Tamsin and Geminias
This is a joint post between SeymourF and Dorym…
Tamsin sat quietly in the tavern nursing her fourth Arborean whiskey. She knew they’d have to go back. She told herself that the contract they accepted had been filled… and better than she had expected. All the missing youths had been recovered alive and returned to their families. They had been paid well and now they were free to move on to something else. So why was she so worried about some orcs. “They’re organizing.” she answered herself.”So?” she said to her glass. “They have chosen a strong leader.” continued her inner monologue. She knew that meant war was coming. That wyvern looked nasty. The people here had a difficult time repelling a disorganized raiding party. An organized attack would wreak havoc in the city. The casualties would be immeasurable. The city could realistically be lost. How could she just walk away. She knew the answer before she even asked the question. “You can’t Tam.” She finished her drink then tapped the glass to signal Maz she was ready for another.
The barkeep walked over and leaned in. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Well….no worse than trekking a week back through the wilderness to attack an orc stronghold without an army.”
Maz filled the glass and nodded. “Fair enough. Just remember. They need a leader to follow not a drunk to carry.”
Tamsin curled the left side of her mouth in mock smile. “Leader. They don’t seem the listening type.” Tamsin drank deep from the glass. “I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Maz moved the half empty glass away from Tamsin’s reach then nodded toward an approaching Geminias. “How ‘bout with him. You two seem to share a connection.”
Tamsin’s eyes rolled as she tilted her head to see the young tiefling walking toward her. She watched his gait. He seemed to strut. She didn’t care for that. His clothes were quite ornate for a rescued slave. It appeared freedom agreed with him. She watched as his his tail sashayed from side to side channeling his swagger. “Peacock.” she thought to herself. Without looking away she reached for her tumbler only to find it no longer there. She exhaled an exhausted sigh.
“Tamsin.” Geminias called out merrily. “Do you have a few minutes?”
She couldn’t explain why, but her foul mood had started to slip away. Tamsin always felt a certain warmth when he was around. Yes they were related but she never expected to feel such a strong familial bond so quickly with the half brother she had just met and convinced to run away. “Of course little brother.” she smiled pleasantly. “What’s up?”
“What are we doing here? How does staying here upset his plans? You said our father wanted me. How is this doing anything for us? ”
“Well, for one, he’s not looking for you here.” She felt her sarcastic nature spark alive. “Until we know what he wants from you it’s better to lay low, hard as that may be, my young stag.”
“Stag..?” he asked confused.
“Stag, show pony, peacock.. Let’s face it. You draw a lot of attention….and like it.”
“What are you talking about?” he sounded slightly wounded.
“It wouldn’t hurt to be less noticable. Maybe blend a bit?”
“You mean like the way you camouflage yourself among the other drunks? Cause I would never have noticed you here except that no one else is on their 6th drink before breakfast.”
Tamsin looked around at the empty bar. She could hear Maz chuckling behind her. “Fourth…”
“Fourth what?” asked Geminias somewhat annoyed.
“Fourth whiskey…. some unscrupulous rogue made away with my fifth.” She peered back at the grinning Maz. Tamsin turned toward Geminias. “I’m sorry. I get grumpy when people steal my breakfast.”
“Fair enough.” Geminias smiled as his tail, holding a glass of amber liquid, curled over his shoulder and dangled between them. “I believe this is yours.”
Tamsin narrowed her gaze. She took the glass before turning to look at Maz who shrugged her shoulders and walked away. “Cute.’ she snarked. “You’re an accomplished thief. Glasses and statues and other shiny things beware.” She motioned in mock fear then emptied the glass. “But can ya fight little brother?”
Geminias puffed up a second and said, “Of course.”
Tamsin placed the glass on the bar and replied, “Perfect. Let’s see how well.” She pushed past him grabbing his tail as she did. “Come little brother. Follow me to the courtyard.”
“Hey!” he gasped and yanked his tail free from her grasp. “Fine… I just… I don’t wanna hurt you, Tam.”
“No?…. You will.” she grinned maliciously as she sauntered through the tavern area and out onto the cobblestone street.
The street was empty aside from a few kids playing. She wandered over the empty side of the tavern where an open courtyard bordered in flowers and bushes housed a few tables. She slid them off to the edge and turned to Geminias. “I’ve seen how you shoot…” Her head tilted, lips pursed and eyes opened wide. “But can you use that sword?
Geminias drew his weapon and flared the blade back and forth then in a figure eight motion. “You tell me?”
Tamsin drew her Elvish thin blade. “So that’s a ‘no.’” She pressed forward quickly and startled the young tiefling smacking his blade to the side. She glided past him and smacked him on the rump with the flat of her blade.
“I wasn’t ready.” he protested.
“Lesson 1. Always be ready.” She stalked around him.
