Quevas’s Business E…
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Quevas's Business Expands

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Quevas sat on his couatl feathered mattress speaking to hise familar, the fire mephit he nicknamed TK. The creature had been explaining the wonders of the Plane of Fire to Quevas when it was interrupted by a knock at the door.  


“Enter” Quevas bade.  


Nuraya slowly entered the room “With whom are you speaking Quevas?”


“Enter dear and meet my friend Tkoodlevunch, better known to me as TK.  TK meet Nuraya my manager for Limoo Shirin.” Quevas’s face saddened as he explained,  “TK recently joined my side when his master…my mentor… House Freth Wizard Caelcoth Hyluan was viciously murdered.”


Nuraya offered her condolences then reached behind TK’s large pointed ears and began to scratch him. “He is adorable Quevas.”  


Quevas smiling again watched as TK’s left leg began to twitch until it began to full out shake as Nuraya pet him.  “ I see that the two of you will get along just fine.”


Nuraya smiled “I had a pet like him before I was taken as a slave.”  


Quevas straightened in his seat and asked, “May I inquire as to how you became a slave dear?”


Nuraya’s smied disappeared instantly as she snapped “No!”  


Quevas stood up and as he began to exit paused to say “Enjoy the company dear. Perhaps, when you are ready, you will choose to share this with me.”


Quevas was almost through the door when Nuraya spoke “Please… wait, I’m sorry for my reaction.  It has been a long time since I’ve had to remember what happened but rage still fills my heart.”  Nuraya motioned for Quevas to take a seat.


Quevas instead made for a cabinet he had recently installed in the space. It was filled with some of the finer wines from the City of Brass.  He poured two glasses before walking back toward Nuraya “i think might help make the tale easier to tell my dear.”


Nuraya with TK seated in her lap on the bed began “My parents both worked for a bey within the city.  They were both human in appearance and did not know that the blood of elementals flowed through their veins. When I was born some 24 years ago they had been enjoying a good life.  Sadly that would suddenly change. At my birth my father was initially shocked by my appearance. I inherited more typival elemental features and so my father assumed my mother had betrayed him for another. His anger toward her grew daily and his treatment of her more harsh. Over time though they both came to learn of their heritage thanks to the help of the great bey we worked for and lived with.  Unfortunately, my father’s lingering temper did not fade.” Nuraya’s mood shifted to a sad expression “Even so we had lived well until my 8th birthday. Our benevolent bey invited many friends over to help celebrate me. It was his idea that a better day’s outcome could be had with a larger party. The party was to be my last happy moment in this life.  That day the wretched son of one of the bey’s friends, a true efreet, attempted to exert his sexual desires upon me. I wish I hadn’t screamed that day for it would’ve saved me many future tears and screams, but alas it wasn’t so.  Upon hearing me many came running. The bey and the wretched child’s father were furious. Unfortunately, my father was blinded by rage. He never heard the bey yell stop before killing the child for his transgression against my honor. Had circumstances had been different, I believe the bey would have sided with us.  But alas, killing an efreet within the city of brass comes with a severe penalty. The bey had no choice but to acquiesce to the murdered boy’s family’s wishes that we be immediately arrested.”


Nuraya fought back a sob though her tears had long ago dried out. “My father was promptly put to death and my mother and I sold into slavery.  The bey attempted to purchase us and save us from this horrible fate but was outbid by the family of the murdered child. They in turn sold my mother to a sheik from Calimport and myself to a brothel as revenge. It has been nearly seventeen years since I last saw my mother. I have passed through many a brothel and home only find myself once again on an auctioneer’s block.  I thought my life over until I was saved by the good fortune of your purchase.” Nuraya raises her head and smiles slightly “Thank you Quevas.”


Quevas nodded in return. He had also noticed that TK surprisingly had sat relatively still the entire time.  He rose to get the Port wine bottle. He poured Nuraya another glass, leaving the bottle next to her. He looked down, cupping her chin and with his hand, gently raising her head. “You are definitely a unique individual Nuraya.”  Exiting the somber room and leaving her with TK he said “Rest you two. We shall talk more when next I return. I have business to attend to in Hosuth. My dear I leave the Limoo Shirin in your very capable and strong hands, TK watch out for her and be nice to Grelvog Agir lest he eat you, Nuraya will introduce you.”


