A Case of Missing Dragons part 2
Devon found himself in the Ancient Repository. A library holding the lore and history of the planes from the dawn of dragonkind’s existence. It’s collection of librams is nearly unmatched throughout the known planes of existence with each generation of dragons adding to it either by acquisition from their many travels or by transferring what they’ve learned into scribed texts. Works of poetry and other artistic writings authored by the most creative minds of their race can also be found in the many stacks of tomes. Searching the place could take an entire mortal lifespan. Fortunately, the dragons have the foresight to employ sages and librarians to help direct seekers of knowledge to the proper references. “Master Xoivun.” Devon called in greeting. “If you could spare me some of your time. I would greatly appreciate your kind assistance.”
“Of course Highlord. How may I serve the crown?” The gold dragon bowed.
“I seek knowledge on Stygia as it relates to the ecology of the plane and its ruling lord Levistus. Any information on politics, rumors and expected dangers would prove most helpful.”
“Does my lord intend to travel there?”
“It’s beginning to appear that way, at least that’s the direction my investigation is leading me.”
“Very well my lord. Let me get the books you require.”
Master Xoivun returned with several librams he felt could be useful. Devon quickly paged through the volumes, skimming headings and sections until he found the information he needed. He continued to read through the books until he heard a very familiar voice carrying across the silent space.
“There you are uncle. Look who’s come to call.”
Devon looked up to see Jenna escorting Jarath and Gunther. She stepped away from their guests to stand behind him, placing her hand almost protectively on his shoulder.
“The Lord Marshal says he’s arranged for travel to Stygia from the Elemental Plane of Air. You are to meet Lord Stallac at Armun Kelisk… should you so choose.”
“Thank you Jenna.”
“Of course uncle.” She said with a bright smile before kissing him on the cheek and departing.
Jarath was looking around in wonderment. The sheer scale of the library felt overwhelming compared to the private collection of books they kept at the hunting lodge. “Learn anything useful?” He asked. “How do you find anything here?”
“Librarians.” Devon grinned.
“It must be nice…”
The two exchanged the findings of their research as Gunther listened in. After a short time they departed for Armun Kelisk arriving in the receiving chamber of the Diamond Citadel. Within minutes they were joined by Stallac, Ziva and djinn dressed in the garb of the royal guard.
“Hello my friends.” Ziva smiled and embraced her allies. She hugged Devon then withdrew, eying him for a moment and continued. “Ty vyglyadish’ uzhasno. Vy dolzhny puteshestvovat’?” (You look terrible. Should you be travelling?)
Devon forced a grin. “YA v poryadke. Ne bespokoysya.” (I’m fine. Don’t worry.)
She gave him a stern look of disapproval. “Lzhets.” (Liar.)
“Keep an eye on him Stallac.” She said rather firmly.
“Him? He’s fine.”
Ziva shook her head as Jarath nodded in understanding. “Kushu will take you to Stygia. Unfortunately once you get there you’ll be on your own.”
“Aren’t we always?” Gunther said with his usual snark.
“Sadly far too often, except for the aid that that we four provide you.” She again looked to Devon. “I know how much Maya means to you but it won’t serve anyone to have you throw your life away trying to save her.”
Devon winked but didn’t answer.
“Vy pochti tak zhe razocharovany, kak etot.” (You are nearly as frustrating as this one.) She said squeezing Stallac’s hand.
“YA probuyu vashu milost’.” (I try your grace.)
She shook her head in reproach once more. “Be careful. All of you. Please.”
The group bowed and disappeared in a swirl of air with their guide.
They reappeared in Stygia where Jarath called upon Heironeous to protect them from the cold and intolerant climate of the plane. Their eyes took in a vast ocean of saltwater that was almost completely frozen with its surface almost entirely covered in ice floes and icebergs that crowded and completely covered the ocean. Far in the distance they could make out what they believed to be the Styx, though it somehow kept its dark, oily water separated from the saltwater as it meandered through the layer as if it were crossing a plain. They moved in the direction of a great iceberg hoping it would lead them to Tantlin, the City of Ice, the largest city of the layer. An hour into their trek they came across two ice devils fighting over a sword laying on the ground between them.
