Six Moons in Sangui…
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Six Moons in Sanguinar

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This takes place on the third day after The Pale Lady’s Discipline.

It begins on Dragon Mountain………….


“He’s in your charge ladies.”


“Do not worry, your grace. We’ll take good care of him.” Rayne promised the Gold Queen.


“I assure you my queen, he’ll not leave our sight.” Maya added with assurance.


“Thank you both. And you.” She draped her arms around his neck. “Be careful my love. And be mindful of your guardians for a change.”


“I’ll be fine Aliyeah. Sanguinar is perfectly safe for me. I’ll shift back in a couple of days once I settle in.”


“You do that.” The Gold Queen said, kissing him softly before releasing him.


“Remember Darkstar… ashes…” Cam smiled and kissed his cheek. “Be safe.”


“Yes be safe uncle.” Jenna hugged him tight. “And do stay away from the whore.”


“Jenna!” Aliyeah gasped in shock. “ Where did you learn… Wait what whore?”


“She means Ria. I fear she may have seen one too many of my memories.” Devon said, somewhat embarrassed.


“Oh… “ Aliyeah laughed. “Her. Yes do keep your distance darling.”


“We’ll see that he does, my queen.” Maya smirked.


Devon shook his head as he stepped away from his niece. Rayne took hold of his right arm as Maya grasped his left. They shimmered from sight only to appear in the parlor of Radcliffe Manor in Sanguinar.


It was early evening and Ria was sitting curled up in her favorite chair with a book. Her thralls were lounged about the sofas. His sudden appearance startled her retainers and they stumbled to their feet. Ria finished the sentence she was reading, closed the book and smiled.


“Devon!!!” She squealed in a rather high pitch. “Welcome home. So nice to have you. Though… mother failed to mention you were bringing guests.”


Christian, one of the two lycans she kept as thralls took an aggressive step toward him. Maya moved in front of her liege, inhaling a breath of frozen air.


“Better call your dog.” Devon warned.


The wolf shifter edged back a pace as the black dragon’s frightful presence took hold. He looked to the Nightmistress with some uneasiness..


“They’re dragons you dolt. Not that the Nightmaster couldn’t kill you himself.”  


“Did you say Nightmaster mistress?” The vampyr named Randall asked.


“I did. It seems my Devon is home for a spell.’”


“Did you say dragons… as in both of them?” Travis asked.


Ria shook her head. “Do you see what you’ve left me with? Idiots. Yes both of them.” She turned her attention to his escorts. “I recognize you.” She said eyeing the bronze dragon. “Rayne if I’m not mistaken? And you? So angry. Who might you be?”


“Her name is Maya. Tread lightly Ria.”


“Ahh The black one. Mother mentioned her. Well this should be fun. You may want to have servants prepare guest rooms.”


“No. My old bedchamber will do fine.”


‘For all of you?” She grinned mischievously. “Well I’m glad to know I’ve had a lasting impact on you.”


Devon didn’t answer.


“Not in the mood to play? Very well. Unfortunately it’s been sealed.” She smiled.


“Sealed from you.” He smiled back.


Ria glared at him. 


“I’d best settle in.” Devon turned away and led his escorts to a familiar half moon staircase. Once on the second floor he found the door to his longtime living quarters. His arcane sight immediately informed him the dweomers set to bar entry were still in place. He pressed his thumb forcefully against a sharp canine drawing blood. He smeared his vitae over a rune causing the tumbler to move and click. He pushed the door open then stepped inside. The sitting room had not been used in some time. Selene would have been incredibly disappointed with the amount of dust and obvious neglect of the space. He conjured unseen servants who immediately set to the task of setting the room right.


“So this is where you grew up?” Maya asked.


Devon waved his hand at the furniture and immediately the dust of years of disuse was gone and the set was clean as the day it was purchased.


“Why does no one tend to this place? It appears rather ignored compared to the rest of the manor.” Rayne asked.


“Selene won’t allow it. I was the only other person ever to take residence here. She has set many protective wards and magical defenses barring entry to anyone but her and I. This will be the safest place for us.”


“Unless Selene returns.” Maya said skeptically.


“She won’t. And even if she did she’d understand. She won’t be thrilled with the idea but she always did what she needed to protect me regardless of the consequences.”


“So that’s where you learned it.” Rayne teased


“Yeah. I guess so.” Devon answered proudly. “Please sit. I’ll inspect the bedchamber and bath.”


As Devon stepped into the threshold he paused as the visions of a decade of his life flashed before his eyes. There he was, a 12 year old boy again, afraid and unsure of what life in Sanguinar would mean for him. He paced over to a large dresser. His eyes quickly found the silver mirror upon which sat two decorative bottles. He knew the contents well. One contained the rich earthy patchouli oil Selene so favored and the other essence of blacklotus, her namesake.


“Are you ok my lord?” Maya asked from just over his shoulder.


“Oh. Um yeah. Just…. It’s been a long time.”


“Ten years my lord.” Rayne affirmed from the doorway. “Last time we were here was during the blood moon.”


“Yeah… I remember. Listen Rayne. I know coming here isn’t an easy thing for you, so thanks. It means alot to me.”


“I’m glad to do so Devon. We all are.”


He nodded and stepped over to his wardrobe cabinet. He pulled the door open and found his clothes exactly where he had left them, hung, folded and undisturbed.


“I’m surprised the Nightmistress didn’t discard your things. After all it’s not like she expects you’ll return… does she?”


“I don’t know. Probably not. But she wouldn’t just remove them either. She always made it a point to say that we lived here, that it was our apartment. Despite my attachment to Aliyeah I don’t think she’d ever say otherwise.”


“Sounds like she really cared for you.” Rayne replied.


“As best she knew how.” Devon cleared his throat. “The bath chamber is through here. He stepped onto the marble floor and as he caught sight of the mirrored wall, it was the reflection of his twelve year old self that stared back at him, bruised, battered and worn. He lowered his gaze to the decorative bathtub. His arcane sight immediately revealed it was not the mundane basin he thought it was. He reached his hand into the crystal clear water, steaming hot. He grinned.


“What is it, my lord?” Maya asked.


“I always wondered how the water remained hot and clean despite the grime it washed away from me. It’s enchanted. Leave it to Selene to own a magical bathtub. She was always particular about our appearances. Ok, so settle in and I’ll walk you through the manor after which we can tour the town. There will be a few people who will be quite cross to learn I came ho… here and did not have the courtesy to visit.”


Maya raised an eyebrow and side eyed him, obviously taking note of his slip. Rayne, if she noticed, ignored it.


Devon led them back down the stairs and through the corridor to the dining hall. “The Pale Lady expects that all who are in the manor during suppertime sit for the meal. It’s one of her more rigid traditions.”


“With all that goes into rulership, that’s what she focuses on?” Rayne inquired.


“It’s the little things that matter most to her. Sharing dinner is a way to keep the family together and strengthen our bonds. While we are here we will hold true to this rule, even if our dinner company is less than appealing.”


“You mean to sit with the others?” Maya sneered.


Devon winked. “Anyone hungry? I can have meals prepared if you wish?” He walked through a set of double doors with Maya on his heel.”


An older woman wearing a headscarf and house dress was cleaning some pots. She turned to see who was entering at such an unusual time, gasping when recognition took hold of her.


“By the goddess!. It can’t be. Let me have a look at you boy.” The kindly woman approached with outstretched hands, reaching for his face. Devon quickly motioned Maya back. She took hold of his face and squeezed. “I thought you were gone for good, child. It brings my heart joy to see you again.”


“It’s good to see you too, Dama Hegna. These are two of my friends, Maya and Rayne.”


“Oh. Oni ne vampiry? (They are not vampyr?)


“Nyet, oni drakony. Moya levaya i pravaya ruka.” (No. They are dragons. My left and right hand.) 


“So it’s true. Selene’s left hand now has his own. Let me guess. The dark one.” 


“You were always so wise Dama.”


“Shall I prepare meals for you?”


“No thank you. I was just showing them around. We’ll be going to the Haven. I’m sure Mistress Lily will have something ready.”


“That she will Master Darkstar.”


Devon hugged the old woman and turned to leave.


“Dobro pozhalovat’ domoy.” (Welcome home child.)


He turned back, smiled, then left the room. He led them down another hallway and into a grand ballroom. The center floor was empty with most of the tables and chairs pushed to one end of the chamber. 


“The Pale Lady would host grand affairs here and when she didn’t Selene would instruct me on how to dance.” He smiled with a fondness that he certainly did not feel during those early years of training. He walked over to a great fireplace and saw there was a gem glowing with magic on the mantle. “Would you look at that?” His eyes reflected the glint of light refracting from the stone. “Muzyka. “ He said and a Sanguinari folk song began to play. He reached out to his escorts and began to dance. Rayne smiled and quickly joined in while Maya fought back the grin forcing its way across her face. She found her step and the three of them moved across the room and back. Each in perfect step with one another. When the music was done he bowed politely. “Thank you. That was very nice. I haven’t danced in this hall in more than a decade.”


“We have a great hall in the Gold Spire my lord. You can always dance there.” Rayne offered.


He nodded. Let’s head to the library. Devon drew them into a richly carpeted corridor lined with portraits of Claire and the rest of her coven. He was represented along with her other ‘children’. There was also a rather large painting depicting the family together and another of him and Selene. It had been commissioned the day he received his kukri, the very weapon he wore today. Devon stood slightly taller than Selene who had laid her head on his shoulder. Maya rolled her eyes at the sight of it.


“What a handsome wyrmling you were my lord.” Rayne commented as they passed through.


“Why thank you Rayne. I’d forgotten all about these.” 


“Probably for the best.” Maya answered coldly.


A short walk later they reached a step down that led into a foyer decorated with intricately carved columns leading to a set of large double doors. Devon pushed them forward and stepped in. The place was unchanged in all the years he was gone. The stacks were still set in orderly rows behind the table where he studied every morning. As he walked toward it he noticed there was a book left open and not put away, something he knew was frowned upon. Vampyr were rather strict about keeping things in order. He turned the cover to reveal its title ‘A History of the Great and Noble Houses of Sanguinar’. The page was turned to the entry ‘House Radcliffe’. Lying next to the leather bound manual was a truesilver hairpin. Devon brought it to his nose. “Honeysuckle.” He recognized the familiar scent and slanted his eyes. He placed it back where he found it.


“So this is what passes for a library here on the prime?” Maya said sarcastically. “It’s cute I guess. The Sunken Fen has sections as large as this and the Grand Library of the capital is just… Well you know. You’ve seen it.”


Devon raised an eyebrow at her but didn’t comment.


“Let’s head into town. I want to take you to ‘The Haven’. It’s the most popular tavern in Sanguinar.”


“Sounds like fun, my lord.” Rayne answered pleasantly. Maya just grumbled.


They made their way back past the stairs and through the parlor.


“Off so soon Dorogoi? (Darling) 


“Just heading to the Night Markets Ria”


“Do you remember the way or would you like me to take you by hand.”


“Not if you wish to keep yours.” Maya threatened.


Ria smirked. “I think I like you. You remind me of my sister. This is going to be quite entertaining.”


