Devon in the Boglan…
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Devon in the Boglands

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Original post from the Drow Campaign

Occurs after Nazmyr Vandree’s first meeting with Devon

“What were you thinking Jenna? Did it not occur to you that you were putting Devon at risk by bringing that drow into his company? You might as well have walked an assassin right up to him then handed him a blade!” Aliyeah Queen of Dragons was angry.


“He was well protected Auntie. Maya, Rayne and Cassie were with him. There was no danger. I love him the same as you. I’d never put uncle at risk.” the young princess said defensively.


“And yet you did!” 


Jenna had never seen her aunt this upset before. The gold princess shifted her eyes and frowned toward Cam who was standing to the side of her queen silent.”


“Don’t make that face at Cam young lady.” The Gold Queen scolded.


“Jenna…honey.” Cam was apologetic yet firm. “You left me no choice. You know I’m sworn to protect him. I had to tell her.  What you did was reckless and dangerous.”


“Really?” she answered back with resentment. “Because the three dragons guarding him couldn’t kill a single drow…Like Devon couldn’t have killed him before Rayne clasped her cover up?!”


“Watch your tone Jenna.” Aliyeah warned. 


“No little one. I mean… I’m sure the risk to him was, to be fair, minimal.” Cam explained. “But what would he have done if this drow had threatened you. What would Devon do or trade to protect you, to guarantee your safety?” 


“I’m a gold dragon. I can protect myself!” she answered defiantly.


“As am I, a much older and considerably more powerful dragon than you child. Yet I found myself in great peril and he without hesitation traded his life for mine. Or have you forgotten so quickly? I was supposed to protect him from harm. I have spent years as your aunt’s most loyal advisor and when she assigned me the task of protecting her consort I failed. And he nearly died defending me. So I’ll ask you again young one. What would Devon do or trade to protect you?”


A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked at the floor. Jenna hadn’t considered the idea that she could have been manipulated in an attempt to compromise the highlord. Surely Dahlia would never…”He’s Dahlia’s mate. Why would she betray our alliance? She would never want to cause us harm.”


“Agreed.” Cam said softly. “But she is as young and foolish as you. Too quick to trust and too naive to know if she is being used.”


“I expect better of you Jenna.” Aliyeah’s tone was harsh, her eyes downcast.


Cam began to feel sorry for the young princess. It was obvious to her Jenna was crushed by the sentiment of disappointment expressed by their queen.


“That’s enough.” The calm voice of the Dragon Highlord drew the attention of the room. “If it pleases my queen, I have already counseled the princess. There is no need to discipline her further.” He emerged from the shadows and stepped forward before bowing his head in deference. 


“You would presume to command your queen then Highlord? To tell me what need or need not be done?” She said with a hint of indignation in her words.


Jenna’s eyes widened.


“Never your grand resplendence, I only wish to inform you that the matter has been addressed to my satisfaction and while your humble servant is most grateful for your generous intervention, I would hate for you waste any more of your valuable time and attention on such an insignificant error in judgement.”


Cam fought back a grin.


Aliyeah squinted her eyes.


Devon opened his arms and instinctively Jenna rushed to him, laying her head into his shoulder and squeezing him tight… “I’m sorry uncle. It won’t happen again.” 


Devon cleared a tear from her cheek. I know it won’t. There… See… All settled.”


The dragon queen tilted her head as a dubious expression formed on her face.


“Now Jenna, if you’ll excuse us I have an important matter to discuss with our queen.”


Jenna nodded. “ Spasibo dyadya.” and hugged him.


“Pozhaluysta printsessa.” <You’re welcome princess> Teper’ idi.


She looked at Aliyeah who nodded in approval.


“Shall I take my leave as well my queen.” Cam asked.


“No. Stay. I want you to hear this important matter… If it pleases you Highlord.”


“My only pleasure is your favor my queen.” he smiled.


“You’re cute and charming…but not so much right now Darkstar” Cam offered reading the expression on Aliyeah’s face.


“Are you trying to irritate me by speaking that tongue? When did you teach Jenna Sanguinari?” The Gold Queen demanded.


Devon approached her and placed his hands on her hips. “She is my apprentice after all. Why should she not speak all the languages I do. Everyone close to me does.”


“Ok. So don’t mind me. I’m just going to leave.” Cam said uncomfortably as she walked toward the door.


“YA prosil tebya ostat’sya.” Aliyeah commanded.


Cam stopped mid step turning back to her liege. “Konechno moya koroleva.” She answered before her brain could stop her from replying.


The gold dragon smirked. “Everyone indeed.” She laid her arms over his shoulders and around his neck then sighed. “What am I to do with you.”


“I definitely don’t want to be here for that.” Cam quipped. 


Aliyeah smiled. “Ok Devon. What is so important?”


“I have questions regarding Eomyrosis.” 


Cam’s friendly expression turned to worry. “Has she defied her exile. Has she threatened you?”


Even Aliyeah seemed uneased by the question.


“No of course not. I don’t think she would risk a death sentence just to menace me. Your wishes were clear my queen and Sable banished her in no uncertain terms.” 


Cam sighed in relief.


“So what questions could you have?” Aliyeah asked.


“Would you consider allowing her reinstatement to court?”


“Are you serious?” Cam asked incredulously. 


“Is it possible she may have learned from her mistakes? Perhaps her banishment has caused her to reconsider her feelings about me.”


“Why do you concern yourself with the dragon who sought to torture and murder you? Does the idea of an ancient black dragon here in the realm and free to hunt you not give you pause.” Aliyeah inquired.


“I’m not afraid of her.” Devon said flatly.


“You should be!” Cam sounded irate. “She’s killed dragons much older than any who serve on the queensguard. Where would you get these ridiculous ideas?” 


“I spoke with the drow Nazmyr Vandree. He told me his people suffer at her whim and came to humbly ask my assistance. He claims she desires to return to the planes.”


Cam shook her head. “This is exactly what I was warning Jenna about. Shall I summon her again my queen?”


“No.” Devon answered for her. “This has nothing to do with her.”


“The hells it doesn’t.” Cam argued back.


“Are you aware she’s Maya’s mother?” Devon asked.


Aliyeah sighed.


“I’ll collect her too your grace.” Cam began to storm off.


“No.” Aliyeah ordered.


“Aliyeah. Who knows what poisonous thoughts those two naïve dragons may have put in his head. This madness has to stop.” Cam implored.


“Is that your counsel my friend?” The gold queen asked.


“My counsel is you remove Maya from her position as guardian and allow me to resume that role. You can dismiss Rayne too. He needs to be better educated about our culture and it’s clear they are not effectively doing so. Allow me the honor to guide and protect your consort.”


“The honor would be mine, as it always has been Camille.”


Don’t call me Camille.”


Devon grinned. “You know Cam, in the worst of times, when the situation is most dire, it’s you I will dance with in the danger. But you are far too valuable to our queen to serve as a simple bodyguard. Maya and Rayne have gone above and beyond to defend me and while I won’t insult you by comparing my knowledge of dragon culture with yours what I will say is I have learned much. I know our queen is benevolent and forgiving.”


“Answer me this.” Aliyeah said. “Did Maya ask you for this favor?”


“She did not.” Devon responded truthfully. “I asked for her opinion of it and she simply stated she would not oppose her mother’s return. She also immediately reaffirmed her loyalty to me and the crown regardless of what you decide my queen.”


“Then why would you ask such a thing? You despise the drow. Let Eomyrosis do what you would see done yourself.”


“There is a difference between justice and cruelty my love. Besides, the reinstatement of Eomyrosis could provide an avenue of great support for your rule by the chromatics. The perception of fairness is a powerful ally.”


“Tell me you aren’t considering this.” Cam said. 


“I can assume then you spoke with Sable. I will not undo her judgement.” Aliyeah stated.


“No my queen. I would not think to consult the Black Queen without your approval.”


The Gold Queen nodded her head in satisfaction. Very well. Go to Sable. Explain your position to her and if she agrees, I will support her decision. She knows her mentor better than anyone else. If she rebukes you Devon I will hear no more of this…Understood?”


“As you command my love.” he said as he embraced her.


“Well I think you’re both insane. For the record I’m against the whole of it.” Cam was obviously annoyed. “And if you go and get yourself killed pursuing this ridiculousness… I’m really gonna be pissed at you Darkstar. If the worst happens you better pray to Bahamut you stay dead.”