“What do you make of that?” Jarath asked.
“I’m not sure. Let’s kill them and find out.” Gunther responded.
“Is that a sword?” Stallac asked.
Devon took a few steps closer and reached out with his hand. The weapon launched itself from the ground finding a home in his grasp. “It’s magical but there’s not much more I can say about it right now.” He said sliding it into a bag. The devil’s continued skirmishing, none the wiser that the object they both fought to possess was gone.
They walked for some hours more as the frigid cold became sleet and rain, hampering their eyesight and making for miserable travel. The weather broke as they reached a bridge constructed of ice connecting the solid sheet of frozen ground they walked upon with a rather large iceberg. They were no more than halfway across when Devon stopped. He could feel something approaching, something large. He turned about just in time to see Stallac torn from the bridge and dragged beneath the icy water by a shark.
“Stallac!” he yelled and pointed, directing the attention of his comrades to the rolling waves. “Shark!”
Jarath raced over to him. “Hate to ask brother but can you turn me into something that can breathe water and swim, A merman perhaps?”
Devon nodded and cast the incantation transforming the priest. A trickle of blood leaked from his nose. Jarath immediately dove in. Devon raced to the edge trying to find them in the water but the murky surface obstructed his vision. He looked back to Gunther for a quick moment and dove in. He breathed the frigid water in and swam after the beast that had taken his friend. It wasn’t long before the trail of blood from his nose attracted others. He quickly intercepted the creature, slashing at it with his twin kukris.
Jarath screamed, “No!”, as more blood darkened the sea around them drawing more and more sharks to them.
Mere seconds later the beast seemed to split of its own accord and Stallac burst from it’s belly as if he had been birthed by the shark. No sooner was he free then the flesh of the monster began to close. Devon hurriedly grasped Stallac and then Jarath. His body shimmered as it vanished, reappearing on the ice bridge a few feet from Gunther. He fell over coughing as blood splattered from his mouth on the frozen walkway.
“Uh guys…we have to move. Now!” Gunther yelled.
Several gargantuan sharks were closing in on the bridge fast. They hurried across barely escaping the creatures as they flung themselves from the water over the expanse.
They walked across the tundra for hours and hours. If not for the protective magic of their priest they would have certainly died from frostbite. Yet continue on they did. Once again Devon held the group fast as he pointed off into the distance. A grotesquely fat devil with green scaly skin and no neck was struggling to move a sled packed with chests. He wore regal finery indicating high station yet his attempts to move the obviously overweight transport looked comical. Devon vanished from sight as Jarath and Stallac approached the amnizu. Gunther chose to keep his distance not wanting Hadrylis to give them away.
“Hail.” Jarath called out. “Where are you trying to go with that?”
The devil straightened his embroidered vestments and stood tall. “I am a regent of Tantlin. I’m returning to the city.”
“We’re heading there as well. Perhaps we could help each other.”
“Indeed. You transport the sled for me and I’ll write you a writ of safe passage for seven days. Agreed?”
Stallac opened his portable hole and as soon as air vented the space there was a rushing stench of death and decay wafting from the long dead and rotting corpses of the devils he forgot had been in there for more than two weeks.
“Ugh. Stinks like Gunther’s bath water.” Devon hissed. “Here.” He added tossing his portable hole at the ground near Jarath’s feet.
“Sorry about that.” Jarath apologised.
The devil shrugged his shoulders with indifference.
They loaded the sleigh into the empty extradimensional space and ventured on. The trupe was stopped at the gate by a group of ice devils demanding to see their writ. One in particular seemed a bit more aggressive and forward. “Hurry. I said present your pass!”
The amnizu looked at the fiend with a bored expression. “Move aside. You know very well who I am. And they are with me.”
“No one gets in without a writ.” It snarled. “Perhaps I will kill you all. Yes?”
“No.” The amnizu reached into a pouch and drew a wooden paddle. He reached back and slapped the ice devil in the head, sending it tumbling off the edge of the walkway and into the river styx. Its companions began to shriek with laughter. “You’ve had your fun. Now move!”