Geminias turned and raised his sword. As he did she slid quickly into him knocking him off balance pushing his sword off to the side then slapping the flat into his flank. “Ah!”
“Rule 2. Never trade blows if you can help it. Combat is about turns. Take your turn then steal your opponents. You can handle that…right thief?”
“Now wait a second.” Geminias lowered his blade. As he did Tamsin rotated and swung hard down with her sword arm knocking the blade from his grip. She stepped in and brought the flat of her blade straight up between his legs stopping her motion a hair from impact.”
“What the hell was that?”
“Rule 3. Never lower your guard.” Tamsin was in full battle mode. Her blade danced along with her movements. Her eyes drew sharp. “Pick it up.”
Geminias moved fast reaching down and tumbling while grabbing his sword and rolling away from the impending swing he knew was coming. He found his feet fast and swung back creating space between the two of them. He matched her rotation and eyed her blade cautiously. This time when she stepped in he was ready. He deflected her cut and swung back in riposte missing her by a hair. “You’re crazy.” he shouted.
“You’re learning.” she smiled back. “Now the kukri.” she said sheathing her sword.
“Kukri?” he asked stepping in to the center of the yard.
Tamsin rolled her eyes. “The curved knife on your hip. Did you steal that too?”
“Steal is such a harsh word…” He grinned. “Shiny and sharp. Caught my attention. What can I say?”
Tamsin shook her head while freeing her kukri from its sheath.
Geminias followed her lead unsheathing his own. He held the weapon straight, its point angled away.
“Who are attacking with that little brother? Is there someone standing next to me I don’t see?”
“No. The blade is bent that way.” He answered defiantly.
“Then maybe we should change our stance and alter our grip little brother?” Tamsin’s sarcasm was on full display.
Geminias began to get frustrated. “Are you always this pleasant to be around? I’m beginning to think you’re a lot like your whiskey…good in small doses.”
Tamsin smirked. “Am I hurting your feelings little brother? Do something about it. Shut me up. She goaded.
“Don’t tempt me. And stop calling me little brother. I’m not a child!”
“All I see is a boy playing with a man’s toys. You’re right, we should stop.”
Geminias could feel his anger rising, he’d had just about enough of her attitude. He didn’t wait for her to move this time. He lunged at her scooping with the blade in an awkward stabbing motion.
Tamsin had been waiting for the attack. She sidestepped and rotated her kukri running it over his shoulder just above the soft flesh where it met his neck. Geminias was startled by the counterattack and swung back wildly. He felt the motion of his blade stop abruptly striking hard into his sister’s side. She yelped and bent low grabbing the wound.
“Oh my gods! Tamsin! Are you ok? I’m sorry.” He dropped the blade in his hand and ran over to see how bad the cut was.
Tamsin was hunched over grabbing her side and turned away, her hair covering her face. Geminias, unsure of what to do, carefully placed his hand on her shoulder, “I’m so sorry Tam. How bad is it? Let me see. I’ll call for the dwarf.”
Tamsin turned to look at her brother exposing a wicked grin as her face cleared her blonde mane. The point of her kukri positioned at his throat she said, “Rule 4. Don’t let your opponent bait you. And Rule 5… Never feel sorry for an enemy.”
Geminias didn’t know what to say. “I cut you. I felt the blade bite. It struck hard. How?” He was happy she was ok but confused at the same time. “How are you not hurt?”
Tamsin stood upright and rotated her kukri before placing back in her sheath. “Hurt? By that thing. I’m fey little brother. Your mundane knife can’t cut me.”
“You know what?!” He was mad again. “You could have told me. I thought I killed you. And stop calling me ‘LITTLE BROTHER!’” He was as furious as he was relieved.
“You’re right. I’m a bad person.” She said in mock apology. “I should have said something. And if it bothers you so much I won’t call you little brother anymore.”
“…Good!” Geminias said with a sense of victory.
Tamsin moved behind Geminias and adjusted his grip on the kukri. “It’s a curved blade. Don’t fight against the design. Flow with it.” She showed him how to arc the blade. “Sweep across.” She pressed her arm against his. “Now rotate and slash.”
Geminias was a quick study. She continued. “Footwork is important. You don’t lunge with this weapon. Glide, move. Swoosh. It’s kinda like a dance. In fact, in Wrathgate it is a dance… but that’s a lesson for another day.”
Geminias was impressed with himself. She was a good teacher but he knew he was naturally gifted. She stepped back away and watched as he moved through all the motions and angles of attack she had taught him. “Not bad huh?” He said with a cheerful smile.
“Sure. But air doesn’t fight back.” She drew her kukri. “Don’t hold back. You can’t hurt me.”
“Are you sure?” He ask concerned.
“Absolutely. BABY BROTHER. Begin.”
Suddenly “little brother” didn’t seem so bad to Geminias. He was beginning to understand. And the dance began….
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