“I love you too Cam.” Devon snarked. “I’ll journey out to the Boglands to meet with Sable as soon as she will receive me.”


“Not alone Devon.” Cam cautioned.


“No. Maya will escort me.” The Highlord turned his eyes back upon Aliyeah. “By your leave my queen.”


She kissed him softly. “Granted.”


Devon shimmered from her grasp and reappeared in his study. Maya had been biting her fingernails, waiting impatiently for his return. “How did you fare Maya?” 


“Queen Ebonscale awaits your arrival at the Sunken Fen.”


“Thank you Maya. We should leave at once.” Devon noticed she seemed somewhat out of sorts. “Are you ok Maya? Is something troubling you? 


 She took a deep breath then exhaled forcefully. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to question your judgement, especially as I feel your attachment to me has certainly influenced it…but…”


“But what?”


“Are you sure about this my lord? Perhaps the risk is greater than either of us imagine. I can not live with the thought that you may come to harm because of me.”  


Devon smiled. “I make my own choices and hold no one responsible for them. Call it a character flaw. If some harm should befall me than I have only myself to blame.”


“You have spent too much time among us. Our arrogant nature is beginning to affect you.” she smiled back proudly.


“Well then. If you’re done insulting me..”


“Hmmm.” She smirked. “That depends.” She looked at his legs with skepticism. ”Will we be walking our way through the swamp? Or will you be flapping your arms?” She made a mock flying motion. “It is a fair distance away.”


“You’re funny. Who would have thought? No… walking is out of the question. We’ll be flying. Actually you’ll be flying. I figured I’d just ride you all the way there.”


My lord.” The black dragon said feigning embarrassment. “Whatever would our queen say.”


“Probably don’t drop me.” He said with a laugh.


They made their way to a large courtyard open to the sky. Maya walked some distance away then turned her head back toward the Highlord, flashing a mouth full of ivory teeth. Her eyes took on a glow of blacklight as she transformed from the thin pale young lady with a persistent scowl on her face into a large black dragon. Her lips peeled back revealing dark fangs and two long horns grew from her skull protruding forward. Black leathery wing swung out from sides and her soft milk white hands grew scaly with vicious looking claws extending from her fingertips. 


Devon approached her and she lowered her head eye level. “Do be gentle my lord. You know how soft and delicate I am.”


Devon pressed his hand against the edge of her wing and lept atop her back. He pressed his body tight against her and secured his grip to the rigid scales jutting out from behind her shoulders. “Set.” he called out. Maya flexed her wings wide and lunged into the air. In less than a minute the castle had shrunk in the distance looking no larger than a child’s toy. The black dragon tilted hard right changing direction to the south west toward the Boglands. The further they flew from the mountain city, the more the air traffic changed. Where as a myriad of dragons of all colors and type could be seen circling the castle, once they crossed into the swampy region of the realm the air opened up and only solitary black dragons could be seen sparsely spread apart. Maya’s body language seemed to change as well. The strong strokes of her wings eased into a happy drift as she glided lower just above the tree line toward their destination deep in the marshes. They had been flying for hours yet Maya didn’t seem winded at all even in the warm moist air. If anything she appeared to grow stronger. The change in climate lightened her mood and relaxed her quite a bit. Devon leaned his head to the side and saw what to him was typical marshlands. Stagnant water sat surrounded by deep green brush. Some of the water formed rivulets and ancient trees whose branches stretched wide often dipping into the streams provided a trail that Maya navigated with wistful joy. 


“It sure is something to behold my lord. Don’t you agree?”


Devon watched as a pool of brackish water belched sulfurous gas into the air. “Something is a good way to describe it.”


Maya gave him a crooked look. “You can’t honestly prefer the lifeless rock of the palace to the energy of the marsh. Even the air around us is alive.”


Devon held fast as Maya dipped to the side avoiding a swarm of flying insects. “Too much life for me.” Though the longer they spent navigating the waterways and brush the more Devon began to appreciate the inherent beauty of the place. 


Maya slowed to a hover just above a copse of land where an ancient stone entry overgrown with thick ferns and colorful swamp plants with massive fronds awaited. Behind it, a massive structure built into the trees hid camouflaged by the greenery. Devon marveled at how something so big could so easily be missed if you didn’t know where to look.


Devon tumbled from Maya’s back landing on the open ground. No sooner had his feet touched soil when two large black dragons emerged from the water, acid dripping from their mouths. Instinctively Maya landed wrapping her body around her lord as cold energy began to well in her mouth. 


“What have you there Amaya?” one asked, moving his head trying to get a better look. 


The other landed and changed form. He had long black hair spiked on top and deep purple eyes. “Stand down Nissiat. The queen’s handmaiden is in the company of the Dragon Highlord, Consort to the Queen of Dragons.” 


Nissiat transformed as he landed. “Is that so?” 


Maya took her humanoid form revealing Devon, dressed in armor of scintillating dragon scales of every color and turned her attention to the curious guardian. “Yes that’s so.” She said stepping aggressively toward him.


“Apologies my lord.” He offered, taking a step back from female dragon who glared at him.


“Welcome my lord.” The other said with a bow.


“Coop. It’s been some time my friend. It is good to you have healed.” Devon offered with his hand in greeting.


The black dragon so named took his hand. “Yes. I am most grateful for it too.”


Maya cleared her throat. “Ahem. My lord is here to see the queen.” She pushed past Coop. “If you don’t mind.”


“Of course.” he replied. “Shall I summon an escort Lady Malnyx.” 


“For what purpose?” she demanded. “Do you believe I’ve forgotten the way?”


“No. of course not.” he said defensively. “I was trying to be polite to our guest.”


“He has an escort. Me.”


“Of course my lady.” he said with a bow.


“Bitch.” Nissiat mumbled.


“Say again?” She threatened.


“Err. Which means you don’t need us.” and he slunk back into the water.


She looked at Coop.


“Farewell my lord. Until next we meet.”


Devon bowed. “Stay well.” And the black dragon dove back into the bog.


“Come my lord.” Maya said then led him through the archway. 

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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The Boglands part 2

The corridor was formed from mortared black rock and looked wet to the touch as the damp swamp air condensed on its surface. A hundred feet through, the passage widened to enormous size. Dragons could pass each other easily with little trouble. Enormous Black Dragonborn with pikes and shields manned the walkway. The passage ended at a pair of massive iron doors discolored by acid wash. Two dragonborn centurions stood at attention. As Maya approached they opened the doors which creaked in protest. Once through the portal the decor changed. The floor was comprised of coins from long dead civilizations set to the ground like tile. Drowned artwork hung on the walls and neglected statuary, some heavy with moss growth lined the walls. The throne was carved from the trunk of a once waterlogged, now petrified tree, its roots forming steps and gnarled branches serving as armrests. The black bark had green and purple gems running through its veins serving to add a touch of opulence to the otherwise dreary seat. A dozen black dragonborn centurions stood guard in a semicircle. around the dais. Three smaller seats were arranged on either side of the throne. 


A female dragon in humanoid form wearing snug fitting leather armor walked toward them. Devon knew her well. Koreyat had an angry yet attractive look about her. Her long black hair ended in blue tips that matched her eyes. She met Maya’s gaze then spoke. “My lord. The queen will see you. If you’ll follow me.”


As he walked toward the raised platform that formed the dais, Devon watched as the black queen took her position on the throne. Sable Ebonscale wore a sheer thin black linen shirt over a leather bustier. Thigh high leather boots with dull silver buckles covered tight black leather pants. Her handmaidens took their place flanking their queen. The dragon who met them paused at the foot of the dais then motioned for them to hold. She stepped forward and sat among the handmaidens leaving one seat noticeably empty. 


Devon bent his knee and bowed respectfully as Maya did the same. 


“Welcome Highlord.” Sable said in greeting. “The Black Flight is honored to receive you.”


“Thank you for the audience. Your gracious hospitality is appreciated your highness.”


“Rise my lord. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”


Devon stood then stepped forward, as he did the dozen centurions lowered their pikes. He brought his foot back and the centurions resumed attention.


Sable smirked. “Apologies my lord. I’m afraid my personal guard are a bit zealous. I’m sure you understand a monarch’s need for protection.”


“Of course your highness.” he said with deference. “If your grace would indulge me, I wish to request your assistance with a pressing issue.”


The queen looked to Maya. “Lady Malnyx. I’m sure your journey was long and tiresome. You may retire for the time being.” 


