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King Nazmyr

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In the following days after Langwidere’s birthday ball, the newly minted King Consort found himself quite busy. Langwidere happily proclaimed that he was required to move into the palace but made it quite clear that his ‘filthy beast’ would have to be kept elsewhere. Shelsa too expressed her displeasure of having to listen to the bemoaning of a lying construct.

To appease all parties, and with Langwidere’s and Shelsa’s approval, Nazmyr sequestered a small underutilized two story storage building on the palace grounds. The simple stone structure was converted to become his ‘personal study’ complete with an alchemist’s bench for ‘wizardly experiments’. Nazmyr insured that the interior was well appointed for Shelsa’s comfort as well as his own.


The daily routine of a monarch was something Nazmyr was quite unfamiliar with. When Langwidere rose from bed in the morning she would dress, and be outfitted according to the demands of the day. Nazmyr would dress to complement Langwidere including the use of a mask in a display of solidarity. Langwidere’s morning rituals traditionally took longer, so Nazmyr would use his extra time to chat and joke with the servants. Once Langwidere was prepared, they would go to the table. The morning meal was long, for they both favored elaborate foods. The tea they drank was light in color and well cut. To lift their spirits, a string quartet would play the sweetest possible music. They would then travel to the courthouse to receive petitions and supplications from commoners. All sorts of people, rich or poor, ladies or maidens, widows or others who had problems had the attention of the royal couple and could make their voices heard. Langwidere responded charitably to those that were reasonable or piteous. More doubtful cases were turned over to Royal Court officials to examine.


Nazmyr was none too fond of this practice.


“Why do you waste your valuable time with these miserable wretches? The Chief Magistrate gets paid well enough to see to these matters.”


“To communicate justice to the subjects.” Said Langwidere “The people need to know that justice is possible, and as I am the highest judge in the kingdom I will make time to take the matters of my lowest subjects into my own hands.”


After this, on appointed days, they would meet with the Royal Council, the most high-ranking men and women of the government, to discuss matters of state.


Other days they would find themselves hosting several ambassadors, nobles, knights, and clergy both foreign and from their own realm. There they received news from all sorts of places, perhaps details of wars, or battles, or incidents of political strife and intrigue. Sometimes merchants would bring Langwidere curious gifts from various places, such as velvet, cloth of gold, and all sorts of beautiful, exotic objects or jewels.


“All attempts to win Langwidere’s favor.” Nazmyr noted.

It was during these times Langwidere arranged what should be done according to what was proposed to her, or promised to solve some matter in council, forbade what was unreasonable, accorded favors, signed letters with her own hand, gave reasonable gifts, promised vacant offices, or answered reasonable requests.


Nazmyr delighted in these meetings and relished the opportunity to whisper in Langwidere’s ear and influence her decisions.


If some particular lengthy business did not keep them, they would retire for the evening. When not with Nazmyr, Langwidere would entertain herself with pleasant diversions, such as looking at her jewels and other treasures or perhaps have fine stories read aloud to her.


Langwidere’s palace had a series of secret corridors and staircases that would allow her to move around the building without being seen. In the evening when Langwidere went to sleep, Nazmyr made extensive use of this system as it allowed him to remain out of public sight when he excused himself from the palace to address his own affairs. Aside from checking upon his business operations, and spending time with Dahlia, he arraigned private meetings with some of what Nazmyr considered to be key figures of the city who were overlooked by Langwidere; which included a handful of merchant lords and ringleaders of the cities’ underworld.


One such ringleader was Lucrezia Vampa, guild master of the Wheelers, Ev’s most prominent thieves’ guild.


It took Nazmyr weeks of networking to get a one-one meeting with the elusive Vampa. When he finally received an invitation, it came with instructions which led him into the sewers, which further led him into an underground cave system. His drow upbringing immediately made him think he was being led into a trap. He clung to the shadows as he padded his way silently through the tunnel, He scanned the horizon, looking and listening for anything that might be cause for concern. He caught a whiff of torch smoke and followed his nose. The smell of smoke led him to large opening. He saw a score of humans, one of which was hogtied and several others were decapitated. Nazmyr stepped out of the shadows to make himself known.


“I would ask who you are, but in view of your regal clothes and the fact that we all know who you are anyway, what’s the point? As for me, I am Lucrezia Vampa, a smuggler and a thief. I invited you here because my men and I have come to bury alive one of our number who attempted to keep some stolen gold for himself instead of, uh, sharing it with his comrades.”


Lucrezia pointed to the several decapitated bodies.


“Interestingly enough, these were some of his more loyal friends who were insisting that I grant him mercy, which, of course, I cannot do, for I would quickly lose control of the whole crew. That’s why it is fortunate you came along.”


“Why is that?” Nazmyr said dryly.


“You provide me with a way to show a little mercy to Jacopo, that maggot you see tied up over there, while, at the same time, not appearing weak. And as a special treat, the lads will get to see a little sport as well.”


“How do I accomplish all this?”


“We watch you and Jacopo fight to the death. If Jacopo wins, we welcome him back to the fold. If you win, I have given Jacopo the chance to live, even if he did not take advantage of it, and you can have your meeting with me.”


“What if I don’t agree to your terms?”


“Then we slit your throat, and we’re a bit short handed.” Said Lucrezia Vampa with a large grin.


“I find your terms compelling and would be delighted to kill your friend, the maggot.” Nazmyr said has he drew his shard blade.


“Oh, uh, by the way, Jacopo is the best knife fighter I’ve ever seen.”


“Perhaps you should get out more.” Retorted Nazmyr.


“Release Jacopo and give him back his knife. Then we let the games begin.”


One of the rogues walked over to Jacopo, cut him loose and threw his knife so it stuck in the earth point first.


“Get up, maggot!” he said and spat upon Jacopo.


“Come on, come on!”  Shouted the other rouges.


Jacopo and Nazmyr squared off. Jacopo swung several times unable to connect. Nazmyr quickly recited an incantation and Jacopo froze in place. Nazmyr moved in and placed his Shard blade against Jacopo’s throat.


“As you hope to live, do not move an eyelash.” Nazmyr whispered.


Nazmyr then addressed Lucrezia Vampa. “Lord Vampa, allow Jacopo to live. He’s already suffered enough with the prospect of being buried alive. The men that wanted to see some sport have seen it. Those who wanted mercy for Jacopo will get it. And now if we are done with playing games I would like to discuss business.”

“It’s a deal!” Vampa proclaimed.


Nazmyr dispelled his spell and set off to follow his host, Jacopo ran over to him with great urgency.


“I swear on my dead relatives, even on the ones that are not feeling too good, I am your man forever. I shall be the eyes in the back of your head.”

Nazmyr looked Jacopo in the eye “I know.”
