The Road to Alacanté
This event occurred a little than a year prior to the events of The Chalice …
The Prime Material Plane
“I’m confused, my lord…” The black dragon began. “Why are we in Daggerford and why must we travel hidden so? Wouldn’t it be safer and more convenient to just teleport into the city?”
“Sadly no. The new ruler has set wards that would alert him to magical intrusion. If what I have been told is true, then we would be less than welcomed. It’s better we enter in the guise of common travelers so as not to warn him of our arrival… at least until we know for sure what we are dealing with.” They had dressed in ordinary clothes rather than their more typical courtly attire. Devon wore only two pieces of jewelry. A pendant beneath his clothes and what looked like a wedding band. He had forsaken most of his weapons as well. Maya wore her dagger and he, just a kukri, the blade his sire had forged and gifted him. “Remember. We’re simple townsfolk. We don’t want anyone to know we’re back on the prime, friend or foe. Try and maintain a low profile.”
“So flying is out as well?” she smirked.
“Afraid so. Dragons are quite uncommon in the skies above Faerun. To have you soaring over the city would only cause widespread panic and certainly cause Malagor to know I have come for him.”
“As you say my lord.” She looked mournfully at the caravan they were approaching. “Wagons… full of humans… kill me now.”
Devon smiled at her, “You’ll warm up. Who knows, maybe even make a friend.”
She snarled in rebuff. “They smell terrible… and look! Wyrmlings! I detest wyrmlings.”
“They’re called children. Wait…Do I smell so bad as well?”
She nuzzled his neck, intentionally sniffing him loudly. “Hmm. No. Not so awful I guess.”
“Hey! What was that?” He yelped somewhat taken aback.
Maya just laughed in amusement, “See. Ignore what they say about me being ill-tempered all the time. I have a sense of humor too.” as her mischievous grin broadened.
Devon shook his head but couldn’t help laughing himself.
“Well met!” The man at the caravan greeted them. “It’s nice to see a young couple so playful and obviously in love.”
Devon looked at Maya who had begun to speak. “Why thank you kind sir.” She leaned into the Highlord grabbing his hand tight, clasping it in her own. “We’ve only just married. He’s quite the catch you know.”
All Devon could do was smile awkwardly trying to hide the surprise in his face. “We seek passage to Alacanté. I’m told you’re traveling in that direction.”
“Indeed we are. Sadly all private carriages are booked. I do have space available in one of the communal wagons if that suits your needs.”
Maya pouted for a moment. “Well I guess the honeymoon will just have to wait until we reach the inn.”
“Apologies my lady. It is all we have.” he said sincerely.
“It’ll do fine sir.” Devon said.
“Two gold per day each for seven days’ travel. I assure you the communal carriage is quite roomy and we don’t over book.”
“Fair enough.” Devon agreed and paid the man. As he was receiving his tickets and wagon assignment he noticed a family walking in the direction of the transport he had just booked. The poorly dressed woman held tightly to a little girl with strawberry blonde locks and a hand sewn dress that was patched and repaired. The man she was traveling with was in contrast impeccably dressed, though sickly thin. He bore a scowl as if all the world’s wrongs had been done unto him and only to him. Devon smiled at the little girl who had been staring at them. He waved and she buried her face into her mother’s side. As they walked toward the transport he asked Maya, “What was that all about?”
Maya’s grin faded slightly. “<Wyrmling…>” she whispered in draconic.
“Oh”, She finally said in answer to her lord’s question. “Rayne said it makes you uncomfortable. I thought it would be amusing. She said it’s what she would do.” Her grin grew wide once more. “Better to disguise ourselves as a couple and draw less attention my lord.”
“Great.” Devon shook his head. “Two of you now.”
As they reached the carriage Devon watched the man from before as he climbed inside the carriage abandoning his family, leaving them to enter on their own. The woman smiled but blushed with embarrassment. Devon reached out to her, “May I, my ladies?”, offering his hand to steady them up the wooden stairs.
“Come woman. Get you and that wretched child in here before I get angry.”
“That’s very kind of you sir.” she said, taking his hand. Devon could feel her tremble. The little girl looked at him again before driving her face back into her mother’s flank. The woman carefully helped the little girl in before following behind her.
Devon could smell a hint of sulfur wafting from the breath on the back of his neck. “Maya.” he said cautiously. He didn’t need to look behind him in order to know that the smile that had been playfully dancing across her face had been replaced by her more characteristic snarl.
Devon bowed low. “After you my beautiful bride.” He said as he extended his hand.
Amaya took it, at the same time glaring at him. “Thank you my love. It does my heart good to know gentlemen like you still exist.” She announced rather loudly. Her angry stare found the man inside and he turned quickly away.
Devon entered the wagon and saw it was rather spacious. There were slender cots with folded bedding set along the sides and room for sitting as well. The wooden walls had windows and the roof was solid, sealed for inclement weather. The caravan leader was true to his word and no other people were booked to this particular carriage. The man sat with his arms folded, an angry expression on his face. “Well… Do I have to tell you to make my bed, or do you think perhaps, you might be smart enough to figure out your duties on your own.”