Maya hesitated.


Sable smiled broadly. “Do not fret child. I’ll look after the Highlord personally.” Her smile faded. “You’re excused.“


“Of course my queen.” She bowed then turned her head toward Devon. She was obviously uncomfortable leaving him alone.” 


He nodded in approval.


“Highlord. I would invite you to approach, however, first, you’ll need to turn your weapons over to one of my handmaidens. I’m sure you don’t mind. You won’t need them here.” 


“And if I refuse?”


“Then I have enjoyed your visit my lord and look forward to hearing your request next time I am in the capital.”


Devon held her eyes for a moment before shifting his sight to the empty chair. “Of course your highness. As you command.” Devon unbuckled his belt then called out to Maya who was already some distance away. “Lady Amaya Malnyx, handmaiden to Queen Sable Ebonscale of the Black Flight.”


Maya paused mid step and turned to face him. 


“Would you be so kind as to secure my weapons for me. Such is the will of the queen.”


Maya fought back a smirk and bowed to hide her expression. “Of course my lord. It would be an honor.”


She walked back to Devon and accepted the weapon belt holding his two kukris and dagger.  She watched as his hand brushed against the Sanguinari truesilver blade. “I’ll take care of it my lord. You can trust me.”


“I do.” he replied and turned to face the Black Queen. 


Sable Ebonscale wore the same scowl he had seen on Maya’s face so often. “Approach my lord.” 


He bowed then passed through the centurions. Sable rose and extended her arm for him to take. He accepted her offer and they walked from the throne room and down a secret corridor behind the petrified tree. Sable’s handmaidens trailed behind them. They arrived at a sitting room that had a fireplace burning to keep the air dry. The furnishings here were more akin to what he was accustomed to at Dragon Mountain. 


“Thank you for the escort my lord.” Sable said as she found herself a comfortable chair facing the fire. She tapped a seat on the sofa next to her and offered. “Please sit.” She turned her attention to her handmaidens. “Find your sister and settle her in. The Highlord and I are not to be disturbed.”


They bowed in unison. “Of course my queen.”


Once they were alone Sable smiled. “Apologies for the theatrics Devon. Black Dragons only understand fear and power. It was necessary that I demonstrate my strength to maintain their loyalty. I hope I have not insulted you.”


“Not all your highness. I do not offend easy.”


“Good. I’m glad to see Amaya is having a positive influence on you. Though she appears to have been influenced by you as well. If I didn’t know any better I’d begin to think my dour little handmaiden has grown quite fond of you. Never would I imagine that my commands could draw pause from any of my courtesans. By the way, I must congratulate you on your quick witted adherence to my decree that you relinquish your weapons. Using Maya’s place in my court was quite clever. You’ve learned much about our ways.”


“Your highness is kind to say so.”


“We’re alone Devon. You may call me by name. How is my clutch mate? I trust you are treating her well.”


“As well as I know how Sable. She is of good health and spirits, though not so thrilled with the business I am here to discuss with you.” 


“Is that so? Perhaps I should pour some drinks before you begin.” As she stood Devon moved to rise. Sable put her hand on his shoulder holding him in his seat then placed her foot between his legs. “Would you mind unbuckling these boots. You can’t imagine how uncomfortable they are.”


“Not at all.” Devon unbuckled the first, thigh to ankle and removed the boot for her then did the same for the other.


“Ah… Much better.” She said as she walked over to a table holding a bottle of green liquid. “This is a local product.” She offered. “It’s distilled from wormwood found in the marsh then fermented together with green anise, sweet fennel, and some regional medicinal and culinary herbs. It is a favorite among the Black Flight. I do hope you enjoy it.” She grinned. The Black Queen handed him a glass keeping another for herself. She sipped it slowly watching for his reaction.


Devon sipped from the glass and immediately was taken by the potency of the drink. He felt his heart begin to race as Selene’s Sanguinari blood ignited like fire burning through his veins, devouring the potent alcohol. 


“Do you like it?” the Black Queen asked. 


“Delicious.” he answered taking another sip. 


“Excellent. Now, what business do you wish to discuss that has my closest friend so vexed?”


“It’s Eomyrosis.”


Sable cursed. “What has she done now?”


“Not what you think Sable. She has not defied you.”


The Black Queen began to calm. “Then what?” she demanded impatiently.


She desires to return to the planes. 




“So would you consider ending her banishment.”


“You are consort to the Queen of Dragons. Why not bring this request to Aliyeah?”


“I would not insult you by asking my queen to overrule you. And she respects you too much to undo your judgement.”


“This pleases me to hear. The answer is no.”


“But, I haven’t had the chance to explain to you the reason why I am asking.”


“I don’t care. She defied my will, committed treason against our queen and need I remind you, plotted to torture and kill you. You might not care about your well being Devon but Aliyeah does and therefore I must.” 


“I appreciate your concern Sable but I am well protected. Do you truly believe she would kill her own daughter to get to me?”


Sable paused and thought for a moment. “Perhaps…Yes… I believe she would.”


“What if she agreed to forsake those foolish thoughts in order to return. She was your mentor after all, a relationship considered sacred from where I was raised. Wouldn’t you like to have her back in your service?” 


“I banished her because it was the only way to save her life. If she returned and defied me again I’d have no choice but to execute her. Like I said before. Black Dragons only respect power.”


“I’m certain she knows this.”


“I can’t Devon.” She leaned back into her chair bringing her feet up across his lap. Ask me for anything else. But this I must refuse.”


Devon stroked the back of her foot. “She’s terrorizing a city on the prime distanced exactly far enough away from Westport to abide by your banishment. Do you think that’s a coincidence? How long before she begins to test those boundaries. I’d be better protected if she were here, where the whole of the sixth flight was able to offer me aid. On the prime, I have only Maya and Rayne.. Formidable dragons to be sure but I like my chances for survival less.”


Sable sipped her drink. “Then maybe you should stay with Aliyeah where you are safe. She’d rather you spend more time in court anyhow.”


“You know I can’t do that.” Devon also sipped his drink. Whatever was in the glass was beginning to tax his ability to neutralize. “And isn’t possible her return could strengthen support among the chromatics for our queen by demonstrating she is fair minded and merciful.”


“Or weak. It’s a dangerous ploy Devon.”


Devon finished the glass as custom demanded. He began to feel a bit light headed. The Black Queen took notice.


“You don’t look well. Arrangements have been made for you to remain here. I will consider your request Darkstar. But for now you should get some rest.”  Sable stood and left the room. Devon could feel it began to shift and spin. A few minutes later she returned with Maya. “Take him to your cabana. You’ll both be staying until I render my decision. Return his weapons. He is my guest and is to be treated so.”


“As you command my queen.” Maya helped Devon to his feet. She took the empty the glass from his hand and brought it to her nose. “Really?” she said accusingly.


The Black Queen smiled. “It’s not what you think. He did well and earned my respect. Don’t worry Amaya I didn’t harm him. He’ll be fine with a bit of sleep.”  


Devon leaned heavy into Maya. “Everything is moving.”


“I know my lord, I’ve got you. You’re ok.”


“Did she agree?” 


“Not yet. We are to wait until she decides. Unless you’d rather I take you home?”


“No. We stay.”


“As you say my lord.” They reached an archway leading into a courtyard of open air in the marsh where six bungalows were set in a semicircle bordering botanical gardens of marshland. Maya carried him through the doorway of the one she had lived in as handmaiden and laid him on the mattress in her bedchamber. As he drifted off to sleep his armor faded, the magic interrupted. He was warm to the touch ”Fever…damn her…” Maya stripped his clothes and covered him with a light blanket. She grabbed a quilt for herself then curled up in a rattan papasan chair positioned near the bed, watching him as he slept. Darkness fell in the fen and the sounds of insects chirping blended with the song of nocturnal swamp creatures creating a lullaby. She wondered if they had made a mistake in coming here. She closed her eyes and waited for Devon to wake. 

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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The Boglands Part 3

Daylight broke and soft beams of luminescence set the marsh aglow as the morning dew glistened off broad leaves and tall grasses. Devon squinted as he surveyed the strange surroundings, not quite sure where he was. The black dragon’s keen hearing took notice that he had stirred. “You’re awake my lord?” Maya asked with some surprise in her voice.


“Maya? He pushed himself up into a sitting position.


