Alaketh Day 1
Originally posted by KethVale
Alaketh looked around the room once the door closed and was overwhelmed that what he saw before him was his, a four post bed covered in silk sheets, a chest to store his personal items and more room then he and his brothers shared at one time he now could call his own. Alaketh threw his stuff on the bed and walked into the wash room and looked into the mirror, the reflection not scarred from the fireball that incinerated Istoshen and himself just days before. Just the thought of the wizard turning on him and his brothers infuriated him “not a test” he says to himself as he smashes the counter. Alaketh walks back into the main room and rummages through his bag finding a bottle and returns to the washroom and begins writing strange symbols around the edges of the mirror. Alaketh then begins chanting in a demonic language and with a boom a face appears in the mirror “WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU NOW MORTAL”?
Welverin looked over the sword closely, examining it’s every line and fold. Nice piece of work Alaketh this should serve you well in battle would you like to try it out see how well you handle it? Alaketh of course said yes always enjoying the sparing sessions with Welverin. The back and forth chess match began as usual with Alakeths defense as strong as ever but the bastard sword known as Shatterspike was another matter as it was awkward in his hands and soon Alaketh was tapping out. Welverin then had him break out his shock spear and after that his long knife and shield, the two doing their sword dance for over an hour before Mistress Freth interrupted the training session. Welverin told his sister she had chosen well as Alaketh is a willing student and is getting stronger by the day. Alaketh thanked his trainer not used to the praise only the whip or harsh words of motivation, he went to excuse himself from the the mistress and her brother when Mistress Freth said no she was their to speak with him and he should clean up and follow her.
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