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Raven's Call

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“Must I go mother? I always feel like the lords and lady’s look at me funny.”


“I’m afraid so, my little bird. The queen has summoned us to court. You do not decline such a generous invitation. No need to fret Xar’aven, I’ll be accompanying you and I can assure you my sisters will tolerate no ill treatment of you.”


“I know… it’s just…”


“Z’beksiya was called for as well.” She smirked knowingly.


“Bex? Is she going?”


“As I said, you do not disappoint The Lady of the Sixth.” She smiled warmly. But before we make our way to the receiving hall. There’s something I think you should have. The erinyes drifted over to a large wardrobe cabinet and began to rummage through the contents stored on the highest shelf. When she turned around, Xar’aven could see she had withdrawn a dark ebonwood box. She placed it in her son’s hands. “Open it.”


The young man removed the lid exposing a dagger of sorts and a pendant. The blade had an odd curve to it and what looked like silver running through the steel. It was incredibly well balanced despite its awkward shape. The hilt was wrapped in black leather with hints of midnight blue. The crossguard was etched with a sixteen pointed starburst and the pommel a lotus. The pendant bore the ‘Lady’s Mark’ a scourge carved into a copper disc. On its opposite side was cut with the same dark starburst as the weapon.


“These were your father’s. I know he’d want you to have them.” She said softly. There was a mix of sadness and affection in her voice.


“Do you think he’s still alive?”


“I hope so. I’d like to believe that one day he’ll return to us, that is if he can ever escape from his captors and the forced servitude they put upon him” 


“Dragons…” He offered disdainfully.


His mother nodded. “Sadly, the beasts are far too powerful for even my sisters and I to contend with… otherwise…” She looked away in an attempt to hide her sorrow. She took a deep breath and faced him again. “You’re so much like him, you know. Don’t get me wrong, your fiendishly good looks were inherited from me.” She said with some smugness. “… but you have his eyes and his conviction. Your father understood that good and evil are just polarizing descriptors used by those in power to confuse the impressionable masses and control their behavior. Anything can be explained as good or evil depending on your point of view. He knew this and that it could be manipulated to his favor, which allowed him to walk in many circles you wouldn’t expect a member of the lady’s court to be able to, though it was his adherence to the law and the strength of his word that separated him from other mortals. Well that and some other enjoyable physical talents.” 


“I don’t need to know that.” Xar’aven winced with a sour expression.


She smirked. “Just remember my son, that as long as you follow the law you are never wrong. Your father in all the years I’ve known him never once broke his word, an oath is an oath, an agreement is an agreement.” She clasped the chain around his neck. “There. Right where it should be.” He fastened the blade to his belt and hugged his mother tight, kissing her on the cheek before he released her.


“Shall we mother?”


“Yes my little bird. Let’s go.”


They meandered through the halls of Ossiea until they arrived at the parlor outside the audience chamber.


“Greetings Ariecelli, I see you’ve brought our young man.”


“Hello Auntie Novolar.”


“Come, come, little Raven.” 


He strode over and hugged the erinyes as she wrapped her black feathered wings around him.


“You’ve grown into a fine young man. Our queen will be pleased when she sees you.”


“I hope so.” He said as he broke away.


“Just remember your manners. Not so difficult, yes?”


“Not at all.” He bowed before returning to his mother. He drew his arm through hers and escorted her in.


They walked through a throng of devils separated on either side the open stoneworked walkway of the massive hall. “Your grace.” They greeted in unison and bowed low to the ground in humble deprecation. 


Glasya, Princess of Hell, Queen of the Erinyes and Archduchess of the Sixth sat on a throne of stone, precious metal and bone. She wore an immodest sheer dress of luminescent silk and a jeweled tiara of platinum set with diamonds and rubies. 


“Rise Ariecelli. You may rise as well Xar’aven… Raven, I believe they call you?”


“Yes, your grace.” He bowed again. “Thank you.”


“It brings me great joy, young one, to see that you have been properly educated in the niceties of courtly behavior. Your mother… and your father, were he here would be very proud.”