Devon glared at the blonde vampyr, his eyes glowing brilliant blue as an unnatural chill filled the room. “Careful Ria.”


“You’re right lover. I apologize.” She said as she smirked. “She’s no Selene. You however are so much like your sire.”


“Plat’ye.” The command caused black leather armor etched with Sanguinari runes and embossed with the sigils of House Radcliffe and Clan Blacklotus to close over his form.


“Not too late, moye serdtse. There is work to do tomorrow.”


Devon turned and left without another word. As he entered the courtyard he paused for a moment. “Do not let her bait you. That’s what she does. She pokes and picks at you until you act rashly. Then she takes advantage of your impulsiveness. Ignore her comments and leave her to me.”


“As you say my lord.” Rayne answered begrudgingly.




“No promises…” She exhaled sharply. “But I’ll try for you my lord. Fair warning though Devon, if she thinks she’s going to sink her fangs into you I’ll rip the teeth from her mouth.”


“There’s my girl. Come… this way.”


They passed beyond the black wrought iron gate, traversing the cobblestone path through the Lady’s ward. Several residents stared at them with confusion. It was an unusual site to see unfamiliar faces leaving the manor without having passed through the area on the way in. However a quick glance at Devon’s armor sated the curiosity of those who didn’t recognize him. Upon passing through the settlement the three found themselves at the entry to the Night Markets. Once again memories flooded his mind, and as he looked at his reflection in the glass of the apothecary, a child walking with his mistress stared back at him. Muscle memory drew him to The Haven, a place he frequented quite often when he lived here. He quickly caught the attention of a serving girl.


“Excuse me young lady but would Mistress Lily happen to be available?” He asked politely.


“Oh I’m not sur…” The sight of his armor stopped her mid sentence. “Nightmaster. I’m certain she’ll see you. If you’ll kindly follow me.” She smiled.


They passed easily through the crowded establishment and around the large crescent shaped bar. They continued a bit further to an elevated deck where Devon knew his friend would be waiting at her private table.


“My Lady. The Nightmaster is here. I brought him to you immediately as you asked.” 


“Very good Drusilla. You can return to your duties.”


“Of course mistress.” She bowed and left.


“Mistress Lily.” Devon smiled. “It’s so good to see you.”


The raven haired vampyr’s eyes twinkled as she stood. “And you child. It’s been far too long. I was beginning to think you’d forgotten all about me.” She said gently embracing him.


“Never. How could ever forget the lady who taught me all there is to know about wine and social etiquette.”


She took a step back. “That’s very kind of you to say Devon, though we both know Selene is the one truly responsible for your good manners despite what the Pale Lady may think.” She winked.  


“Please sit.” She motioned to the empty chairs. 


Devon along with his draconic guard watched Lily sit then followed suit. 


“So Devon. I’m told Sanguinar is yours. How does it feel to go from human foster child to Nightmaster.”


“It’s not the first time the Pale Lady has positioned me here. Even so it feels a bit surreal. Living in the same home as Ria again could be a bit of a challenge.”


“I’m sure… I wouldn’t say it to Selene but… I honestly believe Ria’s infatuation with you was honest and not just her trying to instigate trouble… at least toward the end of it.”


Devon thought back to the day Selene returned to find Ria readying to embrace him. It was not a good day for either of them. “It was a very confusing time for me. I was never quite sure if the feelings were mine or just the effects of her blood.”


“Yes well it would have been difficult for you then… Selene’s celerity protects you from her wiles now.” She paused for a moment. “Oh Devon. I must apologize. What a terrible host I’ve been to not offer you and your friends refreshment. Why not go behind the bar and pick something nice out.”


Devon’s face lit up like a kid given the keys to a candy store. He hopped to his feet and Maya instinctively stood to follow. “It’s ok darlin. Just walking a few feet over there. You’ll be able to see me the entire time. Relax. I’ll be back in a minute.”


Maya scowled but sat back down though she did not take her eyes off of him..


“There’s a good lad. And Devon, have Adeline bring some food. How long has it been since you’ve had shashlyk? Tell her to bring solyanka and some blini as well.”


“Of course Mistress Lily.”


The charming vampyr smiled, the sparkle in her eyes displayed her obvious affection for him. As soon as he was out of earshot her smile faded and she turned her attention to the dragons. “I can only assume it’s your queen who forced him to trail you along. As you may have already noticed he’s quite safe here. I can assure you your presence is not needed.”


His queen is of a different opinion and he does not seem to mind, so here we are.” Rayne countered.


“Obviously. Just a friendly word of advice. He is responsible for you while you are. Do be mindful of that fact lest you provoke additional sanctions against him.”


“Allow me to offer my own advice in return. Don’t do anything to warrant a reaction from us and there won’t be any … complications. We are here to protect him and protect him; we will… from anyone or any thing.” Maya said with some menace in her tone.


“So you’re his left hand. I wonder if your queen recognizes the significance of such a thing. Probably not or she’d be less likely to send you away with him.”


“It was his choice as to who accompanied him. There are others. There will be others.” Rayne replied.


“Oh joy. I’ll look forward to meeting them all.”


Devon approached the bar and a red headed barkeep caught sight of him. She smiled as he drew near. “By the goddess… Devon.” She reached across the counter and grabbed him by the back of his head and kissed his cheek. “How long has it been? Three years?”


“Something like that Addy. May I?” He asked before crossing behind the bar.


“Of course. The usual?” 


“That’d be great.” 


She grabbed a carafe containing feteasca neagră, a sweet wine, deep red in color with ruby shades and a black currant flavour and poured him a glass. 


He grabbed a bottle of the same vintage and placed it on the counter. “Oh and Addy, Lily would like some shashlyk brought over and bowls of solyanka and some blini if it’s not too much trouble.”


“Not at all. So… are you going to tell me about the hand?” 


He looked back to see Maya eyeing him with a cold stare. “Another time perhaps. I’ll be in town for a while.”


“Sounds good. I’ll look forward to getting together.” She said before heading off to fill his order.


Devon made his way back to the table and poured 3 more glasses. 


“You seem quite familiar with the barmaid my lord.” Maya sneered.


“Oh. Addy? Yeah. I’ve known her since I was a kid.”


“Selene would bring him here when he wasn’t training,” Lily explained. “He’d often help out behind the bar when his sisters brought him along. Adeline spent many long hours with him. Didn’t she Devon?”


“Yeah she’s great.” He agreed, sipping his wine.


Maya raised an eyebrow but didn’t respond.


A short while later the food arrived and Devon was excited to once again have the opportunity to enjoy some home cooked food. “It’s fantastic.” He complimented after tasting the soup.


“And easy to eat with one hand. I still can’t believe Claire would do such a thing. You are one of her favorites.”


“I don’t believe she wanted to, but we both know the laws of Sanguinar are harsh. I put her and Kasha in a tough place. Believe me, as bad as it seems it could have gone far worse.”


“I don’t see how.” Maya commented.


Lily’s smile was as fake as it was bright. “That’s because you never lived in Sanguinar. The mere fact she took his right hand should tell you all you need to know. Had she been truly angry she’d have demanded his left.”


“Yeah I thought the same thing.” he said reaching for some blini coated in apple jam.


“Is this your final stop of the night?” Lily asked.


“I thought I might drop in on Miss Rosalie for tea and sweet cake.”


“An excellent idea my boy. I’m happy to see you remember your old haunts and have the good manners to visit.” Lily said pleasantly.


“Thank you Mistress Lily. I still remember what you said about Zane and how he knows better than to not drop in. I’d hate to be thought of as disrespectful.”


“Well it’s good to hear Devon. I’m impressed. That was what… twenty five years ago?” She said with genuine appreciation. “I must say, it’s good to see you, even for a short while.”


“Oh you’ll be seeing quite a bit of me. Six moons worth at least.”


Lily grinned. “At least.”

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Part 2



The next day, Devon woke to see Maya staring at him from a comfortable chair cut from heartwood and cushioned with black silk. Rayne was still asleep next to him. 


“Good morning my lord.” The sun had just come up and Maya already seemed perturbed.


“Good morning Maya. Is there a reason you’re up so early?” 


“Well someone had to make sure you didn’t just shimmer away.”


He motioned to Rayne’s leg that was draped over his own. “I don’t think I was going anywhere.”  


The bronze dragon’s sea green eyes flickered open. “Not without me my lord.”


“Don’t you two think you’re taking this protection thing a little serious?”


“Or is it that you aren’t taking it serious enough?” Maya snapped back.


“It’s going to be a long six moons.”


“On that we agree.” Maya said with a curl of her lip.


“What’s on the agenda today?” Rayne asked.


“I’m going to head down to the audience hall. There is an appointment book that keeps a record of all the meetings and scheduled activities. I’d best have a look at it.”


“Very well.” Rayne released her hold on him allowing him to stand.

He made his way to the armoire and picked out some traditional Sanguinari garb. “If you’d like we can do some shopping. Help you two blend a bit.”


“If you wish.” Rayne replied politely.


Maya just stared at him with an incredulous look on her face.


“Come now darlin. You got to dress me in the Boglands, turnabout is fair play.”


“You know I despise you sometimes.”


Rayne laughed at the idea of it.


“Yes. I love you too.” Devon offered back, receiving an icy glare in return.


The trio made their way through the manor and into the audience hall. It was a rather large chamber with high peaked ceilings and large stained glass windows. The floor was set with handworked stone and candelabras accented the magical lighting of wall sconces. Offset in one corner was a lectern intricately carved with a raven in its center and molded with woodworked roses. There was also a heavy wooden door leading to an antechamber that served as an office. Inside was a desk, several cabinets and some shelving along with a few comfortable chairs. An artistically crafted throne sat upon a two step podium heralded by the Raven and Rose standard of House Radcliffe. Claire rarely used it, save for those times she had to entertain grievances from local nobility or receive foreign dignitaries. She mostly preferred to stand in front of the raised platform often near a table where she always seemed to be lighting candles upon his arrival. This room only ever felt cold to Devon. It was the place where he was almost condemned as a child. The memory of Selene biting into his throat shot a wave of euphoria through his body. His heart quickened for a few moments and in that instant he longed for her embrace. That is until the sight of Ria sitting upon the throne with her legs draped over the armrest pulled him from his daydream.


“Good morning Devon.” She squealed. “How’d you sleep? Hope your girlfriends didn’t keep you up too late last night.”


“I don’t find you amusing Ria.” He answered flatly.


“Well then. Perhaps it was an early night, maybe much to your dismay. You know Devon, if it would help your mood, I have a warm place for you in my bedchamber.”


“I think not.” Devon could make out the sharp scent of acid emanating from Maya’s direction.


“Oh well. Care to discuss your hand then and why mother took it? I’m curious as to how you managed to get caught. I thought you were better than that. Selene must be so disappointed.  Tsk, tsk tsk. Have you been neglecting your training? I’m sure living as the concubine to a dragon must have its perks but you should keep your skills sharp. I mean you should probably be planning for the day she discards you. It may not be so far off as you think.”


Maya growled and lunged forward. Devon reached his arm out blocking her advance.


“I didn’t come here to trade barbs with you and I have little tolerance for your instigations. If you have nothing worthwhile to say you’re free to go.”