Quevas arrived in Hosuth near his brother Nazmyr’s tree again.  “This has to stop”, he muttered to himself. He hated relying on this location for arrival. He hastily made his way through town to the merchant’s quarter and his new warehouse.  It had been several weeks since he had been here. Upon entering he found the foreman he had hired to construct the place. Looking around he was quite pleased with the work. The warehouse/baking area would soon be done. Looking toward the drow architect and nodding his approval. He reached for a small pouch. Making sure several of the workers would see and hear the exchange as he tossed the pouch to the foreman and said “Drinks for you and the workers are on me this evening, fine work.”  


The foreman, Vhukyn Omraeir, replied pleasantly, “The store fronts are done and await your approval lord,” then nodded his approval raising the pouch.  


Quevas made his way through town to the stores.  He passed several checkpoints on his way. At one of the latter checkpoints he saw Calnozz Helvilyl  “Been a while lieutenant, here is something to hold your men over till my store opens.” Quevas offered Calnozz a Limoo Shirin cake. “I believe you will like this one even better.”  Calnozz nodded as Quevas quickly bypassed the line, heading toward his stores.


Quevas surveyed the two stores and found the foreman was correct that they were indeed done.  Both stores were built to his specifications and were immaculate. “This city truly does indulge their merchants well.” he mused. Quevas went upstairs to the second floor of his magic store. After inspecting the building and ensuring it was empty, he cast magical incantations, warding it against intrusion.  He entered what would soon be his room and protected it as well. Once he felt secure, he studied his room, noting a cleared space to return to in the future.”

Quevas unrolled a scroll and after reading it found himself moments later walking through a tunnel toward Riluaven not so far from the city. He identified himself at the gate and was quickly allowed inside. He learned there had been some recent demonic activity nearby.  It seemed a couple of dretches had attempted to approach a little too close to the city. They were quickly dispatched by a patrol hiding in wait. The skirmish though created concern that they might not have been alone. Quevas made a mental note to arrive at a more secure location just nearer the rear entrance of the city for safer passage in the future.  He made his way toward his lemon store and once inside informed three of the slave bakers that their training was complete. He ordered them to prepare for travel elsewhere to work. He decided to leave the remaining four here, three goblins and a human slave. He entered the rear of the store and walked downstairs. He quickly located the minotaur guard stationed there and a pile of future wares he had been collecting. He commanded three stock goblins to load the entirety into his portable hole before he closed it.  He informed his minotaur guard that he would be travelling to Hosuth with him to work there as well. There was a clear scowl and expression of anger upon the minotaur’s face. His facial expression and concern were eased after Quevas ensured him that his pay would increase considerably.

A bothersome voice seemed to blend with his the entire time. Quevas had been ignoring the goblin running close behind but was quickly beginning to anger.  


The goblin made to interrupt again “Excuse me Lord?”  


“What!”  Quevas snapped, “Obviously you don’t see I’m busy.”  


Tuurd as the goblin was named began “I’m sorry Lord but something has happened.”  Business has been interrupted.”


Quevas looked carefully at his surroundings within the store. The Ring Gates were not receiving or sending goods. The line normally out-front was nonexistent.  “What has happened Tuurd?”


Tuurd, obviously afraid of the change in Quevas’s demeanor replied “The gates just stopped working lord.  Our chef sent out runners to buy comparable ingredients but they’re quality did not match that which was coming through the ring.  The customers grew unhappy and slowed in coming saying they not return till the problem is addressed. We had no way of contacting you lord.”


Quevas’s growing anger lessened and he seemed to calm.  He had heard that Rilauven might implement such a magical defense in order to block teleportation from outside the city. Quevas assumed this had already taken place. This demon intrusion in the Underdark was becoming quite troublesome. Quevas quietly hoped that Menzoberranzan would’ve been wiped out by the demons by now. Unfortunately, though he knew that would not happen due to the great power possessed by the denizens of the city. It was said that the Demon Lord Demogorgon himself was banished from the city.  “Amazing what they are capable of when united, if they only learned to work together more frequently. Alas the spider bitch won’t allow it.” he lamented.