“That is kind of you to say your grace.”


“I know you don’t remember him, child, but he was… is a coveted member of this court. His service to me was exceptional. As such you have been afforded the finest of academia and a home in the very fortress where you were conceived. Your mother has also proven herself loyal to the crown. One could not ask for better lineage.”


“Your grace is kind to say so.” He kept his head down.


But I did not ask you here to discuss them. Ariecelli has proposed you to me, asking you be allowed to join the court, to assume a position of service, to earn your place here. Is this what you desire?”


He looked at his mother who kept her eyes on the queen, then turned his head back to the archfiend. “I do.” He answered.


“Glasya smiled. You understand the seriousness of such an agreement?”


“I do.”


“Splendid.” She rose. The princess of hell stood better than a foot and a half taller than he. “What is it you desire most?”


He carefully considered her words. Once again he found his eyes drifting toward his mother. “I would like the power to rescue my father from his abductors and return him to his rightful place here with my mother and in the service of your court my queen.”


Glasya smiled wide, displaying sharp extended canines. “I will give you this power if you pledge yourself to me, though such a gift must be earned. Words are not enough to garner such favor.”


“I will serve, your grace.”


“Remove your shirt Raven and bow your head.” She commanded, stepping forward offering her right foot to him.


He did as he was told and stripped off the silk garment. He fell to his knees, prostrated himself then pressed his lips to her toes.


“Very good.” She grinned. Glasya crouched down on her left knee. She reached out with a razor sharp talon and began tracing lines on his back just below his neck. She cut his flesh drawing droplets of blood that were quickly cauterized by her infernal touch, sending the sickly smell of burning flesh washing through the room. Raven grimaced in pain but did not flinch.


“Understand my dear boy that it is only through hardship that we learn perseverance. It is only through pain that we develop resilience and it is only through suffering that we discover our strength. It took your father three years to acknowledge these truths. I’m optimistic you will be a faster learner than even he. When she withdrew her hand he felt a surge of energy enter him. The scarred brand of a scourge centered in a disk, a remnant of her devilish caress, flushed with lurid green light.


She sauntered back to her chair and sat. “You may stand Raven.” 


He did but kept his head bowed though more so because it hurt when he moved.


“Raise your chin and be recognized by my court Xar’aven. You have agreed to serve and I have gifted you with a spark of my power, an ember that will grow into a mighty torrent of hellfire as you prove yourself worthy. You have been appointed to my court. Your first duty is to me now. This is your family. Should I have a need for you, you will be expected to stop whatever it is you are doing and answer the call. Should your mother be on her deathbed and I summon you, I expect you to leave her side and join me. These are the terms of our pact. Do you agree? Do you wish to keep the power I have gifted you?”


“I live to serve, your grace.”




Glasya’s eyes found Ariecelli who beamed with pride. She nodded her approval to the erinyes.


“Your first task will be simple. A mortal bargained three souls he did not know for wealth and prominence. It is time to collect on his agreement. His wife has just given birth to his second child, he now possesses the three souls he traded away. Here is the contract.” She said producing a scroll tube in a wisp of acrid smoke from thin air. “I’m told you are familiar with Z’beksiya?”


“I am your grace,” blushing just a shade while fighting back a smile.


“Splendid. She will accompany you on this first assignment. Raven… I have shown you benevolence. Do not disappoint me.”


“I won’t.”


Z’beksiya moved from the crowd of assembled devils and stood next to him. She laced her fingers through his. “Ready?”


He winked and with a shimmer they were gone.


“You’ve done well grooming the boy Ariecelli. It should take little time before he proves to be a very valuable commodity.”


“Thank you, my queen.” the erinyes smiled diabolically..




They reappeared in a large city.


“Where are we?” Raven asked.


“Luskan handsome. I keep a room at the Naughty Nymph. In fact we have time. What’s say we celebrate your acceptance by the queen.” She leaned in and kissed him. 


“Yeah.” He smiled. “I’m sure the contract can wait a few minutes.”


Z’beksiya raised an eyebrow.


“Or a few hours.” He grinned.


