Amaya "Maya" Malnyx

Amaya Malnyx is the daughter of Lady Eomyrosis Malnyx, The Mistress of Whispers. She is the grandaughter of the great Silver Dragon Lord Guldresden Icebreath.  She is High Dragon nobility and was raised in the royal court of the Black Flight. Upon the exile of her mother she was named Handmaiden inheriting her family’s titles and lands. Some years later, as a show of loyalty to the Queen of Dragons, Sable Ebonscale, the Black Queen petitioned Aliyeah to allow one of her handmaidens to serve as a bodyguard for Devon. It is Sable’s belief that there will be occasions where a chromatic dragon will prove more useful than a metallic such as when Devon travels to planes of evil alignment. Maya was chosen for the honor and has given her dragon oath to protect Devon at all costs and to adhere to his sense of morals. Though lawful neutral, Maya does exhibit some of the evil tendencies of her race such as short temper, sarcastic tongue and occasional bouts of pure nasty. She has been warned by her queen to mind her manners among the humans. Even so, she can at times be all but dismissive of the High Lord’s friends as she holds a disdain for most lesser beings.