Raven and Z'beksiya discuss Hildy
Raven was trembling. He watched as Tobias carried young Hildy away followed by Dunkle. He paused for a moment, considering each of his remaining companions, then followed after them. He trailed them until he was a short distance from the carnival and stopped. He sucked in air as if his lungs held none. Xa’raven was born in hell. He lived in the company of Erinyes. He grew up in the palace of Glasya, the Archduchess of the Sixth and Devil Queen of Suffering, yet in all his years, he had witnessed nothing he found more disturbing than what happened to that poor defenseless girl, a girl he had developed some fondness for. He didn’t know why, when or how it occurred. It just did. The thought that any in his company might mean her harm angered him. He was pacing, trying to compose himself when a familiar bird darted from a nearby branch directly toward him transforming as she did into an imp.
“What in the Sixth Layer of Hell are you thinking Raven?!” Z’beksiya growled angrily. She was in his face, so close he could smell the ash on her breath and feel the increasing heat emanating off her skin. “You should have killed it!”
“Killed it?” He questioned angrily. “It has a name. Her name is Hildy. She’s just a girl and one of us, or have you forgotten.”
“You soft hearted fool. She became an it when she transformed into a demon, a dangerous demon at that. You put those savage creatures down.”
“I’m sorry. Did you miss the part where I said she was a child?”
“Call it what you will Raven. She’s a demon.”
“A child!” He raised his voice in anger for the first time in all the years she knew him.
“You didn’t seem to have any problem blasting that kid in the Fey Realm.” She challenged him.
“He was warned and had threatened us. There is a difference. ”He explained more calmly.
“Oh and Demon Hildy isn’t a threat?” Her voice raised an octave.
“It’s not the same. She didn’t choose this.”
“How do you know? Some of the others weren’t quite convinced. What will you do if words fail and a fight ensues, if you are forced to choose between allies and an adopted stray?”
“I will not stand idly by and let any harm befall that innocent little girl.”
“Innocent?” The imp mocked him. “My, you have forgotten your lessons. No one is innocent my dearest Xa’raven.”
“That little girl has done no harm. She’s already suffered more than most humans ten times her age and you expect me to put her down like a rabid animal because she had the misfortune of being possessed by a demon? Possessed quite likely while in our charge. I sincerely doubt it could have happened in Falkovnia. How does that sit with you my lovely Z’beksiya, knowing that a demon infiltrated our camp, right under your perky little nose?”
“Don’t you dare tiefling.” Her emphasis on his heritage was not lost on him. “I don’t care how it happened. What I do know is, it has. Now you need to end it before it can spawn any more of its wretched ilk.”
“I won’t do it.” He said defiantly.
“Fine! I will.” She flashed her fangs before driving her shoulder into his, pushing past him toward the carnival.
“No you won’t. I forbid it.”
Z’beksiya hovered and turned. “What did you say?” She menaced.
“I didn’t say anything. I commanded. You will do nothing to harm that child. Am I understood?”
“Why you treacherous little lemure.” She seethed. “You would dare to command me?!” Hellfire lit her eyes ablaze. “Who do you think you are?”
“Am I understood!?”
“Perfectly.” She glared at him. “But you will be made to suffer for this indignity, and I promise you this Raven, neither of us will enjoy it.”
“I’m sorry Bex.” Raven found a stump and sat, burying his face in his hands. “I won’t have her blood on my hands. Not after…”
“Is that what this is about?” She was long past irritated. “By Glasya’s scourge, don’t tell me you’re still blubbering on about that Cragmark business. That contract was valid and legal.”
“But was it right? That woman, those kids… innocent kids, did they deserve what they got?”
“We don’t get to decide that Raven.” She had calmed a bit. Her voice, more akin to the nurturing mentor she had always been. “We do as the law demands.”
“What if the law is wrong?”
“You’re starting to sound like your father.” She said with irritation.
“Is that a bad thing? Was he the hero they say he was?”
“Yeah, and look where it got him, Raven.” She landed on his lap, taking his cheek into her hand. “Look at me.”
His eyes joined with hers.
“I promised your mother I’d look after you. I promised our queen I’d train you. I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that compromises any of those commitments. I need you to understand there is no salvation for demons. They exist solely to sow chaos, do harm and destroy everything they touch. Who knows what that poisonous Tanar’ri did to her, how it tortures and corrupts her soul. You care for her. I get it. Do her the courtesy of a merciful death.”
“I can’t. I won’t.”
Z’beksiya sighed. “Xa’raven, It’s the law.” She emphasized forcefully.
“I don’t care.”
The imp shook her head in exasperation. “You know how I feel about you Raven, but you leave me no choice. I’ll have to inform Glasya of your treason.” She warned.
“Is that a threat?”
“No it’s a fact. A threat would sound more like ‘Don’t fall asleep tonight or you may not wake again.’ See the difference?”
“You’re funny.”
“I assure you I am not amused, nor will the Archduchess be when she hears of this.”
“Fine. I can accept that. I promise Bex. I’ll accept the consequences for all I’ve done, all I’ve asked of you, just please help me save her.”
The imp stared at him for several long moments. “You’re pitiful. You know that right?” She looked disgusted. “Pathetic.”
“Will you help me or not?”
“Aren’t you going to command me to assist, master?” Her tone dripped with sarcasm.
“We both know how that ends. Besides, even if I did, you’d find some loophole that would cause her more harm than good. But I know if you agree to it then Hildy will be safe.”
“Much better Raven. It seems you’ve recovered your wits. You should be careful not to let your emotional human mind impair your logical fiendish nature.”
“Is that a yes?”
“What’s in it for me?”
“A favor for a favor Bex, do this for me and I shall repay the courtesy in kind.”
“You’re not getting off that easy.” There was a glimmer of malice in her eyes. “If I am to break the law and put aside a millennia of hatred you’ll have to do better than that.” She stared at him, silent for a long few moments. “When I am restored you will serve me as I have served you.”
“I shall. Do we have an accord?”
“One last condition, should it become clear she is beyond redemption we kill it as the law demands.”
“If it comes to that…” Raven looked away. “…as the law demands.”
“Very well, let’s see what can be done for the insufferable brat.”
“Thanks Bex.”
He reached out to caress her cheek. She snapped at his finger drawing blood.
“Don’t even think about it. I’m still angry and you’re still an idiot.”
“Love you too Bex.”
She glared at him but hidden in her angry visage was a glimmer of a grin.
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