“Much better.” She kissed him again and they walked on.


It was dark by the time he began to wash. “How’s it look?” He asked, craning his neck to try and see.


“It’s oozing a bit but not bad. I’m sure it’ll heal fast. Mine did.” She said exposing her naked back, revealing a similar mark just above her waistline.


He finished dressing and retrieved the scroll tube he had been given. “Have you read the contract Bex?” 


“Nope. Can’t say that I have.”


He removed it from its protective case and sat on the edge of the bed to review it. The document was written in the infernal tongue.


“Wow. This doesn’t seem right.”


“What do you mean?” She sat next to him and propped her head on his shoulder drawing her knee into her stomach. She was, after all, nearly half a head taller than he.


“It says that this fellow Grae Cragmark agrees to trade the souls of three people he does not know in exchange for wealth beyond his dreams and the prominence that should rightfully accompany it.”




“Is that legal? How is he able to pay with souls other than his own. Sounds dirty to me.”


“Ahh . Remember to always read the fine print my friend. Here. It says in the case of wedded union the soul of the wife is now considered communal property as a result of the marriage contract and could be bargained as his own. And you are aware that a parent can bargain with the souls of their children until they come of age, right?”


“No. I had no idea. Sounds like quite the evil thing to do. I mean who would bargain away the souls of their wife and kids?”


“A despicable man only concerned with his own personal gain, one who has no compassion or regard for anyone else. And evidently, a man who doesn’t read the fine print. He must have believed he could trade away the souls of just anyone, that the price of his bargain would be borne by others instead of himself. You speak true Raven, a truly evil man.”


“It just doesn’t seem fair, certainly not for the wife and kids.”


“I know. I don’t disagree. But the contract is legal and binding. Come on.” She kissed his cheek. “Let’s take care of this.”


“Very well.” 


She stood and walked toward the door.


 “Ahem.” He cleared his throat.






“Ohhh.. Yeah.” She grinned then quickly dressed.




The manor was surrounded by high stone walls and wrought iron gates. Hired guardsmen were posted at the entrance and many others could be seen patrolling the grounds. 


“Ideas on how to get in?” He asked.


“Um. I’m an erinyes? I only walked here because it’s a lovely night and the air is crisp and fresh unlike Malbolge.”


“I’m an idiot.”


“Yeah ya are.” She kissed him and took his hand. In the blink of an eye they were in a decadent parlor. A middle aged man sat in a comfortable chair smoking a pipe in front of a fireplace while his wife worked at needlepoint. A young girl sat on the floor coloring and a baby slept in a bassinet. They didn’t see the intruders arrive.


“Excuse me.” Raven announced. “Would you happen to be Grae Cragmark?” 


“My word!” The man jumped with start. His wife and daughter screamed at the sight of the hellish looking tiefling.


“Idiot indeed.” Z’beksiya mumbled, rolling her eyes.


A guardsman heard the commotion and rushed in brandishing a sword.


“Bex! Look out!” Raven shouted, extending his hand. As he did, a purple hued eldritch blast leapt from his outstretched fingers and sent the guardsman reeling.


“Wow. That was good Raven.” The erinyes complimented as she uncoiled a rope. It snaked out of its own accord and bound the man to the chair.


“What do you want? Please. Don’t hurt us!” The wife pleaded. 


Two more guardsmen rushed in. 


Z’beksiya strode toward them. As she did, a longsword materialized from nowhere, appearing in her hand. She parried the first guard’s swing and brought the blade down hard on the second guard’s collar bone, spurting blood into the hall with a bone crunching thud. Raven discharged a second purple bolt moments before the erinyes skewered the first man in riposte.


“I have gold. Lots of gold. The man whimpered. Take whatever you want. Just please don’t hurt me.


“We’re not here for coin Mr. Cragmark.” Raven began in an unsettlingly polite tone. “I’m afraid your contract has come due. We’re here to collect.” 


“He already offered you gold,” the woman countered nervously.


“That debt is already paid.” The man scowled. “Three souls I didn’t know. That was the bargain I struck eight years ago.”


