The Dal Riata was quite raucous. The diminutive barkeep did his best to keep up with the constant flow of thirsty patrons as his two waitresses sped from table to table taking and filling orders. Dyson had taken to serving himself. The wolf shifter was well known in Wrathgate. Even the barkeep’s granddaughter pitched in trying as best she could to be of help with the crowd. If you’ve been to the Dal you know Bo. She’s a succubus but far from evil. She chose a different path. As did I.
“Whatcha thinking about Tam Tam?” Kenzi asked. “You look lost in thought. How can anyone begin to think with all this noise?”
The shadow thief had pin straight shoulder length black hair with cut bangs and icy blue eyes but she wore a friendly smile. “Acacia wanted to see me. She said it was urgent. For the life of me I can’t figure out what it could be.”
“I wouldn’t worry your pretty little head over it. If you ask me she’s a bit too intense.”
I laughed a little “And she’d say you were a bit too care free.”
“Maybe….but what could possibly worry anyone here?”
That was true. As far as taverns went, the Dal Riata was safe as any. More so as it was under the personal protection of the Pale Lady, and Claire Radcliffe did not suffer insult or law breakers well.
“You’re right. The waiting is killing me though. She’s late. Acacia is never late.”
Kenzi offered a sympathetic nod and then frowned. “Worry no more my sweet little Tam Tam. You’re beloved mentor has arrived.” And after an overly dramatic bow she was gone. I watched for a second as she hugged Dyson with her left arm while snatching his tankard of ale with her right. Shadow thief indeed.
Acacia watched Kenzi bound away and scowled. “You have a terrible taste in friends.”
I ignored her comment and said “You’re late.”
“Actually I’m right on time.” She countered. Acacia was a middle aged woman with brown hair and an athletic build for her late 40’s age.
“No.” My tone was snarky. “Early is on time. On time is late and late is..”
“Unforgivable.” She finished for me. “Glad to see you’ve learned something. I’d hate to think I’ve been wasting my time with you.” Acacia shot back with a wry grin.
She’d been training me for the last few years ever since she found me half starved and feral in the woods of Arvandor in Arborea. My mother…well let’s just say she was not quite as noble as her high birth would suggest. And my father……He can go to hell…. And stay there this time. So Acacia served as my maternal role. She brought me here to Wrathgate because as she said. “They’ll accept anyone… so long as they obey the local law.” Kenzi became the big sister I never had and I all but grew up hanging around the Dal. Bo was a fierce warrior of the light and proof that no matter what your heritage you had a choice as to whether you brought light or dark into the world. I can still recall Trick’s words, the same he spoke to his own granddaughter, “The world is bad enough as it is. You’ve got no right to make it any worse.”
“Tamsin!” Acacia scolded, “Are you listening to me?”
My mind had drifted but her sharp tone brought me back into focus. “Of course. I was just waiting for you to say something interesting.” It was my turn to repay her with a wry smile.
“I’m serious Tamsin.” her expression showed as much.
“Ok. What?”
“I have one final lesson for you to learn and this one might just prove to be the most difficult you’ve had to endure yet.”
“Yeah cause cleaning fiendish entrails from my feathers was easy. Do you how long it took to get the stench of Yochlol off my wings.
Acacia just stared at me. It was the “Are you through?” look.
Fine.. learn me something oh wise and reverent sage of planar lore.
Acacia rolled her eyes. “Your father…”
“Is an asshole. Wasn’t that lesson one?”
“I should have taught you to know when to be silent child.”
She seemed to grin at my look of indignance.
“Now as I was saying.”
I pursed my lips and crossed my arms in defiance.
“Your father had other children.”
“I’m sure he did. He’s what, a few thousand years old. But I’ll tell ya secret…..” I smiled and cradled my face with the top side of my interlocked fingers in mock cherubic fashion. “…but I was daddy’s favorite.” I batted my eyes for effect.
“Sadly, you may not be far off. He had grand plans for you to rise up in the court of hell and command a great army.”
“Yeah well…little girls live to disappoint don’t they?”
“Which is why he’s considering plan B.”
I sat silent, listening… a first for me.
“Your name child. Do you know what it means?”
Acacia fought back a grin. “Twin. Tamsin means twin.”
“I don’t have a twin. It’s just me.”
“While it is true you have no twin… You do have brothers. Twin brothers….well half brothers… half human, a few years your junior..”
I don’t know why I was shocked to hear this. Maybe I had never considered having siblings. Sure they must exist. It’s just that I never put any thought into it.
“He has already brought one of the two into the fold of his diabolical machination. The other though….could still be saved. If you’re up to the task.”
A brother. I’m not sure how I felt about that. I mean it could be fun having someone around to torment. A baby brother…Hmmm….It would also be a chance to ruin another one of ‘daddy’s’ schemes. “Ok. You have my attention. Where do I find……what’s his name?”
“Geminias.” she answered.
“Great. Twin again. How original.”
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