Tales from Sanguina…
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[Closed] Tales from Sanguinar

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Part 1 The arrival…

Dragon Mountain

Devon ran his fingers over the kyanite stone, it’s dark blue facets sparkled in the light. “Muzyka.” he spoke and the gem lit up. “Val’s” he said, causing the instrumental sound of a waltz to emanate from the songstone. The melody was sad and tempo slow. It held a special place in his heart as it was the first song Selene had played when she taught him to dance. A flood of memories washed over him.


“You must learn the basic steps first, slow and methodical. Your footwork must be precise. There can be no mistakes. Only then will speed come. Now, place your left hand here on my waist and take my hand with your right.” Selene’s typically strict tone seemed softer as she began the dance lesson. 


Devon warily approached her. He could feel his heart race as his hand met hers. His breath quickened then froze in his throat as his other found her hip. Selene tilted her head slightly and her eyes, blue as ice seemed to grin with amusement at him, though her expression remained aloof. 


“Now. Step two three…move two three…turn two three…step two three…..”


He was staring into the open floor of the bed chamber as ghosts from his past took to dancing. His eyes were lost in reminiscence.


“Uncle?…Uncle?…Are you ok?” Jenna asked with some concern from the threshold of the open door. She walked cautiously toward him. “Devon?” She reached out for his arm.


The contact broke his reverie.


“Jenna … Apologies, your grace.” He said with a bow. “I seem to have been caught daydreaming.”


“Oh…” She replied. “What did you see?” She asked with interest.


“Nothing…it was nothing…”


“Come now uncle. You must have seen something that could hold your attention. You didn’t even react to my entry.”


Devon sighed. “It was a long time ago sweet princess. Visions of my youth, when I first arrived at Sanguinar. Memories your aunt would probably prefer I not dwell upon.”


“Nonsense. Auntie Aliyeah is hardly jealous. For sure she’d not have you deny that which makes you who you are.”


“It’s not quite that simple. While she may not doubt my love and devotion, she has not always appreciated my kinship with Lady Radcliffe nor my attachment to Selene Blacklotus.”


“The Pale Lady did threaten her uncle…and used blood magic to try and sever your connection to auntie. Surely you can understand her discomfort in dealing with her. Actually I admire the queen’s ability to endure those insults and still allow you the leeway to maintain the relationships from your birth place.” She paused for a moment looking to read his expression. “You know you’re home is here now. You’re one of us.”


“And still one of them. Sanguinari are bound by blood and those bonds are eternal.”


Jenna’s eyes saddened a bit.


“As is my love for Aliyeah. I live in both worlds but never more than a breath away from either. I have a responsibility and duty to both.”


“And when those interests oppose uncle…what then?”


“Then I will have to choose, a worry for another day sweet princess.”


“You’ll choose auntie. You always do. You’ve sworn fealty to her and I know how seriously you take your oaths.”


Devon smiled but there was a trace of melancholy hidden in the green of his eyes. “Of course your grace.” He bowed slightly.


Jenna hugged him tight then dragged him toward the bed. “Sit uncle.” Jenna sat on the edge of the bed tapping the duvet next to her as she did. “I want to hear about your past, of you as a wyrmling. Please?”


“I’m not sure…” The music was still playing and it seemed to call out to him.


Jenna was quick to notice. “Of course you are. I’d love to hear all about you. Like why does this song move you so. Go on.” She said brightly.


“So you want to hear a story huh? Very well. When the nights were long and the days were deep there lived a lovely, lonely warrior and the thief who would steal her heart.” He began with a smile. 


“Is the warrior a dragon?”


Devon smiled. “Not quite your grace.” He paused. “Now you should understand, every story starts with a lie. That’s the job of beginnings, to tell you you’re safe, that all of this lasts, and trick you into believing nothing will ever change. But underneath there are signs of your true story — who made you, who harmed you, what the hells you were born to fight. And you won’t be ready to hear it yet, so you’ll run, live, collect the things that matter along the way — an oath, your allies, a home. Only then will you see the real enemy. But hopefully by then you have them, this strange, messy, impossible family full of enemies and siblings, lovers, and hope. It doesn’t matter how your story begins. It’s about who is with you at the end.”


Jenna sat mouth agape. “Is your story at an end uncle? What does that mean?”


“Hopefully not just yet. But remember the bonds we create through hardship and perseverance are lasting and not everyone we begin our story with will be there at the end, while some who arrive later in the story were not party to our earlier chapters. So mine begins with a murder. I was a boy of twelve when it happened. There was a girl, Holly, who I was very close with, my first love in fact.”


“The woman from the tower in Westport? The mage who always seems happy to see you yet sad at the same time.”


“One in the same. Had fate not intervened, you and I would probably not be having this conversation and I might very well be married to her.”


“Does auntie know?” she teased eyes opening wide.


“It was a lifetime ago…and a very different me. But yes. She’s aware. Holly and I had snuck away from the magister’s tower and wandered about the town. Probably not the smartest thing I’ve done but back then I was easily swayed by a pretty smile and a soft touch.”


Uncle?!” Jenna interrupted with a mix of embarrassment and shock. 


“Do you want to hear the story or not?”


“Sorry uncle. Please go on.”


“So I had acquired some wine.”


“Uh huh. Thief.” She whispered.


Devon grinned. “… and we had been drinking and laughing all the while enjoying the warm summer air when we heard a scream. I told Holly to go for help and I ran over to the manor house the sound had come from. It was the mayor’s. The door was open so I walked in. That’s when I saw her. The mayor’s wife had been stabbed. I tried to stop the bleeding but I was not a skilled healer. That’s Jarath’s thing. I pressed on the wound trying to hold it closed and yelled for help. She grabbed my hand and asked me not to leave her. I swore I wouldn’t. Holly returned minutes later but it was too late. She was gone. We tried to explain but there was so much blood. It stained my hands and covered my clothes. At some point I must have picked up the knife because they found it in my grasp. I learned sometime later the murderer had been hired by a discontented noble who felt aggrieved by Mayor Chadwick’s refusal to grant a letter of mark for his business.”


“Oh? Why was that.”


“He was a fence and the business was a front. The mayor had turned away the thieves guild’s bribe.”


“I see. But you didn’t kill that woman. Didn’t Holly tell them?”


“Of course, but no one believed us. Besides, I had been in trouble before and there were those who didn’t put it past me to do such a thing. Magister Crowley defended me of course. Abba Gideon tried the case.The mayor wanted me put to death…”


“At twelve? What kind of man is he?”


“A heartbroken man filled with vengeance and hatred in his heart for the one he held responsible for his wife’s murder. I don’t blame him. It wasn’t his fault. He was left despondent by her loss.” 


“And then?”


“And then Selene sweet princess. The laws of Westport and treaty with Sanguinar granted her the right to claim the life of anyone convicted of murder. She arrived much to the shock of many and the chagrin of Abba Gideon, but that’s a story for another day. She brought me to Sanguinar and…” 


“And what?”


“Want to see for yourself?” He offered.


“How?” Jenna asked.


“Magic. I’ll share the memory with you. If you want to see it from my perspective that is?”


“You can do that?” she said with a hint of amazement.


“Yes. It’s an incantation I learned from my time in Sanguinar. Interested?”


Jenna’s eyes were wide as saucers. “Yes please…” She paused. “Is it safe?” 


“Of course your grace. I’d never put you in harm’s way.”


“Ok. How?” 


Devon pricked his finger and a drop of blood oozed from the cut.” 


“Eww.” What are you going to do with that?” Jenna demanded.


“You’ll need to taste my blood so I can guide you through and unlock the memories within. It’s the only way. Or you can just settle for what I tell you.”


The young bard was too intrigued by the offer. “Fine. Do it.”


Devon pressed the blood against her lips and mouthed the incantation. The walls began to close in on her and she felt a rush of thoughts overwhelming her brain as their minds connected. Her breathing quickened. She felt like she was going to hyperventilate. Then she heard his voice. “Focus Jenna. Concentrate on where you want to go and what you want to see.” Her breathing slowed and began to calm. Darkness broke and she found herself looking at a wall roughly a half higher than shoulder height composed of stone and mortar radiating in opposite directions from either side of a set of black wrought iron gates. As she gathered her bearings, she saw that the road behind her passed directly through a cemetery. Headstones neatly arranged in rows and columns looked to extend as far as the eye could see, a veritable sea of the dead.  


“Hey!” Selene scolded. “Did you not hear me? You’ll need to stay close. Sanguinar is not in the habit of welcoming unannounced guests…especially when those guests have been convicted of murder.” 


“Yes Mistress.” Twelve year old Devon managed softly.  


Jenna watched as they passed through the gateway. Two guards in oiled black leather armor addressed them.  


“Welcome home Nightmistress. May I ask what the human is doing here?” 


“I’ve claimed him by right of trial. I’m taking him to the manor.” 


The guardsmen looked at each other. They appeared unsettled by Selene’s answer. 


“The Pale Lady will not be pleased. Perhaps I should call for a jailor to take charge of … it.” 


The air cooled and Selene’s eyes flashed brilliant blue, beautiful and dangerous. Jenna could sense the fear begin to well inside the young boy and she too suddenly felt afraid. It was a sentiment shared by the guardsmen. They took a step back.  


“We mean no disrespect Nightmistress.” Came a stutter. “It’s just that.. The Pale Lady doesn’t… She will be displeased…” 


“Continue to waste my time captain and I will become displeased.” Selene threatened.


“Of course Lady Blacklotus.” 


