The Long Voyage Home
Arabess woke with a start, eyes flashing open aglow with a cold blue radiance. Her friends were still asleep, fitfully it seemed but sleeping nonetheless. Cal was shifting uncomfortably in his bunk, mumbling incoherently but anxiously, warnings perhaps? She crept over to where he rested and shook him.
“Cal!” She whispered rather loudly.
He didn’t stir.
“Cal wake up!” She violently shook his shoulder.
“What?!” His eyes opened in obvious confusion. “Bessie. What’s the matter? Are you ok?”
“I don’t know.” She answered nervously. “I had this dream… or nightmare… I don’t know. It seemed so real. We were trapped on this forgotten island, beset upon by hordes of skeletons and giant ants. It was terrible… for every one we killed two more would appear. It was as endless as it was meaningless. Kinda like being trapped in mud in the middle of a windstorm. Things were happening but I was getting nowhere. It was maddening with no conclusion in sight. We tried to find our way out of the accursed place but every step forward was met by another nonsensical obstacle. It was as if some greater power was forcing us to play along in some tedious game with no purpose or goal other than to keep us from any future happiness or enjoyment. You study… Is there a god of boredom who we may have offended? Anyway it looked like you were suffering from a similar tormented sleep so I wanted to wake you and save you from it.” She smiled. “You can thank me later.”
He blinked. “I think we were stuck in the same dream.” He lurched up and for a moment stared at their other two companions. “Quick. Wake Evalise. I’ll rouse An’ric. This ends now.”
Hurriedly they woke their friends to find they had suffered similar nightmares, though oddly, An’ric believed they may have been some reason for it… some story to be told, but none of the others seemed to agree.
“Well if there is some power trying to tell us something I guess we’re only a dream away from returning.” The monk posited.
Arabess paled as her eyes grew wide. She looked at Cal. “Oh hells no. If there’s any chance we might have to revisit that horrible place, I’m never sleeping again.”
“Yeah cause that’s what we need. A sleep deprived and irritable Bessie.” Cal chuckled.
“I’m a delight to be around and you know it.” She glared at him, eyes frosting over again. “And don’t call me Bessie!”
“Careful Cal.” Evalise smirked.
The bard smiled. “Let’s head topside and have a look at where we are.”
They emerged on deck and saw the captain, Jirelle, speaking to her first mate. They could see land in the not so far off distance. The sun was low and slowly rising indicating it was early morning.
“Well hello. I trust you rested well enough?” She was cordial but her tone held a hint of attitude. “Haven’t seen or heard a word from any of you since early last evening. I suppose you needed a break after your island escapades?” She took a closer look at her guests. For the extra hours she presumed they had laid about doing nothing, the lot of them certainly looked worse for wear.
“I wish I could say that was the whole of it, Captain.” Cal said. “I can’t rightly explain it but we seem to have fallen victim to a tormented dreamscape. Not sure why anyone would put us through that. I didn’t think we had any enemies, none nearby at least.”
“It’s not unheard of for the spirits of the sea to accost unwary travelers. Let’s hope whatever caused your nightmares is gone from your lives forever.”
“Thank you, Captain.” Cal bowed.
“Yes, let’s hope.” Arabess emphasized.
“I suggest you pack your things. We’ll be docking within the hour. Be ready to disembark. I’m told Zylem would like a word with you all. He asks you to meet him for lunch at the Selemchant compound.”
“As you say Captain.” Cal nodded.
“Oh and Cal… Should you or friends ever be in need of some honest work, you’d be welcome to return.”
“Much appreciated Jirelle.” Arabess answered for the group.
The Captain nodded and went back to the business of running her ship.
Below deck again, the four friends gathered their belongings and packed their travel bags. Arabess had just rolled up her bedding and was stuffing it into a backpack that looked much to small for what she was packing.
“How do you fit all that stuff in that little backpack Bess?” An’ric asked.
“Magic.” She answered with a flourish of her fingers.
He laughed. “Great wanna help me pack mine?”
“Nope.” She smirked. “Besides, don’t you monks take a vow of poverty or something? How much stuff can you have?”
“Ha. Ha. Hilarious.” The monk snarked.
“I find her funny.” Cal grinned.
‘Yeah well… you have to.”
Cal looked at Arabess who shrugged a shoulder at him.
“Children.” Evalise cut in. “Just get your crap and let’s go. “I have a weapon to collect.”
“Oh yeah. Let’s not forget about that.” Arabess said with shared excitement for her friend. “And the sooner we hit the city the better I’ll feel about never having to relive that nightmare of an adventure ever again.”
Agreed. Plus we have an appointment to keep, so if everyone’s ready…”
Cal’s companions nodded.
“Fresh start then my friends!”
They disembarked the ship, saying their goodbyes as they did and melted away into the crowded city.
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