Some time later, Quevas made his way to the city guard station in Rilauven.  After a brief inquiry he learned that this teleportation problem had caused to much complaint within the city. But like many of the underdark cities near Menzoberranzan it would remain in place until the threat of demons had subsided. The rulers of several of the nearby cities had followed Menzoberranzan’s lead and secured themselves in kind.


Teleportation and gating were a fundamental concern when dealing with demons/devils.  Even so,due to this complaint the guards had been ordered to establish a secure location for incoming teleportation just a short way outside the rear gate for nobility, merchants and such.  This location would allow for a relatively short walk to the rear city entrance. It was also safeguarded by the city militia should the threat of demons present itself. In the unlikely event it became overrun however, a magical contingency would immediately void all teleportation and gating in the area, preventing any incoming individuals from accidently arriving amidst demons.


Quevas returned to his storefront with the news. He changed his earlier instructions accordingly. He would be taking all his bakers and two stock goblins, leaving only a serving and stock crew here. He collected his ring gate ensuring to only store it within a simple backpack for travel.  Were he ever made the mistake of placing such an item within his portable hole….. A shiver ran down his spine. Disaster… He was leaving Tuurd in charge here to keep the goblins in check. His human staff, and minotaur guards would control Tuurd. Quevas had a closed for renovation sign placed outside until his anticipated return in a few days.  The staff remaining would be accommodated inside till then.


Upon arriving at the secure area outside the rear gate he withdrew the Ring Gate and sent a note into it.  Placing the Ring gate away he instructed 5 goblins into the remaining space within his portable hole. He then closed the hole and retrieved a scroll from his clothing.  He read the scroll and the remaining 3 bakers, 1 goblin, minotaur guard and himself appeared instantly within his bakery in Hosuth. He freed his bakers assisting them out of the portable hole. He then took his entire entourage to the warehouse by the water. Once inside he met with the contractor who was awaiting his return. After a long inspection of the warehouse Quevas felt most pleased with the work.  He paid the contractor adding a generous bonus and put his people to work. This warehouse had been built to perfection in his mind. The front of the building housed an enormous kitchen. It had room enough for 20 bakers, more than adequate for the 7 he had brought. The rear of the building held storage along with dock space for 3 boats which would be used for shuttling goods to and from the other 2 storefronts Quevas had purchased. Eventually he may decide to even shuttle goods to other cities. Only time would tell. Quevas quickly removed the ring gate from his pack and placed it the area designed to house it.  He quickly scratched a note out and sent it through the gate. After about ten minutes goods began to flow through again. The two goblins quickly started their routine of receiving and stacking again. The bakers were taught the new system then began to retrieve the goods and other essentials from the rear of Quevas’s portable hole to begin baking once again.




It had been a week since Quevas moved his operation to the Hosuth warehouse. He left his minotaur in charge of securing the warehouse with some local hires. His Hosuth Bakery was up and running as well with a healthy flow of customers. Many of the local military frequented often due to the standing discount he offered them. Quevas had also hired from among these drow to work security for his buildings.


Quevas approached his bakery that morning and found Lt. Calnozz Helvilyl standing out front with another two drow. They appeared to be chatting. “Good day Calnozz.” Quevas stated. He was met with three nods and a hearty handshake as Calnozz grasped his forearm. “Your store Quevas is amazing, the delicacies that are your pastries are enjoyed by all as evidenced from this line of customers. Also, the fact that you hire my men for security as well is greatly appreciated.” Quevas nodded “Calnozz we both benefit from such an arrangement.  I feel secure in doing business here thanks to you and your men. I have a great respect for what you do and that is why I also hire them and pay them so well not to mention the standing discount for my wares. What fool would dare try to hurt or steal from my business knowing he would face my security first and further upset the local militia in doing so. It is I, who should thank you for allowing me to prosper within your city. Calnozz let your people know that as my customer base grows, and I open my component store across the street I will be hiring more security personnel.”  Calnozz nodded his head in approval then entered the store with Quevas.