Ria slowly drew her legs in and rotated her hips, setting her feet on the floor. She dusted off the seat she was just in. “There you go Nightmaster. All yours. If you have any need for me, just ask.”


She sauntered away winking at Maya as she passed by.


“You shared a bed with that?” Maya said with revulsion. “What in creation were you thinking?”


“He was probably thinking what all young men do.” Rayne answered cynically.


“Hey. It’s not like she’s ugly. At least on the outside. Anyway that was a lifetime ago. A different me.”


“Was it though?” Maya asked.


“Really. You too?”


“I’m just saying. The barmaid seemed pretty happy to see you my lord. And it’s been how long?”


“Vampyr are very similar to dragons in that time is seen very differently when you live as long as we do.


“We… as in vampyr or dragons?” She pressed.


“Both. Now if you’re done chastising me I’d like to have a look at that book.”


Devon spent the rest of the day familiarizing himself with the upcoming appointments. The schedule seemed fairly light and he hoped it would remain so for the short time he’d have to be here. “There’s a meeting of the Figureheads in Westport coming up. We can stop in on Mads if you like Maya.”


“So you can frighten the child with your maimed stump? I sincerely doubt she will understand the laws of Sanguinar. I know I don’t.”


“I’ll hide it with a glove ok? Anyhow it doesn’t look like there is anything pressing for me to address just yet so I’m thinking now would be a good time to do some shopping.”


They returned to the markets where they had spent most of last night. Rayne was surprised to see that quite a few of the shops were shuttered during the day. Devon explained that Sanguinar was a sleepy town during the sunlit hours. Even so, many of the better craftspeople did keep daytime hours.


“Here. This shop is one of Charissa’s favorites. I think you’ll appreciate the stylings, Maya.”


The black dragon snorted.


They were greeted upon entry by a middle aged woman with pin straight waist length hair wearing an elegant silk dress. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the raven crest on his chest then to the rose and lotus etchings beneath its outstretched wings. “Young Master Darkstar… Could it truly be you?”


“Hello Madame Vika. It’s been a long time.”


“That it has my young lord. How fares your mistress and your sisters?”


“Quite well thanks. Madame Vika, I’d like your help in selecting some garments for my friends. They’re going to be spending some time with me here in town and I’d like them to be appropriately attired. You’ve dressed my family for more than a century. I’d appreciate your kind assistance.”


“I’d consider it an honor Nightmaster. And congratulations. Selene must be very proud of you.”


“Sometimes.” He grinned. 


“Nonsense. You were far less trouble than many of the nobles expected and have far exceeded even their most optimistic expectations of you.”


“That’s kind of you to say. Madame Vika, may I present my friends Maya and Rayne.” He said, introducing the two dragons.


“Pleased to meet you ladies. May I?” She asked, holding out a measuring tape.


“Of course.” Rayne volunteered first.


The dressmaker fitted her, and took down measurements. Then she had her try on a few styles for fit and aesthetic appearance. Rayne seemed to find the whole process interesting, even enjoyable.


“And you my lady?”


Maya glared at Devon who nodded in the tailor’s directions. She huffed in frustration but allowed the woman to measure her. She reluctantly tried on some garments and much to her surprise decided on a few she felt were not so terrible.


Devon found the whole process quite relaxing, a welcome distraction to all the turmoil of the last few days.


“Shall I deliver the parcels to the manor, Nightmaster?” The proprietor asked.


“Please do.” He said as he paid her. 


They spent the better part of the day walking the town. Devon stopped in on several other businesses purchasing footwear for his escorts. In addition he acquired ink and parchment as well as the reagents he might need to impart his magic upon scrolls.   


With the afternoon well on its way to evening Devon decided it was time to return to the manor. He found Ria waiting for him in the dining hall. She smiled as he entered.


“Devon.” She cooed happily. “ Just in time for supper. I was beginning to wonder if you would hold true to mother’s traditions. She poured him a glass of wine and offered it with an innocent grin.


“Thank you Ria.” He said as he accepted the glass. “I haven’t been gone for so long that I would forget my manners.” 


He brought the glass to his lips and a familiar scent of lilac assailed his olfactory senses. He swallowed the first mouthful and instantly his blood erupted with the sensation of wildfire, the likes of which he had not felt for some time. The reaction was so severe it caused his eyes to blaze bright blue. Ria took a pace back. It was as if Selene’s gaze was staring back at her. 


He struggled with the pain trying to mask his discomfort from his escorts. Fortunately for his former mistress, the time he spent in Glasya’s court trained him to contain his reaction. 


“Ne delay etogo snova. Kogda-libo.” (Don’t do that again. Ever.) He warned. The threatening tone he took wasn’t lost on her thralls nor were his words lost on his escorts.


“Or what?” Travis growled.


Without breaking his gaze from Ria he reached out with his left hand. Lightning flashed from his fingertips striking the lycan in his chest and sending him sprawling across the floor.


“Quiet mutt.”


Rayne paced off to his side readying to take on any of the others should they grow so bold. Maya stepped into Devon’s flank. Ria recognized the movements as her own. In her eyes there was a hint of jealousy.


“What did she do my lord?” Maya asked with a murderous stare falling upon the blonde vampyr.


Ria looked away. “Get him up.” She hissed. “Sorry Devon…” She apologized. “You can’t fault a girl for being curious can you?” She stepped over to a chair to sit for dinner.


The light faded from his eyes as the last of Ria’s venom was expunged from his system. He slid his arm around Maya’s waist. “Nothing darlin. It was nothing.” He led her to the table. “Please sit. Rayne.”


The bronze dragon slowly moved back toward her lord, watching with interest as Ria’s thralls pulled the wounded lycan from the floor. They sat him in a chair.


“Shall I call for a healer?” Randall asked.


Ria looked at Devon. “Nightmaster?”


“The laws of Sanguinar are harsh.” He said flatly.


Ria nodded. “No. He should be grateful he has his life.”


Maya was still fuming. “And just like that we have dinner?” She asked.


Devon smiled and nodded. “Just like that.” 


A server brought the first course to the table. It was a vegetable soup in a red broth.


“Orbán.” Devon addressed the man. “Would you kindly take this away.” He said handing him the goblet of wine Ria had poured for him. And if it’s not too much trouble, return with a bottle from the cellar.”


“Of course my lord.” He bowed.


Sudden realization struck Maya.


“Did she try to poison you?” The black dragon asked accusingly.


“No. Not quite. Let’s just say the vintage was bad.”


Ria feigned insult. “I recall a time when that particular flavor was your favorite.”


“My tastes have changed.” 


“Have they?” She grinned.


Three more courses and a matching number of wine bottles later the meal drew to a close. Devon stood and focused on his former mistress. “No more games Ria. I’m going to ignore your mischief this time. Test me again and you’ll find I’ll not be so forgiving.”


“Congratulations Devon.” She stood in a huff. “You sound just like mother. Enjoy the evening Nightmaster.”


Her thralls moved to leave with her. Travis kept his eyes focused to the floor and his friends followed suit.”


“Do you want to tell me what happened now?” Maya pressed.


“Ria has the Sanguinari gift of seduction. Her blood, bite and tears contain a powerful venom that can act as a love potion. I should have suspected the wine was tainted when I smelled…”


“Lilacs.” Rain interrupted holding the bottle of wine Ria had used to pour him a glass earlier. “The wine smells of lilacs.”


“Yeah. She must have mixed her blood into the wine to see if she could still affect me. My sire’s celerity burned it from my body before it could have any effect. She should have expected it.”


“That cheeky little whore.” Rayne snapped.


“She’ll be a dead whore.” Maya growled. 


“Leave it alone. It’s settled and won’t happen again.”


“What makes you so sure?” Maya questioned.


“Were she to do so again she’d be risking Sanguinari justice. Ria pushes boundaries but always stops short of such violations.”


“And her minions?” Rayne asked.


“They’ll back off now that they know she won’t defend them. They’re only emboldened when they’re sure she’ll protect them. The two lycans are mutts, outcasts from the pack and the vampyr are clanless or as we call caitiff. Without Ria they’re nothing.”


“I still don’t like the fact she would be so bold in front of us. It’s like she was testing us as well.”


“She was. And she was quite surprised to learn you two were taught the dance.”


“How does she?” Rayne began to ask.


“Steps and pacing.” He answered before she finished the question. “I have some scroll work I want to do upstairs. Would you two mind if we skipped the tavern tonight?”


“Not at all my lord.” They answered together.


The remainder of that first week passed quietly.


“We’re going back to Dragon Mountain.” He informed his escorts. “I promised Aliyeah I’d check in.”


“Good.” Rayne said in approval.


“I’m sure you two wouldn’t mind a short respite either.”


“I’m not sure what you mean.” Maya replied in a low reproachful tone.


“What he means is we’re to remain behind when he returns. I believe the Highlord intends to replace us with others.” Rayne sounded almost insulted, quite unusual for the typically friendly and carefree bronze dragon.


“I think not.” Maya hissed.


“Look. I said I was going to allow for all of you to be here at some point. It’s important that all of you know where to find me should I be needed. You two should have no trouble locating me here. I need to familiarize the others.”


“Why not just bring them as well. Your old… I don’t know what to call that shrew… has four escorts. Why should you have any less?”


“You’re dragons. Any one of you is worth more than she can muster in a month’s time. Besides I’d prefer to keep some semblance of a low profile. It’ll only be for a week. Then I’ll bring you back if you so desire to return.”


“I’ve no desire to return because I’m not leaving.” Maya said defiantly.


“Please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be.” Devon asked politely.


Maya glared at him but said nothing.


“Fine we’ll argue about this later.” 


He reached out to his guardians who grasped his hands. They appeared in the parlor of Dragon Mountain. Aliyeah was laying on the couch watching the flickering flames in the fireplace dance about. Her eyes grew wide with excitement at his sudden arrival.


“My queen.” He bowed. Maya and Rayne followed suit.

“You’re back. Good. We need to talk.” She rose to her feet and embraced him. “If you’ll excuse us ladies.”


“Of course my queen.” They said in unison. 


“We’ll be in your office my lord.” Rayne added. 


Once alone Aliyeah began to explain. “There is to be a meeting in two days’ time. You are to be in attendance, It’s very important.”


“May I ask what it’s about.”


“Certainly. But I’m not ready to discuss it with you yet. So please just be back before midday.” 


“As you command my queen. Is everything ok?”


She half smiled. “It will be. Once all this inconvenience is behind us.”

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Part 3

Back on Dragon Mountain

Two days later…..


“That was crap Aliyeah.” Devon was angry and his queen was not accustomed to being on the receiving end of his temper.


“That’s politics my love. Best you get used to it.” She smiled lightly.


“No. That was an embarrassment and down right insulting.”


“I won’t disagree, my love, but occasionally such things occur in governance. Detractors must sometimes be appeased even if in an empty gesture.”


“I’d hardly call a vote of no confidence in my ability to serve as Highlord and an attempt to remove me from my official station an empty gesture.”


“Honestly Devon, for one so intelligent and knowledgeable about the workings of dragon society, you’d think you’d remember that only the Queen of Dragons can make a Highlord and I alone can rescind such a decree. There is no way to remove you from your position in court, well except for your final death, but we won’t be having that now will we?” She joked, trying to lighten the mood.