The group of devils split and allowed them through. They followed him to an official looking building, walking in behind him. The structure was massive on the inside, obviously magically enhanced to be much larger than its exterior indicated.
“You can place them over there.” He announced casually while he walked into an office. He retrieved a document from a draw, scrawled some writing then sealed it with wax. “Here you are. As promised. Seven days. Our business is concluded. Away with you.”
The group bowed and left.
The city was fairly busy with all manner of fiend about. There were of course tieflings and a smattering of other races but few of the humans they encountered were alive. Most were petitioners or the damned who had sold their souls in an infernal pact. They walked toward the market and were challenged by a gang of spined devils led by an erinyes who watched with keen interest a few paces behind them.
“Where do you think you’re going?” One sneered.
“The markets.” Devon answered.
‘We run this part of town. You’ll have to pay us if you wish to continue on alive. Otherwise I’ll tear you apart.”
“I don’t think so.” Devon again answered calmly.
“What?!” The creature drew a wicked curved blade.
“You’re about to inconvenience us both.” Devon warned the devil as he drew the kukris from his belt.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The erinyes offered.
“Yes human. Listen to Sharvynia.” His spikes bristled as he spoke.
“I was talking to you Suran.” She grinned maliciously as she eyed the pendant on Devon’s neck. “That one is not to be trifled with.”
“Whoah.” We have a writ a passage.” Jarath interrupted.
“Let me see that.” She walked over a pace from Devon and winked. She reviewed the document and handed it back to Jarath. “You’re lucky Suran. Their papers are in order. Now it’s against the law to attack them and get yourself killed.” She smirked.
Devon sheathed his blades and bowed slightly.
“The Duelist’s Chasm!” The devil yelled. “Meet me there and I’ll rend the flesh from your bones, mortal.”
“I’m busy.” Devon said turning away.
“Coward. Meet me at the chasm if you dare. Meet me I said! Or are you too afraid of death!”
Devon ignored his jibes and headed into the markets along with his friends. They secured a room at ‘The Drunken Mephit’ before venturing out into the city to visit the library.
The Library of Tantlin housed stacks and stacks of books and was truly a wonder to behold. Glass cases were fitted to desks allowing patrons to review the ancient tomes without actually handling them. The librarians proved quite helpful and Jarath along with Devon spent the rest of the day perusing various librams. They decided to copy a particular volume containing interesting lore about the dragonspawn. As they made their way back to the inn they chanced upon Bar’ath. The tiefling merchant they met in the Ribcage. He was hawking his wares from his cart in the square.
“My friends!” He shouted as they approached. “We meet again!”
“Greetings Bar’ath…” Jarath began. “We were wondering, might you have any knowledge to sell with regard to Stygia, the city and it’s lord?”
He rummaged through the cart. “Ah there we are.” He said, withdrawing a leather bound book. “What would you like to know?”
“All of it.” Devon answered. “How much for the book?”
“Oh I couldn’t sell this particular volume. It contains all the knowledge I have amassed over the years of my travels. Things not found anywhere else.”
“I see.” Devon paused. “Could I copy it?”
“Four thousand gold pieces.”
“Agreed.” Devon moved to the rear of the cart where Bar’ath had dropped a table for his use.
“Might you have anything else that may be of interest?” Jarath asked.
“Aside from my many books? Hmm… I have contracts should you be so inclined to purchase souls. They do come in handy for trade in the Nine Hells.”
‘What kind of contracts?”
“Ahh, I have many.” He produced a box containing dozens of sealed scrolls etched with infernal runes. “This one is a lord of Waterdeep. Aren’t you from the prime?”
“Yeah. How much for that one.”
“I’m sorry my friend but I would need at least a quarter million gold for it. It’s value is far beyond your understanding.”
“Wow. Could you do any better?” Jarath asked.
“Afraid not. Here how about this one. Very cheap. A mayor from a town called Westport Manor.” You can have it for two thousand gold.”
“Yeah. I’ll take it.” Jarath paid the merchant. “How does this scroll cost so little and the other so much? What’s the difference.”
“Sphere of influence and status.” Bar’ath shook his head. “Here. Take a thousand gold back just to show you how worthless this wretch is.”
