Alaketh Vandree

Bio of Alaketh formerly of House Vandree

Created by House Vandree of Magic and Alchemy to be a paragon of the male Drow form. Taught to be a fighter, Alaketh excelled at the art form and while in his early days took it upon him self to protect his brothers and use in your face type tactics to give them a distraction.

First major test along with brothers was working for the Council of Spiders who set the Brothers Vandree on quests to test their skills and loyalty eventually coming to a head when the High Priestess Ashala and Mage turned on the brothers with the Mage incinerating Alaketh and his brother Istoshen. Istoshen and Alaketh were soon raised but it cost their brothers (Rygos, Nanill, Nazmyr, Quevas, Naris and Valas) part of their escence to bring them back. During this time, just prior to being incinerated, Alaketh made contact with the trapped demon Mizferac and in exchange for his release Alaketh was promised the knowledge of how to become a Blackguard. Still working for the Council of Spiders, the Brothers Vandree were sent to talk to Rok’olor (the voice of the third member of the Council). In another double cross, an item they were told to give to Rok’olor’s master caused a fight and sent the brothers fleeing into the Underdark where they were eventually found by Mistress Kariss Freth another exile of Menzoberanzen and leader of House Freth in Rilauven.

Now in Rilauven and a part of House Freth the Brothers Vandree took up the mercenary name ‘Twisted Tower Trading Company’ after on an adventure for Mistress Freth went to the surface and overthrew the town of Silverbrook. Now traveling between Rilauven and the renamed ‘Freedom’s End’, Alaketh with the help of Mizferac, Mistress Freth and the Blackguard S’kale Ndar began his traing to become a Blackguard, while also training with Welverin (Mistress Freth’s brother) in all manner of martial combat.

Things now going well for Alaketh he made a deal with Mizferac for the services of the succubus Chandrianna and after another deal with his brother Naris, she began working for him in the service of the House of Negotiable Sensations. All was going well until Menzoberanzen and Rilauven decided to attack the surface city of West Port Manor and Rilauven was offered up as the staging point for the assault.

To make things simple a conflict arose between Alaketh and Naras, both felt besmirched, shit happened and lets leave it at that before I go on another rant.

During the attack on West Port Manor Ashala and the Mage were found but this time Alaketh and Istoshen were avenged as both were slain, the forces of Menzoberanzen and Rilauven were driven back that day but the brothers got their revenge.

Currently spending time in the City of Brass helping his brother Nazmyr with a project, Alaketh has begun a partnership with Quesha his guide through the city, he also has his apprentice scouting out locations near Hosuth’s swamp.

Also known as: The Butcher, The Tank, The Cavorter

Known Allies: Rygos Vandree, Nanill Vandree, Nazmyr Vandree, Quevas Vandree, Naris Vandree, Valas Vandree, Ishtoshen Vandree, Mistress Kariss Freth, Weapons Master Welverin Freth, Mizferac, Chandrianna, Quesha, X’hayte, S’kale Ndar, Hurhex.

Affiliations: The Brothers Vandree, House Freth, The Twisted Tower Trading Company, Cult of the Cold Lord

This is my house.

Oh well…..

NPC Affiliations

Mistress Freth