Jarath and the Daug…
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[Closed] Jarath and the Daughter's of Darkness

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This is a joint post written by Dorym and Bronze

The meeting…

Luskan late afternoon…


What is this place my lord?” Maya asked with curiosity.


“Luskan. It’s a coastal city far north of the Port frequented by pirates, thieves and other disreputable folk interested in money.”


She eyed him dubiously.


“Life within its walls may be dangerous, but it is a very lucrative city. Pirates bring in their goods to be sold on the black market and northern traders frequent the place as a rest stop on their way to the Ten Towns.“


Her expression remained unchanged.


“Several taverns trade in ale and other spirits. Sadly the drug and slave trades are rife. Information brokers and prostitutes ply their trade day and night.


Why are we here my lord?” the black dragon scowled in disapproval.


“Jarath is meeting with the Daughters of Darkness.”


Maya stared at him, her expression blank as if still waiting to hear the purpose of their trip.


“I could hardly let him convene with 6 succubi alone.”


“He chooses to cavort with them my lord. I don’t see it as your problem.”


“He’s my friend. I will not sit idly by and allow him to put himself at risk without doing all I can to protect him.”


“You’re late to the party Darkstar. He has already put himself in jeopardy and by de facto you as well. What will our queen say when she finds out?”


“She won’t.”


“How do you know?”


“Because I brought you.”


She smirked, “You infuriate me. You know this don’t you?”


“And yet you love me.”




“This is the place Maya.”


“You’re kidding right? The Naughty Nymph? Is this a bar or brothel?”


Devon shrugged. “He’s meeting succubi. Probably both.”


Maya glared menacingly at him. “Now I’m certain our queen won’t approve.”


“Relax darlin. I’m with you.”


She slid her arm around his waist. 




Relax darlin.” She grinned, her mouth full of razor sharp ivory teeth. “I’m with you, remember?”


Devon nodded then draped his arm over her shoulder and walked in. He could feel eyes on him that quickly turned away when Maya nipped at his ear.


“Dovol’no.” (Enough.) He whispered.


“Look around. No one is looking at you now. See how smart I am?”


He slanted his eyes toward her and found a table. A scantily clad barmaid approached. 


“Welcome traveler. What will you have?”


“What would you recommend?”


“We have a very fine Sembian red and lovely ice wine from the Northern Marches.”


“The ice wine will do fine. Two if you would my lady.” 


“Very good sir. Would you like to see a menu of our other services?”


“No.” Maya sneered. “He is served well enough.” 


“Of course.” The barmaid smiled and walked away returning moments later with two frosted glasses of cool smoking blue wine.”


No sooner had they finished their first sip when Jarath walked in. His eyes met Devon’s as he offered a nearly imperceptible nod. He quickly turned away, finding an empty seat at a rather large circular table off to the side of the bar. Maya watched as he ordered a drink and a pint of ale was brought to him.


“Hmm. Ale. So basic.” Maya commented.


“What would have liked him to order.”


“Something more interesting than fermented wheat water. I mean really. It’s a dwarven specialty. That should tell you all you need to know.”


“Biased much?”


She frowned. “Lesser race my lord. Lesser libation. A man of his station should drink something more cultured and dignified.”


“Like achuak hesjin?”


“Precisely. Would he have managed the green as well as you?”


“I’ve the blood of Sanguinar Maya. Selene’s.”


“And the heart of a dragon my lord. Aliyeah’s.”


He smiled as she sipped again from her goblet.


Devon watched as Scabbia appeared at the top of the stairwell leading to the rooms above the tavern and made her way down. She adjusted her dress as she approached his friend. She smiled at Jarath and took a chair directly across from him. Lzzy was next to arrive from the same stair, a mischievous grin playing on her face. She took the open chair to her captain’s right. Alissa and Jylla appeared behind Jarath. Devon was watching intently as they split finding the chairs on either side of the Lord Marshal. The last to show were the sisters insane. Mania and Porcelain didn’t blend well. Somehow they always seemed to draw attention wherever they appeared. Mania’s rust colored hair fell to the side as she tilted her head in an awkward position surveying the room from the peculiar angle. She chose to perch on a chair rather than sit leaving one seat available directly to her side next to Jylla. Porcelain grinned with malevolence, her alabaster skin and blood red lips were as stark a contrast as her half platinum blonde, half jet black hair. Her whip rested casually on her shoulder. She made Devon in an instant, blowing him a kiss and winking at him flirtatiously.


Maya’s face flushed red with anger.


“Nyet.” He said quietly.