“Thank you.” Jarath said gratefully as he placed the contract in his pouch.
Devon finished his transfer of words and they said their farewell to the tiefling. They returned to the Drunken Mephit to read and rest. Jarath and Stallac returned to the library to continue their research but after spending the day there found little else of use for their quest.
“Is it possible we’re looking in the wrong part of Stygia?” Jarath asked.
“Tiamat has worked with Set in the past. It is possible they are cavorting again. We could head to Ankhwugaht.” Devon offered.
Another day passed. Devon tried to sleep away his affliction while Gunther meditated in a futile attempt to silence Hadrylis and his constant urge to kill every devil in the city. The barbarian stood and without a word left the room.
“Hey. Where are you going?” Stallac asked. Gunther drew his weapon, ignoring the question.
“Shit.” Jarath yelled rousing Devon and the three quickly trailed after their comrade.
Gunther seemed to have a maniacal grin on his face as he eyed his first victim. Devon reached out placing his hand on his shoulder just before he stepped into full view of the crowded tavern and whispered. “Imobliaré.” The barbarian froze in place. Stallac rushed over grabbing hold of him and raced for the door. He was no more than a few yards from the entrance when he teleported back to their room with a rush of wind, taking his ally with him. They were only in the room for a moment when Gunther disappeared in orbs of light.
Jarath concentrated on locating the barbarian. “Shit! Shit! He’s downstairs!” Jarath yelled again as the three raced down the stairs again.
They entered the tavern just in time to see a flash of light. A celestial honey badger had been brought forth. The creature raced toward the nearest devil attacking it but missing its mark with its claws.
Devon dispelled the magic energy that powered Hadryllis rendering it inert. Stallac once again whisked Gunther back to the room. Devon cast an incantation dismissing the badger before any harm could befall it. He followed behind Jarath pinching his nose in an attempt to hold back the flow of blood he felt running over his lip.. Once through the door he succumbed to another fit of coughing with more blood spitting from his mouth and leaking from his right eye.
Jarath examined Gunther carefully waiting to see if the magic sword would whisk him away again. After a few tense minutes he turned to Devon. “Free him.”
The mage waved his hand and the magic binding their friend left him.
Gunther shook his head trying to clear the haze from his mind.
“You good?” The priest asked.
“Yeah. Why do you ask?”
“Nevermind.” Jarath grinned.
Hadrylis had resumed his telepathic screaming so he sat and meditated once more.
They chose to spend one more night in Tantlin, deciding to head out in the morning for Ankhwugaht, the realm of Set.
They trekked across frozen tundra for the better part of the day. Devon had the lead followed by Gunther, Jarath and Stallac. They had moved across the featureless landscape without encountering another soul. Devon felt the sweep of air blowing past him, if not it’s cold bite. One step snow the next…sand? Arctic wind became desert heat. He moved a few more steps before looking back. He was alone. Though his solitude was short lived as Gunther suddenly appeared from a ripple in the air. They waited and soon the four friends were reunited.
“Tracks.” Devon said kneeling down for a closer look. Looks to head off toward that pyramid.”
“Lead on.” Jarath agreed.
He only moved a few yards when he stopped again. “Look. Out toward the horizon. Is that a mummy? Those are definitely skeletons.” He pointed out several groups that seemed to be converging on them.
They hastily broke for the pyramid. Inside there were rivulets of lava curling through hand worked stone. They could hear the shuffling of feet as the undead stalking them moved ever closer. Lava began to over flow and steam as it hit the edge of the basin.
“The water.” Jarath suggested before diving into the pool. They swam down into a submerged cave and broke the surface emerging on the other side. The party was in a large chamber with multiple doors and paths, some obstructed by cave-ins and others pools of liquid magma. Searching the structure proved difficult between the natural hazards and encounters with dragonspawn.
“Defilers.” Devon said in disgust. “Whoever did this dies.”
“You’ll get no argument from us.” Gunther reassured, indicating he was speaking for himself and his magic blade.
“First things first. We find your people.” Jarath counseled.
Devon nodded but they all knew that finding the missing dragons would not be the end of it for him.