“Wait what?” His wife’s eyes asked with a mixture of confusion and disgust in her expression.


“Your loving husband over there made a deal with a devil, my lady.” Z’beksiya explained. “The problem is, he didn’t properly read the contract.”


“What do you mean?” His voice held an air of panic.


“You promised three souls you didn’t know in return for the life of luxury and prestige that you enjoy to this day. Under the law however you have no right to bargain with any soul to which you have no legal right of ownership. My queen couldn’t just take three random souls… That’s not how it works.”


“What are you saying?” The wife asked.


“I apologize, my lady.” Raven offered sincerely. “But to honor the contract and to consider it paid in full we must collect three souls he has legal right to. Yours through marriage and his children because…”


“Noooo!” She screamed. “Please not my children. I’ll give anything, do anything, just please don’t harm my children.”


“Now that’s honest goodness, Raven.” Z’beksiya said in compliment. “Unfortunately you have nothing to bargain with Lady Cragmark. Your soul is already forfeit.”


“Take his then please. Just spare my daughter.” The little girl had taken refuge behind her mother and was shaking. The baby was crying a shrill symphony.


“Can we do that?” Raven asked hopefully.


“Afraid not. They’re already damned.”


“That’s just evil!” The woman spit.”


“No. Evil was him selling your souls for his own benefit in the first place and then trying to circumvent payment by having someone else suffer in his place. I am sorry. I’m just following the law ma’am.” Raven explained.


The woman broke down into tears.


Xar’aven was struck with a wave of sympathy for the woman. “You know Bex… He could trade his soul for one of theirs couldn’t he?” He suggested thoughtfully.


He could, yes.” The erinyes affirmed.


His wife pleaded through wet eyes. Staring at her husband, then their daughter and back again.”


“Take them and go.” He said with cold indifference.


“Wow. Now that’s truly evil.” Bex commented.


“You bastard!” The woman spit. “I pray you burn in hell!”


Raven shook his head at the man. “I hope so too, miss. But sadly, it won’t be today.” Raven invoked the magic of the contract and the room fell silent as the mother, daughter and baby fell still. “I hope one day I have the chance to hold you accountable for this, vermin.” He threatened.


“You have what you came for. Leave me.”  The man demanded.


Z’beksiya nodded her head and retrieved her rope. A breath later they were gone, back in the room. Raven slumped onto the bed dejected.


“Hey… you ok?” The erinyes asked.


“It doesn’t sit right with me Bex. It’s not fair. I know we did what we were supposed to but… it doesn’t feel good.”


“Listen. Good and evil are very complex concepts. Some might say what we did was evil. But wasn’t what he did more so? Besides, we only followed the law. There is no gray area there. No wrongdoing if it’s legal, right?”


“I guess. Still…”


She poured him a glass of baatorian black whiskey. “We should be celebrating. You did great. Welcome aboard warlock.”


“Thanks.” He halfheartedly offered before emptying the glass in one large gulp. 


“Hey. I know what will cheer you up.” She smirked, rolling him onto the bed. She laid the scroll tube on the nightstand and tugged at his belt. Her wings popped the buttons on his shirt.


It was just before dawn when she stirred. She must have left the window open because a cold mist had entered the room and was swirling about on the floor. She secured the open portal and turned back to the bed. Empty. Her eyes instinctively moved to the scroll tube. It was undisturbed. She looked around frantically trying to find her paramour. Nothing. She raced to the privy to find it empty as well. No blood. No struggle and none of the protective wards she had set were disrupted. What the hells? She thought. “Raven!” She screamed in a panic but there was no answer.


Raven woke to the first sliver of sunlight as dawn began to break on the horizon, its light cutting through the mist. His clothes were damp. He reached out for Z’beksiya but found nothing but dew-covered grass. “Bex?” He called out. No answer. He found his feet and looked around. He was at the edge of a forest he didn’t know where. Why would she bring him here? He decided all he could do was wait. As the mist rolled away he could swear he heard a disembodied voice laughing. “What is this place?” He wondered as he slumped against a tree resigned to wait for her return.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Dorym
