Planar Champion Granted Powers Rules

All active powers are usable 3x per day (2x for Summon Ally) without check or penalty and are considered standard actions except for teleport/planeshift which are considered move actions. After the third use, all active powers require a DC roll. Beginning with a DC of 10, the PC must roll the DC or higher (On a 1D20) to use the active power. The DC rises with each active power use in a day +1 for all active powers except Plane Shift which increases the DC +2 and Summon Ally by +5. The effect is cumulative regardless of which active power is used. If a PC fails a DC check while trying to use an active power, that power will not function until the PC has 8 hours of rest. Likewise, the DC does not reset and the daily 3 uses of active powers do not return until the PC has had 8 hours of rest. A natural 20 will always succeed regardless of DC. The power to summon an ally can only be used twice a day.


Granted Powers are just that, granted. In order to receive the powers, the PC must swear an oath of allegiance and fealty to a higher power. Should the PC fail to meet the requirements of the power or in some way fall out of favor, some or all powers may be stripped. If a PC resigns his position as a proxy to the granting patron all powers are stripped and returned to the patron. 


At the DM’s discretion, powers may advance, be modified or removed, or new powers given as deemed necessary for the campaign and to further the cause of the patron.  


The Current Planar Patrons and known Champions are: 


Patron                                                              Granted By                                            Reports to                                                     Champion 

Arch Penitar Zora Sebirati  

Aasimon                                                    Lydia Goldaura                                         Lydia Goldaura                                                Gunther 

Eladrin                                                 Morwel Queen of Stars 

Archon                                           Melevon the Winged Advisor 

Asura                                                    Vembra Moonflame                                        Absalom                                                         Abby 

Dragonkind                                             Aliyeah Dayspring                                           Talisa                                                           Devon 

Elementalkind                                             Eli David                                                   Ziva David                                                      Stallac 

Mortal Goodness                         Council of Elders  Abba Gaius                         Keira Calmwater                                               Jarath 

Guardinals                                            Talisid Leonel Prince Of Elysium