The guardsmen moved back to their posts without another word.  


Selene turned her attention to Devon, the brilliant blue fading from her eyes. “You will follow me and stay no more than a pace behind. Do you understand?” 


Jenna nodded with Devon, dumbfounded. Selene turned away, walking briskly down the cobblestone path. They passed through an open area just beyond the gate where a few dozen or so shuttered buildings sat eerily still in a semicircle oriented toward the front gate. Beyond them the path continued. There were few people along the walkway. Those they saw lowered their gaze in deference to the Nightmistress. The village itself was comprised of perfectly manicured sections of homes in an organized pattern that flanked several businesses along the path. They reached the center atrium of the town where the bulk of professional establishments had been erected. There were several pubs and various vendors peddling wares from arms and armor to spices and cloth or silken garments. Jenna could sense the uneasy feeling Devon had as he regarded the townsfolk, an unnatural feeling like a sheep walking among a pack of wolves. The looks he received in return only added to his discomfort. Occasionally Selene would catch someone staring and they would quickly avert their eyes and look away. It was a long walk from the front gate and they had taken to a brisk pace but Selene seemed unaffected by the travel. Devon panted but kept pace just as he was told. Once beyond the atrium the townsfolk thinned again. Occasionally she would see a man sweeping a porch or a woman hanging a clothesline. Few took any notice of them and those that did looked disinterested.  


The sun had just started to sink below the horizon when a manor set on a low hill came into Jenna’s sight. Two pillars flanked the entry path. Atop the pillars, stone wolves sat in wary silence above the entrance. The hedges were carved artistically in designs and patterns that would seem to mean something but was at the same time foreign to her. Lanterns glowed in hues of purple, blue and red to mark the stone walk. A secondary path could be seen rolling to the left along a garden of beautiful flowers. As they approached the manor Selene stopped. “You will not speak unless I tell you so. You will not look anyone in the eye. Am I clear?”  


Devon lowered his gaze. “Yes Mistress.” 


She placed her hand on the pewter handle of the black hardwood door and it gave way.  


“Selene”, came a cheerful voice. Where have you been? Mother is quite cross. She was unaware you had plans to visit the Port.” 


Selene tilted her head slightly. 


“Yes, she knows where you have been but not why?”  


Jenna could feel the room staring at her.  


“He’s a child Selene.” The woman’s voice echoed with disapproval. “What are you thinking? The laws…” 


“The laws allow the Nightmistress to claim those convicted of murder.” 


“Him..murder…” There was a chuckle. “You don’t expect me to believe that he…. this child committed murder upon the humans.” 


“Humans again?” Jenna found the idea of these people referring to Devon as human confusing. I wonder why they speak of him so?” She asked in her head. Devon looked up at the woman who had been talking to Selene. She had kind brown eyes and long chestnut hair with blonde streaks that cascaded over her shoulders, midway down her back. 


“Are you a murderer boy?” She asked.  


“No.” Devon answered without thinking. 


Selene’s backhand struck fast. Jenna could taste blood in her mouth. Devon staggered back a step before falling to a knee. His eyes were wet with tears. Hunched over, he stifled a sob. He quickly lowered his eyes to stare at the floor and slowly, carefully stood. 


“Selene! What was that for?! You could have hurt him.” 


“If he is to survive here Dawne he must learn our ways. He’ll need to learn respect and how to follow directions.” 


“You intend to keep him then? For what purpose? Or dare I not ask? You don’t mean to place him in the cells, do you?” 


“The Pale Lady will decide his fate… But no. I do not intend to have him harvested.” 


“Harvested?” Jenna could feel Devon resisting the urge to look up at Selene.  


“Mother wants you in the audience room at high moon. May I suggest you refresh before then. I’m sure the walk from the front gate was longer than you remembered.”


Selene turned her attention to Devon. “Follow me.” 


Devon, head still down, replied. “Yes Mistress.” Devon kept his eyes focused on Selene’s boots avoiding the gaze of the few people he passed. Selene walked through the parlor into a foyer that fed into another large room with a massive double staircase with a wrought iron railing similar to the entry gate outside of town.. She reached the second floor landing and made her way to a set of twin doors of grey ashwood with carved lotuses high in the center of each filled with black enamel. They entered the room and Jenna saw a comfortably furnished sitting room with a sofa positioned in front of a fireplace that served that room and the one directly to its rear. She closed the doors behind them and said “Sit.” Devon did as he was told without a word. He watched Selene walk into the rear room through an ornate set of french doors. Moments later she returned with a cloth and a bowl. She placed them on a coffee table near the sofa and sat next to Devon. “Here. Let me see.” She grabbed his face by his jaw and examined the wound. She dipped the cloth into the liquid and cleaned the trickle of blood from his split lip. The cut closed and pain subsided to a weak throb. “Better?” She asked.


Devon nodded but didn’t speak. 


Selene sighed. “Dawne’s right you know. I shouldn’t have brought you here. It’s not safe for a human.” She paused sighing again. 


Jenna waited for an apology that wasn’t going to come. 


“I’m kind of making this up as I go along. I was informed you were innocent and that they planned to execute you anyway. Hmph. And they call us monsters. Claiming you was the only way to save you from them but I’m not sure this will be any better for you boy.” 


Devon forced the words in his mouth back down his throat. 


“There’s a bath drawn in the other room. Take off those clothes and wash up. I don’t want you offending the Pale Lady before I even have a chance to plead your case.” She stood and pointed toward the open french doors. “Go… and do not leave this room. Understood?”


Devon nodded.


Selene shook her head and watched him until he was clear from sight. 


Jenna saw they were in a lavish bed chamber. A massive curtained bed was the centerpiece of the room. There was an ornate desk with an open book on it and vanity with several silver brushes neatly arranged in front of the mirror. The fixtures rivaled those of the Gold spire. She watched as Devon looked toward the entry and then walked over to a massive armoire. Locked. Their gaze found a doorway on the opposite side of the room. Devon stepped toward it. The hardwood floors became marble. A richly accented tub waited with water steaming. The fragrance of scented oils filled the air. It was the most relaxed Jenna had felt since they began this journey. Her eyes found Devon looking into a wall of polished glass serving as a mirror. “I am kind of grimy,” he thought. He stripped his clothes leaving them in a pile on the floor and immersed himself in the tub. Jenna could feel the heat work away the anxiety she had shared with him in the memory. The serenity of the scene wouldn’t last. Selene appeared from nowhere with a handful of clothes in her arms. 


“Here. Once you’re clean put these on. There is food in the other room. You will eat. We are expected to meet with Lady Radcliffe at high moon.”


Jenna could sense Devon’s embarrassment. She found his modesty amusing. Dragons aren’t bothered by nudity, their’s or anybody else’s. She knew he was waiting for Selene to leave the room before he exited the tub. Once she did, he dried and dressed. He found the Nightmistress sitting on the sofa. A plate of warm bread, hard cheeses and dried meats was set on the table. 


“Sit. Eat.” She commanded.


Devon nodded. 


“You may speak while we are here alone.” she said with a satisfied grin.


“Thank you mistress.” Devon said humbly. Jenna had never known the self assured and confident man she loved so much to be so insecure. He bit into a roll and washed it down with the juice Selene had poured for him in a glass. “Not juice.” he choked. “Wine”


“Do they not serve wine in Westport?”


“Not to those my age. I usually have to…” His voice trailed off.


“They’ll be none of that here boy. The laws of Sanguinar are harsh. Forget any ideas of such foolishness now, lest you find yourself in trouble you can’t be saved from.”


“Yes mistress.” Devon answered.


Selene eyed him suspiciously. “This is not going to be easy for either of us is it? Do as I say and I promise all will be ok. Fair?”


“Yes mistress.” 


Selene cleared the plates after their meal was finished. And the scene darkened.


Jenna inhaled forcefully filling her chest with air as the decor of Aliyeah’s bed chamber came into focus.


“What happened?” She asked, disoriented.


“I fell asleep.” Devon said with a smile.


“No. I mean what happened next? I want to see more. Please let me go back.” The young princess implored.


“Tomorrow perhaps.” For now I have some duties to attend to.


Jenna frowned and sulked.


“Tomorrow your grace. Promise.”


“Fine.” She stood in a huff. “Uncle?” She asked. “I’m confused. Was Selene cruel to you or kind. I couldn’t tell.”


Devon grinned. “Me either.”

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Part 2 – The Pale Lady…

The next day, true to his word, Devon shared another memory with Jenna. The scene opened in a large official looking chamber lit by sconces and candelabras. Jenna, looking through Devon’s eyes, could see the form of a woman wearing a thin, tightly woven chainmail shirt covered by a burgundy velvet doublet with gold trim. She had a stern expression on her face. Jenna recognized Claire Radcliffe. The Pale Lady, as she was called, was every bit as intimidating in this dream memory as she was in real life. Her long black hair fell somewhat to her front, well below her shoulders. Devon’s eyes dropped quickly to the stone floor.


“What is that?” She demanded. 


“The laws…” Selene began.


“I wrote the laws.” Lady Radcliffe hissed with menace. “Do not presume to inform me of the laws.”


Selene bowed her head. Yes mother. ”The boy was convicted of murder.”


“Send him to the cells and be done with it.” The Pale Lady said with vitriol. “I must confess myself… disappointed Selene. When did you become so reckless?”  


“He’s innocent. The humans were going to execute him unjustly. I only sought to save his life.”


“Am I hearing you correctly Nightmistress? You claimed a child convicted of murder who did not commit murder?”