The woman’s face reddened and she apologized, “I just wanted to settle Madalyn. I’m not sure when the next stop will be and I thought…”
“You thought what? She is more important than me? Does she have any coin to pay with? Will it be her business you’re living off of? Who should come first then.” he hissed angrily.
The woman was visibly upset and her daughter looked afraid of the man. She hurriedly prepared a bed for him while Madalyn clung to her side.
“<He is a despicable beast. Worse than vermin. Shall I correct him my lord?>” Maya whispered.
Devon, who had been staring at the man for his embarrassing rudeness shook his head slightly, “<We should not risk exposing ourselves.>” he whispered back.
Maya shifted uncomfortably.
The caravan began to move and it was several hours before they stopped to water the horses at a nearby stream. Many of the passengers exited their carriages to work the stiffness from their body and freshen themselves. The mother took Madalyn for a short walk as the man laid on his bunk.
“You’ve a lovely daughter.” Devon said to get the man’s attention.
“That thing? It’s not mine. As if I could ever spawn such a repugnant creature. She’s lucky I have use for her mother. I own a tavern in Alacanté where she’ll make a fine barmaid. She thinks I might marry her. Hmmph. Not if she can’t get her attitude in line.”
“She seems nice enough to me.” Devon offered in compliment..
“Yeah well. You might think so. But when you’re as wealthy as I am you see people for what they are. She’s easy on the eyes and that’s enough for now. I’m not sure how I feel about supporting someone else’s family.”
“Oh? She was married before.”
‘Yeah, to some soldier in Westport. The fool got himself killed fighting against a drow army. Like I said, she’s lucky I went to that shithole of a town on business. There were plenty of easy women I could have chosen. Maybe I should have picked one without a kid.”
Maya’s fingers were pressed hard into Devon’s forearm. He could feel the pinch of talons cutting into his skin. He didn’t react to it though, merely whispering. “Maya.”
“Oh. Sorry my lord.” She answered quietly, relaxing her hand.
“See. Now she’s well trained. If you can find a way to make yourself some gold you’ll be all set friend.”
Devon felt the warm trickle of blood trail down his arm. Maya’s grip had tightened once more.
“If you’ll excuse me. Come my love. I think we should stretch our legs a bit before we get started again.”
“Yes, some fresh air sounds lovely.” she sneered.
They made their way to the river a bit away from the other passengers who had sought refuge in the water to combat the oppressive heat. Devon rolled up his sleeve to find five perfect puncture marks gouged into his forearm. He washed the blood away in the river water.
“I am sorry my lord.” Maya offered apologetically. “It’s just.. That wretch is insufferable. You should cut his throat now and spare that woman and her wyrmli…child a lifetime of suffering.” Maya treated the wound with a balm that immediately closed the holes and stopped the bleeding.
“Worried for the humans? I had no idea you were so compassionate Amaya.”
The black dragon scowled, “Don’t even…”
Devon drew his sleeve down and used his magic to clean and mend the garment. The fabric drew together like new with no remnants of a blood stain remaining.
They walked back toward the wagons and saw the mother talking to her daughter.
“I don’t like him mommy. He’s scary. He’s not like daddy.” The little girl had tears in her eyes. “And he’s mean to you.”
“I know Mads but… he can take care of us. I want you to be happy and have nice things. This may be our only chance.”
Devon knew the woman’s smile was forced. He pulled two mugs from a table and filled them with fresh water from a decanter. Maya pursed her lips and blew on them. The liquid immediately chilled. He brought them over, offering the drinks to the mother and Madalyn. “Here. Cool water for a hot day. This will make you feel better my ladies.”
The woman smiled gratefully accepting the cups as little Madalyn nervously hid her face. “I’m sorry sir. She can be a bit shy.”
“Shy you say? Nonsense. I can tell a warrior’s spirit when I see it. Though that sparkle of power in her eyes says wizard. Has she been trained in the arcane arts?”
The mother laughed. “Oh no sir. She’s barely 5.”
Maya knelt next to her. “You’d be surprised what a wyr… girl can learn by that age.”
“You are both so kind. I’m sorry about before. My…I’m not sure what to call him yet…his name is Javna. I was waiting tables at the Hero’s Rest in Westport when I met him. He seemed so nice at first…Anyhow my name is Alayne and this here is Madalyn.” she said with a bright smile.
“Mom calls me Mads. I like that.”
Devon smiled at the child. “I’m Devon. And this sweet lady is Amaya.”
“I like Maya better.” the dragon added.
“Are you a soldier?” Madalyn asked. “You remind me of my daddy. He wasn’t scary like Javna.”
“I was for a while.” Devon answered. “But no longer. Am I scary?”
“Madalyn reached out and brushed her hand against his cheek. “No.” She said with confidence. “You’re nice. I can tell”
“Why thank you Madalyn.”
She looked at Maya. “Call me Mads. I like that better.”
“Very well Mads.” Maya looked back to the caravan and saw they were preparing to head off again. “We should get back on.”