“I don’t think you’re understanding me. The idea that a vote would even be considered is a slight.” 


“What did you expect from Alizaria and her cronies.”


“I’m not talking about the Chromatics. Alizaria, Emma and Jade… They are what they are. Though I’d like to point out how quickly Sable came out in support of me.”


Aliyeah walked toward him, reaching out as she so often did to drape her arms around his neck. “Well she is rather fond of you.” The Gold Queen was shocked when he separated himself from her with his left hand and stepped away.


“Even Azuria saw through the ridiculousness of the proceeding.”


“I think you’re making a bigger deal of it than it actually is.”


“Really? Care to explain what Kiarra’s problem was? Did she really just say her vote was cast against her better judgement?”


“I guess her concerns about your physical condition gave her pause. I wouldn’t read into it. She did say your history spoke for you. She has supported you from the start and has always been a friend.”


“My physical condition? I am temporarily without a hand…” He was becoming increasingly more frustrated. “…and by choice I might add. I can replace it in a moment with as little effort as it would take for her to yawn at the thought that I would be unable to perform my duties. I still possess my magic and am I better combatant with one blade than most capable of using two. I would also have you know that my hand has nothing to do with my ability to speak, communicate and command the 6th Flight. I don’t see why such a big deal is being made of it.” 


“Dragons have an inherent anxiety about such things my love. The idea that you would refuse to heal it has brought your sensibilities into question… if not your loyalty.” She crossed her arms.


“Is that so?” Devon seethed. “Tell me then my queen,” His expression growing grimmer still, “Do you have reservations about my loyalty?”


Aliyeah blinked in disbelief that he could even ask such a thing. She wore a wounded look. “Of course not.” She stepped toward him again reaching for his hand, grasping it in hers. “Devon. Listen to me. It was nothing to be concerned with. Even had the entire council voted to remove you, I would have thanked them for their advice and sent them on their way. You’d still be Highlord. How many times must I tell you that it was simply a formality to appease Alizaria.” She released his hand and sighed. “This is why I didn’t tell you about it two days ago. I was afraid you’d react poorly had you known in advance.”


“Really? So that was your reasoning for shutting me out. Perhaps if I had had known I might have had more thoughtful replies prepared.”


Aliyeah was starting to get annoyed. “Well perhaps if you spent more time here you would have been better informed. I’m sure Cam or Michaela would have told you. In fact, were you here more, none of this would have even happened.” She glared at him.


“You know…” He began in a softer tone. “That’s the second time I’ve been told such a thing by the people who mean the most to me.” He shook his head. His voice hinted at some repressed sadness. “Maybe I’m better served living where my life isn’t planned by everyone around me. Where expectations of me are simple.” 


People you care about most? You mean to include me in the company of the psychotic vampire that took your hand?”


“Vampyr… She’s been a mother to me.” Devon cautioned.


“An abusive mother if you must name her as such. What kind of mother maims their child then forces them to live with the injury when it is absolutely unnecessary to do so.” Aliyeah had begun to raise her voice. “She’s controlling and manipulative.”


“Pot… kettle.”


How dare you!” She fumed.


Devon shook his head and turned to leave. “I’ve duties elsewhere my queen. I’ll return in a few days if it pleases you.”


He took three steps toward the door before she spoke.


“Highlord! Do not walk away from your queen. You have not been dismissed.” She commanded. Aliyeah was breathing heavy. This was going bad. She knew she needed to fix it before he left. 


Devon paused midstep. His heart’s pace quickened as his sire’s celerity sent his blood rushing through his body. He turned to face her, eyes blazing blue as the Raven Queen’s cold breath filled the room..


“And save that look for someone who cares.” She scolded him in a lower tone.


Devon closed his eyes for a moment then took a deep breath to collect himself. When his eyes opened they were the emerald green she fell in love with some fifteen years ago.


“I’m sorry Aliyeah.” He said ashamed. “I forgot myself.”


The gold dragon nodded. “I believe we both have…” She offered in contrition. “Now…” She said, as she gently took his hand again. “…Listen to me and listen well. I understand you’re upset about the farce of a proceeding you just went through and probably more so that I didn’t tell you in advance of it. For that I’m sorry. I do love you Devon and… dragons…” She sighed. “…dragons can be a tad possessive at times.” Her expression seemed to morph from angry queen to that of an apologetic child. “Myself included. And sometimes that causes me to react in ways which I see as protective that you may not agree with. I’m ok with the discussion. But please. Never walk away from me in anger.”


He stepped toward her and she draped her arms around his neck. “Agreed?”


He nodded. “Agreed my queen.”


She rested her head into his shoulder. “Are you ready for a thousand years of this?” She asked with a grin.


He smiled back. “Good question… Are you?” He leaned in and kissed her.


“I’ll manage.” She smirked. 




Some days later…


“Cassie I’m going for a walk down to the lycan encampment.”


“Correction my lord… We will be taking a walk.” She smiled.


“Of course.” He smirked.


Vignette stood. “Do you like these creatures my lord?”


“Yeah. Why would you ask?”


“It seems many of the local residents don’t share your affinity for them. I feel like they see them as… How could I explain… kobolds perhaps. You know… lesser.”


“There are those among the vampyr who feel that way I guess. But really it’s not much different than dragons. Despite having differences, dragons are dragons.” 


“I see. So the vampyr are better, much like blue dragons. And the lycans are comparable to The White Flight?”


Cassie grinned.


“No. That’s not what I’m saying… They’re the same, just a little different. Their abilities and looks are different but they’re all still Sanguinari.”   


“Seems confusing… And if I may inquire my lord, this leader of theirs that we’re going to see… Who is she?”


“She’s their Alpha, that’s like their queen. Her name is Kasha. She’s known as the white wolf.”


White wolf… I think I understand.”


“I’m certain you don’t.” Cassie grinned again. 


Devon shook his head amused. He led them from the manor, down the cobblestone path and into town. They walked quietly, barely drawing any attention at all. It appeared that the locals had grown accustomed to seeing the Nightmaster and his escorts. Some of the friendlier folk would nod in acknowledgement while others would simply look away disinterested. As they strolled along the wolf trail Devon could sense they were being watched. The Blindsight of his guardians had caused them to notice too.


“We’re not alone my lord.” Vignette offered warily.


“It’s ok. The wolf shifter scouts are no threat to us.”


“I didn’t say they were. Only that we’re not alone.” The blue dragon replied coolly. 


As they broke from the path and into the encampment they were hailed by two lycan guardsmen who greeted Devon. They exchanged pleasantries and the guards offered to walk with them toward the Alpha’s cabin. They continued making small talk with him but once the group arrived at their destination, they nodded and moved on. Devon reached the top of the stair and could see Kasha sitting by the fire talking with Seraphyne. The Alpha Wolf bid him enter with a wave. 


“Greetings Darkstar.” She said as she stood. She eyed his armor uncomfortably before her attention moved to his escorts. “Are you here on business Nightmaster?”


“No Kasha. Just a friend… and a member of your pack if you will still have me.”


The platinum blonde haired wolf shifter’s demeanor softened as she smiled brightly. “Of course pup. I have not forgotten the boy who saved my life nor would I ever turn away the man he has become.” She embraced him and kissed his cheek. “And you still have this.” She gently stroked the fetish he wore pierced into his left ear. The back of her fingers softly brushed against his head.


“A gift I have treasured since the day it was given.”


Kasha seemed pleased to hear him say so.


“Kasha, these are my friends. Cassie and Vignette. I thought I’d introduce them to you and check to see how you fared.”


“Your guardians. Well met Ladies. Please sit. All of you.”


“Thank you.” He bowed slightly. “Hello Seraphyne.” He smiled.


The fair skinned wolf shifter grinned, “Devon.”,  and winked at him.


Devon took a cushion near the fire and his allies did as well.


“As for me.” Kasha began. “I’m quite well. There is peace between us and the horde and our alliance has been strengthened despite the chieftain’s disagreement with your… removal of his artifact. He does not hold us responsible.”


“I’m glad to hear that and again I’m sorry for the inconvenience put upon you.”


“You did what you needed to pup. I’m ok with it. I understand.” She looked mournfully at his missing hand. “As I hope you understand and forgive me for doing what I needed to as well.”


“There is nothing to forgive. I could have killed him. I chose not to. I bear the consequence of that decision. No one else.”


There was a shine of pride in her eyes as he spoke. “Still I didn’t expect the Pale Lady would…” She glanced at the dragons who were obviously uncomfortable and paused. “It’s good to have you home pup. You’ve been missed.” 


“It’s nice to be back for a bit, circumstances such as they are.”


“How has Ria adjusted?” She said with an almost giddy interest.


“She’s Ria. Though I think her thralls still don’t like me.”


“Mutts and Caitiff.” Kasha shook her head. Her voice was heavy with derision. “I remember a time when such things would never be tolerated. If they are uncomfortable having you at the manor all the better. Remember Devon, the laws of Sanguinar are harsh. You need not show them any leniency on my account.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”


The social call lasted the better part of the day before Devon decided to return to the manor. He hugged Seraphyne and then embraced Kasha closely.


“Be careful pup.” She spoke in worgen. “I do not trust the forces that pull upon you. Should you need me, I am here.”


“Thanks.” He smiled and broke away.


As they left the encampment Vignette asked. “Was she cross with you for bringing us?”


“No. Why?”


“I heard her growling in your ear. I hope that was not meant as a threat.”


“She was speaking worgen, the language of wolves.”


“I did not know you could speak this tongue. My queen Azuria never mentioned it.”


“I don’t let on that I do.”


“What did she say?” Cassandra asked with some concern.


“She said to be careful and that if I needed her she would come to my aid.”


“I can’t imagine you would have such a need with me around.” Vignette replied.


“It was just a friendly gesture. Town politics.”


“She said you saved her life as a boy?” Cassie inquired.


“I did. Sanguinari do not forget their debts, neither of gratitude or vengeance. A life saved is a life owed and only life may pay for death. That is the law.”


“Interesting. More so than I expected.” Vignette said with a shrug.


“Well if you’re really curious I can take you to the library where the law librams are kept.”


“Hmm.” Vignette grinned. “Not that interesting.”


Devon chuckled. “Yeah I figured as much.”



The following week Devon decided it was time he made an appearance at the Magister’s tower. Were he going alone he’d have thought nothing of shimmering directly to the common room on the seventh floor where he spent a good deal of his youth, however, having Maya and Rayne along with him he felt it only proper that he instead arrive outside and announce himself. He wasn’t afraid that the magister would be upset with him considering his current state of affairs but wanted to extend the respect she so rightfully deserved. His escorts placed their hands on his shoulders and with a hazy fade from view they were gone. They reappeared in Westport just outside the tower. A cursory look around reminded him of the damage that had been recently wrought on the town. He was pleased to see repairs had begun and seemed further along then he expected. He attributed the quickened pace of reconstruction to Stallac’s assistance. He knew his friend was in town helping rebuild. Devon knocked on the door and a few moments later an apprentice answered. 


“Lord Darkstar.” He said with a start. “I didn’t expect you’d be using the door. Please come in.”


