Infernal Puzzle Box
Infernal Puzzle Box Wondrous item, uncommonAn infernal puzzle box is a cube shaped container 5 to 6 inches on a side, composed of airtight, interlocking parts made from materials found…
Infernal Puzzle Box Wondrous item, uncommonAn infernal puzzle box is a cube shaped container 5 to 6 inches on a side, composed of airtight, interlocking parts made from materials found…
Soul Coin Wondrous item, uncommonSoul coins are about 5 inches across and about an inch thick, minted from infernal iron. Each coin weighs one third of a pound, and is…
Hellfire Weapons Weapon (any), uncommon This weapon is fashioned from infernal iron and traced with veins of hellfire that shed dim light in a 5-foot-radius. Any humanoid killed by an…
Planar Champion Granted Powers Rules All active powers are usable 3x per day (2x for Summon Ally) without check or penalty and are considered standard actions except for teleport/planeshift which…
Aubrey Yldranas Lady Aubrey Yldranas serves as a Handmaiden for the queen of the Black Flight Sable Ebonscale.
Custom Feats Sanguinari Death Dancing (Custom Feat) [General] You have learned the Sanguinari art of Death Dancing. Prerequisite: 5 points in Dancing Skill, Trained in Sanguinar or by someone who was. Required for Sanguinari Nobles…
Madalyn Madalyn is the only child of the Lady Alayne from Westport Manor. Her fayher was killed during the Drow invasion of Westport Manor. Her mother who at the time…
Alayne Alayne is a widow from Westport Manor whose husband was a soldier killed during the drow invasion of the city. His death left her to fend for their young…