When all the stone paths had been searched Stallac suggested they might have to swim through the magma if they were to find any additional rooms.
Devon opened his portable hole allowing his friends to enter, closed it, then shapechanged into a young red dragon. He was able to swim safely through the lava and found several additional chambers, the last of which led to a bridge over the magma. They crossed and found themselves on a plateau that had been set up as an incubator. Nests of dragon eggs of all colors were situated about. Devon’s eyes were drawn to the many cages that also had been arranged about the room.
“Maya!” He yelled, racing to his cohort. The cage ws enchanted but not trapped. He picked the lock and the black dragon lifted her head groggily. He reached in and gently drew her out, cradling her lithe form in his arms. “I’ve got you darlin.”
“Devon?” She questioned in a haze. “You shouldn’t be here. You’re not well my lord.” She scolded weakly, laying her head into his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Free the others.” He exclaimed and his allies set to smashing locks and liberating the captive dragons. “Is everyone accounted for?” Devon asked, still holding Maya.
“The eggs my lord. Gather the eggs. Do not leave them behind.”
Stallac opened his portable hole once more allowing the putrefied contents to spill out. He gathered anything he considered of value and then he and Gunther loaded the eggs into the remaining space. Devon offered his portable hole as well and both quickly became filled to capacity.
Jarath counted the dragons and satisfied they had found everyone reported missing, invoked Heironeous and his prayer of forbiddance rendering the place inhospitable and unreachable by magical means.
Devon steadied Maya to her feet then reached out with his hand summoning a beam of green energy that disintegrated the incubator.
Satisfied for now, Jarath called on the group to take hold of each other and him. With a scintillating flash of orbing light the entirety of the group was propelled through the planes and back to the audience chamber where Aliyeah was still holding court. The collective of dragons gasped in shock by the unheralded arrival.
“Apologies for the interruption, my queen.” Devon announced. ”But we have returned with the missing dragons as you commanded.” And then bowed as raucous cheers and celebration consumed the room.
Some of the noble families rushed to their rescued kin and hurried away while others chose to wait hoping to hear the tale of how they were recovered.
Aliyeah rushed over to Devon and hugged him tight. Then smiled and nodded to his allies. As she broke away her eyes examined him head to toe. “You look terrible. What happened? You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine my love.” He choked out while beads of sweat trailed off his brow. Jarath could you help her?”
“I don’t require help. I’m fine.” The black dragon replied.
Aliyeah stared at him, her face full of worry. “No you’re not. Heal him now.” She ordered with sincere concern in her voice. Two of her queensguard, priests of Bahamut stepped forward.
“Don’t touch me.” He growled. Maya grabbed his hand and drew him back a step.
They paused looking at their queen.
“I gave an order!”
The priests continued forward.
“Forgive me my queen.” He looked at Maya. “Ready to go home?”
She nodded and they shimmered away.
“Where did he go?” She glared at Jarath. “What happened to him?”
“I’m afraid, your grace, that his wounds can not be healed by magic. Only time and natural recovery will set him right.”
“Explain.” She hissed.
“Apologies your grace, but that is his place to do so. Not mine. Save to say he will be fine with proper rest.”
She looked at Stallac who stared at his feet. She turned her attention to Gunther.
“I’d better inform the Arch Penitar of our return.” Orbs of white light flashed and he was gone.
She looked at Cam. “I want him found and brought to me. Send scouts to anywhere he may have gone. Rayne, Cassie go to the Boglands and bring him home if he is there. He left with Maya. It’s probable that’s where he’s off to.”
“Yes my queen.” The three dragons answered in unison. Cam took a moment to glare at Jarath on her own. “Scown.” She scowled and left.
“Well if there is nothing more your grace. I should be off as well. Matters of church and state, you understand.”
Aliyeah frowned but nodded.
Devon reappeared outside the throne room of the Sunken Fen.
“Darkstar!” Coop called to him. “You’ve rescued her.”
“Please inform the queen I’d like to see her.” He asked, wiping the blood from his nose.
“At once my lord.” Coop answered and entered the throne room. They were announced immediately.