“Thanks Irnas. I didn’t want to startle the magister with unexpected company.”


The young apprentice smiled. “It’s rather the opposite my lord. The magister has been expecting you’d have arrived sooner.” His eyes warily met those of Devon’s companions. “And in the company of others.” He seemed to relax as he recognized Rayne and Maya. “Please.” He motioned to the stairwell. “You know the way.”


“I do. Thanks.”


Devon made his way up the seven flights of stairs and into the foyer of the great room that was used as a common sitting area. Holly was talking with Asheara when he stepped in. Immediately her eyes were drawn to him. She seemed to hold his gaze a moment too long causing Asheara to stop mid sentence and turn her head to see what had distracted her friend.


“Devon.” Holly called out as she stood. “I had no idea you’d be visiting. Is everything ok?”


“Yeah. I’ve settled in, back at the manor. Ria’s not happy but I didn’t expect she would be.”


He met her halfway into the room and they embraced. He could smell the seaspray of the clean ocean air in her hair and the soft scent of citrus coming off the nape of her neck. For a moment he was a teen again and his blood rushed with affection for her. He could hear her heart’s pace quicken as well. “It’s good to see you Holly.”


She broke away and smiled. “You too. She reached for his right hand. Still haven’t fixed this huh?”


“No. I’ve been commanded not to.”


“By who? Lady Radcliffe? Who gives an orc’s booger what she says. You don’t live there anymore. Why should you listen to anything she says?”


“Precisely the point we’ve been trying to make.” Maya agreed.


“He can be quite stubborn where they’re concerned.” Rayne added.


“Ridiculous Sanguinari customs…” She frowned. “I wouldn’t stand for it.” She smirked.


“Well isn’t that interesting.” The bronze dragon smiled.


Maya scowled. “On that we agree Holly.” 


“Did Jarath come with?” Asheara asked, looking hopefully around.


“No. I’m sure by now he’s sitting in the Gardens of Opulent Splendor, back at the Bastion, enjoying a pipe with not a care in the world.”


“I don’t believe that. I like to think that his thoughts trail here more often than you give him credit for.”


“I bet you do.” Maya mumbled under her breath.


“Come sit. Magister Crowley should be back soon. Let me put up some tea.” Holly offered.


She led Devon by the arm to the couches with his escorts following close behind. Suddenly a high pitched squeal of excitement erupted from an opening door as little Madalyn rushed out of the bedroom and threw herself at Devon.


“Devon!!!!” She screamed with delight as he spun her around in the air. Alayne looked on from the doorway and sighed with a smile playing across her face. He eased the child to the floor who then immediately curtsied and grinned. “Hello Auntie Maya.” She said brightly then jumped into her arms as well.


Auntie Maya?” Rayne teased.


<You’ll find it hard to keep that bronze skin tan when I freeze you into a block of ice.”> The black dragon jokingly threatened in draconic. 


“Miss Holly. I think Auntie Maya is hungry. Her tummy is growling again.”


The adults in the room laughed and even Maya fought back a chuckle brought on by the young girl’s innocent remark. 


“May I sit next to Devon?” She asked as she absentmindedly reached for his hand only to find it missing. She looked back confused then leaned in to make sure her eyes weren’t mistaken. “Where’s your hand?” A look of genuine concern flooded her face. She looked to Maya. “How did he get hurt?”


Maya glared at Devon then sighed. “Come little one.” Maya sat on the couch next to Devon and drew Mads up on her knee. “You know Devon is…” She was looking for the right words to explain. “You know he…” She looked to Rayne for help. The bronze dragon knelt next to the child.


“Hello Little one. My name is Rayne… Mads is it?”


The little girl nodded. She looked like she was fighting back tears.


“Well Mads, I’m sure you know Devon is a great hero right?”


She nodded again.


“And sometimes heroes are called to do dangerous things to protect other people.” She looked back to Maya who continued.


“Well Devon had to find a very dangerous magic item and take it away from the people who had it because they didn’t understand how much harm it could cause. Devon knew they would end up hurting themselves or others with it so he had no choice but to make sure they didn’t. He was successful and brought it somewhere safe where no one could use it to hurt anyone again.”


“Ok. So what happened to his hand?”


“Well the person he took it from was a powerful lord who became very angry that Devon did what he did.”


“Yeah but Devon was only doing what was right to help people.”


“I know little one.” Rayne answered. “But adults don’t always see things in such simple terms. So the lord went to Devon’s homeland and said bad things about him.”


The child began to get angry. “Who would dare say bad things about Devon? Auntie Maya, I think we need to have a talk with this lord.” 


The black dragon grinned. I would like nothing more than to have a few moments alone with him Mads, but sadly I’m not allowed.” She side eyed Devon.


Madalyn huffed then said, “I’m still confused. How did all this cause him to lose his hand?”


“When the ruler of Devon’s homeland heard what happened she became quite angry. She wasn’t mad that Devon had done a good thing only that he had been caught doing it.”


“That doesn’t make any sense either. Why would she care?” The child asked.


“Why indeed?” Maya asked, glaring at Devon. “So to appease the lord and as punishment for being a hero she cut his hand off.”


“That makes no sense?! Why didn’t you stop her?!” Mads yelled.


“No it doesn’t sweetling and sadly he had left me behind, so I couldn’t protect him. But as Devon so often likes to say, “The laws of Sanguinar are harsh.”


“Well I’m never going there.” She turned to look at Devon. “And you shouldn’t either.”


“Hmm.” Holly thought aloud. “From the mouth of babes…”


“Ok so she cut his hand off. Can’t he fix it?” Mads looked at Holly and then Devon. “With all the powerful magic people here, no one can heal it?”


Maya grinned mischievously at her lord. “Oh no Mads. Holly can fix it. The magister can fix it. Asheara can fix it. He has friends who are powerful priests and they can fix it. Devon can even fix it himself. He chooses not to.”


“What?! Why?!” She looked at Devon. “Why won’t you fix it?”


“I will. I’m just waiting.”


“Waiting for what?” She asked.


“It’s not that simp…” He began before Maya cut him off.


“He’s waiting for the bad lady who hurt him to say it’s ok.”


“Why would he do that?”


“A very good question Mads.” Maya grinned.


“Devon. You’re hurt. You should heal your hand.” She started to sniffle. “What if you get into a fight and can’t protect yourself. You could end up dead like my dad.” The little girl was becoming visibly upset.


“Thanks Maya.” Devon snapped. 


“Don’t be mad at your her because you’re being a dumb head.” Mads scolded him. She had an annoyed look behind her tears. 


“Mads!” Alayne corrected her daughter. “That’s enough.”


Devon raised his hand. “It’s ok Alayne. She’s not wrong.”


“Auntie Maya don’t you think he should fix it?”


“I do Mads.”


The six year old glared angrily at Devon. “Then you should listen to your queen!”


“How does she know Aliyeah?” Rayne asked as Maya smirked.


“I will Mads. I promise. Very soon. Until then I’m well protected. Maya and Rayne will keep me safe.”


“You’ll look after him Auntie Maya?”


“Of course child. He has several of us protecting him now. He’s never alone anymore. Queen’s orders.”


“Is she a dragon also?” Mads whispered through a cupped hand into Maya’s ear as she looked at Rayne. 


“She is. And very powerful too. She’s a close friend who cares for Devon the same as us.”


“Good.” She reached over and grabbed Devon by his face and squeezed. “And you do what your queen tells you from now on.” Her eyes were squinty and her brow furrowed.


“Yes princess.” 


She leaned across Maya and hugged him.


Devon eyed the black dragon who sat grinning widely, quite pleased with herself. Her expression was much like a cat who had swallowed a bird.


“I’m sorry Devon. She shouldn’t have…” Alayne began to apologize.


“No it’s fine. I’ve been hearing a lot of the same lately.”


“And he’ll keep hearing until we’re sure he gets it.” Maya said through a curled lip.


With that Magister Crowley appeared. “Devon. So nice of you to make time for a visit. You must have been so busy for it to take three weeks before you came to call. Oh I’m sorry. Do I address you as Nightmaster now?”


“No ma’am. That’s not necessary.” He answered rather sheepishly.


“Well come on boy. Let’s have a hug. Do you expect an old woman to stand all day?”


“No magister.” he stood with a smile. He hugged her and it was clear to his dragon escorts this woman loved him like a son.


“Tsk Tsk. Haven’t healed that hand yet huh?”


“The laws of…”


“Ahhhh” She said waving her hands in annoyance. “Don’t say it.” The magister pursed her lips like she had just sucked on a lemon. “She’s a real piece of work that Pale Lady of yours.” She shook her head annoyed. “And she dares to call you her child.” She huffed and looked at his escorts. “May I assume that we’ll be setting three extra plates for dinner?”


“That would be most kind magister.” Devon bowed.


“Very well. You heard the boy Holly. Three more guests.”


“Yes ma’am.” She smiled.


She looked at his hand and shook her head again.


“I did the same thing.” Mads said to the old archmage.


Smiles broke out about the room again.


The magister looked at the small girl with appreciation. “Well that just proves you’re smarter than he is child.” She grinned at Devon. “Nice to have you home my boy.”

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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Part 4



A few days later Devon was walking through the manor when he reached the ballroom and happened upon Ria and her thralls. It appeared to him like she was struggling to teach them how to dance. The lycans’ steps were clumsy and out of sync while the vampyr seemed more interested in attempting to woo her through provocative gyration than practicing real dance movements. She looked nearly exasperated and for a moment he felt bad for her. The sight drew him back to when he was a younger man and she had trained him while Selene was away. Curiously enough he found it to be a rather fond memory. For a moment he almost missed her company. For all her faults and duplicity she was largely misunderstood by her sisters. Only the Pale Lady seemed to respect her ability and value her particular skill set. He had stopped and begun to retreat when she noticed he was there and called to him.


“Devon!” The high pitched squeal cut through Maya’s nerves like a razor. “Please come in. I’d love for the Nightmaster to join us if he can spare the time.” She said in a voice so sweet it made the black dragon’s teeth hurt.


“I didn’t mean to disturb you Ria. I apologize if I’ve interrupted your lesson.” He said sincerely. Devon had been brought up to respect training and had no intention of becoming a distraction. 


“Nonsense moye serdtse. (my heart) Please.” She motioned for him to enter.


Maya narrowed her eyes and sneered. She did nothing to mask her disdain of the blonde haired vampyr. Even Rayne wore a skeptical expression as her gaze moved from Ria to her thralls and back. Despite their trepidation, once Devon stepped into the room they did not protest. The looks on the faces of his former mistress’s vampyr and lycans did however. They always gave Devon the impression that they saw him as a rival for Ria’s affection if not a threat to their new found ascendance in Sanguinari society. Ria smiled broadly as he drew near. Her thralls had stepped away, huddled around two chairs. They were whispering to themselves about how they could easily handle the Nightmaster if not for his draconian entourage. Devon laughed at the idea. He found it especially amusing that they could possibly even think he couldn’t hear them. Perhaps they wanted him to. Is it possible they would be so bold?. Ria must have heard them too. She turned her head in their direction. Her playful grin faded and just for a moment she reminded him of Selene. He could see how they were once so similar. So close. He also knew the history between his two feuding mistresses and the cause of their schism. A few steps in, Maya moved off to his left side nearest her thralls while Rayne edged off to his right. Their synchronized movements were not lost on Ria. 


