Alec and Fiorenza Discuss Wylee
June 6, 2021
The Domain Haven-Alec’s Office
“Suavecito mijo.” Ysa offered in a calming tone. “She’s not going to be angry with you. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Alec, who had been quietly pacing in the office with a foreboding sense of dread, waited patiently for the call he knew would come.
“I just don’t get it, Ysa.” He said rather annoyed. “I told the cabrón I’d help his stupid ass with his clan business and he repays my generosity with disrespect, by going around my back and over my head to Ms. Savona, usurping your service and I’m sure all but embarrassing me with his lack of social etiquette.”
The crystal whiskey glass in his hand popped. Some of the glass shards cut into his flesh causing blood mixed with bourbon to leak from his palm, worsening his mood.
Elena jumped up grabbing a hand full of tissues, pulling a few sharp pieces from the wound before pressing them into his hand.
“Should I pipe bomb his bicycle?” She asked with cold sincerity.
Alec looked at her puzzled. “Is that a thing?”
She grinned. “It could be.” She answered, smiling innocently.
“No. Not yet.” Alec said, shaking his head.
The ghoul frowned in disappointment.
“Damn. Harsh El.” Ysa replied, tilting her head.
“There will be consequences… What I haven’t decided yet. I can’t have him thinking it’s ok to betray my trust so easily. I spoke to him but I’m not sure he understood the gravity of his actions or how egregious his behavior was. I warned him not to do it again but I’m not sure I trust his restraint should he feel his personal need is great enough. Obviously he didn’t think my offer of assistance was enough. The sad part is I’d have asked you to do the same thing Fiorenza did if he had allowed me the opportunity and then these hard feelings could have been avoided.”
“How’d that conversation go?” Ysa asked.
“I asked him why he would call Fiorenza behind my back and told him to never assume to use you without consulting me first. He replied you’re Fiorenza’s ghoul, not mine.”
Ysa blinked in shock.
“I could poison his blood bags…” Elena suggested.
“Would that even work?”
The Russian ghoul shrugged her shoulders.
“Wait, nevermind… Anyhow, I told him you work for me to which he answered, ‘No she works for Fiorenza, she’s only on loan to you.’ The presumptuous audacity that he could even fathom the relationship between myself and Ms. Savona.” Alec shook his head. “Regardless, I’d heard enough and warned him to never do it again. He nodded but I could see a small grin on his face as he left. Now I’m stuck cleaning up the mess. Thankfully Ms. Savona is quite reasonable. I’m sure she was as confused as us and equally put off at the cold call she received.”
“Wow.” Elena said in disgust. “You sure you don’t want this addressed more permanently?”
“No El. I’ll decide what measured response is necessary after I speak with Ms. Savona.”
“If you say so.”, though clearly there was a sour expression on her face.
Ysa walked over to the espresso machine sitting on a table along the sidewall of the office and began heaping fine black coffee into it. “Un cafecito, Elena?”
“Sure why not. I have a feeling this night isn’t ending anytime soon.”
Alec had been pacing for at least three hours.
“Hey. Sientate. You’ll wear a walkway on the hardwood.”
Alec leaned against the bookcase and folded his arms.
“Ok. I guess that’s better than the constant back and forth.”
Alec’s phone started to vibrate, the sound immediately drawing looks from all three of the room’s occupants.
Alec immediately snapped it up.
“Alexander my boy, I intend to be brief. May I assume Ysabelle is with you now and the two of you had a chance to speak.”
“That’s correct ma’am. I’d like to apologize for…
“I don’t recall asking for an apology nor do I require your contrition. May I also assume Miss Sokolov, your little spetsnaz acquisition is also present.”
“Yes ma’am. I can have her…”
“No one else?” She interrupted.
“No ma’am.”
“Good. Put me on speakerphone if you would be so kind.”
“Yes ma’am. It’s done.”
“Now Alexander. I’m curious to know how a neonate Tremere with very little in the way of Camarilla status and nothing in social graces was able to procure the means to contact me.”
“I’ve been wondering the same thing ma’am.”
“So it is safe to say that he received no direction or assistance from you or those attached to you.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Very well. I believe you Alexander as I have no reason to question your sincerity. Ysabelle. Have you completed the task I required of you?”
“I have Fiorenza.”
“Excellent. Alexander, the Tremere in your coterie has exchanged a boon for this courtesy. He was fortunate to catch me on a night when I was feeling most benevolent. When I call to collect there is a good possibility I will ask you to relay my wishes. Will that be a problem?”
“No Ma’am.”
“Ms. Savona if I may…”
“Quickly Alexander.” She answered with some impatience.
“I counseled him on proper etiquette and cautioned him against disturbing you in the future.”
“I’m certain you did. It makes no nevermind dear boy. The number he used is no longer in service. Should he desire to contact me again, he will have to earn it. Do inform him that manners maketh the man.”
“I will ma’am.”
“Good night Alexander, Ysabelle, Elena.”
“Good night ma’am.”
The line went dead. Alec laid the phone back on the desk before pulling out the oversized leather chair and slumping deep into it, in obvious relief.
“See . I told you. Nothing to worry about.” Ysa offered reassuringly.
“It was still a grimy, selfish move if you ask me.” Elena said, voicing her opinion with venom.
“I don’t disagree. I’m interested to see what he does next and if he has learned anything from this experience.” Alec replied.
Ysa cocked an eyebrow.
“Yeah. I don’t think so either.” Alec agreed, staring at the pieces of broken rocks glass in the trash basket.
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