“Your grace.” Devon approached the throne and bowed.
“Welcome back my lord. Nicely done.” She complimented. “How are you Maya.”
“A bit foggy but otherwise fine my queen.”
“Good. I want to hear the whole of it.”
“Your grace…” Devon began. “I’m certain our queen would also like the same. In fact I expect envoys will be here for me any moment.”
“He’s not well my queen.” Maya added. “We need time.”
“Two days Darkstar. I can put them off for two days. At which time I’ll need to see you both before you go.”
“As you command your grace.” He bowed.
“Thank you my queen.” Maya bowed as well before grasping his hand and teleporting them back to her lair.
“You ok darlin?” He asked.
She glanced at him side eyed. “Yeah fine. Just want to rest.” Devon settled her in and found himself a comfortable cushion on the papasan in her bedroom and slept the day away.
The second day was quiet as well. Maya seemed to sulk, very uncharacteristic for the dragon with such a strong personality and self confidence. When Devon went to check on her she shrugged him off. “Jarath can fix this.” He offered.
“I don’t need fixing.” She countered.
“This is not you darlin.” He said softly.
“I’m fine. Now leave me be until tomorrow.”
Devon brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “As you wish.”
The following day Maya dressed in courtly attire. Devon changed too, finding suitable regal dress among the garments Maya had set here for him. “Ready?” he asked, extending his hand.
“Yes my lord.” She answered, taking his hand in her own. “I’ll take us there.”
Devon nodded and in a heartbeat they were once again in the antechamber of the Black Queen’s throne room. Loud yelling and contentious disagreement could be heard even through the heavy iron doors. Coop bowed. “If you would wait just a moment my lord and lady. I’ll inform the queen of your arrival.”
“Of course my friend.”
Coop entered the chamber and was gone for a few short minutes before he opened the door for the queen’s guests. “The Dragon Highlord, Devon Darkstar and his escort the Lady Amaya Malnyx handmaiden to the queen.” He announced.
“Thank you Coop.” Sable said evenly. “Approach my Lord and Lady.”
Devon quickly scanned the room. Aside from the usual guard and handmaidens of the court the only other dignitary in view was The Mistress of Whispers, Eomyrosis the Black. A sight that quickly drew his attention. She wore a sneer of distaste on her lips.
The two stepped into the chamber and over to the dais bowing respectfully.
“Are you ok daughter?” The ancient black dragon asked in a sharp tone.
“I’m fine mother.” Amaya answered.
“You should have protected her better.” She spit maliciously stepping toward Devon.
Maya instinctively drew him back a pace placing herself in front of him. “It’s not his job to protect me mother. It’s mine to protect him. Or have you forgotten?”
“Careful child. My temper is already awakened.”
“Enough.” Sable ordered. “The Highlord brought her back at great personal risk. By my count that is two courtesies he has done you. I’ll not have you threatening my guest.”
“As you say my queen.”
Devon nodded with respect, acquiescing to the sentiment Eomyosis was expressing.
She read his face and sighed, returning the gesture in gratitude.
Devon quickly explained the events from Maya’s disappearance through to the recovery of all the missing dragons, careful to omit any mention of Maddy and her mother.
“So you have no idea how you were taken?” Eomyrosis asked with suspicion.
“None mother. My memory is a bit foggy. I only know I’m embarrassed to have been so careless.”
“A valuable lesson daughter. You are fortunate that it did not cost you your life.”
“Thank you Devon.” Sable said. “Please return to my clutchmate. Cassie and Rayne have already appeared before me, inquiring as to your whereabouts. It is not proper to delay any longer.”
Devon bowed. “Once again I thank you for your hospitality, your grace.”
She nodded.
Maya also bowed to the queen. “Farewell my queen.” She looked to Eomyrosis. “Mother.” Then grasped his hand. “Let’s go my lord.” They were gone in a blink, reappearing in Devon’s office. “Do you wish to go alone?” Maya asked.
“No darlin. I’d rather have you near.”
“I’ll keep her from killing you long enough to make your escape.” She smirked.
Devon found Aliyeah in their bedroom.
“My queen.” He called to her.