“He was found guilty by the Figureheads of Westport. My claim is valid.” Selene answered with the slightest hint of defiance in her tone. It was not lost on Lady Radcliffe.


“Careful Selene. I have indulged your impudence thus far. Do not provoke me to anger.”


Jenna had the strangest of feelings that Devon did not understand a word they were saying. She found him stealing glances at the two Sanguinari trying to read their expressions and body language for some clue as to what was happening. The realization struck. This event occurred before he learned the language. He had no idea they were arguing his fate.


Selene lowered her head. 


“Tell me Selene. How is it you came to know of this trial? What leads you to believe the boy innocent?”


I received an unsigned scroll indicating there was a murder trial intentionally hidden from me. It claimed the accused was innocent.” I went to Westport to investigate and found they were trying a boy. I could not stand by and allow him to be put to death.”


“So you claimed a child with no proof of innocence? Where was his family?”


“He has none.”


“Prove his innocence.”


Selene had a look of confusion on her face. “I’m not sure…”


“Bite him. Read his blood. Tell me if he deserves the life you offer him. Be certain.”


Selene looked stunned.


“BITE … HIM!” Claire commanded. 


The loud tone grabbed Devon’s attention and he couldn’t resist stealing a look around. Selene’s face held an expression of discomfort as she searched around the room for support. Dawne had turned her head away. Another thin woman with blonde hair streaked with black lowlights lowered her gaze. A third woman in a revealing low cut silk dress caught his eye. She had long blonde hair and light blue eyes. She had tattoos forming faux sleeves running down her arms and unlike the other two she seemed to enjoy the cringed look Selene wore. She smiled at Devon who realized he had been caught and quickly averted his eyes. Jenna recognized her. She had met her at Wrathgate. Devon had named her Ria.


Selene frowned. “Give me your left hand boy.”


Devon slowly reached out to her and she grabbed his palm turning his wrist up. Her eyes began to radiate with an eerie blue glow and when she opened her mouth he could see two extended canines. His body leaned back trying to distance itself away from his own arm as if he meant to sacrifice the appendage in order to escape.


“Stop.” Claire ordered.


Selene closed her eyes and Devon could hear sighs of relief from two of the Sanguinari watching. Selene released his hand.


“His throat Selene. If your claim is to be recognized, I must see you take his throat. Only heart’s blood can be trusted to speak the truths of one’s life. I want an accurate read.”


Devon heard gasps. He peaked at Selene who appeared even more shocked than before. “He’s a boy. I could kill him.”


“If it be the will of the goddess so be it. He is already on borrowed time. If not for you he’d be dead already. At least by your account. If you are truly so concerned I suggest you bite him carefully. I won’t say it again. Do it now.”


Selene turned to look Devon in the eyes. In the emerald green she saw a spark of courage. She could sense his potential. She whispered in a low serious tone. “Listen very carefully Devon. You are to close your eyes and turn your head to the right. We call this offering your throat.”


“You’re going to bite me, aren’t you, drink my blood.” He whispered back.


“Yes.” She answered matter of factly.


Jenna could feel her heartbeat accelerating. She knew it was Devon’s own anxiety she was channeling.


Devon glanced at the Pale Lady. If he was going to die he resolved he would at least wear a brave face to the next life. He wanted her to know he wasn’t afraid. He tilted his head wide to the right. “I offer you my throat mistress.” Then exhaled before closing his eyes. 


“Selene no.” Devon recognized Dawne’s voice.


Selene stared at the exposed skin on his throat then brought her mouth slowly down pushing her canines into the artery in his neck.


Devon felt a sharp pain as her fangs bit deep. He didn’t flinch though. He could feel the warm rush of blood draining from the wound. The pain disappeared and a euphoria replaced his angst.


Jenna was horrified. She wanted to scream. She began to panic and thrash, fighting to break free from the memory but the magic kept her trapped in the vision.


Devon’s life flashed in Selene’s mind. It rewound from the moment she bit him, turning back the minutes, the hours, the days, months and years…then black. Selene broke free, stumbling backwards almost as if she had been struck by an invisible fist. Devon fell to his knees. Jenna found it difficult to focus on the scene. The room seemed hazy as his sight skipped and jumped about. He was obviously feeling light headed from the experience but his hearing remained sharp.


“What happened?” Claire demanded.


Selene shook her head trying to clear her mind. “Mind block. The boy’s memories are protected by a blood rite.”


“Say again?” Claire demanded.


“There’s more, Someone tried to alter his recollection of the night of the murder as well. It is likely they encountered the block during the process leaving for a sloppy modification.” Selene paused, then straightened herself standing tall. “And for the record Lady Radcliffe.” Her tone stiffened. “The boy’s blood is pure. He is innocent of the crime.”


Claire’s eyes narrowed. “Memory alteration is a complicated blood rite. Mind blocks are high magic. Who would expend such energy on a human child?”


Selene pursed her lips. “The alterations to his memory were done haphazardly, in a haste. Whoever did it was not well trained. The memory block however was potent and clean. Expertly set.”


Claire stepped toward Selene. She cleared a trickle of blood away from the corner of her lip with her thumb and brought it to her own mouth. “Impossible.” She said in disbelief. “What did you say his name was?”


Selene looked curiously at the Pale Lady. “The boy is called Devon or at least is so named by Magister Crowley.”


“His clan name. Does he not have a surname, the name of his father?”


“No. The Magister told me he was orphaned as an infant and all she knew was that he was born under the dark star, an eclipse, and named him so.” Selene waited for Claire to say something. When she didn’t, the Nightmistress pressed, “May I ask what is impossible?”


Lady Radcliffe’s expression sharpened. “No.”


Selene remained silent.


“What are your intentions Selene? What will you do with him?”


She turned away from Claire and reached down for Devon. Jenna felt her raise him gently to his feet. Selene licked her finger smearing saliva from her mouth over the puncture wounds causing them to close. “I’ll train him. He’ll remain with me.”


“You can’t be serious Selene.” Ria scoffed. “Train him to do what? Clean your laundry and prepare your meals?” Ria shook her head, mocking the suggestion.


Selene stared at her, eyes burning blue.


“That’s enough.” Claire scolded. “You will mind your manners Ria. Am I clear?”


“Crystal.” She scowled.


“Keep the boy Selene. You claimed him so by our law he is now your responsibility. Whatever trouble he causes shall reflect on you. Any punishment incurred shall be shared. You’ve no idea what you’ve done.”


“What is that supposed to mean?” Selene asked curiously.


“Soon enough my daughter. All will be revealed soon enough. For now teach him our ways and see he doesn’t get himself killed. You’re all excused.” The four vampyr bowed. 


Selene looked at Devon. “This is your home now boy. Come. I’ll settle you in.”


“He may have a guest room Selene.” Claire offered.


“No. He will live with me for now.”


Lady Radcliffe nodded her head. “Perhaps that would be a safer choice. As you wish.” 


They walked quietly back to Selene’s room. She all but ignored him the entire time save for the occasional glance back to make sure he remained a pace behind her. Once alone in her living quarters Selene finally spoke. “You have courage, boy. I’m not easily impressed but for today… well done.”


She seemed pleased. At least that’s how Devon read her. He opened his mouth but the words remained behind his lips.


“You may speak freely while we’re alone. Is there something you want to say?”


Devon thought for a moment wondering if he should. “I’m confused. I don’t know what was said other than this is my home now. Will I be here forever? Will I ever see Magister Crowley again? What about my friends?”


“It’s best you forget them. The humans you lived among did a terrible thing to you. They are not your friends.” 


Devon became defensive. “Magister Crowley protected me. My friends stood by me. How can you say that.”


There was pity in Selene’s blue eyes. “How did that work out for you? For all the magister’s influence, despite the protest of the children you see as friends, they still convicted you of a crime you didn’t commit. You’d be dead if I had not intervened. You will not always like what I have to say boy but know I will never lie to you, unlike those people.” She sighed as her eyes moved about the room. She found a chest and lifted the lid. She removed a blanket and some throw pillows. She placed them on the couch and said, “Sleep here for now, until I make more permanent arrangements for you. It’s late by human standards and you’ll need your sleep child. Tomorrow we begin.”


“Begin what?”


Selene smirked. “You’ll see. For now, just rest.” She walked toward the french doors of her bedchamber stopping at the entry. “Oh. And thief… don’t get any foolish ideas. The doors and windows are locked for a reason. The town is not safe for children after dark. Good night.”


“Thief?” Devon said to himself. 


Almost as if she were still reading his mind Selene’s voice called from the other room. “I read your blood boy. You may have magic in your mind but you possess the spirit of a rogue.”


Devon was speechless. He was also exhausted. Jenna felt the scene darken as the magic faded and sleep brought an end to the memory.


“She bit you!” Jenna’s face was twisted with revulsion, contorted with disgust. “How could she treat a child like that. Auntie is right. They’re monsters! How did you survive in such a place? Why would you feel any loyalty to those creatures?”


Devon grinned. “Tomorrow is a new day, your grace. Return if you want those answers.” 


Jenna scowled. “I used to admire Selene.” She was grumbling angrily as she stormed off. 


Devon leaned back amused thinking to himself. “And that was a good day.”

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Sanguinar, The following day….


She found him sitting in front of the fire in the parlor of the gold spire 


“Are you certain you want to do this again?” He asked. “You seemed out of sorts when you left last night.”


“I’m sure uncle. I must know what happened next.” Jenna answered. “Please let there be a reason for me not to despise Selene.” She swallowed hard. “I’m not sure how I may react when next I see her.”