“Easy my lord.” She rose from the over-sized chair and stood beside the bed examining him. 


“How do you feel Devon?” 


“Foggy, like my head is sloshing with swamp water.” he answered. “How long have I been asleep?”


“Two days.” She sat on the edge of the bed, leaned over and felt his head. “Hmmm” she said with curiosity. “No fever. You’re a quick healer.”


“What was in that drink?” he asked trying to shake his head clear. “Distilled spirits have never affected me like that. Selene passed her celerity onto to me and her Sanguinari blood burns all toxins from my system. I can’t get drunk.”


“It wasn’t the alcohol my lord. The queen served you what we call ‘achuak hesjing’. 


Green water?”


She nodded “or simply ‘the green’ A very popular distillation among black dragons. It contains a parasite derived from the wormwood that can have rather strong effects. It’s been known to cause hallucinations and sometimes worse in those with weak constitutions. One sip should have sufficed to intoxicate you…you finished a glass.”


“And you drink this why?”


Maya grinned. “Black dragons have strong acid in their stomachs that kill the parasite and leave the green with nothing more than a sweet liquor flavor. Most times when a non black drinks it we add a teaspoon of acid to mitigate the effects of the parasite. It appears my queen was curious to see how you might react to it. She was testing you.” Maya paused uncomfortably. “She didn’t…”


“Didn’t what?”


“It’s nothing. I’m sure I’ve overreacted. Queen Ebonscale wouldn’t…I mean you are Aliyeah’s consort and very much spoken for…”


“Oh.” Devon said with sudden realization. “No…I don’t think so. Things are a bit hazy but I think I’d know right?”


Maya smirked. “You would know my lord. Rest a bit more. I’ll see to breakfast.” She stood to leave.




“Yes my lord?”


“My clothes?”


“Oh yeah…” she said with a mischievous grin. “I meant to ask you where you left them?” she turned and walked out.


“She’s definitely spending too much time with Rayne.” he thought. He forced himself out of bed and walked around the room trying to get the haze to clear from his head. It didn’t take long for him to find his garments neatly folded and placed on a wide wardrobe cabinet. He dressed yet still found himself feeling naked without his kukri. He stepped out of the bedroom and into a large sitting room. There was a dining area to the side and a kitchen that looked as if it had not been used in some time. A fire had been set in the hearth but clearly no cooking had been done here in years. The cupboards were rather bare save for some bottled spices and there was little in the way of drink but a few water skins hastily hung from a rack. Devon decided to explore a bit more and made his way to the front door. When he opened it, he heard a blood curdling roar as giant crocodile snapped at him. He quickly backed into the cottage as the creature stared at him menacingly.


“Snuggles! No!” Maya shouted as she approached the bungalow. ”Come.” The giant crocodile snapped one more time for good measure then rolled and turned tail wagging to Maya. Devon watched as Maya knelt and began to pet the creature. “Who’s a good boy. Did the strange man frighten mommy’s snuggles?..Hmm. Did he?” The beast’s tongue had fallen to the side of his mouth and his eyes were rolling in delight.


“Snuggles?” Devon asked.


Maya scowled. “What were you thinking? I told you to rest and said I’d be right back. You scared him.”


“Scared him?” Devon said somewhat in shock. 


She glared at him.


“You’re right Maya. I’m sorry. You know how quickly I become stir crazy. I should have waited for you.”


Her sneer faded into a weak smile. “Yeah…Well I can’t blame you. The fen is beautiful in the morning and mommy’s good boy is so cute, isn’t he? Isn’t he?” she said stroking the crocodile. “Come here my lord. Let me introduce you.”


“To the giant crocodile?”


Maya tilted her head in reprimand.


“Ok.” Devon said somewhat unsure. “He’s not going to eat me right?”


“No…Not once you’ve been properly introduced. Here. Sit.” she patted the ground next to her.


Devon walked cautiously over to where Maya was kneeling and sat in a dry patch of soft grass. He could hear the beast was growling at him.


“Mr. Snuggles this is mommy’s friend Devon. Devon this is Mr. Snuggles. Devon felt the cold eyes of the crocodile staring at him.


“Uhh, Hello.. Mr. Snuggles?”


“Go ahead pet him. Good boys like to be pet.”


“Really?” Devon asked in disbelief.


“Yes really? You’re not afraid are you?” she challenged.


“I’m a wizard and a rogue both professions require fingers.” 


The crocodile turned his head into Devon and sniffed him loudly.


“Go on.” Maya prodded.


Devon slowly reached out and ran his hand across the bumpy skull of the creature. It pushed its head against him like a cat demanding more attention and Devon could swear he heard it purr.


“Aww. He likes you.” Maya said rather pleased.


“Uhsi.” She called back to the kobolds he had only just noticed. Bring the supplies inside, and Hen, start breakfast. We’ll be in shorty.


“Kobolds?” Devon whispered. 


“You didn’t expect I’d be cooking did you?” Maya laughed. “Come. You still need more rest. You boys can play later. She stood and extended her hand to Devon. He stood a bit shakily and she steadied him. “The green is not quite done with you.”


“Afraid not.”


 “Let’s have some breakfast.”


“Thank you Maya. Sounds good.”  They walked back to the cottage as Mr. Snuggles took his spot sleeping by the front door.


Once inside Devon could see the kobold she called Hen was busy cooking, She looked like a small wingless bipedal dragon with lean feminine features. She had shiny black skin and yellow eyes, standing about four feet tall. Judging by the aroma wafting from the stove, Devon imagined fresh eggs and potatoes. He saw here was also vegetables of sorts and some type of meat searing in the hearth. Uhsi by contrast was half a head taller and quite muscular for his size. He had the same shiny black skin but red eyes. The kobold was unloading a cart and stocking the cupboards with sundries. Large jugs of liquid filled several shelves and dusty bottles were laid into wine racks. He had just connected a decanter that clearly radiated magic to a spout above a deep basin when he saw Devon. He stopped and fell to a knee. Hen did as well bowing her head low. “It is an honor to serve you Highlord. Should you require anything do let us know.” he offered in heavily accented common.


“Thank you. Please. No need to kneel and bow. I’m not that important.”


“Actually you are.” Maya corrected.


Hen looked up for a quick moment and her dark skin seemed to flush. “If Hen may say so my lady, he’s quite handsome.” she complimented in the tongue of dragons.


“He’s the Highlord.” Maya chided. “He speaks draconic.” 


Hen became even more flush with embarrassment and quickly turned to go back to work. Uhsi nodded and resumed his duties.


“Was that necessary Maya.” Devon asked quietly. 


“Maya’s scowl had returned. “In fact it was my lord. You aren’t in the capital anymore. The Boglands observe a strict caste system. You are their better. Act like it.”


“You know my sweet Maya, sometimes the greatest strength can be found in mercy and the greatest power in compassion.”


“Not here my lord.” she said in a cold tone. She motioned toward the table. “Please sit.”


Devon shook his head but did as he was bid. Hen quietly placed plates of food in front of them. “Thank you Hen.” he said pleasantly. The kobold smiled but a stern look from Maya sent her scurrying away. 


“That’s quite a bit of store. How long do you expect we’ll be here?”


“We can leave at your pleasure my lord…but if you hope to receive the approval of my queen, then the answer is as long as she so desires. As you know, dragons see time differently and are never in a hurry to make decisions. For now I suggest you enjoy the hospitality of the Black Flight and take in the beauty of the fen.


“Very well.” Devon ate the food trying not to guess what it was or where it came from. To be fair, it didn’t taste bad just unusual to his palate. He was still feeling a bit light headed after the meal and Maya suggested he rest for the day until the lingering effects of the green were gone. 


“Perhaps tomorrow you’ll be up to a tour of the palace and surrounding wetlands. There is much I’d like you to see.”


“Sounds lovely Maya.” He was still unsteady on his feet. 


“Here let me help you inside.” She offered leading him to the bedchamber.


Halfway to the room Devon stopped. “There is only one bedroom and it’s yours. I’ll be fine in the parlor.”


“No. You’ll take the bed.”




“Do not test my patience Darkstar.” 


She sat him on the bed and began to undress him.


“What are you doing?”


“Only dead people sleep in their clothes. Are you dead people?”




“Do you want to become dead people?” She asked with a blend of mischief and menace.


“No my lady.”


“Dragons aren’t known for modesty nor are we shy. You should be accustomed to it.”


