What we know of Eomyrosis the Black
The clean and unblemished chamber was aglow with faerie fire. Tapestries of fine silk embroidered with precious metal threads hung from the walls.The Brothers Vandree sat comfortably in cushioned chairs, congregating around a large rectangular table carved from smooth ebony wood that occupied the center of the room.
Nazmyr stood at the head of the table and took a long pull from his crystal goblet before starting.
“My Brothers, thank you for answering my summons. Before I begin I first would like to thank Nanill for the use of this meeting room. The reason I have call you here today is that I have come into possession of vital information regarding Eomyrosis the Black.
“Where are Ishtoshen and Quevas?” Asked Naris
“Ishtoshen is in Oenkmar.” Nanill offered
“And Quevas mentioned to me that he is on the shortlist for a audience with the Sultan in the City of Brass.” Said Nazmyr
Naris shook his head in disgust. “Continue.”
Nazmyr took another sip from his goblet. “Eomyrosis the Black is actually Lady Eomyrosis Malnyx, former Mistress of Whispers. She was born over 800 years ago on Dragon Mountain, the planar home of dragonkind. She is as well known for her cunning as she is for her cruelty having lived generations developing a reputation for both. She has taken several mates over the years. It seems one of her pleasures is to take a mate, torture then murder him. The stories say that it usually takes little time for her to anger over something small, grow bored with his company or simply attack him for no reason at all.
“Sound just like one of our beloved Marton Mothers.” Rygos said, his words coated in venom.
Nazmyr nodded in agreement and continued “She had spent centuries in the courts of the Black Flight eventually rising to the position of Mistress of Whispers in service of the Black Queen Sable Ebonscale. When a new queen of the dragons was chosen, Eomyrosis dissented favoring Sable for the crown. This was not unexpected by her peers as she had mentored, groomed and now advised the young Black Queen. Some time later the queen of dragons fell in love with a mortal, a human called Devon Darkstar. She took him as her consort and named him 6th Dragon Highlord. The Black Flight supported this decree though Eomyrosis was sickened by the idea of a human being given such favor and power over dragonkind. Eomyrosis decided that as Mistress of Whispers it was her right and responsibility to be certain that the new Highlord posed no threat to her queen. She had set into motion a plot to ambush the Highlord and take him captive. She believed that with a little coaxing his true motives might be revealed. The Black Queen learned of the plot and demanded she abandon her plans and stay clear of the Highlord. Eomyrosis swore to obey but continued with her plan anyway. She was caught yet again and the Black Queen did not take kindly to her advisor ignoring her commands. As punishment, the Black Queen banished Eomyrosis from the planes and stripped her of land and title. She was exiled to the Prime and told never to return under penalty of death. Sable, as a show of respect for her old friend and mentor, took on Eomyrosis’s daughter Amaya Malnyx and named her handmaiden to the queen. A clever move in my opinion as Amaya would be able to smell her mother’s blood regardless of the form she took should see seek vengeance.”
“Handmaidens?” Valas asked.
“Handmaidens are the inner circle of a queen’s entourage. An elite protection detail or queensguard of sorts.”
“Bodyguards for soft nobles brother.” Naris added.
Valas looked at him sideways, “I don’t believe any dragon can be labeled as soft, noble or otherwise.”
“Which is why I have made preparations.” Nanill added. “So if you’d all bow your head in silence the sermon shall begin…..
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