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[Closed] Nazmyr in Calimport

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Naadiyah sang happily to herself as she decorated her new home. Trusting in her tastes, Valas had allowed her to decorate the former abode of the Pasha to her liking. Her singing was interrupted by a gentle knocking at the front door. Naadiyah was not expecting guests and cautiously approached the door. Her fears quickly subsided when she saw Dahlia.  Naadiyah opened the door and greeted Dahlia with a bright smile.


“Cousin! Why are you out here? You are always welcome in my home.”


Dahlia returned her smile with one of her own and hugged her.


“I heard the wonderful news and wanted to surprise you.” Said Dahlia.


Naadiyah invited Dahlia in and when straight to the kitchen to prepare coffee.


Dahlia sat down and made herself comfortable. As Naadiyah made coffee she recited the tale of how Valas came into ownership of their new property. A short time later Naadiyah emerged with a silver serving trade and offered Dahlia a cup of finely crafted porcelain. Dahlia sipped the hot coffee within. It had a layer of froth and smelled of cardamom.


“It’s delicious Little Cousin, thank you.”


“I’m glad you like it, I use a technique that my khala taught me.”


There was a brief silence before a crimson and gold embroidered box caught Naadiyah’s attention.


“What’s that?” she said playfully.


“You’ll have to open it to find out.” Dahlia said equally playful.


Naadiyah placed her cup down and carefully removed the lid. Inside was a crystalline sculpture that looked as if the very wind itself was captured and frozen in time.


“Dahlia!” exclaimed Naadiyah “This is beautiful!”


“I am pleased you like it Little Cousin.” Said Dahlia.


“I don’t like it, I love it! I know exactly where to put it!” Naadiyah said has she eagerly placed the object.


There was another brief silence as Naadiyah admired her gift and Dahlia admired Naadiyah’s happiness.


“Soooo…” Naadiyah started “How was your time with Nazmyr?”


“What? Exclaimed Dahlia “How did…”


“Shelsa told me.” Naadiyah said sounding like an adolescent girl “A whole week?!”


Dahlia blushed slightly “It was good.” She said anticlimactically.


“Good?! Naadiyah said exasperated “That’s it?!”


“It started wonderfully. He used the ‘ring’ to call me, which I cannot stand, and told me that he wanted me to join him on his trip to Calimport. He said the choice was mine.”


“That is wonderful! I told you he respects you, but I think he feels more than just respect.”


Dahlia smiled and blushed at Naadiyah’s comment. She was attracted to Nazmyr for the raw power that emanated from him and found him to be exciting and dangerous. She quickly decided that she was going to travel with him. At the time what she didn’t admit, even to herself, was that she was in love with him.


“I decided to join him and I am glad I did. It was almost like a dream! I’ve never been to Calimport. Because I am djinn, I was treated as if I were royalty…by everyone! And Nazmyr…you would think he lived in the city all his life. We experienced amazing things together.”


“And yet you say ‘It was good’? Did he mistreat you?”


“On the contrary, I couldn’t have hoped for better. He was perfect.”


“I am confused.”


“My brother Fatoush found us.”


Naadiyah’s eyes grew wide with new clarity, she said nothing and listened intently.


“I have never seen him so angry.” Dahlia continued “He knows I have been bound to Nazmyr’s ring. He made a huge scene in the middle of the square. Nazmyr let him rant and said nothing, until he moved to strike me.”


The color drained from Naadiyah’s face. She knew Nazmyr to be the ‘charming one’ but Valas had told her stories that Nazmyr was equally wrathful.


“So this is the Ya kalb responsible for your imprisonment!” Fatoush bellowed.


The booming voice caught Nazmyr and Dahlia off guard.


“Fatoush?!” said a surprised Dahlia “Fatoush what are you doing here?! Are you following me?!”


“This pig shall pay with his life for what he has done to you!” Fatoush said has he stormed toward the couple.


“Fatoush it’s not what you think!” pleaded Dahlia.


“Isn’t it?! This fiend parades you around like a whore bringing dishonor to the family and I am to sit idle?! And don’t call me Fatoush! Call me Phantom!”


Putting herself between Fatoush and Nazmyr, Dahlia rushed to impede Fatoush.


“Brother listen to me!” Dahlia said frantically “I am not the slave you believe me to be! I am here of my own free will!”


“So you would dishonor the family by choosing to be with this classless Ya Ibn el Sharmouta?!”


“You are wrong Fatoush! There is no dishonor in this! Naz…”


Fatoush cut her off. “No dishonor?! You are betrothed to Ahmad Al-Harith! Your impudent behavior embarasses the family and robs me of my right to pair you with a man of proper station!”


“I do not love this man you have chosen for me!” cried Dahlia. “To you I am like a horse. You don’t treat me as a person. You and Ahmad Al-Harith treat me as if I am an object and the two of you should decide what to do with this ‘thing’! Well I will tell you here and now Fatoush I am no ‘thing’ and I choose him!” Dahlia punctuated her sentence by pointing at Nazmyr.


Fatoush glared at Nazmyr and then shifted his menacing gaze to Dahlia. He spoke an esoteric phrase and was enveloped in a torrent of wind before he vanished from view.


Dahlia’s tale kept Naadiyah on the edge of her seat. She knew full well what kind of repercussions Dahlia’s behavior could bring in their society. “Oh cousin! You are very brave! What shall you do now?”


“I will return home and face Fatoush once more. I hope he will be more reasonable.”


“And Nazmyr?”


“We returned to our room at the inn. I told him that I had to leave and he understood.”

Dahlia reached into her pocket and produced a ring of gold with three links of golden chain attached to it. At the end of the chain is a small emerald, with an ancient rune expertly carved into its largest facet.


“He gently embraced me and kissed me as if it might be the last time. He took my hand and gave me this ring and said ‘I hope to see you soon.’”