“I thought it was only Rayne who enjoyed making me uncomfortable prancing around naked.”


“Nope. It’s all of us. Enjoy.” She smirked.


Once he was settled Maya resumed her place curled on the rattan papasan quietly letting the day slip away. The next few were no different.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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The Boglands Part 4

Devon woke to the smell of fresh coffee. He carefully sat up and knew immediately he was feeling more himself. He hopped off the bed and quickly found his feet. It appeared ‘the green’ had run its course. He found his clothes carefully folded in the same place on the cabinet as the days before. “Clean.” he cast and the grime of the swamp washed away. Still …something was missing. 


Maya had been quietly watching him from the circular cushion. “Your weapons Devon. Your body aches to be made whole and your kukri is the only remedy.” 


Devon watched as she walked over to an armoire. Her eyes flickered silver and she exhaled a mouth full of cold air. The wardrobe turned blue reflecting the change in temperature. She then drew a spittle of acid from her mouth and smeared it on a sigil. It took on a lurid green glow then sounded an audible ‘click’. She opened the door and drew the belt holding his kukris and dagger that he had given her at the demand of the Black Queen. “Here Darkstar. It pains me to see you sulk.”


“But the queen said…”


“Queen Ebonscale has proclaimed you are her guest and as such are to be afforded every courtesy your station demands. Take them my lord. By the queen’s favor you are given the right to wear them.” She handed him his weapons.


Devon fastened the belt about his waist and slid the dagger into its place on his right thigh. He drew his truesilver kukri and spun it in his hand. “Ahh.” he exhaled. “Much better.”


You know you really don’t need those things. You are a powerful wizard, and even more so than that, have been blessed with the heart of a dragon, affording you our form and power. Why you rely on those decorations is beyond me.


“Perhaps I’m sentimental.”


“Yes. I know. I’m sorry.” she snarked.


They walked into the parlor where Hen had poured steaming hot coffee. “Thank you Hen.”


The kobold reddened and hurried away.


“I think you frightened her.” Devon said to Maya.




Uhsi carried a heavy platter over the table then excused himself. Devon peered outside and saw the kobold had set to the task of feeding Mr, Snuggles. He had a large bucket of torn up meat he tossed into the crocodile’s mouth. 


“Would it kill you to be even a little nice to her?”


“It might my lord. Best I not chance it.” she replied making a plate of food for herself. 


Hen who had been in the kitchen cleaning hurriedly prepared a plate for the Highlord and brought it to him. “Thank you.” he smiled. She returned his smile then as quickly as she came she was gone.


They finished their meal and set off to tour the castle. Maya explained how the handmaidens all kept residence in the courtyard, each having their own cottage. They took some time to enjoy the playful Mr. Snuggles and when they left he almost seemed sad to see them go. 


“I must admit I’ve never met a trained giant crocodile before.” 


“You’ve never played house with a black dragon before.” she offered with a smirk.


The castle was an architectural wonder, Exquisite stonework blended with the natural foliage of the fen. Petrified trees created columns and were woven into walls with artistic design. Some areas were damp with humidity, as such they were wet with the sweat of the rock. Others, typically the sections occupied by the court, were kept dry and well maintained by the kobold servants. Most locations honored the environment with natural features ranging from pools of murky water to natural green foliage and colorful marsh flowers or even cascading clear falls running down walls into pristine pools. 


Maya approached the wet rock of the hallway. “See how the moisture coats the stone? It’s how the castle got its name… Sunken Fen. The wet rock gives the place a submerged sunken feel” 


Devon listened with interest as Maya expertly explained all the sights they passed. There were of course occasions where their paths crossed with other residents of the castle. When they did Maya seemed to revert to her more surly demeanor, nasty and threatening. Once alone she would resume her pleasant sharing of the history and culture of the Black Flight and the lands in which they dwelled. She led them into a room where a natural pond of murky still water rested undisturbed.


“Care for a swim? There is something special I’d like to show you?”


“In that? Is that water safe to breath?” he inquired.


“Of course my lord. We use these pools to access the waterway in and around the castle. She stepped close to him. If you’d like I can expedite our travel through. I am a better swimmer after all.” She wrapped her arms around him and casually led him the stone lip holding the indoor pond in place. With a lurch she dragged him in. Between the dark cloudy water and speed of Maya’s travel, Devon found it somewhat difficult to see. It wasn’t long before a glint of light could be seen from above. Maya sped towards it eventually erupting from the surface and carrying him to solid dry land outside the keep..


“I’m not sure what you wanted to show me but unfortunately I couldn’t see all that much down there.”


“Ha.. Ha..” she answered sarcastically. “That was just the fastest way out. What I want to show you is a short flight away. She stepped off a short distance and transformed. “Coming?” she asked through rows of razor sharp teeth. “Climb up.” He did and off she went thrusting them into the air. Maya kept close to the water, so much so the tips of her hind claws dragged across the surface. She meandered through brush, swerved away from trees and dipped under the low hanging branches of ancient weeping willows. “Hold tight,” she said and a moment later the dragon dove deep beneath the black water of a lake. She swam with such grace and speed that Devon couldn’t help but be impressed. When they emerged from the water they were in an underground cave lit by glowing lichen. Maya crawled to the dry shore and Devon tumbled to the ground. She took her human form again then grabbed him by the hand pulling him as she ran forward. 


“Where are we?” Devon asked.


“You’ll see soon enough.” she grinned. They turned up a winding path that entered a large chamber with a massive hearth There was large comfortable cushion in the center of the space and collection of water damaged art arranged in decoration. Colorful marsh plants in clay pots gave the impression of a garden. A large pile of coins spilled from an alcove into the parlor. “Well? What do you think?”


Devon was at a loss for words. He had spent enough time in the company of dragons to recognize a lair. “Your home is beautiful Maya.”


She smiled pleased.


“But this is your secret lair, your private place. Why bring me here?”


She looked at him curiously. “No one has ever been here before. None have set foot in this room. Should you find yourself in danger, a situation I can’t resolve, at least I’ll know you have a safe place to take refuge. You can shimmer here now.” She paused. “There is no one else I would trust with this knowledge.”


Devon was touched by the faith and concern she showed for him. “Thank you Maya.” 


“Besides.” she said in her typically aloof manner. “I needed clothes and I can’t trust you to be alone. Last time I did you drank a glass of parasites. You need me here.”


Devon grinned. “I can’t argue that my lady.”


“It’s better you don’t.” she smirked. 


Devon followed her into another area that obviously served as a bedroom. Maya gathered some things and packed them in backpack. They went up a flight of stairs and into another large room that served as a kitchen and dining space. Unlike the bungalow, this place was well stocked and showed obvious signs of use.


“May I assume this is where you go when you have free time.”


“You can assume what you like….but yes.” 


“Drink?” She drew a bottle of green liquid from a rack. 


“Is that?”


“Mm hm. It’s time I taught you how to enjoy this properly. If I know Sable you’ll be served this again.” She uncorked the bottle and poured two glasses. “How much do you love me?” she asked.


“Immensely.” He said with a bow.


“Good then you won’t mind this.” Maya drew some acid into her mouth then spit it into the glass. It fizzed for a few seconds then stopped. “There. Now drink.”


Devon eyed her dubiously.


“Go on.” She demanded as she stared at him. “I thought you said you loved me? Love requires trust.”


He took the glass and sipped it. Immediately he felt his blood ignite with fire as it burned away the alcohol. The flavor had changed. In addition to the green anise, sweet fennel, and herbs, he could also taste floral juniper, bitter myrrh, and cinnamon. 


“The sweet cinnamon taste tells you the green is safe to drink. If you can’t smell cinnamon don’t drink it… at least not in that form.” They had just finished their drinks when Maya suggested. “We should get back before you’re missed.” She grabbed her backpack and clasped his hand. “Would you do the honor?” 


Devon shimmered and in an instant they were back at the cottage. 


Hen shrieked in fright startled by their sudden arrival. Maya scowled and stalked off to her bedroom to unpack her clothes. Devon apologized for causing her distress and her eyes grew wide as she hurried away attending to her next chore.


Maya stood in the doorway to the bedroom. She had changed her outfit but found her frown. “You’re going to need clothes too. It doesn’t do to have the Highlord wearing the same garments every day. Perhaps we could visit the market tomorrow if you agree, my lord.”


“Couldn’t I just shimmer back to Dragon Mountain and collect some things. I honestly did not expect to be away for any significant time.” he asked.


