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A Broken Man

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This occurred some months before the events of the Chalice.

It was just before day break and the first light of dawn had begun to trickle across the landscape. The graveyard was quiet and empty. A peaceful place for repose, he had learned long ago there was nothing to fear in death. It was the natural order of things. He had also learned that some lives could span centuries and sadly leave no mark behind at its end, while others might only flicker briefly, as a candle flame dancing in the wind, and still leave indelible memory. This was one such life. He had only known her for the shortest time. He had seen her about the town enough that was true, but there was never really any cause for them to speak. He was a boy back then and she, the wife of the city’s mayor. He had been blamed for her murder and they both knew he was wrongly accused. In reality he had tried to save her, but a young rogue playing at magic didn’t possess the skills to prevent the inevitable. When he was found over her body, hands wet with blood, he was charged and convicted of her murder. His punishment was exile to Sanguinar. The Figureheads of Westport Manor assumed his fate would be the same as every other sentenced murderer, that the day Selene had taken him would be the last any would ever see of him. They were mistaken. Devon fell to a knee and gently placed the bouquet of mixed flowers on the grave, black lotuses blended with white roses. 


“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more my lady.” 


The sun glinted off the black leather of his armor. It’s golden radiance filling the indent of the Sanguinari runes running parallel down his chest piece like water. An exceptionally bright beam of light cut through the fading dark of early morning coming to a rest on the top edge of the tombstone. 


“You did more than a boy of 12 should have had to.” The lantern archon responded. 


“Lady Chadwick?” 


“One in the same Highlord. Though I almost didn’t recognize you in that armor…no dragon scales?”


“I felt for this particular occasion, in this place, the dress of Sanguinar would be more appropriate.” 


“I see. Though it’s not the typical dress of Sanguinar you wear but rather a slayer’s armor. I’m sorry you had to endure all you did because of me… though it would seem you emerged better for it.”


“None of my trials were your fault my lady. The blame falls on the person responsible for your death. Life in Sanguinar may not have been easy but it made me who I am.” 


“I know. I am also aware that you found the scoundrel some years later. Whatever became of him?”


“The laws of Sanguinar are harsh my lady. I’d prefer to say no more.”


“I understand. All Tyr would say is that justice was served. You know now, as planars, we’re not typically permitted to interfere in mortal affairs but even so, every now and again I’d check on you. It’s been my greatest joy in this next life to watch the fine man you’d become. I also saw how every year on this day, you’d make time to visit me here. I thought I should finally say thank you.” 


Devon smiled and bowed.


“I must also apologize for my husband and his horrible treatment of you. Even after learning the truth, I’ve seen him be less than courteous to you.”


“He was both grieving your loss and dealing with the anger of facing the one accused of causing it. I can understand how it would affect him.”


“Then perhaps. There is no excuse for it now.”


“It’s an old wound my lady, one brought fresh to the surface every time he sees me. Although I am innocent of the crime, I am a walking reminder of the tragedy.”


“You are kind to be so forgiving. Tell me Devon. Why do you come? We had shared but a few brief moments before I was gone. I never had the honor of knowing you in life.”


“You asked me not to leave you and I swore I wouldn’t. I come to honor that pledge. I take a few moments to reflect on a life gone too soon and hope that my allotment of time is well spent. It also marks the day my life changed. I can’t help but think the fates took you in order to place me where they needed me to be. It seems so unfair.”


“We all have our destinies Devon. Do not feel guilt for me. I am where I need to be as well.”


The morning light had gone from streaks of sunshine to a warm glow. “Thank you my lady.” He said as he stood. “I’m afraid I must excuse myself. The Lord Mayor will be arriving shortly. He shouldn’t see me here.” Sure enough he could hear the footsteps nearing along the path. “Will I see you again?”


“Perhaps on the planes Highlord…and again next year.”


Devon bowed once more and shimmered from sight just before Mayor Chadwick arrived. The mayor’s eyes fell to the flowers he found carefully placed by the grave and smiled. “It seems the gods have honored you again my love.” His eyes were quickly drawn to the glowing orb above the stone that brightened and winked from sight. Lady Chadwick watched from high above in a nearby tree as her husband smiled for a brief moment then placed flowers of his own near the bouquet already laid. “One day darling. One day we’ll see each other again.”

This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Dorym