Devon smiled. “The story is far from over your grace. You’ve only skimmed the prologue. There is so much more to tell.”


She sat next to him, placing her hands on her lap and turning to face him. She took a deep breath. “Ready.”


Devon cast the incantation transporting the gold princess into the recesses of his mind where memories dwell.


As the room faded Jenna found herself back in Sanguinar. The morning light diffused softly through the frosted glass of the sitting room window. Selene came abruptly into focus.


“Get up. We’ve work to do.” 


She watched him sit up. His body protested against the idea. Jenna could sense he was still feeling a bit woozy from the blood loss he experienced the night prior.


She pushed a cup into his hand. “Drink.” And he did as he was told. 


Herbal tea. It was warm and sweet. She could feel his heart beat slightly faster. His lightheadedness gave way to rejuvenation.  


Selene seemed satisfied with the improvement in his condition. “Wash up and change. There are clothes for you in the cabinet with the double drawers. It’s just to your right when you enter my bedchamber.”




“While you slept. The Night Markets are quite popular here as Sanguinari are, by nature, nocturnal. You’ll find the traditional dress of my people inside. Best you become accustomed to our way of life. Also you will need to learn our tongue. While most of the people here in Sanguinar can speak common, nobles consider it a barbaric language, beneath them.”


Devon opened the cabinet and found neatly hung clothing of both soft cotton and silk. There were button down shirts, vests with ornate stitching, oiled leather boots and soft leather shoes. In the drawers were pressed and folded pants along with small-clothes. 


Selene stood in the doorway. “Vampyr are disciplined and organized. I will not suffer sloven appearance or unruly behavior. That is for the wolves.”


After Devon dressed, Selene led him downstairs. They walked through the first floor of the manor and down a short stairwell into a library. The walls and floors were cut from smooth granite, marbled grey and white. It was serene and quiet. Devon thought it felt quite like the inside of a tomb, except for the notable difference of it being well lit. Columns of books lined the room. A large table had been set prominently in the center of the space. She motioned to a chair and he sat. She retrieved several massive tomes from the stacks on the shelves directly  behind his seat and slid them in front of him. 


“These contain the compiled laws, customs and history of my people. You will learn all of it and know it in its entirety. I will question you. There will be consequences for incorrect answers.”


Devon turned the cover of the one on top. “It’s written in Sanguinari. I can’t read it.”


She produced yet another book. You will learn to speak, read and write my tongue flawlessly. This book will help. From this point forward you will only speak Sanguinari.”




She flicked the side of his head. “Was I not clear?”


Devon flinched then nodded. 


“If you wish the privilege of speaking you will do so in the manner I allow, otherwise you may choose to remain silent.”


She walked away returning with several more leather bound grimoires each etched with arcane symbols. He recognized them immediately as spellbooks. 


“Your magical training will continue. You will study these until I make other arrangements for your education.”


He nodded again.


“You will come here every day at first light and work until high sun. You will then proceed to the dining hall for the midday meal. I have matters that demand my attention and therefore will not always be available to sit you. For today however, you will remain here until I come for you. I suggest you begin with the language text.”


Devon nodded and she left. 


The scene shifted to a ballroom. Jenna watched as Selene produced a rather large and very familiar blue gem. “Do you dance boy?”


Devon shook his head. 


“You will learn. All Sanguinari dance.” She placed the stone on the mantle of a great fireplace. “Muzyca.” She said and the kyanite stone began to glow. “Val’s” Music began to play, its sound coming from the cut gem. The melody was sad and tempo slow. “You must learn the basic steps first, slow and methodical. Your footwork must be precise. There can be no mistakes. Only then will speed come. Now, place your left hand here on my waist and take my hand with your right.” Selene’s typically strict tone seemed softer as she began his lesson. 


Devon warily approached her. Jenna could feel his heart race as his hand met hers. His breath quickened then froze in his throat as his other found her hip. Selene tilted her head slightly and her eyes, blue as ice seemed to grin with amusement at him though her expression remained aloof. 


“Now. Step two three…move two three…turn two three…step two three…..”


“Ahh. The stone from your bedchamber.” Jenna thought.


“Very observant princess.” Devon answered back in his mind.


They danced for hours. Selene for her part did not appear to fatigue at all. Devon however could feel the strain on his body. He never imagined something that seemed so simple could be so complex nor how an activity that looked effortless could in fact be so physical. The muscles in his calves cramped. His back felt tight and there was a sharp pain radiating down from between his shoulders through the bottom of his spine. His arms felt heavy like they had been weighted down with stone. His ankles grew angry at the angles and turns they were forced to make. Selene was constantly correcting his form. 


“Straighten your back, no slouching. Lift your arms. Watch your feet. Where are your toes pointed?”


His feet would tangle and he’d trip. His legs would cramp and he’d fall. She’d watch him dance alone poking him sharply to alter his form. Every mistake was met with a painful jab and verbal reprimand. Mistakes also meant that he would be starting again from the beginning. She would stretch him, twist him, force him to contort his body into painful and uncomfortable positions. By the time their session was over his whole body ached from head to toe. 


Jenna could see the sky had begun to darken as the sun retreated and day made way for night. “That’s enough for today. We will resume tomorrow. In fact every day after lunch there will be dancing lessons.” 


Jenna felt how winded he was. She could feel the tension and pangs of pain erupting in his muscles. “Lessons?” What she experienced was in her view more akin to torture.” 


Her eyes were drawn to the ground as Devon leaned forward trying to catch his breath. She could sense the idea of repeating this activity again tomorrow was not something he was going to enjoy.


“We will freshen up for dinner. We are expected in the dining hall exactly one hour from now.”


Devon nodded then grimaced as he forced himself to stand erect. He followed one step behind Selene as they made their way back to their living space. 


“For my people, sitting for dinner is a formal affair.” She explained. “I’ll expect you to be properly dressed, neat, and well groomed. You will do as I do during the meal. Follow my cues. You must learn how to navigate Sanguinari society. Goddess help you should you embarrass me.”


Devon nodded his understanding. 


Devon was quickly learning that to the Vampyr of Sanguinar everything must be in order. Even something as menial as seating arrangements held social implications. Claire sat at the head of the table as expected. Selene directly to her left. As a claimed, Devon was seated on her left and next to him the sultry blonde in the sheer silk dress from last night. On Claire’s right sat Dawne, with the thin blonde haired woman with the black streaks in her hair in the seat directly across from his own.


Jenna felt the confusion in Devon as everyone was speaking in Sanguinari. He closely watched Selene, careful not to stare and mirrored her every move. He chose the same fork she did. Ate when she ate. Drank only when she drank. He placed the linen napkin on his lap the same as she. He even cut his portions to match her own. Every fork full, every broken piece of bread, every spoonful was taken exactly the same as Selene. Jenna could feel his desire to please her. His intent was to blend in unnoticed. His behavior did anything but.


Ria laughed, amused. “You’ve trained your dog well.”  Devon didn’t know what she was saying but he knew there was sarcasm in her words when he heard her voice. “Have you taught it to speak yet?” 


Selene glared menacingly at her.


“Ria.” Claire warned.


“I’m sorry mother, that was rude of me.” She said in a mock apology.


“Must you always poke at her?” Dawne asked. “It’s Selene who deserves your contrition.”


“You’re right Dawne.” She smiled malevolently at Selene. “I am sorry dear sister. Please. Allow me to make amends. Raise the boy a few more years and, when he’s ready…” Her hand brushed away a stray lock of hair pushing it behind Devon’s ear. Jenna could hear the rapid beating of his heart thrumming as his face flushed. “…I’ll teach him to be a man for you.”


The room grew cold as winter wind. Selene threw herself out of her chair. Eyes blazing blue she drew a wicked curved blade, while at the same time yanking Devon from his seat. She growled as she pulled him away from Ria. “Touch him again and I’ll have your throat.” She threatened as Devon landed on the floor behind her. 


“Selene!” Claire scolded. “That’s enough.” She rose and stepped toward Ria. Her eyes flashing blue as well. “Tread lightly Ria. I will not tolerate dissidence among my children. You will respect the laws.”


“Yes mother.” She said sheepishly. “May I be excused.”




She stood to leave but not before eyeing Devon. She smiled, winked and walked away.


Dawne had hurried over and Jenna felt her helping Devon to his feet. “Are you hurt?” She asked in the common tongue. Devon opened his mouth to speak but just as quickly closed it and shook his head. “You need not fear me, child. I won’t harm you. You can talk to me.” 


Jenna saw his eyes had moved to Selene then back to Dawne. He nodded his head in appreciation but remained silent.


The other woman began to speak. “Oh by the goddess. He’s only been here a day Selene. You can’t expect him to learn our tongue so quickly. He’ll need to use both if he is to learn anything.” She had heavy black kohl rimming her eyes as if they needed protection from bright light.


“I’ll decide what he needs Charissa.” She turned her head to Devon. “Come boy. Your day is far from over.”


She led him back to the ballroom. “Great.” Devon thought in disappointment. “More dancing.”


“I should have been so lucky.” Devon whispered to Jenna in the vision of his shared memory.


“Can you fight, boy?” Selene asked.


Devon straightened himself and he nodded with confidence.


“Good. Show me.” 


Devon shook his head. 


“Are you afraid boy? Go on speak up. Tell me.”


“I was taught not to hit girls.” He said with an air of machismo. 


“Is that so? What happens then when a girl hits you?”