“Ok.” She grabbed Devon’s hand and pulled him toward the stairs.
“Mads wait! I’m so sorry.” Alayne said. “That was rude of her. She doesn’t normally take so quickly to anyone, especially men.”
Maya grinned. “Well that one is rather remarkable.”
“You’re quite lucky my lady.”
“Agreed.” she grinned. “We should probably catch up.”
By the time they had gotten to the steps Devon had lifted Madalyn into the wagon and offered Alayne a hand as well.
“You are too kind sir.” She said with a smile.
“Yes. Too kind indeed my lord.” Maya whispered as she smirked.
The caravan continued on its way. The man was laying right where they had left him. Alayne sat on the bunk next to him while Madalyn had worked her way next to Devon sitting on his right side as Maya sat to his left.
“Mads come over here. Don’t bother Devon.”
The man seemed to perk up. “Devon you say? Sounds like you all became quite familiar last stop. What have I told you about talking to strange men?”
“It’s nothing to get upset about. We introduced ourselves.” Devon explained. “Thought it was only proper seeing as how we’ll be traveling together for the next week.”
“I see.” The man said with disdain in his voice. “You heard your mother girl. Move.”
Madalyn looked up at Devon.
“She’s fine. Right Mads?” The young girl nodded her head. “See. It’s no trouble at all sir.”
“Whatever.” He scowled. “Pour me wine woman. I’m parched.”
Alayne quickly moved from her seat to a chest that had been loaded on earlier and withdrew a bottle. She uncorked it and poured him a glass. She looked at the man and then over to Devon and Maya.
“You can’t be serious.” His tone was flush with arrogance. “This is twenty year old Elvish wine. What would the likes of these common folk know about fine wines?”
“I think Maya is hungry.” Madalyn announced. “Her stomach is growling something terrible.”
The black dragon couldn’t help but smirk.
The caravan drove on for some hours more, finally stopping along the river at nightfall for dinner and the evening’s rest.
Javna hurried to be the first one off and first in line for food. As he walked past the group, plate in hand, he snapped at Alayne. “Get more of this roast chicken. I like it. “ He found a spot by himself and ate while the others waited for their turn.
Devon noticed that some of the passengers were merchants and they had set up makeshift stands to hawk their wares. There was a man selling baked goods and others selling sweets. Another still offered wines and spirits to the travel worn people waiting to be fed.
“I want cake.” Madalyn told her mother.
Alayne gave her a disapproving look.
“I’m sorry mommy. May I have some cake please.” She said, smiling a mouth full of tiny teeth.
“We’ll see sweetie. If it’s not too much extra I guess.”
Devon nodded to Maya and she walked off. He made plates for the two of them and found stools set near a barrel not far from where the man was eating. Alayne brought him the food he asked for emptying half her plate onto his. Madalyn sat with Devon. “Where’s Maya?” She asked.
“Right here little one.” She placed a platter with a chocolate fudge cake near the girl. But you must clean your plate first and ask your mother if it’s ok.”
She looked excitedly back to her mom who nodded in approval. Alayne mouthed thank you to Maya who bowed slightly in return.
Javna saw the cake and sprung to his feet. “Why didn’t you get me cake?” He yelled at Alayne. He drew his hand back to strike her and Madalyn cringed. Maya held her tightly and in a blink Devon was in front of the woman drawing her behind him.
“I’d reconsider friend.” He said evenly. “You are about to inconvenience us both.”
“No. It’s ok. He wasn’t going to…” She tugged Devon back a step. “I make him angry sometimes that’s all.” Alayne pleaded.
The man lowered his hand. “She’s right. I’m just trying to teach her manners, you know, the proper way to treat a man. I’d never really harm her.”
“That’s good to know.” Devon replied holding the man’s eyes locked with his own.
“Well then. I’m going to bed. Come woman.”
She placed the half eaten plate on a nearby collection table. Alayne looked at Madalyn. “Come on sweetie.”
“Do I have to mommy?”
“It’s ok. We’ll look after her.” Maya offered.
Alayne had a sad expression on her face but nodded. “Ok Mads?”
“Ok mommy.” She said through a mouth full of cake.
“<By our queen Devon if you don’t…>”
“Here Maya, have cake.” Madalyn offered sliding a hunk of it on a plate toward her. “Your tummy is growling again.”
Devon saved a piece of cake for Alayne and brought it and a pitcher of mead back with him when they retired to the wagon. She thanked him and ate quietly while the man slept snoring loudly.”
“He snores like a dragon.” Madalyn said, making a face.
“So does Maya.” Devon added playfully and the little girl laughed.
Madalyn yawned and laid next to her mother then fell asleep.
The next day brought more of the same.
They woke to the smell of coffee and hot honey sweetened porridge. After a quick breakfast the caravan moved again. The weather had changed and the heat of the previous day was replaced by warm rain. The weather intensified, turning to storm and they were forced to stop. The horses had begun to spook from the lightning and the sound of crashing thunder.
“Mommy I don’t like the loud noises.” Little Madalyn whimpered.