Maya’s eyes filled with rage, her black dragon nature perceiving the succubus’ actions as a challenge for possession of her liege. A challenge she would meet and defend. She was nearly out of her chair when Devon called to her.


“Maya. Sit please.”


She did as she was bid but the acrid odor of acid wafted from her lips and frozen air breezed from her nostrils.


Porcelain chuckled and found her seat.


“We’re all here Godguard,” Scabbia announced. “What is it you want to discuss?”


“I have found the means to make you whole.” He began. “True to my word I can grant you souls.”


Alissa reached for the nape of his neck, scraping her finger gently behind his head. “And what do you require in return.”


Jarath shifted uncomfortably. “There will be a ceremony. I feel such a thing should be recognized and celebrated.”


“That was not our agreement Lord Marshal.” Scabbia countered.


“Our agreement was you would continue to assist me for a time and I would grant you souls. The manner in which you should receive them however was never discussed.”


Porcelain smiled broadly. “You’d make a fine fiend…an incubus perhaps?”


“I don’t trust it.” Lzzy said with skepticism. “What’s the catch?”


“There are certain spells I intend to cast to ease the transition of a soul merging with your demonic form. I also would purify the vessel that is to house it.”


“What does that mean?” Jylla questioned.


Mania tilted her head , the void of her blank stare looked through her ally “It means he will not pour his purified water into your putrefied vase. He wants flowers to grow, not poisonous weeds.” Her tone was melodic yet unsettling.


“Creepy much, my lord?” Maya commented.


Mania’s head rotated and turned to look at the black dragon, madness emanating from her gaze. 


“What gives you the right?” Scabbia demanded.


“I have the souls. You want the souls. I merely want to be upfront about how it’s going to happen. No surprises. No treachery.”


“You know we’re demons right?” Lzzy hissed.


“Of course he does. That’s why he brought protection, in the event we took this meeting as an opportunity to return to Malcanthet’s favor.”


“What do you mean Porcelain?” Jylla asked.


The ivory skinned fiend rolled her eyes. Did none of you notice the Dragon Highlord sitting across the room with his black dragon bodyguard? Honestly Jylla, you call yourself a ranger? Did you not smell the sulphurous odor of acid in the air?”


Several heads turned toward Devon who raised a glass in acknowledgement.


“Why is he here?” Scabbia snarled. “I thought you said no treachery.”


“And I meant it. Devon will be attending the ceremony, more than likely with Maya at his side. I trust his discretion.”


“What else?” Scabbia asked with skepticism. 


“I intend to hold the ceremony at a small monastery here on the prime. If you all agree I’ll disclose the location. It’s a private place where outside interference would be unlikely to find us.”


Lzzy shrugged her shoulders. “Have it anywhere you like. Whatever puts you at ease.”


“Agreed.” Scabbia said in affirmation. “You obviously have trust issues seeing as you felt the need to have protection from us present… As if we haven’t already proven ourselves to you time and time again. I’d say I was hurt but I’m not surprised.”


“That’s not why?… I wouldn’t be helping you all if I didn’t trust you’d make the best of the gift I have for you. I just want to help you along the way.”


“Save the lying for the rogue.” Alissa said, eyes sparkling toward the table of his companion. “He’s better at it.”


“I’m not…” Jarath exhaled sharply. “Nevermind. So I intend to inoke my divine magic to help the process.”


“The process doesn’t require help. We are perfectly capable of absorbing a soul. There is little you should have to do but offer it.”


“Flowers and weeds Scabbia…Flowers and weeds…” Mania hummed.


“What magics?” Lzzy demanded.


“Very typical invocations. Protective measures. Nothing that would harm any of you.”


“Such as?” Scabbia inquired again.


“Bless, Spread of Contentment, Heart’s Ease, Lastai’s Caress, Vision of Heaven, Axiomatic Creature and Atonement.”


“That’s more than a few spells.” Scabbia said suspiciously.


“I’ve never heard of half of them,” Jylla commented.


“Some are from sacred tomes of holy scripture dedicated to Heironious. I assure you they are all benevolent.”


“Vision of Heaven?” Why do we need to see that?” Alissa asked.


Porcelain began to laugh heartily. “Atonement.” Mania joined in adding her mad cackle to her sister’s amusement. “What could we possibly have to atone for?”


“You’ve been fiends for quite some time. I would guess you’ve all more than likely engaged in behavior that was less than pious.”


“So.” The leather clad demon said nonchalantly. “Doesn’t mean I regret any of it.”


Jarath gave her a stern look of disapproval.