You’ve made a request of our queen. Black Dragon etiquette requires you remain in her realm until such time she has made her decision. Should you leave now, even for a short time you will insult her and be refused. If what you ask is not important enough to stay and wait on her favor then it is not important enough to grant.”


“You could have told me to pack a bag before we left.”


“Apologies my lord. I assumed your request would be nothing more than a formality. I did not expect Sable to inconvenience the Dragon Highlord. Though knowing her difficult nature perhaps I should have… “


“No apologies necessary my lady. I’m learning much in my time here thanks to you.” He offered in praise. “I won’t break courtesy with the Black Flight. We’ll stay.”


Maya bowed. “As you say my lord. The markets then?”


“Sounds like a good idea Maya.” and the day faded to night.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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The Boglands Part 5

Devon sat in the courtyard rubbing the underbelly of Mr. Snuggles as the giant crocodile laid on its back squirming in playful joy. The swamp air was humid and heavy but he didn’t notice. The magic he cast acclimated him to the environment and he felt no discomfort from the heat. He heard footsteps in the doorway to the cottage and turned his head to see Maya holding a hot mug what smelled like herbal tea. She was smiling. 


“What?” he inquired.


“Oh nothing my lord. It just makes my heart, such as it is, swell with happiness to see my two favorite boys getting on so well.”


“Favorite you say.” he teased.


Maya scowled. “Nope…changed my mind.” She sipped her tea. “When you’re done frollicking with my crocodile we should probably head to the market.”


Devon rose and Mr. Snuggles immediately flipped back onto his feet. The beast kept bumping into him and pressing against his side as he walked toward Maya trying to get his attention. Devon stopped a few feet from the porch and reached over to pet the head of crocodile who panted happily. 


Maya glared at her pet. “Traitor.” she scowled at the beast. “I think it’s time you learned to navigate the swamps Darkstar. I’ll lead, you follow.”


“As you command my queen.” he said sarcastically and bowed. The crocodile seemed to mimic Devon, lowering his head too. “


“You’re funny Snuggles…You my lord irritate me” she sneered. 


“You love me.”


“I’m glad you think so.” she said sarcastically. Maya placed her empty cup on the porch table and stepped into the courtyard. “Do try and keep up.” Once again she morphed into her dragon form and took flight. Devon cast his magic and shapechanged into a black dragon himself leaping into the air hurrying after her. Compared to Maya’s adeptness in navigating the terrain he looked downright clumsy. If not for his quick reflexes he’d have crashed into trees multiple times. As it was he wore leaves and branches. The occasional spray of bog water shot back from what he was certain could only be an intentional tail slap by his companion. After some hours of flight they arrived at what looked from the sky to be a crowded town of thatched wooden huts connected by planked bridges and boardwalks. It was settled on a lake with docks extending into tributaries reaching out in several directions. Maya landed on one such pier and transformed. Devon did the same. “Welcome to the Opass Caesin Market my lord. The grand bazaar of the Boglands.”


They walked side by side as the black dragon began to show him around. There were a few scattered shops on the giant pier most selling food for hungry travellers who had newly arrived. “Care for snack my lord?” Maya asked walking purposefully toward one such kiosk. “Braised mud eel. MMmmm. I’ll take six.” 


“I’m good, you don’t need to buy me any” he replied politely.


“Sorry my lord. How rude of me. I only ordered for myself.” She looked at Devon with mischief in her eyes. “Make that seven. I’m sure my lord is anxious for a taste of your fine cuisine.” The proprietor was a large lizardman with oily black scales and a large sail running from the top of his head down to the middle of his back.


Devon gave her a crooked look but graciously accepted the eel from the lizardman vendor who watched his expression carefully for approval. Devon didn’t want to insult the merchant so he bit into it and smiled. He swallowed hard forcing it down. “Delicious.” 


The merchant nodded his head in satisfaction.


Maya who had already eaten three of the six she bought for herself began to chuckle. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”


Truthfully the meat was sweet and rather tasty… soft but with a good chew. However whatever it was braised in left a peculiar aftertaste of spoiled egg and pickling. They walked further into the bazaar and Devon saw that many storefronts were selling goods one might think were far too valuable for an open air market comprised of thatched huts and bungalows. Others hawked items crafted from local woods, stones and other natural resources. Maya led him to shop that specialized in silk clothing woven from the webbing of phase spiders. She picked out several shirts dyed in the customary dark pigments popular amongst her people. 


“Lovely choices my lady.” The kobold shopkeeper complimented. “Your mate is lucky to have one with such good taste on his arm.” 


Maya chose not to correct her.


“I’m sure you’ll want pants as well.” She pushed. “If you don’t mind my lord…” she quickly measured him and found matching legwear. The garments were incredibly light and designed to stay cool and dry in the moist air. The kobold packed the garments in waxed fabric and tied them neatly with a bow. She handed the package over with a friendly smile.


“Much appreciated.” Devon said. He turned to Maya. “Mate huh?”


“She smirked. “You should be so lucky.” she scoffed. “Perhaps instead, I should have announced that I was escorting the Queen’s Consort. I’m sure your fame and notoriety wouldn’t cause too much of a ruckus amongst the rabble here.” She looked around.” I’m guessing they would relish the opportunity to be able to to tell their friends and family about the time they met the Highlord.


“Point taken.”


They continued shopping, purchasing linen tunics and pants crafted from cotton cultivated from local marsh grass. Lastly she found a formal dress tailor to outfit her lord should he need to attend any affairs in an official capacity. Devon was enjoying the day and he had the feeling Maya was too as it had been a few hours since she scowled at him. Maya paused at a jewelry stall. A bracelet crafted from bog iron and set with small coins, old and oxidized caught her eye. 


“The coins were minted more than two thousand years ago by the now dead civilization of Netheril.” The black dragonborn craftsman explained. “I blended the coins with local ore found in the swamp of sorrows to pay tribute to their people’s passing. It’s a lovely choice my lady. What might you willing to trade for it?”


Devon stepped over and eyed the piece. 


“It’s exquisite. Maya complimented. 


“What might you consider sir?” Devon inquired.


“Perhaps equally rare coins or some difficult to procure enchanted item.. maybe a painting from a well regarded artist? I’m not sure?”


“Thank you but no.” Maya declined.


Devon continued to haggle. “Coins you say? I have many coins from far away places, some near impossible to acquire unless you have a relationship with the lords or ladies of the realm.”


“I said no Devon.”


Devon ignored his companion reaching into a pouch and producing coins he had acquired during his time on the sixth layer of hell in the court of Glasya. “Would these do?” 


“Where did you get those?” Maya asked.


“It’s a long story for another time.” 


“May I the merchant asked?” Devon passed him a few coins.


“These bear the mark of the princess of hell herself. Most iron pieces are tributed to Asmodeus. Only his daughter has been permitted to mint her own coins and those are for use in her domain alone.”


Maya’s tremorsense drew her attention away from the conversation. The crowd had suddenly thinned around them as a solitary presence drew near. Maya turned to meet it stepping away from her lord.


“Well what have we here?” A burly looking man with a long scar running down his face and across a gouged out orbital. “Is that the bitchy little brat Eomyrosis hatched?”


“Eww. The years have not been kind Gairrid. You should try a mud mask to take down those scars.”   


“Your mother gave me these scars and did this?!” He said pointing at his face.


“The gods did that. My mother only thought to improve on it. Be grateful you’re alive. I remember what you looked like before. At least now you have character.”


“Impudent child. Still a nasty spoiled shrew are ya?. Maybe it’s time I paid your mother back.” He tapped his cheek with a clawed finger. “Let’s call it an eye for an eye. Just to be fair.”


“What’s going on Maya?” Devon asked as he walked over.. 


Gairrid snorted. “None of your concern metallic. I can smell your gold heart from here little wyrmling and your breath still stinks of mother’s milk.”


The Highlord glared at him eyes glowing blue. The warm swamp air took on a winter’s chill as a foreboding feeling of dread spread across the boardwalk.


“Devon don’t.” Maya warned “He’s a very old dragon… not some common thug from the Port”


“Is that your boyfriend Maya? He’s awfully young. Go on… run away little auric. I have unfinished business with your nanny.”


“Boyfriend? No. I’d be your Highlord.” Devon stated plainly.