“Hush that child woman.” The man scowled. “It’s only a bit of rain. No one wants to hear her prattling.”
Maya laid her head on Devon’s shoulder and closed her eyes as if she were resting and whispered. “<How much more of this will you stand for>”
Devon gently brushed the bangs away from her eyes but didn’t answer.
The sound of thunder shook the carriage and Madalyn shrieked nervously. She dove across the cart to Devon’s side laying her head on his lap curling into a ball before pulling his hand from Maya’s face to cover her own ear.
“Oh Mads don’t. I’m so sorry Devon. She’s…” Alayne began apologizing.
“Fine where she is.” he comforted her.
“Rayne would be in her glory right now.” Maya offered quietly. “This is more her climate than mine. I could do without the downpour.”
“What about the rain?” Madalyn asked.
“It should break soon.” Devon answered. “Don’t worry. You’re safe with us.”
The little girl looked up with a smile. “I know.” She closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
It took several hours before the lightning had passed and they were able to travel again. The rain had let up and had become nothing more than a soothing tap on the carriage roof. The compartment was quiet except for the snoring of the man. Alayne smiled gratefully at Devon as little Madalyn had finally fallen asleep. Even Maya seemed to doze relaxed by the pattering sound of the droplets. Devon could feel the uncomfortable pain of tightness in his muscles but he dared not shift his body for fear of waking the two sleeping girls leaning against him. No one moved until the sudden jar of the wagon coming to a stop roused Maya and Madalyn. They had pushed through most of the day to make up for lost time but as darkness fell, the caravan master decided to set camp for the night. A meal of chili and pan cooked cornbread was served. Maya, who had excused herself, returned in a short time with a fist full of stick candies and a bag of chewy nougats.
“Here Mads.” She handed the treasures to the child. “I thought you might enjoy these. You’ve been so good considering the frightful weather and all.”
“I wasn’t scared.” She protested. “Right Devon?”
“Not at all sweetling, you were quite brave. Though maybe your mother should hold some of that for you. Just to make sure you don’t overdo.”
“Oh… you shouldn’t have. It must have cost…”
“No you shouldn’t have.” the cantankerous man growled. “What if she comes to expect such things all the time?”
Maya’s eyes were ablaze with fury as she turned her attention to Javna. “And why shouldn’t she?” The black dragon challenged. “Where I am from, girls such as her are treated like princesses. The Hi…The Lord of the realm is incredibly kind and generous to young ones.”
“Yeah I’m sure.” He frowned at her, obviously judging the contemptuous woman by her dress. “I’m sure that’s fine in whatever backwoods village you came from, but here, in the real world, it’s not so.”
Maya inhaled sharply.
“<Don’t.>” Devon covered the command with a cough. He walked over and took her hand. “Please sit darling.”
Madalyn handed a sweet candy stick to Maya. “Here. I know that face. You have a bad taste in your mouth. This will help.”
Maya knelt and smiled. “Thank you my lady.” She glowered at the man with absolute disgust before affectionately looking back to Madalyn. “I’ve spent some time in royal courts. Did you know that a princess always curtsies to say thank you?”
Madalyn knelt awkwardly pulling at her dress and bowed.
“Excellent child.”
The man huffed and stormed away.
“I can’t thank you two enough. The kindness you’ve shown my daughter and I… we don’t deserve it.”
“He may have you believing that Alayne but it’s not true. Everyone deserves happiness and none more so than a child.” Maya explained.
“That’s exactly why I stay. For Madalyn.” She turned her head only to see her daughter laughing as Devon spun her around in circles.
“There’s better out there.” Maya pushed.
Alayne looked Maya in the eyes. “Better is already spoken for.”
They sat around the fire pit after dinner. Madalyn pressed herself tight into Devon’s side curling under his arm. Maya leaned in with a wry grin. “Careful my lord. I think little Madalyn here fancies you. Whatever would your queen say?” She teased.
Madalyn giggled. “Silly Maya. I’m a princess, remember. Aren’t you his queen?”
Devon smiled broadly. “Of course she is. Queen Amaya first of her name.”
Maya chuckled at the thought.
Madalyn hugged him tight around the waist and her eyes grew wide with discovery. She cupped her hand to his ear. “You have a weapon. I knew you were a soldier. Don’t worry I won’t tell.”
Devon hugged her. “Good girl Mads.”
They sat around the fire for another hour before retiring for the night. Madalyn insisted she sleep with Maya. “It’s not everyday I can sleep with a queen mommy.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind Maya?” she asked.
“Of course not. Besides she takes up less room than this one.”
Devon smirked. “Well hopefully she doesn’t mind your snoring in her ear.”
Madalyn laughed. “Can we be friends forever?” The little girl asked.
“Good gods!” The man yelled in exasperation. “Once we get to Alacanté you’ll never see them again whelp. And I’ll be stuck with the spoiled mess they created.”
The car suddenly cooled as if the breath of 1000 corpses had been exhaled into the compartment. An uneasy feeling of dread cloaked its passengers. Maya elbowed Devon sharply in the ribs and just as suddenly it faded. “<Took you long enough>” She chided. The man retreated to the rear of the cart as far away from the couple as he could without even understanding what had driven him away.