She turned to face him. “Hmm. My wayward consort has found his way home.”
“It’s not like that at all and you know it.” He replied.
“Maya. Could you excuse us?”
“Of course my queen.” She bowed and left closing the door behind her but standing just outside.
“What the hells Devon?” She was angry. “Why did you up and leave like that?”
“I couldn’t risk your healer’s help. It would have proved disastrous.”
“Oh yeah why? You still look terrible.”
“Though better than I have been my queen. I just need a bit more time. That’s all.”
“Where’d you go?”
“The Boglands, a safe place.”
“Why? Because I can not keep you safe? Is Sable better equipped for that than I?”
“No. I went where I could not be found. Maya’s lair. Even Sable has no idea where it is.”
“Oh I see. You trust your sour little handmaiden more than you trust me.”
“That’s not fair. And you know Maya is loyal.”
“To whom?”
“Really Aliyeah?”
“You know what…” She was breathing heavy. “I’ve heard enough for now. Go. Go hide with your bodyguard. You are dismissed Highlord.”
“By your command my queen.” Devon bowed and shimmered beyond the door.
“I’m sorry my lord. I didn’t mean to cause you grief.”
“It’s not your fault Maya. Come there is more to do.” He took her hand and shimmered again, this time transporting them to the hunting lodge in the Beastlands.”
“Well well well. Look what the dragon dragged in.” Jarath said sarcastically. “Still in the dog house?”
“Hey?!” Gnash said with indignance.
“Sorry my friend. Figure of speech.”
Devon shrugged his shoulders and nodded unable to talk through a fit of coughing.
“Still not right huh?” Jarath asked.
“No.” He croaked, clearing his throat. I need you to heal Maya. That prayer you said over Mania. Could you invoke that for Maya please.”
“Wait… what?” Maya asked angrily. “I told you I’m fine. I don’t need his help?”
“Yeah. You do. He’s my friend. You know you can trust him.”
Maya scowled. “I don’t want it.”
“That’s an order darlin.”
She turned to leave.
“One more step and I’ll cast it myself.”
“You’re in no condition.” She said without looking back.
“I don’t think you can brother.” Jarath said with quiet skepticism.
Devon’s eyes flashed brilliant blue and the room cooled like a winter’s night. He drew upon his most powerful magic. Light motes of blue and silver began to swirl about her, illuminating the black dragon. Maya felt a rush of warmth as all the doubt and self loathing she had been feeling since she awoke three days ago left her body. As the motes dissolved, so did all the ill effects she had suffered in Stygia. Devon fell to a knee, vomiting blood. His nose and eyes were leaking too. The spell though successful came at a terrible cost.
“Idiot!” She wheeled about furious. “What have you done?!” Maya raced to his side. She bore an angry scowl.
“There’s my girl. I missed that pretty little sneer.”
She tore away part of her dress and used it to clean his face. “Why would you risk such a thing.” She chastised him. “You’re still afflicted by that bitch’s magic.”
“Cause you weren’t you.” He said breathing heavy as beads of sweat fell from his forehead.
“I’m getting you out of here. You need to sleep this off. No more adventures.”
She stared menacingly at Jarath.
“Nice to have you back Maya.” He smirked.
Jarath swore he saw the makings of a grin on her face just as she disappeared taking her lord with her. She returned them to her lair in the Boglands. “Armor off.” She scowled. “Clothes off.” She cleaned the wounds that still leaked with a sickly green ichor. “You know you’re insufferable. I don’t know why I tolerate you.”
“Cause you love me.” He gasped as she pressed into the hole in his shoulder that had gotten smaller since last she treated him.
“So what of it?” She sneered. “You shouldn’t have come for me. The risk was too great. You could have died.” She scolded him. “You should have left me.”
“Never.” He replied. “As if I could leave my left hand behind.”
“To save the rest of your body you should.” She helped him to his feet as he winced in pain. “Off to bed with you.”
Devon shook his head like a reprimanded child but didn’t argue.
Maya settled him in then pressed her lips to his forehead. He was warm with fever. “Thank you my lord.” She curled up in the papasan near the bed and watched him until he fell asleep. And so they stayed for three more days.
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