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Nazmyr and Shelsa

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The rigors of travel and the management of his many businesses left Nazmyr weary. He had all but forsaken his room in Mistress Freth’s compound and decided to find solace at Tamdrasil. The lounge in the tree was decorated with bright and elaborate tapestries woven of fine silk. Ornate precious metal incense burners and candelabras scented the musty swamp air with aromatic odors foreign to Hosuth. Naadiyah tended the space with obvious care and desire to please.


“A pleasant unexpected bonus.” Nazmyr noted to himself as he sat comfortably on a large oversized couch accented with large comfortable cushions. He he grabbed a crystal decanter resting on a nearby table and poured himself two fingers of Anterian Brandy. He held up his glass and briefly admired the cobalt blue liquor before taking a sip of the naturally cool libation.


He placed his beverage on the table, leaned back in to the soft cushions, and  casually shuffled an arcane deck of cards. Nonchalantly he tossed a card onto the floor. In a burst of light and glittering dust ten pixies appeared where the card landed.


Shelsa, who was napping, was awoken by the burst of light. Upon seeing the pixies, she immediately began to stalk them. One by one she hunted and ‘killed’ the illusionary pixies. Nazmyr found the entire spectacle amusing and continued to drink while Shelsa hunted.


As the last pixie corpse faded, Shelsa jaunted onto the couch next to Nazmyr.


“I’ve been meaning to ask you some questions.” She said.


“By all means.” Said Nazmyr as he consumed yet another glass of Anterian Brandy.


“What do you see in Langwidere?”


“What do you mean?”


“What do you mean what do I mean? It’s a straightforward question. It’s not very nice to you or anyone else for that matter.”


“She comes off as childish and spoiled at first appearance, but she’s probably lonely.”

“And it’s a liar. I like Dahlia. You should pick her for your mate.”


Nazmyr nearly choked on his drink. “Wait! What?!”


“Langwidere. It’s a liar. You do know ‘she’ isn’t real right?”


“Langwidere is a liar? What do you mean ‘she’ isn’t real?”


“‘She’ isn’t real. ‘She’ is a construct. Constructs can’t be allergic and therefore it is a liar. I think it is taking advantage you. I don’t like it. You didn’t know Langwidere is a construct?”


Nazmyr began to get flustered. “Langwidere is a ‘she’ and not an ‘it’. And yes, I know what she is but there is more to it than that. I think her soul is trapped or something like that. I haven’t completed my research.”


“ You’re very busy. You should get an assistant. You should ask Dahlia to help you.”


“What?! No! Dahlia…”


“Yes of course! You’re right! Never mix business with pleasure. I’ll be your assistant then.”


“I don’t need an assistant!” Nazmyr balked


“Yes you do. You didn’t know Langwidere was a lying construct. That’s very dangerous. You’re lucky I came along when I did.”


“I know Langwidere! She’s….”


“Lying construct?”


“I was going to say confused.”


“I think you’re confused. Langwidere is a lying construct. Dahlia is a beautiful flesh and blood Jinn. An easy choice if you as me. Maybe Dahlia…”


“Tell Dahlia nothing of Langwidere!”


“I was about to say maybe Dahlia will visit soon. I enjoy her company and so do you. Maybe she will be able to dispel some of your confusion. Think about it. I’m gonna take a walk. Oh! Thanks for the pixies it was fun!”


Nazmyr leaned back heavily on the couch. He reached over to the table bypassed the glass and went straight to the bottle.