Madalyn looked sadly at Devon. “Is that true?”
“No sweet thing. Friends forever. Promise.” He said.
“Pinky swear?” She held out her tiny finger to Maya.
Maya gripped it with all her fingers and shook her hand. “Sure.”
Madalyn giggled as Devon corrected the grip. “There. Much better.”
“Good.” the child yawned. “I’m sleepy.” and they retired for the night. Maya laid awake the entire night, never taking her eyes off the horrible man.
Horses. The caravan was still yet there was a rumble of incoming horses. Maya had felt it too. They sat up quickly as the door to the carriage burst open. Men with nocked crossbows ordered everyone out and to the ground. The raiders sat all the passengers against the wagons. Several men with drawn swords paced back and forth while two others rummaged pockets and pouches looking for valuables. Devon decided to comply, not wanting any of the innocent travelers to get injured in a fight. “If it’s just money let them have it and go.” He whispered to Maya.
She squinted her eyes in protest.
“You there. Quiet or else.” A man with a crossbow ordered. He leveled the weapon at Devon.
The Highlord counted the raiders. He could make out a dozen or so. There was a large man wearing studded leather armor on a destrier, obviously the leader commanding the others. Devon looked at one of the men checking pockets. He had pale drawn skin and bloodshot red eyes. Devon could make out the glint of an over sized incisor. He wore dark leather and black cloth covering most of his body, protecting his sensitive skin from the blazing sun. He didn’t look well. Devon made the man for Sanguinari. Maya picked up on it too. “Yin Fen my lord.” she advised him. “I can smell it in his blood.”
The Sanguinari raider scowled. “Weren’t you told to shut up!” He walked over to Devon. “You should teach your little lady how to behave, lest something terrible should happen to her.” He turned his head to the right and noticed the mother and child. “What have we here?” He snarled exposing his fangs attempting to intimidate Alayne and Madalyn. Madalyn withdrew tight into her mother.
“They are of no consequence.” Devon said drawing the man’s attention back to himself. “There is no need to frighten a child. Take your money and begone.” Devon said evenly.
“Is that so?” The man on the destrier had paced over. “Kozani. Shut him up.”
The Sanguinari struck him hard in the mouth. Madalyn jumped to her feet. “LEAVE HIM ALONE!”
“Two girlfriends. You’re a lucky man. Perhaps we’ll take one, or both off your hands.”
“Mads no!” Alayne yelled as her daughter scurried in between Devon and Maya.
“Another hero.” The man on the destrier sighed as he rolled his eyes. “Perhaps we take all three? What do you think, Kozani? Hungry?” The vampyr pressed his tongue against his fangs sliding it back and forth.
“Go ahead. Take them. Take them all, just leave me be.” Javna squealed. They’d make great slaves or whatever. The child is young. Certainly she’s worth more than a few coins. Her mother is fertile and pleasing. I’m sure you can find some use for her.”
Devon reached into a hidden belt pouch he knew contained more than a handful of rubies. He always carried them for Jenna as they were the gold dragon’s favorite snack food. “Here. Take this and kindly go. These people are peaceful. There’s more than enough in that bag to make it worth your while.”
“<If you give him a single copper I’ll kill him myself.>” Maya growled ferociously.
“<I’m not giving him anything. I’m buying. His life and the lives of his men.> Take this and trouble us no more.” The Sanguinari snatched the pouch from his hand and held it out to the leader. The mercenary riding the destrier opened it, marveling at the gems within.
“Cut rubies! I wonder what else he has. Search him. If he moves, kill the girl.”
Devon shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that.” He said with final warning.
Kozani pushed Devon’s cloak aside revealing the butt end of a Sanguinari truesilver kukri. It’s black and midnight blue leather wrapped hilt was etched with a black lotus in the guard and a darkstar on the end cap.
The vampyr froze as Devon stared at him with eyes blazing bright blue. Cold air washed over him and the man on the destrier causing the horse to buck with fear, throwing its rider to the ground. “Nightmaster…” Kozani gasped. “I didn’t know. He backed away trembling as Devon rose. A crossbow bolt flew at the highlord who snatched it from the air and tossed it aside.
He pulled Madalyn behind him obscuring her vision. “Stay close and shut your eyes Mads.” Lightning licked and kicked across his body then with a loud ‘krzzack!’ It discharged from his outstretched hand electrocuting the crossbowman to death.
The raiders wheeled about and charged.
“Stop!” Devon commanded. Magical energy swirled like a maelstrom around him and time came to a halt. He continued drawing on his arcane might causing deep shade to envelope the area. The canopy of shadow rose more than four times his height and extended for well beyond the range of even Maya’s dragonsight. He knew that the humans, lacking his ability to see in darkness, would barely have sight further than a few feet in front of them. Next he brought into being a wall of force, separating the caravan from the raiders.
Time resumed and bedlam ensued. The raiders became quickly disoriented by their sudden lack of vision. The unexpected heavy shade frightened the caravan passengers causing them to huddle together.
