The Prince and her Court
This is the current heirarchy for the Camarilla of New York. As the coterie finds out about the other sects they will be displayed here. Any changes to the court will also be updated here.
New York is also known for its Three Linchpins (Wall Street, run by the Ventrue, The Chantry of the Five Boroughs, run by the Tremere and ShreckNET run by the Nosferatu but infiltrated and taken down by the NSA in 2004.
Prince – Hellene Panhard (Ventrue)
The Seneschal (Advisor, Lt.) – NONE
Primogen Council (Clan Reps) – Horus (Banu Haqim), Marlena (Brujah), Carter Vanderweyden (Malkavian), ??? (Nosferatu), ??? (Toreador), Genie Estevez (Tremere), NONE (Ventrue), Ivan Kutkha (Catiff), Robert Larson (Thin-Blood)
Clan Whip (second command for the Primogen) – none currently
The Sheriff – Qadir Al-Asmir (Toreador)
The Herald(s) (Voice of Prince) – Thomas Arturo (Toreador), Stephen Patrick Maslowe (Brujah)
Scourge – David Morgan (Malkavian), Valerie (Ventrue)
The Keeper of Elysium (Host of ceremonies and Sanctuary) – Winston (Ventrue)
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