Aftermath of The Incident in Long Island City
On April 7th a terrorist attack New York City once again as one warehouse was leveled and another contained many explosives and plans for more attacks to be carried out across the city in the following days.
Members of SHD and the NYPD carried out a night time strike and in the process several officars were injured and or killed in the action.
The terrorist cell that has not been named but is linked to the NYPD’s 1 Police Plaza attack, the National Guard Armory Arson and the YMCA Fire Bombing took heavy casualties as they used automatic weapons and attack dogs to try and fight off the police.
SHD and the NYPD have kept the casualty numbers close to the vest but funerals for the fallen officers have tied down city streets in the last few weeks.
In the last few nights SHD and the NYPD have made several raids on buisnesses and private homes of suspected terrorist sympithizers and have have taken several into custody while 3 or 4 altercations occured leading to shootouts. Details have been sketchy but body bags were seen leaving those incedents.
More news as we get it.
The incedent with Archon Dillon and their followers and SHD/NYPD ended very baddly for the Archon. Despite no bodies being found, Archon Dillon, Lord Wainwright, Pasquale Ball and Laszlo are MIA and believed to be dusted.
Several other kindred are also believed to be dusted or captured by SHD/NYPD. Confirmed meeting the final death is Scourge Valerie Duval, believed to have been killed by fellow Scourge David Morgan of the Malkavians. Missing from the scene is Hound Gianni D’Angelo of the Nosferatu. It is not known at this time if he was complicit with Morgan or is another victim of his.
Days after the Incident word came that Justicar Lucinde of the Ventrue would be arriving shortly and has called for Elysium to be called at the end of the month on the 28th.
Upon arriving in the city and meeting with Prince Panhard, the Justicar went about making some changes within the city and forcing the Prince’s hand and making several court appointments the first of which was naming the Toreador Maryse D’Amboise as Herald.
Another big arrival in the city was the return of the Tremere Maximillian Strauss from the west coast. Good news he did not bring as he told of the Anarch Free States outlasting the Second Inquisition and the Camarilla, the destruction of Prince Vannavar Thomas, and his Senechal Suzanne Rochelle being put in torpor. High Regent Sturbridge granted Strauss Regency over Lord Wainwrights Chantry for as long as he reamins in New York.
Speaking of Regency changes, the secret Chantry at the New York Public Library has been moved after recent issues with cultists. The new location is under lock and key but the new Regent is said to be Egg Shen.
After the incedent and the turncoat actions of former Scourge David Morgan, the Malkavian Clan seems to be seeing more hatred then usual from the other clans.
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