Kozani fell to his knees. “YA ne znal Nochnogo khozyaina.” (I didn’t know, Nightmaster.) “Pozhaluysta. YA budu sluzhit’.” (Please. I will serve.)
Devon glanced at the man who had been on the destrier. Kozani threw himself at him, cutting his throat clean as his former leader fought to stand.
“Maya. Kill them all.” He ordered.
The black dragon grinned. “With pleasure my lord.” She belched and a stream of green acid erupted from her mouth killing half the raiders in an instant. Maya chuckled.
The rest of the raiders panicked, overwhelmed with dragon fear and unable to see. They turned and ran in a disorganized retreat. Maya leapt into the air and as she did, great black wings burst from her back. Her humanoid form morphed and changed into the reptilian shape of a black dragon. She slapped a rider off his horse with her tail and killed several more with icy breath as frozen shards and terrible cold poured from her maw. The last few tried to escape by splitting in different directions. They found out much to their dismay that a dragon is much faster than a horse.
Devon looked down to check on Madalyn and could see the little girl peeking through open fingers hoping to see the skirmish. He knelt next to her. “I hope I didn’t frighten you Mads.”
“Of course not my lord.” She said with a smile and curtsy. “I knew you were nice. Remember?”
“I do.” he said nodding his head.
She brought her hand to his cheek, rubbing her thumb across the bone. “I like your eyes.”
Alayne came rushing over, stumbling through the darkened landscape. She gasped a sigh of relief as she found her daughter, grabbed her and hugged her tight. “What were you thinking? You could’ve been killed. Don’t ever do that again.” she scolded.
“Daddy said we protect our friends mommy. Friends forever.” Maya, who had cleared the area of corpses, glided through the air then dove and landed with a thud. Her form shrunk and she was once again the pretty pale skinned girl who wore a permanent scowl. “Right?” Madalyn asked as she stepped into view.
“Absolutely child.” Maya grinned.
Devon dispelled his enchantments and sunlight once again illuminated the field. There were no signs of the raiders however, save Kozani who had fallen to a knee bowing low and a riderless destrier.
Maya’s gaze quickly found Javna who was huddled on the ground like a possum playing dead. Whimpers and cries could be heard from a distance. She snatched him from the dirt in a clawed hand and tossed him roughly to the ground at Devon’s feet.
“What of this thing my lord?” Maya asked. Her tone was flush with anger, full of malice and dread. “Shall I execute him?”
“Stand him up.” Devon commanded. He was dead weight drooping, the consistency of warm putty. He refused to stand on his own feet so Maya held him firm by the back of his neck. It took little effort. “Yes. What of you Javna?”
“Take them and go. I don’t want anything to do with them.” He shook uncontrollably.
“He reeks of fear my lord…and excrement. End him and be done with it.” Maya suggested wrinkling her nose.
“What say you Alayne.” Devon’s right hand wore a glove of lurid purple black energy. “Say the word and he dies.”
The woman whom Javna had humiliated, abused and treated with utter lack of respect walked over to Devon. She looked toward the huddled mass of passengers sitting in shock and fear with mouths agape. Then reached for his arm. “No. You’re a good man. I won’t have you murder him just because he was cruel to me.”
“This refuse doesn’t deserve the air it breathes.” Maya sneered. “And it wasn’t just you. What about the way he treated your wyrmling? What of Mads?”
The little girl spoke. “I wish there were a way to make him do good things from now on. A way to hurt him only when he does bad.”
Maya raised an eyebrow and Devon tilted his head. “Is that what you want Mads?”
The little girl nodded her head.
“Then it shall be as you command my princess.” Devon bowed. He looked the man directly in the eyes, the highlord’s orbs still glowing blue as gold lightning erupted from his pupils. Javna’s eyes were nearly white with terror. The incantation was simple yet powerful. Green energy crackled and created an eerie aura around the man. “From this day forward and for the rest of your days you will forgo wealth and reward and seek only to help ease the difficulties and troubles of every woman and child you meet. You will defend, serve and assist all in need. Seek out the less fortunate of the realm and make their struggles less.” He cast the geas. “Know this. Should you do anything else, great pain will be visited upon you unto death.”
Maya dropped him.
“Now go. Leave this place before I change my mind.”
The fear ridden man looked up at Alayne and Madalyn.
“Run!” Maya roared, throwing her arms back like wings.
He scrambled to his feet and fled in the direction of the not so far settlement of Secomber.
“As for you.” He turned his attention to the Sanguinari who had remained silent, head bowed the entire time. “Skazhi mne kto ty.” (Tell me who you are.)
He kept his head bowed and spoke politely. “Nightmaster. Ya Kozani Segrern iz doma Segrern, klana Morvant, i ya budu sluzhit’.” (I am Kozani Segrern of House Segrern, Clan Morvant and I will serve.)
Devon replied. “Khorosho. U menya yest’ zadaniye dlya vas, Kozani Segrern iz klana Morvant.” (Good. I have a task for you Kozani Segrern of Clan Morvant.) “Now rise.”