“Looks like you’ve had better luck at it than me. I’ve been trying to instruct these four in my dance style for months but sadly they’ve proven less than coordinated. I expected Christian and Travis to have a difficult time of it. Lycan dance is reserved for debaucherous celebration and animalistic rituals. Sadly Randall and Thomas have proved no better. I guess that’s what I get for taking on low borns. They lack the finesse and education of our vampyr nobility.” 


“Yeah well he’s a human. So what does that make him besides slow and weak.” Travis growled.


Ria’s eyes twinkled with blue light. “He was. No more. Yet even then he managed to kill a rabid mutt named Baraek. Did I mention he was a human boy of barely fifteen? I was there when Selene returned with him.” She smiled. Devon didn’t move as she ran her fingers over his shoulder, “He’d been badly bitten here.” and down to his forearm, “And torn open here.” Her fingers found his chest. “Claws had ripped his armor open to rend the flesh here.” She slid them across his abdomen. “Here as well.” Her touch was soft, almost sensual. 


Maya sneered and growled as Rayne shifted uncomfortably. 


Ria curled her lip. “He was an apprentice out on his first assignment with his mistress. Devon’s since become a skilled slayer. Tell me Travis. What might he do to you, right now, if provoked?”


The lycan grew silent. 


She winked at Devon. “Perhaps you four would like to see how real death dancers hone their craft.”


“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” Devon interjected with heavy skepticism. 


“What harm could come of it?” 


“He’s probably forgotten the steps and doesn’t want to be embarrassed.” Randall jeered. 


The hand that had rested on his abdomen slid to his hip. Her eyes locked into his as a wide smile worked across her face. “Muzyka.” She commanded and a malachite stone erupted with the sound of Sanguiari folk song. Devon’s dragon escorts knew the tune. They had danced it with him hundreds of times. Maya grew more angry while Rayne almost seemed interested to see him dance it with the person who taught him. 


“Cassie’s going to be sorry she missed this.” The bronze dragon announced.


Maya glared at her with disapproval. 


“No tricks Ria. I’m warning you.” Devon cautioned her. 


She bit the bottom of her lip in excitement. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Just a dance. You have my word.”


He nodded and she slinked behind him, her left hand never leaving his hip as he her right amorously ran across his chest. “Ready?” She whispered in his ear.


He reached behind himself positioning his hand on her hip. 


“Mmmmm” She cooed and they began. Ria rolled out just far enough away to separate herself from him but close enough to not break his contact with her. She stepped back into him and his hand found hers. She spun and dipped past him as he braced her descent then drew her up and into him. She turned away from him, moving a pace forward, then, without looking behind her, fell back. He caught at the waist as she reached back caressing his face.


The lycans sniffed at the air as the acerbic odor of acid wafted through the ballroom. Maya’s acrimonious expression mirrored the scent and her eyes grew cold and angry. She locked in on Ria ready to react to the slightest indication from her lord that she should intervene. The black dragon was more than prepared to involve herself even without such signal should her concern for him overwhelm her self control. 


Rayne in contrast followed the steps with keen interest. Though the movements were amorous in design, she didn’t share Maya’s disdain for the display. She was familiar with the dance so she wasn’t offended by the liberties Ria took with her hands. What did surprise her was Devon’s lack of discomfort with the provocative style. She’d always known him to be modest, particularly by draconic standards but yet he allowed this woman to crawl all over him without the least bit of embarrassment. She was at the same time excited and shocked. She knew Aliyeah would not approve of the spectacle but trusted in her lord that he would control the situation or signal a need for assistance should it arise.


They continued to dance in harmonious synchronicity, each motion more intricate than the last with the style becoming more and more sensual. Their bodies would press together then slide apart. More than once it seemed as if their faces would brush against each other. Ria’s technique required her to get as close as she could. When translated into combat that meant moving within the safe zone of her opponent. As far as Maya was concerned there was nothing safe about this exposition. Ria twirled away yet still maintained her hold of Devon’s hand then leaned back raising her leg high above her head. As she slowly brought it down Devon caught her ankle. She spun into him as he rolled her leg wrapping it just below her waist, positioning herself firmly against him, their lips barely a breath apart. She unwound, spinning on one leg before falling against him again. She ran the palms of her hands down his face, following across his throat. Her expression was one surreal pleasure lost in the erotic rapture of the dance.


“If you’re gonna bed him, do it already!” Travis barked. “What does this performance have to do with combat training?”


Ria looked back at Devon holding his eyes as if silently asking for his permission to do something. He must have understood because he nodded. She winked and smiled spinning away but still holding his hand. She waved her thralls forward. 


“Why not advance and find out. If you’re not afraid to take a beating.” She goaded the wolf shifter.


Devon knew what Maya would do if the wolf attacked. She had already drawn closer to them. Her apprehension was palpable. He shook his head ‘no’ halting her mid step much to her displeasure.


The lycan took the bait and rushed them. He dove at Devon who stepped nonchalantly out of the way. The wolf shifter fell to the floor with a thud and scrambled to find his feet. He charged again. A moment before impact Ria tugged at Devon, pulling her dance partner out of his grasp. The lycan drove past his target snatching at air. He tumbled forward striking his face hard into the floor when his feet tangled and tripped over the leg Devon had intentionally dragged behind him.


“Anyone else?” Ria asked with a joy she had not felt in years.


Christian pulled Travis from the ground while the two vampyr circled the dancers. Randall struck first only to have Devon slap his arm away while Ria drove a knee into his abdomen knocking the wind from him. Thomas slashed with a clawed hand over reaching his target. Devon had paced into him striking him in the throat with an elbow. Ria who had dipped and swung low, swept his feet, dropping the off balanced vampyr with a resounding crash. 


Ria laughed with glee, openly mocking her thralls and enraging the lycans. Travis spit blood and growled threateningly. Christian was flashing teeth in anger. The two lycans shifted, transforming into large wolves. The dancers stood wide apart making for a rather sizable target. When the wolves leapt they pulled into each other blading themselves between the two lycans reducing their frames to a single person’s width. The beasts skittered past them. An instant later the two vampyr engaged again. Ria exploded outward from her compressed position striking Randall hard in the jaw. His eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped to the ground. Devon had slid under the incoming attack of Thomas driving an elbow sharply into his gut then yanking him from his feet by his ankle, slamming him into the floor. They spun, returning to each other resting back to back. Devon reached behind him grasping the rear of her thigh with his hand while her fingers rested lightly on his hip. The wolves stalked them clockwise waiting for an opening to attack again. The dancers stood still, each trusting the other to see what they could not themselves. Christian, the brown wolf, lunged, snapping with a mouth full of sharp teeth. Devon squeezed Ria’s leg and she instinctively stepped back and twisted, creating a space for him to recoil into. The wolf missed. Devon followed through the shift driving his knee into the side of his head. The lycan dropped and lay motionless. Travis threw himself at the Nightmaster who was now fully exposed to his angle of attack. Devon, expecting the assault ducked allowing Ria to roll over his back and meet the black wolf with a knee of her own careening him into a table that crumbled under his weight. Thomas scrambled to his feet. Ria’s eyes widened as the sound of a blade being drawn caught her attention. She hooked her leg around Devon’s and rotated her body forward. As she did, she freed his kukri from its sheath and slashed into the oncoming vampyr slamming his wrist hard with the flat of the blade, striking the dagger from his hand. The weapon flashed up and she just nicked the bottom of his chin drawing blood. The shock of surprise painted on his face lasted only long enough for Devon to spin Ria around, cradling her in his arms and kicking the stunned vampyr square in the head. His legs turned to jelly and he fell.


Ria had wrapped her arms affectionately around his neck and rested her head into his shoulder. She could feel the warmth of his body as she pressed lips against his throat. It took all her self control not to sink her teeth into him. Devon could feel her sharp breath against his skin but trusted she meant to keep her word. He held her close, carrying her to the edge of the dance floor before setting her gently down. As she found her feet she gazed into his eyes, memories flooding her mind too and she smiled. She leaned in and whispered, “Thank you.” as she carefully returned his weapon to its proper place on his belt.


Devon bowed. “The honor was mine mistress.”


The blonde haired vampyr blushed for a moment, just long enough for her mischievous smirk to return. “Class dismissed.” She announced coldly to the thralls shakily rising from the ground. “Perhaps now you will take training more seriously. Be grateful the Nightmaster is kind and handled you gently. I can assure you at a quarter of your years he endured much worse. And as you say Travis, he was just a human.”


The thralls grumbled and groaned but did not offer any remark or retort.


Ria reached out with her hand and softly touched his face. She kissed his cheek then turned to leave without another word, trailing her unsteady thralls behind her.


Devon watched her exit. When his attention returned to his escorts he was met by Maya’s angry scowl and a rather accusatory stare from Rayne.


“What the hells was that?” Maya demanded exhaling frosty air from flared nostrils.


“Dancing darlin, not a big a deal. She asked politely. In fact I’m rather surprised, dare I say pleased with her good manners.”


“Is that how you’d describe it? She was crawling all over like the whore Selene says she is.” Maya hissed.


“She did take quite a few liberties, I mean, I’m sorry my lord, but it was quite obvious by the level of comfort you two showed with each other that you and Ria had been intimate.”


“Intimate? You mean lovers don’t you Rayne? I’m not so sorry to say, my lord, that it looked as if you were about to have a go at her right there on the floor.” Maya’s tone was stiff and cold.


“Really? I’ve trained you both in some of the very same moves.”


“That’s different.” Maya countered.


“Oh yeah?”


“Yeah. We’re not trying to steal you from our queen. You do remember your queen don’t you?”


“Of course. Don’t be ridiculous. You didn’t seem to have a problem with me dancing with the handmaidens in Sable’s court.”


“Why would I? There was no potential for impropriety while you were in my company. Black dragon culture demands we battle for our mates. I would have killed them all and they knew it.” She grinned.


“She’s not… You can’t really think…”


Rayne walked over and drew her arm through his. “Let’s just say we’ll be keeping a close eye on her.”


Maya did the same on his other side. “I’m thinking perhaps we should return to your apartment.”


“Oh?” He said, with an eyebrow raised.


“Yeah. I’m definitely thinking you could use a bath.” She sniffed his neck loudly. “You need to get this stink off of you.”


“You’re funny Maya.”


“And you’re insufferable. Now let’s go.” She smiled as they walked away. 

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Part 5



The following week….

“Ok Annika. You’re up. Ready?”


“Are you serious my lord? I get to travel with you?”


“I am and you do. I think some time outside the office would serve you well.”


The young copper dragon grew very excited. “I’ll pack a bag.” She said as she ran off.


Maya glared at him.


“What?” He asked.


“Who else will be returning with you. She’s barely older than a wymrling. I’d hardly call her protection.”


“Come on darlin. I’m perfectly safe. You’ve seen for yourself. What could possibly happen?”


“I don’t care. I still don’t like it. I’ll return with you again.”


“We both will.” Rayne offered. 


