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Cal's New Single (Through An'ric's eyes)

Eminent Member Moderator
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Ones (Sung to the Tune Of ‘One’ By Metallica)

I can’t remember anything
Can’t tell if this is true or a dream
Deep down inside I want to scream
Tavril’s chastising stops me

Now that the snakes are through with me
I’m waking up, I cannot see
I’m not sure but I think I peed
Nothing is real but pain now

Draw my breath as I fight off death
Oh please, Helm, save me

Lying in the sand it’s much too real
Prayers restore life that I can feel
Now I look forward to reveal
Look to the future since I’ll live

My friends laugh mocking me
Just like a carnival novelty
Clinging to Evalise as she pulls me free
I pull this snake off from me

Draw my breath as I fight off death
Oh please, Helm, save me

Now the Weave is gone, I’m alone
Oh Helm, help me

Draw my breath as I fight off death
Oh please, Helm, save me

Venom imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I must live
I cannot die
Trapped in in the sand
Desert my holding cell

Vipers have taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
I twisted my arms
Twisted my legs
Risking my soul
I feel like I’m in hell