In a flash she was on him, her elbow striking hard into his stomach. It was all he could do not to vomit. 


“Walk away…” he choked and turned. His eyes began to leak. 


Selene shimmered in front of him. “And when you can’t?” She swept his legs, knocking him to the ground.


Jenna became angry, channeling the emotion Devon was experiencing.


He scrambled to his feet and swung wildly. She pushed him back to the floor. “How can you fight when you can’t even stand?” 


He got up again, more slowly this time. He watched for her to move. She wore a bored expression. “I suggest you actually try this time, otherwise it’s going to be a really long night.”


He set his feet and began to circle around her, searching for an open avenue of opportunity. Selene remained still not even bothering to follow him with her eyes. Once behind her he lunged at her back. She twisted sideways and caught him by the arm and shoulder. Selene tossed him like a rag doll across the room watching him slide across the hardwood floor. Devon was irate. He grabbed a scissor used to clip candle wicks that was resting on a table and threw it at her.


Selene snatched it from the air. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Where are your manners, boy?” She walked over to the table and placed the makeshift weapon down. “Are you so easily provoked to anger and recklessness? What ever would your Magister Crowley say.” She grinned, challenging him to react again.


He did not disappoint. “She’d say burn it with fire Devon.”, as flames erupted from his fingertips. 


Selene tumbled easily out of the way, avoiding the jet of flames. She yanked him off the ground by his throat and scolded him. “That’s for a different class boy. Don’t do that again. Understand?”


Devon’s eyes grew wide. Then small. Ashamed. “Yes mistress.” He rasped. 


She lowered him gently to the floor. “Sit.”


Devon did as he was told and Selene sat across from him. “By your age most Sanguinari have a decade of combat training. You’ll need to catch up quickly. You will train every night after supper until bedtime. It will not be easy nor will it be pleasant but you will learn to properly defend yourself. Now that we both know you have no idea how to fight, I expect you to follow my instructions to the letter. Ok?”


“Yes mistress. I’m sorry.”


Jenna could see the look in Selene’s eyes. A look Devon missed at the time. It clearly read, “Not as sorry as I.”


Selene stood to her feet. “Get up. Now, let’s begin again.”


The scene faded and replayed. Each day a duplicate of the last. Each one long and filled with pain. He seemed to get just enough reprieve to keep from collapsing and he had no idea how much longer he could keep up the pace Selene had set.


Jenna knew plans to escape were forming in his mind but the magic had run its course.


“Did you get away?”


“Yes… and no.” He grinned. You’ll have to wait and see.


Jenna pouted. “Very well uncle. Tomorrow?”


“Yes your grace. Tomorrow is fine.”


They sat back in the soft cushions of the couch and she leaned firmly into him, laying her head on his shoulder to enjoy the fire. Jenna’s mind raced with dozens of questions. She decided to wait until the tale was told to ask them. She had no idea how much more was to come.

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Part 4 – Year 1 Fall – The Escape


As Jenna entered the next memory she found herself looking into the mirrored wall of Selene’s bath. The bruised body of her uncle as a boy reflected back in the polished glass. There were splotches of yellow brown discoloration from his shoulder blades to his chest. He had dark black fingerprint shaped marks on his wrist and arms, obvious remnants of being grabbed. His back was reddened with some black and yellow discoloration, the different hues speaking to the age of the trauma. His knuckles were cut and swollen, yet another reminder of the harsh training methods Selene employed. He moved over to a window peering out as he buttoned his shirt. The light of dawn was just breaking the horizon and Jenna could tell by the changing color of the leaves accented by the morning light that summer was coming to a close and autumn was nearly upon him. He had diligently kept to the schedule Selene had prescribed and she had begun to allow him to walk about the mansion alone from room to room, moving to where his required lessons would take place without her supervision. He often found himself alone in the library. Hard breads and cheese would be left for him or perhaps fruit and oats. It was quiet and a bit lonely in the mornings but he found the relaxed atmosphere rather soothing. Afternoons were different. Occasionally he’d be met by Dawne or Charissa for dance instruction. He enjoyed the change of pace they brought and Dawne in particular seemed to go a little easier on him though they were both incredibly patient. Night training only ever had one master and it was always Selene who taught him combat arts. The only breaks in training he received were meals. Lunch was served for whomever was around and cared to eat while dinner was always fully attended by anyone in the mansion at dusk. Devon began to notice that besides the Pale Lady and her daughters, vassals and servants also called the manor home though when not working they were relegated to the servants wing in the mansion.


He made his way over to the library with a book of parchment he used to take notes. He had begun translating words and phrases in an attempt to understand the conversations taking place around him. He had learned some commonly used phrases and found transcribing the books Selene had given him improved his vocabulary. His dance tutors corrected his pronunciation and despite how difficult it was to avoid speaking common, Selene’s insistence that he fully immerse himself in her native tongue did expedite the learning process. He had only been working for a short time when he heard the door open. Expecting to see Selene, he was taken aback when it was Ria who strutted into view. She wore a sheer floral print dress, low cut, with a hem that barely fell mid thigh.


“Devon.” She squealed in rather a high pitch. “Good morning love. I had no idea you’d be down here.” Her hair was pinned back high off her neck and her demeanor was warm and inviting. 


Jenna began to feel uncomfortable. “What the hells is she doing?”


“I should not probably be talking with you.” He stuttered in broken Sanguinari. “Selene.”


“Is away, young man. You may speak common with me, it can be our secret.” She smiled.


Devon paused wondering if he was being tested. “I get the impression mistress doesn’t care much for you.” He said sheepishly.


“Nonsense. Selene and I are like sisters. We grew up together, here in the manor in fact. She loves me as much as I love her.”


“Oh.” He stammered.  


She pulled the pin from her hair allowing it to cascade down her back and over her shoulders. She placed it on the table and leaned in. The scent of honeysuckle and hibiscus lifted softly off her skin. “Studying our language I see. I can assist you if you’d like. Maybe every once in awhile I could visit you here. Help you practice, you know talk for a bit. Do you think that would be ok? Would you like that?”


“Yes ma’am.” He said blushing.


“Call me Ria. Now you should probably keep this as our secret. I want Selene to be proud of you and of how much you’re learning. I don’t want her to credit me for all your hard work, ok?”


“Um. Ok.”


“She kissed his cheek. Good boy Devon. See you soon.”, and she sauntered off.


Devon was thunderstruck by her shape and beauty. He couldn’t help but notice how the light from the sconces cut through her dress revealing the outline of her lithe frame. 


Jealousy and disdain welled in Jenna who could hardly believe what she had just seen. 


It took a few moments for Devon to gather himself and push the vision of the alluring vampyr from his mind’s eye. The scent of her perfume lingered in the air. A glint of metal caught his attention returning him from his fantasies. She had left her hairpin behind. He quickly pocketed the precious trinket resolving to return it to her at a later time. He spent the rest of the morning with his books but he couldn’t clear his thoughts of the beautiful woman. Perhaps he should forget his desire to escape and instead stay. Maybe he could make a new life here. Was it really so bad? What if she really liked him? Try as he did, he couldn’t help but think about Ria and what he dreamed could be in a few years. 


The scene faded and Jenna found herself reliving more quick flashes from his past. Dance class. Turned ankles and hard falls combined with the painful jabs from Selene’s finger. She used this method to correct his form. Devon swore it was to make the lessons all the more dreadful. Combat training was far worse. He was punched, slapped, tripped and flung about for hours every evening. 


“You move too slow.” She remarked. “Your technique is improving but you must get faster. Learn to anticipate where the strikes are coming from. The best way to avoid injury in a fight is not get hit. Brawlers, barbarians, wolves all exchange blows. You can only do that for so long before you fall. Avoid your opponent’s attacks and you can outlast him…and more importantly live to see the next day. Now again.”


Devon moved through the motions Selene had taught him. Punch. Step. Block. Turn. Ria. 


Jenna watched as Ria came into Devon’s line of sight. 


The momentary distraction caused his feet to tangle. He slipped right into Selene’s incoming elbow strike. She caught him solidly on the cheek just below his right eye. The sharp pain of the blow dropped him to the floor where his head hit with a resounding thud. The scene went black but Jenna could still hear voices. 


“Oh by the goddess.” Ria mocked. “It’s like watching you train a very stupid dog.”


Jenna felt a chill.


“What are you doing here?” Selene demanded.


“I should ask the same of you. Beating a child near to death just to get your frustrations out? You really need to bed a man.”


“Choke on my blood whore!”


“Another time perhaps dear sister. Though I’d be more concerned about him if I were you. Mother will be quite upset if all that blood leaking from his head stains her floor.”


“Damnations to the goddess.” Selene cursed.


Jenna could feel someone leaning over them. She could feel the sharp pain in his eye and the dull aching of his head.


“Toodles.” Ria said pleasantly as she strutted away.


Devon’s vision was blurred with tears. He could barely make out Selene’s face. He felt her gently cradle his head. “Small cut boy. You’ll probably wear a bump for a week or so but you’re fine. Get up.”


Devon just laid there. The room was shifting and tilting. 


“She can’t be serious.” Jenna thought to herself.


She produced a small jar from her belt pouch and rubbed the salve on his open cut then pulled him from the floor and onto his feet.


“Now. Again.”


“I can’t see out of my eye and I think I’m going to vomit.” Devon replied. 


“You should not have allowed yourself to become distracted. A valuable lesson. One I’m sure you’ll remember for a long time. Now again.”


“I can’t.” Devon whimpered. “It hurts.” 