“I appreciate it. I appreciate both of you. You’re my left and right hands. But I don’t want to impose on you. I have nearly a full guard now. You needn’t spend all your time looking after me.”


Maya narrowed her eyes. “Well someone needs to.”


“Needs to what?” Cassie asked as she walked into the room.


“Return with him to Sanguinar.”


“I have Nika.”


“Yeah that won’t do Darkstar.” Cassie frowned. “You two just returned. I’ll go. Vignette can travel next week if you agree, my lord.”


Maya and Rayne both stared at him waiting for an answer.




Cassie and Rayne nodded. Maya growled.


“Uncle!” Jenna yelled as she hurried in to hug him. “Nika says you’re taking her to Sanguinar. I want to go too.”


“I don’t know if that’s a good idea Jenna…”


“But why? I’d love to see in person all the places I’ve been to in your memories.”


“Is it not safe?” Maya said through a smug grin.  


“It is. It’s just…” 


Aliyeah stepped in behind her. “You wouldn’t be participating in activities our niece shouldn’t see? Are you my love?”


“Of course not.” He sighed. He looked at Jenna who was aglow with excitement. “Fine. Maya darlin. Want to come with as well?”


“Let me check my schedule…” She smirked. “I guess I can make time.”


“Thanks. You’re a peach.”


“You’re ok with Jenna going to Sanguinar with me, my queen?”


“I’d let her travel anywhere with you. You’re certain to be more cautious and not put her at risk.”


“You have my word my queen. She will be kept safe.”


“You both will, Right Maya?”


“Of course my queen.” The black dragon smiled as if she had a much deeper understanding of the question.




Rayne pouted. “Should I be feeling left out?”


“Not at all my friend.” Aliyeah smiled. “I’ll need someone who knows how to find him readily available, just in case.”


“Of course my queen.”


Jenna hugged him then ran off to ready a travel bag.


“Are you sure the Pale Lady will not be angry with you for bringing her along?”


“I’m Nightmaster. It’s my choice who I keep company with while I control her town. That said I’m certain once word reaches her that Jenna is with me she will most assuredly be annoyed. She will not however threaten the princess. I would not bring her if I thought there was any risk or danger to her at all.”


She draped her arms around his neck. “I may not care much for your mother or her machinations, but she is honorable and I don’t believe she would harm Jenna simply out of spite or disdain for me.”


“No. She would not.” He vehemently affirmed.


“If it pleases my queen we have all been shown better courtesy than we expected.” Rayne offered. 


“I’m not surprised. I know Devon is well loved among his former kin. They would not disrespect him by treating you ill in his presence.”


“No. I would not stand for it, whether in front of me or not.”


“That’s very kind to say my lord.” Rayne bowed.


“Come my love. Attend your queen while the others ready to travel.”


Devon smiled. “As you command.” They left the office arm in arm.


Two turns of an hourglass later they returned to find an impatient Jenna and exasperated Maya waiting for them.


“There you are uncle. Where have you been?” She asked curtly.


“I was with the queen, your grace.”


“Oh. Yes of course. Sorry Auntie.”


Aliyeah laughed. “Well enjoy your time away Jenna. Be mindful of Devon and his guard as well. Am I understood?”


The young gold dragon bowed. “Yes auntie.”


“Very good.” Aliyeah looked at Devon. “Do be careful my love. Should any trouble ensue you are to return immediately.”


“Of course my queen. But don’t fret. We’ll be back in a few short days.”


She kissed him on the lips. “Safe travels my love.”


Jenna tucked herself under his shoulder wrapping her arm around his waist. She held firm to Nika’s hand.  


Maya took her position on his left placing her hand on his shoulder. She allowed Cassie to do the same to her. 


Devon winked at Aliyeah as the group shimmered from sight. They arrived at the door to the manor.


“Whoah.” Jenna took a step back awestruck. “We’re really here.”


“Where else would we be?” Maya asked with a sneer.


“No. You don’t understand. Uncle grew up here. This is the home where he was raised. She grabbed a somewhat startled Maya by the wrist and drew her some feet away.


“Jenna!” Devon called after her.


“See. There. Look at that window. Uncle climbed out that window and down those vines to land here.” She dragged her again. Maya’s face reddened with anger.


“Stop pulling me.” She scolded.


“Oh.” Jenna released her. “Sorry. It’s just… So much happened to uncle here. Look out toward the wall. See the black gate? Just beyond it is a graveyard haunted by guardian spirits.”


Devon, Cassie and Nika caught up to the young dragon. 


“We know your grace. Devon toured us the first few days we were here.” Cassie smiled.


“Oh. Right. Sorry Maya.”


“It’s fine. You’re excited. I’m not sure why…” She said through her narrowed gaze. “It’s just a town. We’ve been to plenty of towns.”


“Yes. It’s true. But this place is special to uncle. Can we go inside?”


“Of course.” Devon grinned. “I’ll show you around.”


Jenna nearly exploded with joy as she and Nika rushed to his sides. Cassie shrugged her shoulders.


Maya shook her head. “This is going to be a long week.” 


Devon opened the door and led them through the entry foyer into the parlor. Ria was curled up in a rather large cushioned chair with her bare feet tucked beneath her. She looked up to Devon and the two young unfamiliar faces on his sides.


“Welcome home îndrăgostit.” She stood and walked toward them. “What do you have there?” She asked with interest. 


“You?!” Jenna growled. “I know you. You’re the wh…”


“Jenna!” Devon stopped before the rest of the word came out. 


Ria turned her head curiously unsure if she heard what she thought she did. “We’ve never met, young lady. Where has your boyfriend been keeping you? Nevermind. I’m not that interested. She stared at Devon as she drew closer still. “I guess you’re following in your sire’s footsteps. Actually you’ve outdone her. Two? Like them young huh? Just like Selene.”


Nika stepped protectively in front of him. “Do not insult my lord. You’ll not get a second warning.”


Ria laughed. “A second? We’re well past that sweetie.” Ria looked back at Maya and Cassie who had focused their eyes on her. “I’m guessing these are dragons too? Mother will be quite displeased to hear that you’ve turned our ancestral home into a tourist attraction for planar dragons.”


“Let me worry about mother.”


“Of course lover. I wouldn’t dream of getting between you two. Now you and your surly friend over there, that’s some play I’d enjoy.”


Devon could smell Maya’s anger as the scent of acid filled the air.


“Careful.” Devon said at the same time as Ria.


“Ahh.” She grinned. “See. I know you better than you give me credit for. Ok darling. I’ve had my fun. Care to introduce me?” 


Devon glared at her for a moment then exhaled sharply. He motioned to the copper dragon. This is Anika. She’s my personal attendant.” He then wrapped his arm around the young gold dragon. “And this is Jenna. She’s my family, my apprentice.”


“Do tell.” Ria said with interest.


“I’m his niece.” Jenna added proudly. “The Highlord is consort to my aunt the Queen of Dragons.”


“Well isn’t that an exciting revelation. Pleased to make your acquaintance your grace.” She said in a mock tone.


“Vy ostavite yeye v pokoye, inache.” (You will leave her be or else.) He threatened.


“Or else what?” Randall challenged.


Ria closed her eyes.


Lightning flew from Devon’s hand striking the vampyr in his chest, sending him tumbling over a sofa. Before he could rise Devon was on him, claws digging into his throat drawing blood as he lifted him into the air.


“Ili ya istoshchu tebya krov’yu i zakolyu na solntse.” (Or I will bleed you dry and stake you in the sun.) 


Ria’s other thralls stepped away creating space. Cassie had drawn Jenna behind her. Maya  advanced.


“Has the Nightmaster made himself clear?” The blonde haired vampyr scolded angrily.


They nodded.


The icy blue glow emanating from Devon’s eyes and unnatural chill in the room emphasized the point. “I’ve been patient with you four out of the love I bear for your mistress. Speak out of turn again and I swear by goddess I’ll tear your throat out.”


Ria walked over to Devon and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. “It won’t happen again. I assure you.” 


Devon threw him hard to the ground. He nodded and turned away. As they left the parlor and made their way to his living quarters he could hear Ria chastise Randall. “Did you not hear him say who she was? You’re lucky to be alive. I told you they are off limits. The Pale Lady doesn’t want a war with them.”


“I was just defending you.” He croaked.


“Do I look like I need defending from him? Were you not paying attention when we danced? He still loves me. He’d never hurt me. The same protection does not extend to you. So if you value your existence you’ll be smarter. Now go clean yourself up.”


The vampyr rose to his feet, bowed and left.


Once behind the closed door Jenna gushed with glee. “That was amazing! It was just like in your memory. Ria’s cheeky isn’t she? I can tell she still has feelings for you though uncle and I’m not sure I like that.” She paced around the room. “You sat here with a bloody lip. She rushed to the window. “See Maya. This is the window I mentioned earlier.” She tugged on the hasp. “Still locked.” She edged toward the bedroom. “May I?”


“Of course. That’s where you’ll be sleeping.”


“Really? Is there enough room for all of us?”


“No. This apartment wasn’t meant for guests. You, Cassie and Nika can have the bed. Maya and I will share the couch.”


The black dragon sighed in relief knowing that she’d have some time away from the exuberant young dragon. 


“That ok with you darlin?”


“Fine my lord.” She answered.


“Good. Settle in and then we visit town. The night markets should be open by now.”


Jenna stepped into the bedchamber and froze. She slowly looked about the room taking in the beauty of the space. Her gaze lingered on sights of particular interest. The weapon cabinet, the armoire Selene had brought for him, the dresser and… She gasped as her eyes fell on the two stoppered bottles sitting on a mirror. She slowly approached and reached for one holding her hand just short of the perfumes. Devon was leaning into the doorframe smiling. Jenna looked at him wide eyed. She withdrew her hand. “We must respect the privacy of others, uncle. I shouldn’t.”


Devon nodded. “My mistress would be pleased to hear you say that your grace. He waved his hand toward the armoire and the door swung open. Settle your things. We’ll head into town shortly.”


Jenna hurriedly set her belongings in the wardrobe cabinet then met him in the sitting room.


“I’m ready uncle. Where to first?”


“I know the perfect place to begin.” Devon led the group out of the manor and into the night markets. 


As they walked through Jenna pointed out all the sights she had visited in the dreamscape. “Look Nika. That’s the armorsmith who crafted Devon’s slayer’s armor, and there, that’s the glass blowers shop where he found Charissa during the string test. They passed behind an unmarked building and arrived at their destination. Jenna smiled brightly. “Are we going in?”


“Of course princess.”


The shop was empty except for a middle aged woman with light brown hair. She had soft features and a friendly smile. She looked about to say something when Jenna yelled excitedly.


“Miss Rosalie! It’s really you? Oh uncle might I have some of the sweet cake?”


“I’m sorry miss?” The vampyr said, confused. “Do I know you?”


“Oh. I forgot. No. I… How do I explain… Uncle?”


Devon walked alongside the gold dragon and placed his arm around her. “Hello Miss Rosalie.”


“Devon. I mean Nightmaster. You honor me with your presence.”


“It’s Devon, Miss Rosalie. You’ve known me since I was a boy.” 


She smiled appreciatively. “And this is your niece?”


“It is through my attachment to her Aunt. She’s also my apprentice.”


