwing his longknife into a wooden target bearing the likeness of Charwyn that he had set on the wall across from where he was sitting.
“What troubles you my lord?” Ziya asked in a comforting tone.
Naris glared at her for a moment then sighed, “My brothers. It seems they have been engaged in all manner of interesting activity while I’ve been stuck here, couped up with you.”
“Is that so terrible?” she asked her voice becoming low and seductive.
“Please woman. Even Alaketh is travelling, making new contacts and who knows what else.” he was surly and sour as he spoke.
“Who cares what that fool is doing.” she said dismissively. “Cavorting with demons, plotting against you. I’m not sure why you let him live.”
“I wonder that myself sometimes.” he said in thoughtful contemplation. “Nazmyr would have us make peace. Speaking of Nazmyr, did you know he has a genie ring? He pilfered it with no one but me knowing. Normally the sticky fingers would belong to me…” he paused, “so I gave him a pass on that one, though I should have made claim for it. It is powerful. And what does he do with it? Beds the genie! What a waste of a magic and strength.”
“It is a shame he doesn’t share your sense of practicality. I don’t understand why your brothers defer to him? You should lead.”
Naris stared at her without saying a word.
“He seems a bit closer with Valas now too…putting up my vagrant brother in several of his homes and travelling the planes together. I find their trip to Calimport interesting but not enough so for me to read into it. Still Valas has done much of late while I have done nothing but remain here.”
“Valas? Much of what? Like you care that he beds a barmaid and a slave girl? What’s so interesting about that?”
“Careful. Him I like” he said with some menace in his voice.
“I meant no disrespect…” She said apologetically, “It’s just that it bothers me that you two are always compared when its obvious your skills are far superior. While he lives vicariously through the fantasy of being your equal, you actually outperform and out play him on the field of battle regularly.”
“He’s not without his skills, though what you say has some truth to it. There is only one Naris Vandree.” he paused for moment then smiled. “There was the time when Quefus and I were poking fun at him. Valas has a wit sharp as a sword and was quick to retaliate against me.”
“The only true threat my lord.’ Ziya said in praise.
“Indeed. Quefus hid like a child in a storm, so quiet, only the crackle of fire crickets could be heard.” he laughed.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Master, Snot is sorry to disturb you but the artisan is here with the portrait you commissioned.”
“Very well. See him in Snot”
The snot goblin led in a drow dressed in expensive silk garments and a feathered hat, followed by two ogres who were carrying a large wrapped package. “If I may, Lord Vandree” the artisan asked politely.
Naris nodded in approval.
“Very good sir.” He directed the ogres to move the package to the center of the room where he carefully unwrapped it revealing a 4 foot by 8 foot portrait of Naris. The painting had been enchanted so that every so often its image would change depicting Naris in a new fierce yet elegant pose. “It is just as you ordered my lord. I hope it pleases you”
“Let us see if you are worthy of Brother Cream’s recommendation.” Naris examined the painting. The frame was forged of platinum carved and intricate with swirling patterns and designs. The texture of the canvas was exceptional, thick yet smooth. As for the images, there were several. The first showed Naris in all his glory and presence, swords sheathed and arms at his belt. The next his blades were drawn and crossed upon his chest, he was impressed with the detail of the shardblade. Yet a third showed Naris in a fighting stance, one blade forward and another back ready to strike. There was an image of just his hands, for instruments such as they must be memorialized in a prominent place in perpetuity. The last showed Naris shirtless, rose in mouth and hands outstretched in welcoming position. His eyes narrowed.
“A gift from Brother Cream. He mentioned you have long appreciated his portrait and thought you’d like to have one of your own.” the artist said. “A simple command word will hide it from the loop my lord.”
Naris nodded in approval. “Hang it behind my desk for all who enter to see.”
“Of course my lord.” The artist ordered the ogres to set the picture. Once hung they bowed and left.
“It’s wonderful Naris.” Ziya complimented. “Certainly none of your brothers have art like this?”
“Rygos appreciates art. If any did it would be he.” his mood seemed to soften a bit.
Madame Bea entered as Snot left. “My lord” she said politely, “I have the plans for your new inn project, ‘The Expeditious Retreat’, A place where you can run away when overwhelmed.”
“Did you say run away?” his mood quickly fouling again. “Do you take me for some kind of coward?”
“Of course not my lord.” my undercommon may need some work, I meant get away.”
Naris nodded. “Well work on it.”
“Yes my lord. Now the inn will have everything you craven… I mean crave” she smiled innocently.
“You’re beginning to anger me Bea.”
“Yes mother, Naris is tense of late he doesn’t need more agitation.” Ziya chimed in.
“If he’s tense then you aren’t doing your job child.” she scolded her daughter. “Perhaps my lord needs more of a woman. Madame Bea dropped her floral print house dress to the floor revealing saggy pale breasts and a belly with enough rolls to fill Quevas Cakes and Baked Goods. Her legs had a cottage cheese texture and were covered in course spider like hair.”
“Mother!” Ziya gasped.
Naris considered the idea of a mother daughter tryst for a moment before saying, “Another time Bea. I have a headache.”
She quickly dressed and said “Of course my lord.” She produced an oversized scroll tube from the bag she had placed on the floor next to where her clothes once were. “Your brother Valas sent this.” she said handing him the tube.
“It’s oversized and clumsy.” he lamented. He pulled the scroll out and began to read. Part way through he stopped, tossing it on his desk. “I can’t read this. It looks like it was written by someone with special needs. The text is archaic and reads slow. Bea inform my brother if he’d like I can refer him to a scribe, somewhat costly and at his own expense of course.”
“Of course my lord.” Madame Bea answered.
Naris sat back down at his desk. Still bothered by his inactivity and frustrated his personal gains have been so minimal. “You know Ziya, I could do more. Perhaps if i made more of an effort and put more time into my adventures I’d be more content.”
“Doesn’t sound like you my lord.” Ziya responded.
“True. Ah well. I guess I’ll just continue to bitch and complain. Requires far less effort. It’s just easier….”
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