“So Calnozz what brings you here this morning?”


“My men at the bridges were hoping for one of your treats to help pass the day.”


Quevas motioned to one of the goblins behind the counter.  After whispering in his ear, the goblin ran to the back of the store before returning with three boxes.


Quevas states “2 boxes contain cakes and the third pastries. Wish the men well for me.”


Calnozz made for his coin purse to pay for the goods. Quevas would have none of it.


“You can pay next time when I may not be here Calnozz, this one is on me.”


Calnozz thanked Quevas again and left  with his treasures. Quevas moved to the rear and was pleased to see everything running smoothly. Exiting the store, he walked across the street to his other business to see how things were developing.  Looking up he saw that his sign “The Dancing Flame Magic and Divine Emporium” was now hanging above the entry. Curious, he turned to see that “Limoo Shirin “Sweet Lemon” Bakery” sign was also hanging. Quite pleased he turned and entered his emporium.  Looking around he saw his guard standing just inside the door. He returned the guardsman’s nod walking past. Quevas approved as to how his goblins were arranging the store. They had actually followed his instructions correctly this time. He motioned for the goblins to take a break as he inspected the space. The front of the store showcased many mundane and standard magic/divine components which are readily available in the underdark as well as the surface.  Upon approaching the counter one would see behind it, a large showcase for many not easily accessed components. There was also a sign advertising rare and extremely rare components that would be available per request. Special requests for non-listed items could also be made and an answer to availability of such, along with price would be given within a few days. Quevas was quite pleased to find out that this store would be ready to open by his next visit.


Walking back across the street to the Limoo Shirin, Quevas entered and approached his head of security.  Dordiar Stormhorns, the minotaur guard that came here from Riluaven was standing at his post overlooking the entire warehouse. The local security men hired were conducting their rounds as he gazed on. Dordiar snorted as Quevas approached. Quevas asked him to join him in the rear office.  Once inside he thanked Dordiar for his excellent service so far and especially for his patience.Dordiar had agreed to come to Hosuth reluctantly as he had built a life in Riluaven. His family and friends were there. The increased pay was the only reason he had agreed go.


“I have a proposition for you Dordiar that should please you and free me up to work on more pressing matters. As you know once every other day in the morning I come here and teleport many wares to the outskirts of Riluaven to supply my store there. On a couple of those occasions you accompanied me to check in on your affairs within the city before returning with me. On those occasions I asked that you take note of the area we arrived in. Do you remember that area well?”


Dordiar grunts a response in undercommon “Yes”


“Good Dordiar. Here.”


Quevas handed the minotaur a pair of boots he had recently spent several weeks working on and then stored inside his cloak. “Try them on.”  Dordiar stared perplexed at Quevas and then the small human sized boots he was just handed. Quevas again motioned for him to try them on. Shrugging his massive shoulder Dordiar obliged. Fully believing he is about to tear them apart with his massive hooves he was surprised to find the boots seem to magically enlarge as he pulled them on. Once the look of amazement passed, he grimaced at Quevas and his expression becoming sterner


Quevas raised his hand “Relax Dordiar they are meant to be a gift should you choose to accept them. I believe your having them could prove beneficial to both of us.”


The minotaur eyed him suspiciously.


“They are boots of teleportation that I recently crafted. I wish you to take my wares to Riluaven every two days personally. I would that you to check on the store there as the goods are delivered. This way I will no longer need to perform this task myself. It also affords you the opportunity to visit Riluaven whenever you so choose. Will you except this duty and my gift?”


Dordiar spoke in rough undercommon “May I try them out now?”


“Be aware Dordiar the magic will allow only three castings each day. Today’s wares have already been delivered so yes, please do. Tthey are yours to use as you see fit should you so choose to accept my offer.”


Dordiar immediately nodded his approval and stepped back attempting to teleport.  His body taking the motion of a weird dance as he attempted to get the boots to work. Quevas fought back a laugh as he approached Dordiar. Trying to calm him, he whispered the command word into the minotaurs cowlike ear. Dordiar, now understanding how to activate the magic he wore paused to allow Quevas time to step back before whispering the arcane word and disappearing.