The Sanguinari stood and returned the pouch of rubies to Devon’s hand. “I believe these are yours Nightmaster.”
Devon’s eyes returned to their normal green hue. “Alayne. I want you to have these. Return to the Port and restart your life there. I’m sorry for what you lost in the war and all the suffering you endured thereafter. It was a terrible ordeal for many. Your husband sacrificed everything to protect the city and its people. Permit me the honor of caring for you and Madalyn in his stead.” He placed the gems in her hand.
Alayne looked in the pouch and was certain there was a king’s ransom inside. There was more wealth in her palm then she had ever seen. “I.. I don’t know. I can’t take these my lord.”
“You can and you must. You wanted a good life for Madalyn? Now she shall have it. Buy a home. Buy a business. Or simply live happily together. Whatever you decide, your choices shall only ever be your own. Live the life you should.”
“Thank you Devon. This is more than gener…” She paused, her face turning flush with embarrassment. “Did you say the Port?” she asked. “No one but those who were born there call it by that name.” She swallowed hard. “Nightmaster.” She said, looking at Kozani who immediately bowed his head. “You called him Nightmaster. There has only ever been one Nightmaster in the Port. The protege of Lady Blacklotus.” Her eyes grew wide with sudden realization. “Devon? Your name is Devon as in the Darkstar? You’re Devon Darkstar!?” She began to hyperventilate.
“Mommy are you ok?” Madalyn asked, obviously concerned.
“Relax Alayne. Yes, I am. And you are under my protection if you will have it.”
“Mommy who’s Devon Darkstar? Is Devon important?”
Maya laughed and knelt next to the young girl. “He likes to think so sometimes Mads.”
Alayne hugged her daughter close, hiding the tears in her eyes. “Yes baby. He’s important. He’s no soldier. He’s a hero.”
“Well of course he is. He and Maya saved the caravan.” She said proudly.
“And you helped Mads. I want you to have something.” Devon’s fingers flicked and moved as wisps of white plume smoke danced and swirled. There was a spark and suddenly a pendant appeared from thin air.
“Whoah.” Madalyn gasped. “Magic.”
“All heroes deserve medals Mads.” Devon clasped the platinum chain around her neck. “And this one is very special.” He grasped her tiny hand in his.
“My lord, is that what I think it is?” Maya questioned.
Devon nodded. “Now listen carefully Mads. If you or your mother are ever in danger, hold this medal and say ‘Ukris’ and we will hear you.”
“Madalyn marveled at the medal. “Look mommy a dragon with a star behind it. And what are these pretty flowers? Mommy see? It’s so pretty.” Alayne could barely speak. Her hand trembled in front of her mouth.
“Now return home. Kozani will see you safely there and protect you with his life. Isn’t that right Kozani?”
“Yes Nightmaster.”
“<You trust that beast with them? Are you mad? Because he promises?>” Maya asked defiantly.
“No. I will trust his word because I demand a blood oath.”
Kozani nodded his head. Devon drew the dagger from Maya’s waist and ran it across his wrist. Kozani bit deep into his own. They clasped their forearms together. Their blood mixed, dripping into a cup Maya was holding beneath them. “Kozani Segrern of House Segrern, Clan Morvant do you swear to me, Devon Darkstar of House Blacklotus, Clan Radcliffe, by your blood, to do all in your power to see Alayne and Madalyn safely back to Westport Manor, secure them from harm and obey their commands as if they were my own, under pain of final death?”
“I do.” he said solemnly.
“Then I accept your blood oath and absolve you of the crimes you committed this day in exchange for your service.”
Kozani drank from the cup and handed it to Devon who did the same.
Devon felt a jolt as if lightning was firing through his veins. It was not the first time he had drunk the blood of a Sanguinari. Selene’s own coursed through his body. He felt his heart race as her gift of celerity burned the poison from his system. “Tvoya krov’ gryaznaya. Derzhi v chistote.” (Your blood is dirty. Keep it clean.) The Highlord said, shaking his head.
Kozani looked away in shame.
Devon sought the caravan master. He found him among a group huddled together hiding from Maya. “Do not fear my friends. The danger has passed. Please come out.”
No one moved.
“Good sir. It seems the lady wishes to return to Westport. And judging by the expression on everyone’s face they’d probably prefer we find alternate means of transportation as well.”
The caravan leader eyed him suspiciously but did not speak.
“I was hoping I could commission the wagon we previously hired to return to Westport with those three over there.”
“Vampire.” he said pointing at Kozani.
“Him… no. Not a vampire. They can’t bear the light of the sun. He’s Sanguinari.”
“How much does the job pay?” the driver asked.
“Three days travel? How does five hundred gold sound?”
“How about five thousand.”
“How about I kill him and you pick another my lord.” Maya offered.
“One thousand. Devon said. And I’ll quicken the horses to cut your travel by a day. Agreed?”
The man stepped out. “Agreed my lord.”