Selene stepped into him with a frown before grabbing his jaw and lifting his gaze to meet hers. “So. You intend to give up? You’d rather die then?”




“Tell me boy. Does an enemy grant quarter because you bump your head. Does your opponent care if you can see. Every advantage gets exploited. If you wish to survive as a warrior you must start to act like one.” She let him go.


“But this is just training. Couldn’t we stop for just tonight. Please mistress.”


“You’re right, child. This is just training.” She sighed with heavy disappointment. “I’m sure if you were merely hurt you’d continue. I guess you must really be injured. Perhaps I should call for a healer.”


Devon could hear discouragement in every step Selene took as she walked away from him.


“Mistress wait.”


The footsteps stopped.


“I changed my mind. I want to continue.”


She turned to face him. “Are you hurt or are you injured?”


“It hurts a little.” Devon lied. “I’m fine.”


Selene nodded. “Very well. Again.”


Blackness once more.  The scene moved to dinner the following day. Jenna knew Devon was nauseous. She could taste it in her own throat. His right eye was still closed and his depth perception was off. He nearly tripped over the chair when he sat.


“What the hells Selene?!” Dawne demanded. 


“Training mishap. He’s fine.” Selene answered flatly.


“Who’s fine?” Charissa asked, entering the dining hall. “Good goddess. Did he brawl with a lycan?” She walked over gently cradling his face to examine the swelling. “There’s no way he can see through this.”


Jenna caught his reflection through the polished metal of a goblet. Devon’s eye was swollen shut. The entirety of the right side of his face was bruised and blackened.


“I’ll summon a healer.” Charissa offered.


“No.” Claire told her. “The boy needs to learn how to live with pain. I won’t see him coddled by hen pecking sisters.”


“What happened?” Dawne asked. 


Selene slanted her eyes toward Ria who wore an innocent smile. “Distraction.”


“I was just curious. You two get to play with Selene’s new pet. I was feeling left out and just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” Her voice was contrite and defensive. “I didn’t mean for the boy to get hurt. Though I think Selene should have been more careful. As skilled a slayer as she is, you’d think accidents like this wouldn’t happen.” She lowered her tone and shook her head. “She very nearly killed the child.”


“Don’t you dare…” Selene growled.


Charissa held Selene in place. “Let it go. You know how she is.”


“How I am?” Ria feigned insult. “What about her? Don’t antagonize Selene. Be nice to Selene. We walk on eggshells because of her volatile temper. Why? Oh, I know, she’s mother’s favorite… it’s not fair.” She crossed her arms, sulking in her chair.


“Are you done with the theatrics Ria?” Claire asked with a raised eyebrow.


“Sure. Whatever.”, she pouted.


Charissa took her seat and the scene changed again.


Jenna could hear Devon’s voice in her head. “It took weeks to fully heal from that injury.”


Jenna was angry. “Who treats a child like that?”


“Life in Sanguinar can be difficult for the unprepared and downright dangerous for the weak. I didn’t realize it then but they were doing me a favor.”


I don’t see it.”


“Watch.” Devon said.


The next memory must have been some time later. Jenna could see through both his eyes. His body still hurt from the physicality of his training but he hadn’t suffered any additional serious injuries since. Devon had followed the same regimen for more than three months. Selene had taken him from Westport midsummer. It was now mid autumn. In all that time he had not been allowed a single day to rest. He felt like a prisoner too. Though Selene had allowed him the freedom to move about the mansion, he had been forbidden to leave the manor. He had begun to wonder if this life was worse than the death that awaited him in Westport. He was trying his best to please Selene and make her proud yet the harder he worked the higher she raised her expectations of him. He resigned himself to the fact that nothing he did would ever be good enough. Even the strict tutelage of Magister Crowley seemed recreational compared to the harsh treatment he endured in Sanguinar. “Magister Crowley.” He thought to himself. “If I could make it back to the tower she could protect me. I’d be safely hidden there.” He decided in that moment he would make his escape as soon as an opportunity presented itself. As luck would have it, he wouldn’t have to wait long.


That night Selene walked him back to the living quarters they had shared since he arrived. She followed the same routine of locking the door behind them, confining him to the apartment. 


“Feel free to bathe if you wish. I have some business in town so you’ll have some time to yourself. Not too late, boy. I’ll expect you to get yourself up in the morning.”


“Yes mistress. Thank you.” 


Selene nodded and shimmered from sight. 


Devon paced over to the rather large window overlooking the grounds of the manor. The moon was high in the night sky, its full phase illuminating the town as far as he could see. From the height of his vantage point he could just make out the portico housing the black entry gate centered in its border wall securing the town from the trade road beyond. He examined the window and noticed that Selene kept it pad locked from the inside in addition to the typical hasp used to secure it. He drew the hairpin Ria had errantly left behind in the library and started working the mechanism. It took some time but he managed to rotate the tumbler and unlatch it. He opened the window and the cool breeze of fall kissed him. He poked his head out to see he was quite a bit higher than he expected. He reached for some thick vines he found crawling up the face of the manor and pulled himself out of the room, into the night air. He climbed down for what seemed like an eternity until his feet hit the soft grass covering the ground. He bolted into the dark edge of the landscape avoiding the well lit path leading from the mansion, instead keeping to the shadows. He slowed his pace once beyond the low walls that separated the residence from the town proper. 


There was much more activity than he expected to see at this time of night. He grew concerned that somebody would spot him and alert the town guard. “Nonsense. No one knows who I am.” It was true. This was the first time he had been outside since the day he was brought here. “Best I stay away from the watch anyhow.” He thought. The houses he passed were all well maintained. Most were lit and active. Residents performed the typical chores one would expect of townsfolk. He did his utmost to avoid attracting attention. 


“The town is not safe for children at night.”


Selene’s warning echoed in his head. “Looks pretty normal to me.” He thought. “What could be so dangerous?” He had walked Westport at night on many occasions without incident. What made Sanguinar any different?


It didn’t take long for him to clear the residential ward and enter into the night markets. The streets were bustling and very crowded. Raucous noise could be heard from several establishments. The area was well patrolled by the watch.  Even so, fights erupted and spilled out of bars. He tried to make himself small and navigate his way through the atrium and across to the merchants ward. He had learned from his studies that it only opened by day and closed at dusk. It catered to foreigners looking to trade with the town and its residents. Once he made it there he’d only have a short sprint to the outer walls. 


‘Lily’s Haven’. Jenna read the name of the tavern as he walked past. Jenna knew this place. Devon frequented it quite often. The proprietor was a friend of his. It was very popular among the vampyr though few if any wolf shifters patronized it. Devon had said they instead preferred the ‘Hunter’s Moon’ pub. 


Devon exited the night markets and began passing through the merchant’s ward. He paused for a minute to rest and catch his breath. He thought he heard footsteps nearby but there was no one to be seen in this dormant part of town. As he inhaled the crisp air, the sounds of wolves baying broke the silence. He knew the wood off in the distance was home to the wolf shifters. Selene described them as barbaric beasts who would devour anything they could fit in their mouth. He intended to remain off the menu. The sound of nearing footsteps was causing him worry. He made haste to the border wall walking briskly, all the while constantly looking around for who might be following him. As he reached the wall he noticed the sounds of howling wolves were growing closer. He inspected the wall. It wasn’t that high. Maybe half more than his height. He found finger holds in the mortared rocks and was able to pull himself on top.


Jenna surveyed the view from atop the wall. Headstones ordered in neat rows covered the landscape. Mausoleums spaced evenly apart created the scene of lord’s castles overseeing fiefdoms. The trade road split the cemetery in half. Devon figured if he crossed the grounds at an angle he could hit the trade road far enough ahead of the black gate for the guards not to notice him. Once he made the road he’d be clear all the way back to Westport. 


Devon took a deep breath, hopped off the wall and ran. He had only covered the first few rows of headstones before he was forced to slide to a halt. Ghostly figures in ancient artistically designed armor blocked his path.


“Where are you going human? Why do you trespass on these hallowed grounds.”


“I uhh.” Devon slowly backed away. “Sir I… I mean…”


“The dead do not suffer the living to pass. Turn away now and return from whence you came.”


“Westport.” He stammered. “Just want to go home. Please.”


“There is no mercy to be found here, human. Turn back now or remain forever.”


That was all the coaxing Devon needed. He wheeled around and broke wildly for the wall. He was over so fast his fingers barely grazed stone. He stumbled and tripped in his hurried retreat falling to the dirt. He pushed the ground away tripping himself again as he fought to get back up on his feet. Jenna could feel Devon was panicked. He was so uncoordinated in his haste to escape that he never saw the mountain of a man standing in his way. He slammed into him full speed before bouncing backwards, falling hard to the ground once more.


“I thought I detected the scent of human on the wind. Had no idea it would be a boy. You’re pretty far from home I’d assume.” The hulking figure moved a pace closer. “A runaway perhaps? Good. No one will miss you.”


Devon rose slowly to his feet. “Apologies my lord. I didn’t see you.”


“No. But I saw you. And I got here first, so maybe I won’t have to share.”


“Share?” Devon said with naivety.


The man took a step closer. “Do you know what veal is, boy? Young cattle. They say youth makes the meat sweet and tender.” He smiled a mouth full of jagged discolored teeth.


Jenna could sense Devon’s terror. He bolted for the deserted Merchants Ward.


“Yes run boy. Fear leaves the blood with a nice pecan flavor.”


