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Clearing The Air

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This takes place the day before the heroes go to West Port Manor in search of the Life Rune


After two back to back forays into the Hells the Lord Marshal sought what bit of solace he could find in tiered Gardens of Opulent Splendor. He found great comfort in its wide variety of trees and shrubs; and the combination of the warbling of Elysian thrushes mixed with the sound of water bubbling up from nearby fountains helped clear his mind. Ever present, Gnash rested on the ground nearby. Only after a few brief moments his reverie was broken as the scent of  Black Orchid and Lotus Blossom caught his attention. 


“Hey.” Keira said in a solemn greeting . 


“Hey you.” Jarath said, trying to bring up the mood.


“I was thinking maybe me going to West Port with you isn’t a good idea.”


“Why is that?”


“The Arch Penatar is sending you on a mission and I don’t want to be a distraction. Besides, you have Asheara to take care of you.”


“Seriously?!” Jarath said clearly annoyed. “Gnash, can you give us a moment please?”


“Yes My Lord. You do know it won’t really make a difference though. I’ll still be able to hear.”


“Yes! Yes! I know! Just go anyways! Let me pretend I have privacy!”


“By your command.” Said the mastiff as he sulked away. 


“What does he mean it won’t matter?” asked Keria.


“His damn canine hearing! He can hear for miles!”


“Then I don’t want to talk.” she said rather stiffly.


“We can talk. Gnash isn’t an eavesdropper, just my bodyguard. We’re good.”


There was a brief uncomfortable silence before Jarath continued the conversation. 


“Keira, you have nothing to be concerned about as far as Asheara is concerned.”


“Tell me how you two became friends again.” she said in an icy tone.


“We were in the City of Brass for the first time; before Ari took the throne, and we needed a guide.  It’s not easy for us to travel in disguise, except for Devon. I couldn’t take the risk of hiring someone off the street. I needed a guide I could trust,  so we went to the slave market and I bought her. With her brass collar linked to me, for her to disobey me would be committing suicide.”


“I’ll bet you and your friends had a lot of fun with that.” She said sarcastically.


“You have known me since we were children, and you know me better than anybody. I swear that I did nothing to dishonor you or to dishonor myself in the eyes of Heironeous. I acted in accordance with the 3rd and 28th Analects when I made Asheara our guide and set the conditions of her freedom.”


“The what?”


 “The 3rd and 28th Analects of the Code.”


Keria wasn’t expecting Jarath to recite Heironean Code and was taken aback somewhat before hastily responding. “And how did these ‘Analects’ apply in this instance?”


“The 3rd Analect, Duty to a Lady, devotion to one’s beloved, and respect toward all women in general. You are always at the forefront of my mind and I would never betray your trust. Asheara was obviously in trouble and possessed knowledge useful in aiding us in our mission. Win win in my book.”


“Hmm” Keria said stiffly.


Jarath continued “The 28th Analect, The five practices of humanity: courtesy, tolerance, good faith, diligence, and generosity. Courtesy wards off insults; tolerance wins all hearts; good faith inspires trust in others; diligence ensures success, and generosity confers authority upon others.” 


“Well it was obvious to me and everyone else at the dinner table that she doesn’t share your sense of honor.”


“I would be lying if I said I was blind to her behavior as well. I can only explain it as ‘hero worship’. I saved her from a fate worse than death and now she has developed an emotional attachment. I can assure you the feelings are not mutual.”


“Then why did you go to the tower?”


“Devon sent Maya to get me because the mayor was acting strangely and a company of paladins were making strong accusations against him. When I arrived we learned he was  possessed. And not soon after that we saw the mayor murdered before our eyes by a Pit Fiend in the streets of West Port. When the smoke cleared the Magister had invited us over. We obviously had a great many things to discuss.”


“I still don’t trust her.”


“I’m not asking you too, but trust me. We have known each other far too long and have been through far too much to allow a mage with a propensity of making poor decisions to tear us asunder.”


Keira sighed and thought for a moment before she stood up  and moved to sit in Jarath’s lap. As she wrapped her arms around him she looked into his eyes and said  “I trust you and love you Jarath Godguard, and I will never forgive you if you break my heart.”

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Dorym
