Nazmyr in Calimport…
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[Closed] Nazmyr in Calimport Part 2

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Shelsa sat on the floor and curiously watched Nazmyr give his room at the inn a ‘once over’ before preparing to leave for the final time.


“Why are we doing this again?” Shelsa asked.


“Because it gets Magnus Bane off my back and satisfies my thirst for vengeance.” Said Nazmyr as he peered under the bed to insure he did not leave anything behind.


“Do you think you can handle a vampyre by yourself?”


“No. That’s why you’re coming.”


“I am?” Shelsa said surprised.


“Unless of course you don’t feel up to the task. You can always stay with Naadiyah. I’m sure she will be more than happy to fatten you up a little more.”


“Wait,you think I’m fat?” Shelsa said in an accusatory manner.


“No! Of course not! I’m sure it’s all hair.”


Prior to Nazmyr’s trip to Calimport, Magnus Bane came to Ev under the ruse of visiting Langwidere. His true motivation was to have a personal meeting with Nazmyr. After a day of pleasantries, Magnus Bane did indeed secure a private conference with the ‘King’. Magnus’ presents in Ev left Nazmyr uneasy. He was pleasant enough and was never confrontational but Nazmyr knew there was more to the visit other than a social call. Nazmyr arraigned the meet to take place in the study. Once he insured that they were alone, Nazmyr poured drinks as Magnus feigned interest in the books on the shelves.


“You have carved out quite a life for yourself since our last encounter your ‘Highness’.” Said Magnus with a measurable level of sarcasm.


Nazmyr gave his guest a wary look but said nothing and offer his guest a small crystal chalice of brandy.


Magnus graciously accepted the libation and continued. “My centuries of life have helped me to understand your motivations. I bet you didn’t know there was a time in my life that I too was not above petty theft. Long ago I was out and about with some friends. I broke into a man’s house and stole his flying carpet. I sped off into the night air with the town guards pursuing me straight into the dessert. Now granted I was drunk at the time and I had every intention of living the rest of my days as a cactus in the desert; but I am a thief nonetheless.”


Magnus smiled at Nazmyr and offered his hand in friendship.


“I wish to start our relationship anew.”


Nazmyr looked in Magnus’ amber eyes and believed his offer to be genuine. He accepted his hand and raised up his chalice with the other. “A toast then! To new beginnings!”


The two drank to their agreement. After which each man found his own place in oversized high-backed chair.


As Magnus took his seat, Nazmyr noticed that his movements seem almost choreographed, from the turn of his body as he sat to the flourish of fingers decorated with rings when he folded his hands in his lap.


“I require your assistance Lord Vandree.”


“What would you have me do?”


“My dear love has gotten away from me and I want her back.”


“And who is this person you speak of?”


“The Lady Camille Belcourt.”


The name gave Nazmyr pause. He recalled the hold she had on him. The beguiler, beguiled. Magnus saw Nazmyr’s hesitation and continued.


“For over a century, I’ve closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone. Man or woman. She’s one of the few who has unlocked something in me. They say that time heals all wounds but that presumes the source of grief is finite. You are in a unique position to assist me Lord Vandree; so, I come to you and ask you to help heal my wound.”


Nazmyr couldn’t help but to smile in spite of himself. Magnus saw that he touched Nazmyr’s ego and continued.


“You know Camille, better than most. And your skills as a…” Magnus paused searching for a polite title… ’trapper’ precede you…in some circles.”


“And if I agree to help you…”


“I will be eternally grateful. And if you know me as well as you should, you know that is no small boast.”


Nazmyr now found himself walking the streets of Calimport under the cover of darkness. He disguised himself to look as mundane as possible and kept to the shadows. It wasn’t before long he found himself in front of a modest home crafted of gypsum. It was exactly as Magnus described. For weeks Nazmyr traced Camille’s movements and learned her habits in order to prepare himself for this moment. He still had a nagging fear of becoming Camille’s puppet again and was determined to push that fear back into the recesses of his mind; for he knew if it got the better of him he would surely fail.


Before approaching the house he created a complex phantasm of wagons and merchants traveling in a convoy slowly meandering down the street. Taking advantage of this distraction Nazmyr then opened a small portal in the wall on the side of the house and gained entry. Once he was inside he quickly noted even though there was a certain level of opulence in the choice of decor he imagined that Camille would have found it quite plain.


Ever leary of glyphs, wards and and other traps, Nazmyr quickly and quietly made his way to the bedroom. Before entering the room he again he cautiously checked to insure the room was safe. Upon completion of his inspection he nodded to himself in satisfaction and went straight to work. He recited a series of esoteric incantations displacing Camille’s bed with the coffin that Magnus Bane had imprisoned her in years ago. Yet another incantation glamoured the coffin to appear as her bed. Satisfied that nothing else was out of place, Nazmyr melded into the gypsum wall and Shelsa hid amongst the furniture as she was to be Nazmyr’s eyes. Both patiently waited for Camille to come home. Minutes seemed like hours, hours seemed like days, still they patiently waited.


Camille approached the front door of her house and spoke several command phrases disarming her wards. She swiftly stepped in, locked the door behind her and let out a sigh of exhaustion. She removed her cloak and walked into her bedroom. She crossed the threshold of the bedroom and tossed her cloak upon a seeming unoccupied chair. Shelsa froze in place, fearful to move. Nazmyr became effectively blind.


Nazmyr spoke mentally to Shelsa “What in the Nine Hells is going on!”


“Uh… I have a problem. She threw a cloak on top of me.” replied Shelsa somewhat worried.


“Yah xsa ol!” cursed Nazmyr.


Camille stood in front of her dresser, kicked off her shoes, and removed her jewelry. She turned and looked wantingly at her bed. The silk sheets promised relaxation and the mound of fluffy pillows called to her. She launched herself at the bed expecting to be embraced by silk and down; instead she plummeted to the hard stone floor with a dull thud. Nazmyr’s illusion quickly vanished and Camille’s eyes fell upon the coffin Magnus Bane entombed her in. She gasped in panic and quickly rose to her feet. Nazmyr was already in motion and hurled ball crafted of tarnished iron bands at her. The ball sprung open instantly restraining Camille. Camille screamed in fear and frustration and furiously fought to free herself. Nazmyr scooped up the writhing Camille and unceremoniously dumped her into the coffin. As Camille continued to struggle Nazmyr administered multiple doses of sleep poison and waited for her to fall asleep. Once she was in a deep slumber, Nazmyr retrieved his iron bands.


Shelsa, who had freed herself from Camille’s cloak pounced upon the coffin lid slamming it shut.


“We did it!” Crowed Shelsa. “We actually caught a vampyre! That was so much fun! Much more fun than mice or birds!”


“Fun?! That was fun?!” said Nazmyr incredulously. “She missed the vith’ez coffin!”


“Well I knew that was going to happen. Her bed was much bigger than the coffin. I don’t know what you were thinking.”


Nazmyr was exasperated “You knew and said nothing?!”


“I will next time.” Shelsa said cheerfully. “I just wanted you to see how much you need me.”