Devon peered over his shoulder only to see the man shift into a large brown and black wolf. The beast gave chase and was closing ground fast. He had just made it to the semicircle of closed shops when it lunged at him. He pivoted and turned just as Selene had taught him. The wolf barely missed him. The beast tore his shirt and scraped the skin of his chest with its claws, drawing a trickle of blood. Devon’s feet sharply changed direction much like when he danced and he fled for a nearby building. He jumped on top of a lidded water barrel and leapt to the roof, yanking his feet up just as the wolf crashed into the wooden wall. It growled and paced angrily as it eyed its prey. Devon shrunk away from the edge in fear. An instant later the wolf launched itself up toward the roof. Terrified, Devon drew the hairpin from his pocket and jabbed at the creature. The pointed silver pin poked into the creature’s eye and it reared away howling in pain. It’s scream was blood curdling. As the beast fell back off the roof Devon leapt to the ground on the opposite side of the structure, racing for the Night Markets and what he hoped would be the safety of the town guard.  No sooner had he passed beyond the first few buildings when the wolf burst into the crowd. Devon was relieved to see several vampyr guardsmen immediately intercept the creature. It growled and spit in a rage but was quickly overwhelmed and shackled by the watch. Two guardsmen dragged it from the marketplace but Devon could tell the other guardsmen were looking for something, most likely him, so he backed hastily away accidentally bumping into a middle aged woman.


“I’m sorry ma’am.” He stuttered in his best Sanguinari.


“No worries child. I’m sure the beast must have given you a terrible fright. Please, come inside. I’ll make you some tea.” She had chestnut hair and soft brown eyes. Her middle aged face was kind and gentle and she was fairly attractive. 


Devon allowed her to lead him into the empty cafe. She tapped a high stool near the counter and he sat. His mind was near to bursting with a cacophony of thoughts. “What does he do now? How can he escape a town protected by ghosts? Who the hells would live with wolves? Why do all the people here want to eat him?”  


The woman placed a hot cup of tea and some sweet cake in front of him. She smiled and sat next to him. “Go on.” She said pleasantly.


Devon reached for the cup , his hands slightly trembling, then slowly drew them away. “I’m sorry… I don’t have any coin to pay with.” He said, rather embarrassed.


“That’s ok.” she smiled. “I’m sure we can work out some kind of trade arrangement.” She ran the back of her fingers down the side of his throat.


Devon closed his eyes as she leaned in.


“Back away from the boy Rosalie.” Devon felt the chill air of a winter’s night fill the room carrying Selene’s voice along with it. 


“Selene.” The woman said rather surprised. “Please sit. I’ll make you tea.”


Jenna felt all the color leave Devon’s face.


Selene walked to the counter and stood over the boy. Rosalie had separated herself from the Nightmistress with the counter top. She slid a cup of hot steeped tea and the same sweet cake she had given Devon in front of her. He looked up at her, the blue of her eyes holding the green of his. “I’m in big trouble aren’t I?” He said lowering his head.


“I had no idea he belonged to you Selene. Apologies. I meant no disrespect.” Rosalie said softly. “Please.” She motioned to the tea. “A gift Nightmistress.”


Selene nodded her acceptance then turned her attention back to Devon. She looked him up and down before speaking. “Yes. Though not as serious as you may imagine. I expected you might have tried this foolishness sooner. Are you injured?”


“No mistress. Just a few scrapes and cuts.”


Selene saw there was more dirt on him than blood. “Good.” She sat next to him. “Drink your tea and eat your cake. Rosalie makes some of the best around.”


“There was a wolf.” He began.


“Who will think twice before trying to devour you again.” She opened her palm. “Give it.”


He placed the bloody pin in her hand. She brought it to her nose. In addition to the wolf’s blood she detected another odor. “Honeysuckle and Hibiscus.” She frowned. 


Once they had finished their tea Selene stood to leave. Devon followed suit. “Thank you for the tea and cake ma’am.” He said sheepishly.


“Farewell boy.” Rosalie smiled politely as they left. “Good night Selene.”


They walked silently back to the manor. As the two entered the mansion Devon could see Dawne and Charissa had worried looks on their faces and they gasped when they saw him.


“What were you thinking?” Dawne chided.


“You could have been killed.” Charissa admonished him.


“Where?” Selene demanded.


“Gone.” Claire answered from the archway. “I sent her on an errand. I expect you’ll discipline the boy properly Selene.”


“Yes mother.”


“Good.” The Pale Lady replied in an even tone and she withdrew from the room.


Once back upstairs in Selene’s apartment, she counseled him.


“What you did was foolish and reckless, boy. Though I’d have been disappointed if you hadn’t tried. Life may not be easy right now but it does get better. Your training has already paid off. No human child should survive an encounter with a feral wolf shifter. Yet you did.” Her comforting tone became more serious as she continued. “But trust must be earned. I had thought to convert the empty space over there as a room for you. Instead I’ve placed a cot for you in my bedchamber where I can better keep an eye on you. No more couch, boy. Also If you intend to traipse about the town you will be required to wear this.” She produced a leather collar, much like the slave collars he read about, only it did not have a ring. Etched into the black leather were lotuses. She fastened it around his throat. “You will wear this at all times is that understood?”


“Yes mistress. Thank you.”


“And perhaps, if I am satisfied with your efforts going forward, we can make time to walk the town together, during the day. I think perhaps you would benefit from the opportunity to get out once in a while and learn the village.”


“That’s most generous mistress.” He answered brightly.


Selene allowed herself a smirk. “Now wash up and change from those filthy clothes. Be certain to clean out that wound. Sunrise is not long off and I expect you to make it to your studies on time. I’ll not reward you for wasting the hours you should have used for rest, to instead wander around town, by allowing you to sleep in and skip lessons. You will be in the library at sun up as always. Am I clear?”


“Yes mistress.”


“Good. Off you go.”


Devon walked into the bedchamber. He stripped his clothes, placing them in a laundry basket. He bathed and redressed just in time to see the sun peak over the horizon. He smiled because for the first time in a while he felt like he belonged.

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Sanguinar – Year 1 The Following Spring


“You fought a werewolf with a hairpin?” Jenna said with amazement. 


“Wolf shifter, but yes”


“As a wyrmling of twelve?”


Devon widened his eyes. “I was very lucky. It would seem the training we both found so distasteful did in fact save my life. And on more than one occasion.”


“She confuses me uncle. How can she be so cruel to you sometimes and so compassionate on other occasions?”


“Selene is a complicated woman, your grace. But she is good and honorable. She did with me the best she knew how. I was her first and only apprentice. I was unaware then but every lesson had a purpose and it was her desire to teach me how to stay alive. All these years later…I’m still here so it must have worked.”


“And the slave collar?”


Devon chuckled. “Not a slave collar at all. It was what the Sanguinari call a ‘memento mori’, a symbol promising death for any who would seek to do me harm. It marked me as her own.”


“Auntie would not like that…” She shook her head and frowned while slanting her eyes for emphasis. “So what happened next?”


“Much of the same, morning study, afternoon dancing and nighttime martial instruction. I spent the rest of that first year in Sanguinar adhering to the routine Selene had set for me, though, as she promised, there were occasions when we would walk the town. We’d often spend our lunches out and about. I got to know many of the local shopkeepers and tavern owners. I was quite the curiosity, a human child being fostered by a vampyr. It didn’t take long for me to become well recognized.” 


“Did you see that woman Rosalie again? The one who was going to bite you?”


“Yes, we’d go to her cafe quite often. She did serve the best tea in town and her sweet cakes were second to none.”


“And the Haven?” She asked.


“Indeed sweet princess. Lily has known Selene since my sire was a child. We are always welcome there. I would look forward to the times when I could visit and help behind the bar, like on those rare occasions Selene was not around to oversee my fighting lessons, Dawne or Charissa would take me there.”


“And Ria?”


After the hairpin incident Selene kept a closer watch on how often we interacted and Ria seemed to keep her distance at least for a while. Those times we did run into each other, she was always sugar and smiles. That’s her way. She’s the pretty flower that attracts you, but you have no idea how poisonous it is until you’ve gotten too close.”


“So you think she’s pretty?” The young gold dragon teased.


“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. But some things, despite how desirable they may be, are just bad for you.”


“Well she certainly isn’t as good for you as Auntie Aliyeah.”


“Your grace, you don’t know the half of it yet. But you will. For now though, let’s talk about the following spring in Sanguinar.”


“Talk? Don’t you mean show?” Jenna asked hopefully.


“By all means.” 


Moments later Jenna was back in the dreamscape of his memories.


He was dancing. The steps had quickened, the movements had become more intricate and the overall style had morphed from an amiable waltz to take on a more aggressive look. Jenna was impressed at how much he had improved in just a year’s time. It appeared Selene had also taken notice.


“I will say boy, you’re rather dexterous for a human. Still slow mind you but by your people’s standards impressive.”


“Thank you mistress.” Devon said in appreciation of the compliment.


“I must also commend your hard work and devotion to your training. Since the night you ran away your behavior has been exemplary.”


“I’ve accepted my life here mistress. I have no desire to run any longer. Also…I never told you this but…”


“No secrets boy. Out with it.”


“The graveyard is haunted. Did you know that there are spirits out there?” He asked with a chill running down his spine.  


She almost laughed. “I’m guessing you haven’t reached the chapter on guardians in your lore book. The spirits you speak of belong to Sanguianri who died dishonorably and seek to use the second life as a means to make amends for their sins in this one.”


“I see. I’d still prefer not to see them again.”