“Fascinating. Selena znayet ob etom? (Does Selene know this?)”


“Konechno. (Of course.)”


“I see. Well pleased to meet you, miss. Did I hear you say you’d like some sweet cake?”


“Yes please.” She found a stool and called Nika over.


I’m thinking a full round if you would Miss Rosalie. And tea.”


“It would be my pleasure Devon.” She nodded.


A fork full later Jenna beamed with joy. “Bahamut’s breath, this is the best cake I’ve ever eaten!”


“Jenna. Language.” Cassie scolded. But as she tasted the cake she understood the young dragon’s reaction.


“I’m sorry Cassandra. It’s just so delicious.”


“Why thank you young lady. It’s Devon’s favorite.”


“Oh I know. I remember the first night you served him. Were you really going to bite him?” She asked innocently.”


“That’s enough princess.”


“What??? I was just curious? I don’t mean to be disrespectful uncle.”


“How would she…?” Rosalie looked at Devon.


“Magiya krovi.” (Blood magic.)


“Well I’m glad to know you keep to the old ways.”


“Always Miss Rosalie.”


“So polite Devon. You do your sire proud.”


“That is kind of you to say.” He nodded.


When everyone had finished Devon placed several gold coins on the counter.


“Oh no you don’t.” Rosalie slid the coins back toward him. “My treat. You can pay on your next visit.”


“You always say that.” He protested. 


The woman just smiled back and bowed. 


“Thank you Miss Rosalie.”


“Nice to have you home Devon.” She said. 


They moved back into the Night Markets. Devon rounded a corner and led them down busy cobblestone street. Jenna gasped as the marquee came into view. They were at the ‘Haven’.


“Welcome Nightmaster.” A young serving girl offered in greeting. “This way please.” The tavern was crowded and bustling with activity. Local residents were drinking and singing folk songs. Jenna was thrilled to be there. It was everything she expected and more. They were led to the table of the proprietress who stood when they came into view.


“Mistress Lily.” Jenna said in awe of the woman. “It’s so exciting to finally meet you.”


The elder vampyr watched as Devon protectively stood near the young woman drawing her close to him. Her eyes twinkled with realization. 


“You must be Jenna.” She said in a pleasant tone. Lily smiled wide, giving a sense of warm welcome. “It’s nice to meet you too.” She looked to Devon. “Your apprentice correct?”


“Yes Mistress Lily.” Devon answered politely. 


“Wonderful. Please sit.”


“Thank you.”


Jenna could hardly contain herself. “I’ve so many questions I’d like to ask about my uncle. I hope you don’t mind?”


Lily smiled. “Of course not. I’d be happy to share what I can about the boy. I’ve some questions of my own I’d love to discuss if you’ll indulge me.”


“It would be my pleasure. Uncle is so fond of you. I feel like we’re family already.”


Lily’s eyes twinkled with blue sparkles. She looked at Devon for a long moment then back at Jenna. “So nice of you to say.”


Devon was about to say something but suddenly paused mouth agape. Maya must have noticed his eyes grow wide. She snapped her head around, scanning the area for whatever threat Devon had detected. A very familiar scent grabbed his attention, the soft pleasant smell of black lotuses. Her hand fell softly on his shoulder an instant before she appeared. “Hello Mistress.” He said without looking back then rose to greet her. She embraced him warmly, nipping the nape of his neck. I’d like a word Devon.” She whispered into his ear.


“Selene.” Lily stood, her expression one of delight to see the Nightmistress. “Will you be joining us?” 


“Perhaps for a few minutes. But right now I need to borrow the Nightmaster.” 


Maya and Cassie stood. Anika looked at Jenna confused as Jenna stared at Selene with suspicion in her eyes.


“Of course. Devon you go on. I’ll entertain our guests.”


Devon nodded. He met Maya’s gaze and the message was clear. She was to wait where she was. She scowled in anger but did not argue. Cassie frowned as well. “I’ll be a few feet away at the bar. No worries.” He said in reassurance.


Selene had already made her way over to a section of the counter that had suddenly been vacated. It was as if the patrons knew they were no longer welcome to sit there. Devon was a few steps behind her. Once he reached her, Addy placed two glasses down in front of them, bowed then left.


“I can explain Mistress.” Devon began before she could say anything.


Selene tilted her head to the side with a look of curiosity on her face.


“I know you don’t like others in your room. We can be out as soon as we get back. I’m sorry if I’ve upset you.” He offered apologetically.


“Last I recall it was our room Devon. Why would I be angry? If I’m being honest with you, settling in there was the smartest thing you’ve done for quite some time.” She looked at his hand then shook her head. “You could use all the advantages you can get. The wards and protections I’ve set will keep you safe… at least while you’re home.” Selene looked back at the table where the dragons sat. Maya and Cassie were locked in on them and she had a feeling they were listening to her words. Jenna and Nika were faced away, exuberant, enjoying their conversation with Lily. Despite her smile and warm expression Selene knew the vampyr did not share the youthful dragons’ enthusiasm. The Nightmistress took a sip from the goblet provided to her and when she placed it down she also set a small flat stone between them. The movement wasn’t missed by Devon. 


“Is that a silence-stone?” He asked.


Selene smiled. “It is. I’m glad you haven’t forgotten everything I’ve taught you.”


“You can trust them, Mistress.” 


“Selene, Devon. You need not call me mistress anymore. You’re a man grown.” She smiled weakly. “I have things to say that are only for your ears. The stone will guarantee no one else hears us.” She reached for his maimed hand. “What did mother do to you?”


Devon reddened with embarrassment. “I failed mist… Selene. I got caught. She expected I would have killed the chieftain when I did.”


“Did she? Do you honestly believe the Pale Lady could possibly think you’d kill the son of one of your closest friends unless there were no other choices? You did not fail Devon. You retrieved the rune. From what I have heard, you removed it from him while he was not only wearing it but also expecting you to try to take it, actively resisting from what I’ve been told. What you did was far beyond the ability of most. Even Kasha was grateful that no one was harmed.”


“The White Wolf is quite gracious. I could have damaged her alliance with the horde.”


“While it’s true Kasha might be concerned about it, I can assure you the Pale Lady is not. She sees the barbarians as lesser beasts, even to the lycans. She doesn’t care if their leader is angry. You’re high nobility, her clan. In her mind you’re above such things.”


It was Devon’s turn to wear a look of confusion. “Then why discipline me so severely?”


“Why Indeed? How did Aliyeah react to your punishment?”


“She did not take it well. She demanded I never return to Sanguinar and that I forsake my oath to the Pale Lady. We argued. It was the worst disagreement we’ve had in the fifteen years since I’ve known her.” 


“I would imagine so. Dragon’s are known to be covetous and domineering.”


“She called it overprotective.”


“I bet she did.” Selene smirked. “And you, my blood, are stubborn and headstrong. Much like your sire.”


Devon bowed. “I take the suggestion to any similarities we share as a compliment.”


Selene’s eyes sparkled. “Did I mention that streak of defiance in you? It gave me fits at times. I can only wonder how she must feel about it.”


“Not my most endearing character trait.”


“No indeed. So The Queen of Dragons forbids you to resume your rightful place among our people yet here you are. What did she demand of you in return for her acquiescence?”


Devon fidgeted uncomfortably. His expression tightened and it was clear to Selene that not only did she make a demand of him but that he was extremely reluctant to reveal it.


“Come now. No secrets boy.”


Devon’s mind brought him back to a place when he was but a kid. This wasn’t the first time Selene had spoken those words. “She asked if I’d accept an oath of concord upon my return. It’s like blood bonding in gold dragon culture. I’d have to swear myself to her.”


“And you agreed to this.”


“It was the only way to diffuse the situation, to allow me to serve my penance and not break faith with the Pale Lady.”


“Mother is going to be furious if she finds out.”




Selene raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t protect you your entire life only to cause you grief now.” She placed her hand on his wrist above where his hand would be. “Devon you are my blood. Even more than that we’re soulbound. You died in my arms. I died in yours. No words you can speak can ever sever that bond. My only regret is that I allowed you to venture off into the planes without telling you how I truly felt about you. I should have embraced you then and joined our blood. Perhaps this is my penance for what I did to break you apart from Holly.”


“You didn’t…”


“Didn’t I?” She sighed and shook her head. “That’s a discussion for another day. You do see what’s happening don’t you? Two of the most influential people in your life are playing you against one another. Each makes absurd demands of you for no other reason than to try and sever your connection to the other, to force you to choose between your two worlds.”


“Aliyeah loves me.”


“I’ve no doubt that she does. Does she love your family as well? How does she feel about your service as a slayer?”


“She respects you Selene. She doesn’t hate Sanguinar. It’s only recently that her hard feelings toward the Pale Lady have come to a boil. She knows what I am and she accepts it.” 


“That’s good of her. I’d celebrate it. I shouldn’t have to tell you this but mother loves you too. Her way of showing affection may be different than that of a traditional parental figure but never doubt for a second she wouldn’t kill to defend you. You’re more important to her than you may know.”


“I’m sure. The Pale Lady likes skilled slayers at her command.”


Selene’s eyes twinkled blue, akin to a snowflake refracting light. “No Devon it’s much more than that.”


“How so?”


“That is a conversation for you and her I’m afraid.”


“So what do you think I should do?”


Selene looked at him for a few moments. “I might have a biased opinion Devon. I could tell you what I’d like you to do, but in the end you must decide for yourself. If it helps, I expected it might take you a hundred years or so to realize what I already know. You’re young and some lessons can’t be rushed. It’s ok. I have time. I’ll wait.”


Her candor caught him off guard. “I don’t know what to say.”


“Say you won’t rush into an oath you can’t keep. Ask yourself a question Devon. Would you still be you if we weren’t we?”


Devon’s heart began to pace rapidly. As he looked into her eyes all the love and adoration he held for her rushed through his body. The familiar flutter of butterflies tickled his stomach. His mind filled with confused feelings of affection for her.


“I know that look.” She smiled. “Now is not the right time. Just promise me that you’ll be mindful of the manipulations of the people around you. Remember that despite their best intentions or how much they profess to care for you, it must be you who ultimately decides where your heart and destiny lie. And Devon, should you ever become too overwhelmed with it all, you will always have a safe place with me.” She leaned forward and grabbed his head pressing his forehead to her own.


“Thank you Selene… For everything.”


“Don’t thank me yet. Maya will most certainly have words with you.”


“Yeah. It’s ok. She’s loyal.”


“Good. Something tells me you’re going to need all the true allies you can muster in the months to come. There’s a storm brewing about you. Be careful.


“I will.”


“Let’s join them. Lily will be quite upset if I run out on her so abruptly.”


Devon’s eyes met those of the vampyr hosting his friends. “I believe she would.”


Selene snapped up the stone. They grabbed their glasses and found seats among the others. Jenna was still asking questions as Lily politely reminisced about Devon’s time in Sanguinar. Maya leaned into her lord.


“If you think for a second we’re not going to have a talk about this…” She scowled.


“Oh I know we will.” He smiled as the black dragon narrowed her eyes.


Selene nodded ever so slightly then looked away. 

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym
This post was modified 3 years ago by Dorym
