Nazmyr and Dalia Pa…
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Nazmyr and Dalia Part 3

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Dalia padded down the corridor toward the lounge with a crystal wine glass filled with a generous serving of Ouleb Thaleb. Naturally lite footed, the only noise that the casual listener would be able to hear is the occasional jingling noises her jewelry made as she moved. A gentle breeze moved through the room buffeting the drapery. She took a sip from her wine glass and closed her eyes. The breeze felt comforting against her dark tan skin. Her thoughts drifted to ‘little cousin’ Naadiyah and their conversations about Nazmyr. Was she his slave or he her sutor?


Dalia would say “He keeps me bound to the ring! Making me a slave, his prisoner!”


Naadiyah would remind her that Nazmyr rescued her from a truly cruel master who placed her in harm’s way. A master who coveted and abused her power. Nazmyr has only asked for her company and regards her voice with respect.


“If he respects me than he should free me!” Dalia would retort.


Naadiyah would counter “How else but the ring could one such as Nazmyr win your favor. How could he possibly court you without its power compelling your return to him?”


“Is he courting me?” Dalia thought. “Could I be with such a man?” She smiled at her whimsy.


The gentle breeze subsided and the air changed. It was warmer but not uncomfortably so. Dalia opened her eyes to a elegant hall crafted of alabaster. Along the walls, brass sconces with cutout patterns cast interesting shadows. Confused by the sudden shift in her surroundings she carefully ventured through the hall and passed through a arched mosaic passageway. What lay beyond astonished her; a lush garden, rich in water, with flowers and pine, cedar, cypress and pomegranate trees alongside a vineyard.


Dalia felt compelled to touch some the leaves to prove to herself that she wasn’t dreaming.


“I thought you would like this room.”


Dalia thought she was alone and the sound of the unexpected voice startled her causing her to gasp.


She looked around the room briefly before finding Nazmyr sitting comfortably on a oversized mamasan.


“Nazmyr!” She said with relief as her anxiety left her.


Her gaze returned to the wonderment of her surroundings. “What is this place?”


Nazmyr paused for a moment before answering. “I guess you could call it a greenhouse; though it is but a room in a tower.”


“This is a tower?”


“Yes. A recent acquisition during my last business trip in the City of Brass.”


“Are we in the City of Brass?! Are you mad?! Do you know…I cannot even begin to tell you how many of the Sultan’s laws you have broken! There are fates worse than death!”


“One does not break the law if one does not get caught.” Nazmyr said dismissively.


“You are the most brazen and incorrigible man I have ever met!”


“I’ll have to introduce you to my other brothers; you may change your mind.” Nazmyr said as he rose from his seat and approached Dahlia.


“I would offer you a drink but you seem to have brought your own.” He quipped.


Dahlia felt self conscious about her accidental faux pas and quickly placed her wine glass on a nearby table. “I wasn’t expecting you to call on me.”


“Yes, I imagine that can be quite annoying.” Nazmyr said as he offered Dahlia a fresh glass filled with a lavender liquid.


Dahlia accepted the libation “Why?”


“I thought you might be thirsty.”


“Not the drink. Why do you call on me? You could force me to do so much more, abuse my powers, and yet you don’t. Why?”


As she waited for Nazmyr’s response, Dahlia sampled the drink. It was cool and had a light floral aroma.


“I’ll admit that that was my original intention; to bend your power to my will. But as I got to know you I developed a greater respect for you. I will be so bold as to say I find you enchanting. I value our conversations and I desire our relationship to be more than just master and slave.”


“If we are more than master and slave then what are we?”


“You shall have to decide that for yourself.” Nazmyr gently took Dahlia by the hand. “Come. Let me show you around.”


Dahlia was awestruck by the grandeur of the tower. What impressed her even further was how Nazmyr accomplished the impossible and acquired property within the City of Brass.


Nazmyr eventually led Dahlia to the lounge. The walls of the luxurious room were decorated in a delicate filigree motif. Strategically placed armchairs and couches upholstered in jewel-tone fabrics were among the other pieces of opulent furniture that filled out the room.


Dahlia’s eyes fell upon a large grey and white cat with rather long hair and a very ‘intelligent’ expression on her face.


“Oh! What a beautiful cat!” Dahlia gushed “May I touch her?”


“You’ll have to ask her yourself.” Replied Nazmyr.


“That depends.” Said the cat. “Who are you?”


“Forgive my lack of manners.” said Nazmyr “This is Dahlia Hakbarah. Dahlia this is my new friend Shelsa.”


“Oh, she speaks!” Dahlia said surprised.


“Of course, I do.” Said Shelsa as she approached Dahlia and jumped into her arms.


Snuggling Shelsa, Dahlia said “Is this your familiar? When did you get a familiar?”


Nazmyr smiled “A few days ago.”


“I want her!” Dahlia said in a mock child-like whine. “She’s so soft!”


“Shelsa will be staying with me but I do have something else for you.”


Nazmyr walked over to a silver baroque tea cart. Hidden amongst the tea service was a rectangular shaped black polished onyx box inlaid with a kaleidoscope of jewels. He gingerly retrieved the box and presented it to Dahlia.


Shelsa’s fur began to glow and she disappeared from Dahlia’s embrace only to reappear on a nearby couch.


Shelsa’s sudden jaunt took Dahlia by surprise. “She is amazing! What a beautiful creature.”


Dahlia returned her attention to Nazmyr and sheepishly smiled as she accepted the gift from Nazmyr.


“What could he have possibly purchased that requires such decadent presentation?” She thought to herself as she opened the box.


Within the box there were a pair of ornate crystal perfume bottles resting on a black silk cushion. She unstoppered the first and was greeted with the scent of frankincense, dried chamomile blossoms, saffron, cinnamon, and vanilla all expertly blended together, The fragrance was intoxicating. She reached for the other and was taken back the aroma of blond wood, iris, incense, amber, and a touch of pink pepper layered on top. The scent was gorgeous: warm, enigmatic, and surprisingly feminine. Dahlia couldn’t help but to smile.


“The perfumes rare and highly sought after. They were difficult to find even in the City of Brass. Only the most important nobles and wealthiest of merchants are ever given the opportunity to acquire them. I offer this gift to you my lady as a sign of my affection.”




“Say nothing. Just know you are in my thoughts always…even when we are apart.”


Dahlia, unsure of how she should express her gratitude awkwardly moved to kiss Nazmyr.


The small kiss grew and she grabbed him tightly and kissed him with intense passion. He returned her affection and the two seemed to melt together for a moment.


Shelsa sat quietly on the couch grooming herself. She looked at Dahlia, and decided she liked her.