“Perhaps you should flog us in penance for all our misdeeds.” Her eyes lit up with excitement as she bent her whip. “And let’s not play all innocent. I’m certain you have a few skeletons in your closet priest, actions that require contrition. Maybe we could take turns.” Porcelain blew him a kiss and winked.


“I’m serious. I’m putting myself at great risk by doing this.”


“Far less than we are by helping you and abandoning our queen.” Scabbia countered. “Is there anything else?”


“My legion will attend the service both to guarantee your safety and protect the ritual.”


“Celestials defending us? You want us to believe that?” Alissa shot back.


“Doesn’t sound like a trap at all.” Jylla frowned.


“Believe what you want. They are under my command and do as I order. You will be kept safe for the entirety of the process.”


“And after?” Lzzy asked.


“You will be free to find your own way in the multiverse, hopefully following a path of good intentions. I’d hate to go through all this trouble only to be forced at odds with all of you.”


“That’s sweet of you Jarath.” Mania answered in a melancholy coo, her head turning at unusual angles. “I’ve grown rather fond of you too. It would make me sad should I ever be forced to murder you. Know I’d find no pleasure in it.”


Porcelain grinned. “I would.” She bit her tongue. “Don’t take it personally though. It’s just me.”


Jarath shook his head. “Let’s hope no one has to kill anybody ok?”


“Whatever.” Porcelain replied, quickly losing interest.


“Do we have an accord?” Jareth asked.


Scabbia looked around, her associates were all nodding. “It appears we do Jarath.” A devious smile began to work its way across her face. “Perhaps we should, as they say, seal the deal.” She motioned her head toward the stairwell leading to the rooms above. “You know. As a show of trust. We’re putting quite a bit of faith in you, I think it only fair you put some in us.”


Porcelain looked back over to Devon. “I’ll vet the Highlord. He’s Sanguinari no?”


Maya began to growl threateningly.


Porcelain called across the room. “Bring your girlfriend as well Darkstar. I’m ok with it.”


“Hold on.” Lzzy grinned. “I want to play too. I say two on two Portia.”


Alissa reached under the table running her fingers across Jarath’s thigh. “You’re promised to our cousin. It’s ok. We all share.”


“I’m flattered, ladies.” Jarath smiled as he removed Alissa’s hand from his leg. “But I fear I must decline your generous offer. And I know my associate must unfortunately feel the same. He’s attached to the Dragon Queen you know.”


The lot of succubi scowled in discontent.


“The ceremony will take place in one month’s time at the Karistyne Monastery located in the remote Star Mounts. You will be able to magically enter, however the location will be warded from unwanted planar incursions. Again I value all of your safety.”


“But not our company.” Jylla hissed in a wounded tone.


“In another time I’d have been honored to share your warm offer. Times as they are now however prevent me from partaking in such things.”


“Are you afraid to be found out?” Mania said with paranoia in her voice. “Is it the Highlord?” She whispered. “Were I to murder him would you agree then?”


“No. Definitely no. Don’t…” Jarath felt exasperated. “It’s not him.”


“No.” Scabbia agreed. “It’s you. The Lord Marshal is too good for whores like us.”


Maya grinned. “Accurate.”


“No. It’s not that either. I don’t look down upon any of you.”


“Of course not Jarath.” Mania interjected. “That’s why I like you…But should you change your mind…” She slid him a coin. On one side a mask bearing a happy face had been etched, on the other a mask with a sorrowful visage. “You’ll know how to summon me.”


“You cheeky little slut.” Porcelain laughed. “You do fancy him. Fine. He can live.” She caressed Mania’s cheek with obvious affection.


“One month’s time.” Jareth handed Scabbia a gem and told her to pass it around. “Focus on this gem and you’ll know exactly where you’ll need to teleport to.”


Once they had all attuned to it he placed it back in its pouch on his person. 


“One month Jarath.”, and Scabbia disappeared. One by one they all did save Porcelain and Mania. 


“Do not betray us.” The pale succubus warned.


“You have my word.” Jareth reassured her.


She forced a grin. “Let’s hope it’s worth what Scabbia says it is.” 


Mania leaned into him and licked his face. “Goodbye Jarath.”


Jarath froze, taken aback by the bizarre show of affection. “Fare thee well. Till next we meet.”


Porcelain smiled and they were gone.


“Eww.” Maya cringed.


Devon bore a wide smile full of mirth and merriment.


Jareth walked over to the table that his friends sat at, all the while wiping the moist saliva from his cheek. “Not a word. Either of you.”
