Infernal Puzzle Box
Infernal Puzzle Box Wondrous item, uncommonAn infernal puzzle box is a cube shaped container 5 to 6 inches on a side, composed of airtight, interlocking parts made from materials found…
Custom Magic Items
Infernal Puzzle Box Wondrous item, uncommonAn infernal puzzle box is a cube shaped container 5 to 6 inches on a side, composed of airtight, interlocking parts made from materials found…
Soul Coin Wondrous item, uncommonSoul coins are about 5 inches across and about an inch thick, minted from infernal iron. Each coin weighs one third of a pound, and is…
Hellfire Weapons Weapon (any), uncommon This weapon is fashioned from infernal iron and traced with veins of hellfire that shed dim light in a 5-foot-radius. Any humanoid killed by an…
Shardblade Shardblade: Drow Longknife +4 Keen: This ability doubles the threat range of a weapon. For instance, if it is placed on a longsword (which has a normal threat range of 19–20),…