“Yeah and I’m Queen Ebonscale.” Gairrid scoffed as a crowd began to form around the outskirts of the confrontation. 


Maya stepped defensively in front of Devon while at the same time he activated his amulet. Leather armor of multicolored dragon scales instantly closed around his body.


“The Highlord’s armor.” Came gasps from the crowd. 


“Well color me gold.” Gairrid sneered. “So it’s true then. You do serve the Highlord. I wouldn’t have believed a sour bitch like yourself could last a single day in the queen’s court.


“One more word and a missing eye will be the least of your worries.” Devon threatened. 


Gairrid spit. Then nodded as he glowered at Maya before backing away.


Maya was irate with anger. “We should have executed the bastard for his disrespect my lord.”


“That might be a little much don’t you think darlin?”


Maya had raging fury in her eyes and hatred in her voice. “No. I don’t. Threatening me is one thing, insulting you is quite another.”


“It was obvious he had no idea who I am.”


“Was it? Dragons are much smarter than that. I’m sure Gairrid was full aware.”


“Then I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of him. And should he foolishly return, he shall find us not so merciful as today.”


Maya broke into a malevolent smile. “He shall suffer a most excruciating death. Which is better than he deserves.”


“Remind me to stay on your good side.” he joked.


“I don’t have a good side.” She countered with a grin.


“Perhaps this will brighten your mood.” He handed her the bracelet of coins she had coveted only minutes earlier.


“I don’t know what to say my lord. You shouldn’t have.”


“Consider it a token of my appreciation for all you’ve done for me. I value your devotion Maya.”


“Thank you my lord.” she said as her expression lightened.


“Now there’s one more thing I want to get while we’re here.”


“What’s that Devon?”


“A few bottles of green to share with my friends when we return.”


Maya smirked. “And they call me evil.”

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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The Boglands part 6

Weeks had passed since Devon arrived in the Boglands and he had enjoyed the opportunity to immerse himself in the culture of the Black Flight. He had gotten to know all the queen’s handmaidens fairly well, though Maya kept him on a short leash while in their company. He had learned to navigate the terrain with some proficiency and Maya had taken him away from some of the more customary destinations and into the lesser known but more interesting and scenic locations of the realm. He traveled to smaller more niche markets purchasing unique local crafts and began to acquire a taste for the regional cuisine. All in all, it was an enjoyable visit but he began to feel restless and a bit trapped unable or rather unwilling to leave the kingdom.


Maya sensed his anxiety. “What troubles you my lord?”


“We’ve been here for more than two months. How long do you think she’ll keep us waiting?”


“It’s hard to say for sure. I understand though. It’s not easy adjusting to live within a dragon’s concept of time. Best to exercise patience. Very little happens with any sense of urgency.”


Devon knew she was right. He had lived among them for years yet still suffered frustration with their slow moving lifestyle. He tried to manage a smile. “At least I have you for company darlin.”


“Yeah.” she scoffed. “I’m downright delightful to live with.”


That caused a real smile to form across his face. “You know, if I wasn’t mated to Aliyeah…”


“I think not Darkstar.” She scowled. “You’d never notice me through the flock of suitors throwing themselves at you.”


“Am I really that desirable?” he teased. 


“Yeah, Like spicy crawfish. They’re great going down. Only you know you’re going to regret it later.” she jabbed.


“You wound me.” his said feigning insult.


“And you irritate me. So call us even.” she smirked. “Though…I guess with a fair bit of training and a little grooming I could probably make you into a passable mate.”


Devon laughed. “I am honored to hear you say so.”


“You should be.” she grinned. “Oh… before I forget we’re expected to sit for dinner with the court today. And if you’re inclined to accept, we were invited by Koreyat for an after dinner social.”


“How do you feel about that?” He asked.


“I don’t despise her. Of all the queen’s handmaidens, I find her to be the most tolerable.”


“Very high praise coming from you.” he remarked. “We should accept.”


“No offense my lord…but…you’re a scown.


Late in the afternoon, they found themselves preparing to visit the palace proper for the evening meal. Devon chose one the more formal outfits Maya had helped him purchase. A soft black sircoat stitched from fine local cotton with swamp iron clasps covered a grey silk shirt with pearl buttons. The long pants he wore were woven from the same cotton as the sircoat and buttoned with the same ore mined in the fen. His boots made of snakeskin were well oiled giving them a rich matte sheen.


“You look handsome my lord.” Maya complimented.


“Thank you my lady.” Devon turned to see that Maya had changed into a stylish thinly strapped black cotton dress falling just above her knee. It had a straight cut and deep neckline cutting just above her bodice. She layered a sheer silk cover over the top of it, stitched with an intricate design of marsh flowers. ”And you look stunning Amaya.”


The black dragon was cool and aloof. “I’m aware. So glad you approve. She straightened his jacket. Shall we?”


The dining hall was well lit with fluorescent lichen. Pots of glowing moss were placed about the room, fragrantly wafting the sweet odor of incense in the room. The long table had been set with ivory dishes and silver flatware. Queen Ebonscale sat at the head. Sable had traded in her customary leather for a revealing cotton lace dress that ran tight to her midriff but flared from her waist to her ankles. She wore no shoes and was both alluring yet comfortable. Her handmaidens were all dressed for the occasion each choosing to wear clothing that respected the importance of the affair. Coop sat with Koreyat and Devon quickly discovered they were the only males invited to dine. Kobold servants brought in massive platters of grilled fish, steamed mollusks and braised meats. Devon smiled when a bowl of spicy crawfish found its way to the table as Maya slanted her eyes at him as she smirked.


“I trust you have settled in by now my lord. I would have dined with you sooner but didn’t want you to feel rushed seeing as you have only just arrived..”


Devon was caught off guard by the welcome. “Settled in?” he thought. “Just arrived?” Actually he was quite ready to return home. 


Maya must have read his mind. She reached under the table and pinched his thigh grabbing his attention.


“Thank you your highness. That was very kind of you.”


The Black Queen smiled. “It’s not often we receive visitors from the queen’s court. We are grateful to have you.”


Devon focused on the lessons in etiquette he was taught and replied. “The honor is mine your grace. Your hospitality has been most generous. Our queen will be pleased to hear it.”


Again Sable smiled. “Have you had the chance to visit any of our local sites. There is much beauty to behold here in the Boglands.”


“She can’t be serious.” Devon thought.


“Terpeniye moy gospodin.” (Patience my lord.) Maya advised, barely above a whisper.


Devon quickly regained his composure “Indeed I have and while the beauty of the fen is breathtaking it pales in comparison to you your grace. May I say Maya has been a most informative guide and loyal companion. In fact, I’m not sure how I’d get by without her help. She’s proven quite invaluable. I’d be remiss if I failed to thank you for your generosity in offering her service. Though I do feel somewhat guilty for imposing on her.”


Sable smiled at the smarmy compliment. “Is that so?” The Black Queen mused. “Perhaps then I should find you other, more suitable quarters here in the palace.”


“No.” Maya quickly answered. “It is an honor to host the Highlord should it please my queen.”


Sable paused a moment.


“Thank you Maya.” Devon said with appreciation. “Other arrangements are unnecessary your grace. If it’s all the same, I’d much prefer my lodging to remain the same.”


“Very well my lord. If you insist.” She said amused.


More small talk ensued with Sable entertaining her guests sharing stories from her past, some were embarrassing recollections from the time Maya was but a wyrmling playing in the palace. Everyone was enjoying the tales… everyone except Maya who wore her traditional scowl.

“Where are my manners?” The queen asked. Would you care for a drink Devon?”


“We have wine your grace?” Devon answered confused.


“Fruit juice Darkstar. A child’s drink.” She motioned to a kobold standing off to the side holding a platter with several darkened bottles. He walked over and began to fill everyone’s goblets. As soon as the liquid left the bottle Devon recognized it, achuak hesjing , the green water. The kobold wore a stoic expression as he placed the very full glass in front of him.