Devon paid the man and looked to Kozani. His eyes glowed blue once more. “Go now and do as you have sworn. Remember Kozani Segrern, the laws of Sanguinar are harsh. Should any ill befall my friends I’ll have you drained and staked in the sun until final death takes you.”
Kozani bowed. “Come my ladies. We must do as the Nightmaster commands.”
Devon walked over to Alayne. “Seek the magister’s tower. Ask for Holly Warren. She’s a friend. Stay there until you find a suitable place. And should Madalyn so desire I’m sure they will accept her as an apprentice.”
“Thank you for everything Devon.” Alayne said with a smile. “I accept your generous offer of protection my lord.” She hugged him then Maya. “Thank you as well Maya. You’re a lucky woman to share such company.”
Maya smiled back before turning to Madalyn. “And you little one.” She said embracing her tightly. “Your Auntie Maya will miss you. Remember to always be a princess, Mads.”
The young girl curtsied and looked at Devon. Her expression seemed to sadden. “Will I see you again?”
“Of course you will Mads. Maya and I both. Promise.”
She jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. “Ok.” She fought back a sniffle. “Be careful. And listen to your queen. She’ll keep you safe.”
Maya smirked. “Of course she will.”
Devon helped the ladies board as Maya waved. The driver set off with his three passengers and they watched as he faded quickly from sight. “Are you ready Auntie Maya?” Devon joked.
She punched him hard enough to leave a bruise. “Don’t start.” she threatened.
“Admit it you like the wyrmling.” he teased.
“The child was not so bad I guess.” She said with feigned disinterest.
Devon approached the destrier and grabbed it by the bridle. “I guess you’re coming with us.” he said to the horse. He trotted back to the huddled passengers. “I think it best if no one speaks of these events.”
Maya glared at the mass assembly and they all nodded together. “Good. I’d hate to have to come back for the one who talked.”
They all shook their heads in unison.
Maya hopped on the horse and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Honeymoon my love?” She said with a squeeze.
Devon choked out a laugh and rode off.
A little less than two days later the wagon arrived in Westport. Kozani helped his wards down and trailed behind the mother and daughter until they stopped at a large tower in the town square overlooking the sea. Alayne nervously knocked on the door. A teen aged apprentice wearing simple robes answered. “May I help you?”
“I’m looking for Holly Warren. Is she in?”
“Of course. Is she expecting you?”
“I’m afraid not. A friend told me to come here and ask for her.”
“I see. Come in. Please sit here and I’ll ask if she’ll see you.”
A few minutes later an attractive woman with dark chestnut brown wavy hair sitting shoulder length came down the stairwell. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“No my lady. I don’t think so. I mean I worked at the Hero’s Rest for a time. Maybe?”
Holly’s eyes found their way to Madalyn and then Kozani. “Why are you here?”
Alayne stuttered nervously. “A friend told me that… He said we should… I’ve no place to go with my daughter and…”
“I’m sorry this is no inn. I don’t know who your friend is but…” Holly’s concentration was broken by the sight of Madalyn playing with her pendant. The child was trying to get the light to reflect off the diamond cut dragon scales. “May I?” She asked leaning in. “Where did you get that?”
“My friend gave it to me.” Madalyn answered. “His name is…”
“Devon.” Holly finished for her.
“Mmhmm” the little girl said. ‘I’m Madalyn.” then curtsied.
“And I’m Alayne. It seems we ran into some trouble while traveling to Alacanté and Devon thought we’d be safe here. Until I can find a more permanent place to stay.”
“Of course he did.” She said half frowning, half smiling. “Very well. I’ll find you a room. You can dismiss the vampyr.”
Alayne looked to Kozani. “You can go. Thank you.”
“I can not.” Kozani replied.
Holly shook her head impatiently. He sent you with an oath bound Sanguinari but never told you how to release him?” Holly grinned. “I guess he didn’t trust you not to threaten them into freeing you. He always was smart.” She looked at the man more closely. I’m guessing by the bloodshot eyes you have a Yin Fen addiction. Nasty stuff. No magical way to cure it. Has to run its course. Anyhow… call him by his name and clan and tell him you hold his oath fulfilled. Then he can leave.”
“Kozani Segrern?… of Clan…”
“Morvant” he offered.
“Kozani Segrern of Clan Morvant I hold your oath fulfilled.”
“Thank you my ladies.” He said and bowed.
“Ok.. Good. Bye now. Buh bye.” Holly ushered him out the door.
She turned back to Alayne. “You and Devon aren’t… I mean it’s none of my business but…”
“Sadly no. He’s married. I met his wife. Maya. Sweet lady.”
“Amaya Malnyx. The black dragon?”
“Auntie Maya.” Madalyn said with a smile. ”Black Dragon?”
“That is not his wife.” Holly mumbled to Alayne.
“You mean he’s unattached?” Alayne whispered hopefully.
“Oh no. He’s very much attached.” She whispered back, a sad expression appearing on her face. “Maya though is just a bodyguard of sorts. He’s consort to the queen of dragons now. There is always one protecting him.”
“Lucky her.” Alayne lamented.
“Yeah lucky her… come I’ll settle you in.”
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