“I’m sure, though it begs the question. Who would you want to see again? If you were able that is.”


“Of course I miss my friends. I think about them often. But if I had to choose one person…” He paused and thought carefully about it for a moment. “Magister Crowley. Just to let her know I was ok. She was like a mother to me and I know how upset she was when you… when I had to leave.”


“I see. And do you think if you were given the opportunity to see her again you’d be able to leave without trouble when the time came?”


“Why do you ask, mistress?” Jenna could tell Devon felt like Selene’s questions had a purpose.


“I’ve made arrangements for you to continue your magical training. I intend to quietly return you to the city, directly to the Magister’s Tower where you shall resume your studies under the tutelage of the Magister. However there are conditions.”


“Ok.” Devon said excitedly.


“You are under no circumstances to leave the tower. No one must know you are in the city. Even the other apprentices can not know you are there.” 


“Not even…”


“No. Her either.” She was vehement. “Also, when I come to collect you, I expect you ready to depart with no quarrel or resistance.”


“Agreed mistress. Thank you.”


“Remember our conversation about trust, boy. You don’t want to lose what you worked so hard to gain.”


“I understand mistress. I swear I will not disappoint you.”


“Careful boy. Sanguinari take oaths very seriously. You understand the ramifications of such a pledge do you not?”


“I do, mistress. Devon took a knee. I swear mistress, should you allow it, I will not cause you grief.”


“Accepted boy. Prepare a bag for a weekend away. I believe that is a fair amount of time to test this arrangement. We leave within the hour.”


Jenna could feel the excitement overwhelming Devon. He was going to go… home? No… not home. His home was here now and he knew it. But the idea of seeing his former master, to let her know he was well, was too good to pass up. Also he had not discounted the opportunity to see Holly. Though there was no chance he’d see his other friends, she would certainly be in the tower…and if he were careful…” He packed his clothes in the bag Selene had given him. It was surprisingly roomy for a satchel of its size. He grabbed the books he had been studying with. He wanted to prove to Selene he could be trusted to continue his work even while away. He wanted to earn the chance to possibly return again. Jenna could sense his desire to not only make Selene proud but Magister Crowley as well. 


“Are you sure you’re ready for this, boy?”


“Yes mistress.”


“Very well. Take my hand.”


Devon reached out and felt a familiar tickle in his stomach. He always got butterflies when they touched.


In an instant they were in very familiar surroundings, the Magister’s Tower in Westport. Magister Crowley was there, ready to meet them. So was Holly.


“Devon!” She shrieked with joy.


Devon took a step forward but a hand on his shoulder halted him mid step.


“This is not what we agreed upon, Joan. The risk for the boy is too great. Should the other figureheads find out he is here it could spell disaster for him.”


“Nonsense Selene. They will never know. Holly is my most prized apprentice. She keeps all my secrets much as Devon did. She will not betray my trust nor his. They are like brother and sister. Besides, the magics he is to learn are complicated and best suited to be studied with a partner.”


“The boy is talented and capable, naturally gifted. He does not need her help.”


“All the same, I think it a good idea. Please Selene. Allow him to stay. Even a couple of days. You have my word he shall be kept hidden and safe.” Devon had never known the Magister to plead for anything.


“Perhaps you forget the events of a year ago. The boy still bears the consequence of your protection to this day.”


Magister Crowley tensed. “Do you mean to hold me responsible for that travesty?” 


“I hold this whole town responsible for what happened that day. Despite his reputation, he is a decent boy and deserved better.” She paused. “He has better now. Perhaps this was a bad idea. What say you boy?”


“Kak vy govorite gospozha.” (As you say mistress)


“Was that?” Holly was astonished. “Did he? Did Devon just speak Sanguinari?” She asked looking at Magister Crowley.


“Da. Sangvinari teper’ moy rodnoy yazyk” (Yes. Sanguinari is now my mother tongue.)


Even Magister Crowley was amazed by his mastery of the language. “Pozhaluysta nochnaya khozyayka.” (Please Nightmistress) She asked again. 


Selene looked down at Devon. “Pomni svoyu klyatvu, mal’chik.” (Remember your oath boy.)


“YA budu gospozha. Doveryat’.” (I will mistress. Trust.)


Selene nodded in satisfaction. “He may stay. I will return in three days time. Should any ill befall him I will hold you both responsible.”


Magister Crowley looked taken aback. She had always been on good terms with the Nightmistress and seemed uncomfortable with what she perceived as a threat. “He’ll be fine. You have my word.”


Selene looked at Devon. “Accepted.” She removed her hand from his shoulder. “Be mindful boy.”


“Yes mistress.” 


Selene eyed Magister Crowley pensively for a moment more and then was gone.


Holly rushed forward and threw her arms around him. “Bless the gods. You’re really alive. I can’t believe it.” She was crying. Streams of tears ran down her cheeks. “It’s all my fault. I talked you into going out that night. I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” She was squeezing him so tight even Jenna, who was experiencing the events through the dream vision, was starting to feel suffocated. 


“Come here child. Let me have a look at you. Were you ill treated?” 


“No ma’am. Selene has been very kind.”


His answer raised her eyebrow. “Kind? Honestly child, you expect me to believe…”


“I am well dressed, well fed and well taught. What more do I have a right to expect?”


She pulled him close and hugged him. “Love child.” She sniffled. “You’ve been missed. Poor Holly can barely sleep.” She sighed. “You two will have to share a room. I want to keep you out of sight. If anyone learns you are here Devon, I fear we might never have this chance again. It was risk enough to have Holly present when you arrived. I wasn’t sure Selene would approve.”


“She didn’t,” Devon replied. “But I’m happy she agreed anyhow.”


“Holly, settle him in. We are short on time and have much to do.” 


The day flew by in a flash and was gone. Night came and they talked well into the early day before they succumbed to exhaustion. Jenna’s world blackened as Devon slept then suddenly came alive when he woke. The gold dragon, still occupying the dreamscape, watched as Devon rose at daybreak the following morning. He followed the same routine as he had every day in Sanguinar for the past year and retrieved a book from his pack, ‘Legend and Lore of Sanguinar’. He flipped through the pages until he found the chapter on guardian spirits and began to read. Holly looked over from the cot she was sleeping in to see him sitting quietly off to the side studying. 


She watched him for a while before asking. “Why are you up so early?”


“This is the time I normally rise. Actually by now I’m usually in the library and finished with breakfast.”


“Every day?”


“Umhmm.” He sounded. “Until lunch, then we dance and have dinner and then… some other training.” He shrugged.


You dance?” She said in disbelief. “Since when?”


He laughed. “Since my first day in Sanguinar. Dancing is a highly regarded skill and custom there.”


She popped out of bed. “Show me.” She raised one arm high and extended the other.


Devon smiled and closed his book. He walked over to her then bowed. “My lady.” He said as he held her hands. “This is called a waltz.” He took the lead, guiding her steps and initiating her turns. He hummed the tune Selene had played for him when he was first taught to dance. 


The unusual sounds drew the attention of Magister Crowley who peered into the room from the doorway to investigate the commotion. She was surprised to see the two kids dancing. She was even more astonished that it was Devon showing Holly the movements. She backed slowly away from the door so as not to disturb them but Devon took notice. Selene had worked hard at teaching him to improve his perceptions so as not to be caught unaware. The incident with Ria had taught him to avoid distractions. So he danced until the tune ran its course. 


Holly beamed with happiness. “It’s so nice to have you home.” She said and hugged him tight. 


The rest of the day went equally fast as the previous with Magister Crowley instructing them on magical writing, runes and incantations. She introduced new spells to her two bright pupils and found that when they worked together, each would demonstrate more aptitude then when she had taught them alone. She decided that the joy they shared of being together enhanced their ability to learn. 


On the third day Jenna could see Holly growing sad. ‘Do you have to go?” She asked rather sorrowfully. 


“Afraid so Holly. If I want the privilege of returning again I need to show Selene I can be trusted to abide by her rules. You may not want to hear it but Sanguinar is my home now.”


“You’re right. I don’t want to hear it.” She huffed.


Selene appeared that afternoon. She retreated to the study for a while taking time to talk with Magister Crowley behind a closed door. Their conversation appeared more cordial than their initial interaction upon his arrival. Devon listened carefully trying to make out as much as he could.


“You see.” Magister Crowley said confidently. “I told you it would work out. Holly cares too much for Devon to see him come to harm due to any carelessness.”


“The boy does miss you Joan. As long as things remain discreet I will allow him to visit on intervals. He could do far worse than to have you teaching him magic.”


“You have my word Selene. Whenever he comes it will be the same as this. I’ve missed him too. I am grateful to have the chance to tutor him again. And…” She paused. “I never thanked you for saving his life. I was so upset and angry that I lost sight of the ally you are. I was so worried that some horrible fate awaited him.”


“Do you really think me such a monster?” Selene asked.


“No.” She offered somewhat ashamed. “It was more fear of the unknown. I appreciate you setting an old woman’s mind at ease. Holly would thank you too. These have been the first restful nights she’s had since he left. They were always close.”


“See they don’t get too close.” Selene cautioned. “I don’t want to see him return to recklessness.”


“Of course.”


The room grew quiet and minutes later they exited.


“Come boy. We’re leaving.” Selene stated.


Holly hugged him and said her goodbyes as did Magister Crowley. 


“Until next time, child. Study well and behave.” the elderly mage said.


“Next time?” He looked hopefully at Selene. She nodded slightly and he broke out into a wide grin.


A heartbeat later they were gone.