“Ah.” Devon exclaimed happily. “A glass of green.” he slid the goblet over to Maya who almost on cue spit a glob of acid into it. “I’ve recently acquired a taste for this most decadent libation.” He listened for the fizz. He raised the glass and offered, “A toast to Queen Ebonscale may her reign be long and life healthy.” Once the hissing stopped he brought it to his mouth and drank deep taxing his Sanguinari blood to its limit. “Delicious your grace”


Everyone assembled joined in the toast. Maya for her part found it difficult to speak as she was fighting back a sarcastic smirk. Now it was the queen’s turn to scowl as she  narrowed her eyes at Maya before nodding her approval. A moment later a wry grin played across her face and she looked to Devon. I am most pleased with your grasp of our traditions. To reward you I shall grant your request but only if Eomyrosis accepts the following terms.” A large Black Dragonborn held a platter on which sat a single ornate scroll tube. “She must agree and adhere to these restrictions if she hopes to end her banishment. Though I would argue against pursuing this folly any further, your resourcefulness and connection to Amaya has swayed me. If this is truly what you desire you have my blessing. Know this Lady Malnyx, should the time come where I am forced to execute your mother, her blood shall lie on your wings. You are free to return to our queen Devon at your leisure. I suspect you are anxious to return to Aliyeah.”


“Thank you your grace for imparting your trust in me.” 


Sable offered a slight bow.


“And yes, I am looking forward to rejoining my queen at Dragon Mountain, however I do not feel the need to depart so hastily. After all, I’ve been gone for less than three moon cycles, hardly enough time for her to miss me.” He said pleasantly.


Maya smirked. 


“Besides we have accepted Koreyat’s kind offering to host us for tonight’s festival and I’d hate to be rude and disappoint. If it pleases your highness I’d very much like to stay a bit longer and continue to enjoy the wonders of your realm.


“To hear you say so does please me Devon. Enjoy your stay.”

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dorym

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The Bogland’s part 7 – “The Festival of the Sweet Night” 

Later that evening the handmaidens gathered in the courtyard outside their bungalows to celebrate the Black Dragon Festival of the Sweet Night. A few other special guests of draconic nobility had been invited to attend the private affair. Maya seemed glad for Devon’s agreeing to stay and was uncharacteristically jovial.


“This was my favorite festival as a child my lord.” Maya began to explain. “We celebrate all the gifts and treasures that the wetlands provide. As a child we would eat sweet dried cranberries and candied swamp apples until our stomachs hurt.” She reminisced with fondness in her voice. “Now as adults we drink and dance and celebrate long into the night.” She stripped off her clothes. “I’d been away for so long that I almost forgot. Thankfully Koreyat invited us to the celebration.” Maya found some comfortable loose fitting sheer linen pants and an equally translucent drawstring blouse. “You’ll want to change my lord. That tightly buttoned sircoat and those snug fitting pants just won’t do.” She found a pair of black linen pants and a beige linen shirt in the dresser. “Here. put these on. She excitedly grabbed his sword belt and pulled on the buckle before she realized he was staring at her. “Apologies my lord. I’ve overstepped myself.” 


“It’s fine Maya.” Devon couldn’t help but laugh as he removed his weapons. “I take it I won’t have any use for these. 


“No my lord. I’m all the protection you’ll need.” She said with a smirk. “We’ll be just outside in the courtyard. If any trouble brews, Mr. Snuggles will only be a whistle away. He makes for an excellent bouncer.”


“I bet.” Devon agreed. Looking through the doorway he could see shadows playfully moving in the parlor as the illumination of a great bonfire broke the darkness. 


He changed his clothes and followed Maya out to where the celebration had already begun. Immediately a glass of green was pushed into his hand and Maya instinctively spit a glob of acid into it. Maya was given her own glass and emptied it just fast as she received it. Devon was taken aback by the debaucherous celebration. He was stunned to see how all the surly handmaidens had traded away their typical scowls for smiles. Some were dancing to music played by kobolds, others sang along with the familiar melodies, all were drinking heavily.


Koreyat’s black hair had been dyed deep blue for the party and she bounded over dragging Coop with her. “Does my lord dance?” She asked obviously intoxicated. Her eyes rolling seductively.


Maya tugged his arm pulling him closer to her. “He does.” Maya answered for him accepting another glass of green “It’s customary among in his homeland. In fact the nobles there are taught to blend dance into their fighting styles.


“Will you show us the black dragon asked.” with mirth in her voice


 A second handmaiden had joined the conversation.


“Did I hear you say the Highlord was going to dance?” Nessa asked.


“Go on my lord.” Maya encouraged with a shove.


Not one to embarrass easy, Devon took a deep breath then stepped a few feet away. He found the rhythm of the song and began to move in perfect synchronicity. Koreyat whistled while Aubrey, another handmaiden, howled with delight. Maya was elated with joy, the likes of which Devon had never seen in her before. He reached out with his hand gesturing for her to join him. Maya quickly finished her drink then stalked over in his direction. Her piercing eyes offset her playful grin. Devon’s hand found her waist. Instinctively she reacted and matched his moves. Devon had spent hours upon hours training Maya in the art of Sanguinari death dancing. Each slayer had a particular form based on the master who trained them. His style married the sharp precise steps of Selene with the close sensual movements of Ria accented by the aggressive style of Claire. He blended the steps of Charissa and Dawne into his style as well. The result was a dance unlike any others in Sanguinar. Maya had been a quick study naturally gravitating to the quick cutting motions of his sire. Spins and twirls met dips and slides. Maya’s hand had found his cheek and she beamed with jubilance. 


“You’ve a pretty smile my lady.” he complimented. “You should show it more.” She spun away a few steps then prowled right back in step. 


“Careful my lord.” She flirted. “We’ve been drinking quite heavy and you have to come home with me.”


They rotated together alternating steps as he held her close. “One of us can’t get drunk.” he teased.


“One of us can.” She said eyes bright, her face inches away from his. 


The music stopped and the pair of dancers were treated to clapping and cheers. 


“May I cut in?” Sable Ebonscale asked.


Maya, panting heavy through her joyous grin, patted him on the chest and stepped away. 


“It would be an honor your highness.” 


Sable still barefoot, slowly stepped towards him, her hands shifting the sides of her ankle long lace dress. The music started again and Devon found her pace. He took hold of her waist and she draped her hands around his neck. “You may lead my lord.” she offered.


Devon smiled. “As you command your grace.” They danced for some time. Sable seemed to enjoy being spun. When twirled, her dress would flare out provocatively. After a few songs, she too stepped away and each of her handmaidens took turns dancing with the Highlord until it was Maya’s turn again. Once more Devon was greeted by her bright grin. 


“Are you ok darlin?” he asked. “You’ve been giddy as a school girl all night.”


Maya, her expression filled with youthful exuberance said, “I don’t remember the last time I’ve been this happy or had this much fun.”


“Remind me to talk to your liege. He must be working you too hard. I’m thinking he deserves a good tongue lashing.”


“If he wasn’t bound to my queen he’d get one.” she joked. 


The festival lasted well through the night and into the following morning. Maya took his hand to retire just before daybreak. Exhausted from the previous night’s celebration they slept the day away. 


It wasn’t until breakfast a full day later that Maya mentioned the festival. “I had a wonderful time my lord. I hope none of my actions will cause you to think less of me.”


“As did I my lady. Thanks for showing me such a good time. There is nothing to apologize for.”


She grinned and nodded.


“There’s that pretty smile.”


Maya immediately scowled.


“And that radiant glower.” he chuckled.


“Have I mentioned you irritate me my lord.” she said with a sneer. 


“On occasion. Unfortunately you’re stuck with me.”


Maya smirked. “I know. Poor me.”  She paused obviously stuck in thought for a few moments. “Perhaps we should leave some of these clothes here my lord… You know. For those occasions when we might need to return on behalf of our queen. I’d hate for you to buy new clothing every time you visit. Hen will keep the place in order and clean while we’re gone.”


“Sounds like a good idea.” Devon answered.


“I think we should bring a few garments to the other place as well. Just to be careful.”


“Well thought Maya. Thank you for everything.”


“It’s truly been my pleasure my lord. I am honored to serve.”


“And I am lucky to have you.”


“True.” She smiled.


They spent a few more weeks at the Sunken Fen before Devon said his farewells to the queen and her court.


“You’ve done my clutch mate proud Darkstar.” Sable complimented. “I am grateful to know my support for you was well placed. I’ll look forward to your next visit. Perhaps a pleasure trip next time.”


“That would be splendid your highness. I am humbled by your graciousness.”


“Look after him Maya. He’s rather special.”


“Always my queen,” She said as a bracelet of Netherese coins glinted in the light. “He certainly is.”


“By your leave your grace.”


Sable Ebonscale smiled. “Granted my lord.” 


They bowed in unison and departed for Dragon Mountain.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Dorym
