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[Closed] Jarath and Samara

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Posted for bronze by Dorym

This post takes place shortly after the portal to the Abyss was closed.


Her foot falls echo heavily in the multi pillared white marble corridor. Two celestial foot soldiers traveling in the opposite direction took note that the Asari moved with purpose and her facial expression appeared more grim than usual. As the distance between them closed, the foot soldiers moved aside, stood at attention and saluted.


“Good after…”


“Stow it Claudius!” Commanded the Asari. “Where is Lord Jarath?”


“That’s not Claudius Lord Marshal. I’m Claudius.” Replied the other foot soldier.


Samara’s blue skin nearly turned a light shade of purple as her anger welled up from being corrected.


Her words dripped with venom “You didn’t answer my question.”


Claudius and ‘Not Claudius’ felt her gaze pierce their inner being.


“No ma’am!” replied ‘Not Claudius’.


“Sorry ma’am! He’s in the gardens!” Claudius blurted out.


“The Gardens of Opulent Splendor?” Samara said sarcastically mocking the name.


“You know how he loves the gardens.” Commented a grinning ‘Not Claudius’ in his own sarcastic tone.


Not Claudius’ remark caused Claudius and Samara to fight back grins of their own.


In an instant Samara’s grim expression returned. “You two clowns disgust me! If you were in my legion you would be scrubbing privies in Dis!”


“Yes ma’am!” said ‘Not Claudius’.


“Thank you ma’am!” said Claudius.


“Get out of my sight!” commanded Samara.


“By your leave ma’am!” Claudius and ‘Not Claudius’ replied in unison.


As Claudius and ‘Not Claudius’ parted ways with Samara neither noticed that both parties left grinning at the end of the encounter.




The Gardens of Opulent Splendor is a remarkable feat of engineering with an ascending series of tiered gardens containing a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and vines, resembling a large green mountain. But the dominant feature is water, which architects channeled into burbling canals, ponds, and a multitude of fountains. The gardens are in the shape of a square, with each side approximately 400 feet long. And they are also tiered, with the uppermost gallery being 75 feet high. Even though Samara didn’t care for the name, it was very fitting of the place. Finding anyone in the gardens would be a daunting task if one didn’t know where to look. Fortunately, Samara knew exactly where to go. After minimal searching the faint hint of pipe smoke hanging in the air confirmed her intuition was correct. She found Jarath sitting comfortably in a high back chair under the shade of trees. A rather large mastiff with a fawn colored coat rested on the ground nearby. The warbling of Elysian thrushes mixed with the sound of water bubbling up from a nearby fountain made for a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.


“Are you out of your mind?!” Scolded Samara; her tone alarming the mastiff.


“Hello to you too.” Jarath replied unphased by Samara’s demeanor.


“Don’t give me that!” Samara said as she sat next to Jarath. “Six demons?! You released six demons back in the multiverse?! What were you thinking?!”


“Redeemed demons…and there were five.” Jarath corrected.


“What?! There were six Jarath! Where did it go?!”


“I had to put it down. Some are so far along the path of evil that you have no choice but to end their lives for the greater good.”


“And where are the others?”


“At the Dal.”


“At the Dal?! The Dal Riata in Wrathgate?! You left five demons at the Dal Riata in Wrathgate?! You have lost your mind, haven’t you?! When the Night Mistress finds out she’s going to kill you! Literally!  If you’re lucky she’ll just report you to the parliament and you’ll lose your command.”


“C’mon Sam, give me a little credit. I didn’t just show up at Dal with several demons in tow and leave them there; Devon and I spoke to Lady Radcliffe first.”


“Didn’t you notice his lips are still chapped?” said the mastiff.


Jarath gave the mastiff an incredulous look “Really Gnash? Who asked you? I thought you were sleeping.”


“I never sleep Lord Marshal. I was merely resting.”


Samara began to laugh in spite of herself “I would have loved to have witnessed that. I can only imagine the expression on her face.”


“Gnash’s comment notwithstanding, it did take a little coaxing. But in the end Lady Radcliffe agreed to give them a new home. Trick actually liked the idea.”


They’re working for Trick?! Seriously?!” Samara said, shaking her head in disbelief. “Watch yourself Godguard. Your intentions are admirable, but I fear the parliament may interpret your actions as an abuse of power.”


“It won’t be the first time and it won’t be the last time.” Jarath said defiantly as he took another puff from his pipe.


“What did the Arch Penitar say? Does the parliament even know?”


“The parliament has no say in this matter.”


“The parliament may disagree with that assumption.”


“And what of you? Do you disagree?”


“I took the Third Oath of Subsumation. By the Code you have my unyielding loyalty Jarath. Your choices are my choices. Your morals are my morals. Your wishes are my code.”


Jarath’s skin went flush as he felt humbled by Samara’s reaffirmation of the oath she had taken so long ago. “You didn’t answer my question.” He said, trying to mask his emotions.


“While it is not the path I would have chosen, it is a gamble that could provide great reward. Your actions do not go against the Code and therefore you are within your right to make the decision you made.”


“Thanks for the support. I think.”


“I sincerely hope you know what you’re doing Jarath. I have grown quite fond of our friendship. I would hate to have to kill you for breaking the Code.”


“That makes two of us.”
